Two (Count to Ten Book 2)

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Two (Count to Ten Book 2) Page 8

by Jane Blythe

  “What are you doing?” They all turned as Isabella entered the room.

  “This doesn’t concern you, Isabella,” the judge said sternly. “Go to your room.”


  “Your sister is sick,” Logan Senior spoke before Sofia could say anything. “I’m just trying to protect her.”

  “Sofia?” the girl repeated, hovering near the door and looking to her for guidance.

  Wanting desperately to beg her little sister to run for help, but conscious of the fact that the killer could well be one of those in the room with them, battling indecision; she couldn’t believe that her father would really do this to her. Before she had a chance to decide on an answer for Isabella, she felt the sharp sting of the syringe piercing her arm.

  “You can’t keep me here, drugged, as your prisoner,” she screamed at her father. As the sedative started to take effect, Sofia felt her knees buckle, then she was lifted off her feet, cradled in Lincoln's arms. Wondering whether, if her father were indeed the killer, she would ever wake up.

  “I can do whatever I want,” were the last words Sofia heard before unconsciousness came, and they terrified her.

  * * * * *

  10:08 A.M.

  “Detectives,” Logan Everette II greeted them as they entered the dining room.

  “Judge Everette,” Ryan nodded, scanning the room, where the remaining members of the Everette family had assembled, minus Sofia and Isabella. Frowning slightly, he’d been sure that Sofia would be joining them today. He’d been counting on it as she was the only member of the family who was forthcoming with information. Not to mention he was itching to see her again. “Your daughter isn’t joining us today?” he asked, trying to keep his voice nonchalant.

  “Sofia is unwell,” the judge replied.

  Raising an eyebrow, ignoring the knot in his stomach. “Oh?”

  “She became hysterical this morning, after receiving the news of her mother’s death. I called her doctors. They thought it was best to sedate her so she didn’t hurt herself. She’s upstairs asleep.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” There was something about that that didn’t sit right with him. Sofia seemed pretty independent, and he couldn’t see her finding out about Gloria’s death, getting in her car and driving here to her family’s estate, only to then become hysterical and need to be sedated. Besides, the last time she’d been scared and upset, she’d turned to him. He also couldn’t ignore the fact that someone in the Everette family may be the killer, and Sofia was the only one talking. It would certainly be to the killer’s benefit to have her safely tucked away and unconscious. Still, for the time being, the best way to keep Sofia safe, was to not draw too much attention to her. “We’re very sorry for your loss,” he murmured tightly, not one of the Everettes present seemed particularly sorry that Gloria was dead.

  “Thank you,” the judge nodded soberly, then frowned. “Why haven’t you made any progress in finding the person who is systematically working their way through killing my family?”

  “We’re doing everything we can, Judge Everette, but so far your family has not been very forthcoming with information,” Ryan reminded him. There was something in the judge’s eyes that had him worrying for Sofia’s safety.

  “So it’s our fault that someone is killing us?” Logan Senior demanded, incredulous.

  “No, sir,” Paige soothed. “Of course not. But as you pointed out, someone is systematically working their way through killing your family, and we need to know anything you think could help us find this person.”

  He paused, considering this, “What do you want to know?”

  “This feels personal.” Paige led the discussion since Logan clearly preferred her to Ryan. “This is someone out to get this family for a reason. Three nights, three sets of murders, all here on your estate. Each murder was up close and personal, all seemed to be planned to increase the victim’s suffering, with the exception of Samantha. Obviously the killer does not really count her as a part of your family. Now we need you to think of anyone who might have a grudge against you, a grudge big enough to cause them to commit murder.”

  “Now, let’s start with Brooke . . .” Ryan began.

  “She was not a member of this family,” Logan Senior interrupted.

  “Let’s start with her anyway,” Ryan continued, taking a little glee from infuriating the judge. “Now we know she was having affairs with both of you,” he included the two Logans in his glance, “and possibly many others. If someone viewed her as theirs and saw the two of you as getting in between them, perhaps that would be motive to take out Brooke and get revenge on your family.”

  “Like the gardener,” Logan Senior interrupted again. “Why don’t you go and pester him with your ridiculous questions?”

  “Mr. Hannigan has been ruled out as a suspect,” Paige informed them.

  “Do you know of anyone else who was having an affair with Brooke?” Ryan asked.

  “We did not keep tabs on the private life of Brooke Mariano,” Logan Senior shot them a withering glare. Ryan studied each face carefully for signs they knew more than they were letting on. Logan Senior looked beyond annoyed, Logan Junior looked bored, Simone looked scared, and Lincoln looked like his mind was elsewhere. No one looked like they were hiding information.

  “All right then, anyone who may have had a grudge against Lewis or Samantha?” he moved on.

  “Someone with a grudge against Lewis?” Logan Junior burst into peals of laughter.

  “Logan,” the threatening stare Logan Senior threw his son’s way was enough to shut Junior’s mouth.

  He wondered what had gone on between the Everette family before his and Paige’s arrival that had everyone keeping their mouths shut and Sofia locked out of the meeting altogether. “What do you mean, Logan?”

  He looked to his father for permission to speak. When the judge nodded, Logan Junior spoke, “Lewis was a goody-goody. He was always trying to be the perfect one in the family. I don’t think that boy ever did anything wrong in his life.”

  So while Logan Junior was the family’s bad boy and Lewis was the good son, Ryan wondered where that left Lincoln. “What about Samantha?”

  Logan Senior couldn’t quite hide his smirk. He was obviously pleased with his choices of submissive wives for his sons. “I’d be surprised if Samantha had any enemies,”

  From their brief meeting the day of Brooke’s murder, Ryan could believe that. “Okay then, on to Gloria.”

  “Again, detectives, I can’t see anyone having a grudge big enough against my wife to start slaughtering our family.”

  “What about Sofia or Isabella?” Even as he asked the question, he knew what the answer would be. Sofia was too sweet for anyone to hate, and Isabella was only sixteen.

  “You’ve met Sofia; she couldn’t create an enemy if she tried. Isabella is a teenager, a quiet one at that. She is schooled here at home, she doesn’t have many friends, she doesn’t date, and I can’t see her knowing anyone who would do this.”

  “Lincoln, what about you? Anyone out to get you?”

  “As far as I know, no one hates me enough to kill my family,” Lincoln studied him with steady gray eyes.

  Ryan realized he didn’t know much about the youngest Everette son. “You said you lived overseas, what do you do?”

  “I’m a computer programmer.”

  “Got a girlfriend or maybe an ex who someone might be angry at you over?”

  Unable to keep from glaring at his father, “No. No girlfriend or ex.”

  Ryan assumed Logan Senior was plotting the nuptials of his youngest son, against his wishes. “Well, that just leaves you two then,” He stated, setting his sights on the two Logans.

  “Logan Junior?”

  He shrugged disinterestedly.

  “We know you have a lot of affairs; any jealous, angry husband out to get you?”

  Another half-hearted shrug.

  “How many affairs are you having at the moment?” R
yan asked, casting a glance at Simone who sat as still as stone, her face carefully blank, but her eyes ashamed and sad.

  “Maybe . . . like, four.”

  “Logan,” the judge snapped irritably.

  “What? They asked,” Logan Junior whined. “I don’t think any of the husbands of the women I sleep with would take it so seriously they would kill my mother and my brother.”

  “What about you?” Ryan turned his attention to the judge.

  “I was a judge. I’m sure there are numerous criminals and their families out there who hate me enough to do this,” Logan Senior answered evenly.

  “On that note, we’d like to offer you all police protection,” Paige informed them.

  “No,” Logan Senior shook his head emphatically.

  “Excuse me?” Ryan narrowed his eyes, confused.

  “No, thank you,” Logan Senior repeated.

  “Someone is out to destroy your family,” Paige reminded the judge. “Four murders have already been committed on your estate. The rest of you are all potential victims; we’d like to post officers here for your own protection.”

  “No,” Logan Senior said once again. “We have our own security staff.”

  “No offense, but they haven’t really done a very good job so far,” Ryan reminded him. “What about the rest of you?” He turned to Logan Junior, Lincoln, and Simone.

  The judge shot his sons and daughter-in-law another threatening glare. “We all feel safe here. We don’t want or need police protection. All right detectives, we’ve answered all your questions, now as you imagine, it has been a very stressful couple of days for my family, and we have several funerals we need to make preparations for, so it’s time for you to leave,” Logan Senior stood to dismiss them.

  “I’d like to go and see Sofia before we leave,” Ryan announced. He wanted to make sure she was okay before leaving her here where more than likely another member of the Everette family would be dead by this time tomorrow.

  “That is out of the question,” Logan Senior shot him a frustrated glare.

  “The rest of you have refused police protection. I want to make sure Sofia is aware of the fact that we have offered protection so she can make her own decision.” He met the judge’s gaze undaunted.

  “Sofia will be safe here.” Logan was fighting not to let his temper out.

  “With all due respect, sir, I don’t believe she or any of the rest of you will be safe here.”

  “Sofia is resting now, but I will pass along your message when she awakens.” The judge was losing his battle to remain calm. “Now it is time for you to get out of my house.”

  * * * * *

  12:26 P.M.

  “Not very forthcoming for people who are in the sights of a killer, are they?” Paige mused as she and Ryan met up in front of Alan Payne’s residence.

  Raising an eyebrow, “No, they're not. Something was up with Sofia. I don’t buy that she was so hysterical her father had to get her doctors to sedate her.”

  Paige groaned silently. Her partner had it bad for Sofia Everette. That would be great if she wasn’t a potential victim in a homicide investigation. Still, on this she agreed with him. “I agree.”

  Surprise written all over his face. “You do?”

  “There was something about the way Logan Senior told us about it that didn’t sit right with me.” The look in Sofia’s father’s eyes when he’d told them his hysterical daughter had to be sedated for her own safety hadn’t been one of concern, but rather one of satisfaction.

  “His eyes,” Ryan shuddered. “They were so cold. And pleased; he did something so we couldn’t get to her because he knows Sofia will talk to us, and he doesn’t want her saying anything he doesn’t want her to.”

  “I agree,” she nodded. Too bad Sofia was already involved with someone because she would have been a great match for Ryan. Sofia was strong and independent, confident and self-assured, and she seemed prepared to do the right thing, even if it cost her.

  “I wish I knew that she was okay,” Ryan said wistfully.

  “Ryan, she’s not okay,” Paige reminded her partner. She didn’t want to freak him out, but they also needed to face facts. “As long as she’s in that house, she’s in danger. And I don’t just mean from her father. Even if he’s not the killer, someone else is, and that someone has already gotten onto that estate undetected the last three nights.”

  Her partner paled. “What are we going to do, then? We can’t leave her there alone and unprotected. I need her safe, Paige,” he finished, the wistful look back.

  “We’re going to find this killer; that’s what we’re going to do to keep her safe,” she assured him, and Ryan calmed a little. “Ryan, are you sure she’s involved with someone?”

  “Why?” Her partner’s bright blue eyes narrowed as they studied her suspiciously.

  “She likes you, Ryan, I’m sure she does.” Paige was positive that Sofia did indeed like her partner.

  “She’s dating someone,” he reminded her.

  “How do you know that?” she demanded.

  “He was there the night she collapsed. I saw the panic on his face; he really cares about her.” Pain flashed through his usually calm eyes.

  “Did you ever think that maybe he was just her friend?” Sometimes it frustrated her that Ryan saw everything as either black or white.

  “What?” From the look on his face, she could see the thought had never occurred to him.

  “Ryan, I’ve seen her look at you, and she doesn’t look at you like someone who’s involved. She looks at you like someone who’s interested. And the other day, when she was scared and in shock, she came to you. Would you at least talk to her, find out whether she’s dating someone, before you just write the whole thing off? I want to see you at least try to find happiness again.” Ryan’s ex, Katrina, had put such a dent in his confidence that he was scared to try relationships again.

  “Come on, we have to go talk to Mr. Payne.” Ryan started up the path to the apartment building where the Everettes’ ex-head of security lived.

  Following him, Paige hoped that she had at least prompted him to think about getting the facts from Sofia before he made any decisions. Ringing the bell, they had to wait barely a minute before the door swung open to reveal a glowering man in his fifties.

  “What?” the man growled, his brown eyes narrowed at them suspiciously.

  “Mr. Payne, I’m Detective Hood and this is my partner Detective Xander,” Paige began. “We need to speak with you . . .”

  “About the Everettes,” Alan Payne interrupted, his frown growing. “Hurry up, then.”

  “May we come in?” When it looked like he was wavering, she pushed. “Or we can take this down to the station.”

  With a frustrated sigh, he threw the door further open and walked inside, leaving them to follow. Exchanging glances with Ryan as they entered the apartment, they found Alan Payne in the kitchen downing a glass of champagne. Paige paused a moment to take in the apartment. It was well fitted out, expensive furnishings, a huge entertainment set-up in the living area. Despite recently losing his job, it didn’t seem like Alan Payne was struggling financially.

  “Fancy a drink?” Mr. Payne held up the bottle of champagne. “I’m celebrating.”

  “Celebrating what?” Ryan raised a questioning brow.

  “The fall of the mighty Everette family,” he snickered. “So, you’re here because you think I killed them?”

  “Did you?” Paige asked.

  “Nope, but I can't say I was sorry to hear that Gloria, Lewis, and Samantha were dead, or that Brooke woman.” Alan took his glass and went to lounge on the couch.

  “Do you have alibis for the nights of the murders?” Ryan queried.

  “Yep, sure do. My new lady friend sleeps here most nights,” Alan smirked.

  “We’ll need her number,” Paige told him, taking a seat in the armchair adjacent to the couch. She didn’t like Alan Payne, but she wasn’t convinced he was the killer.
“Why were you fired, Mr. Payne?”

  His smirk disappeared, replaced by a furious snarl, “Because the judge is a hypocrite.”

  “How do you mean?” Ryan joined them, taking the other armchair.

  “Only the judge was allowed to have affairs.” Alan’s snarl deepened.

  “You were having an affair? With Brooke Mariano?” Paige wondered how many other people Brooke had been sleeping with.

  “With Brooke?” the snarl faded to shock. “No way. I was having an affair with Gloria.”

  Caught off guard, Paige was sure her expression was as surprised as Ryan’s. “With Gloria Everette?”

  Chuckling, “I bet you didn’t think she had it in her. She let the judge push her around, but every now and then she gets her own back.”

  “How long were you together?” Ryan asked.

  “Five months before the judge found out.”

  “He found out three months ago?”

  “His blabbermouth of a daughter walked in on us,” Alan Payne’s snarl was back.

  “Sofia or Isabella?” Ryan’s eyes narrowed slightly at the potential slight against Sofia.

  “Isabella.” Alan’s eyebrows rose at Ryan’s tone. “That girl has eyes in the back of her head; she seems to see everything that goes on at that estate.”

  “So Logan Senior fired you when Isabella told him you were sleeping with his wife.”

  “Yep,” Alan nodded. “Gave a whole speech and everything. All about how unity and loyalty and honesty mean so much to him, and he didn’t want anyone working for his family who didn’t possess those qualities. As I said, Judge Everette is quite the hypocrite.”

  “Sounds like motive to me.” Ryan remained unconvinced that Alan Payne wasn’t involved.

  “It can sound like whatever you want,” Alan shrugged indifferently. “But I’m telling you I didn’t kill any member of the Everette family. I had no reason to. The judge may hate me, but he gave me a glowing recommendation, didn’t want me airing his family’s dirty laundry in public. I’ve already got a new job.”

  “Still, you lost your relationship with Gloria Everette,” Paige pointed out.


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