by Victor Cruz
“Oh-uh-I-nah,” Colton let go of her breast. There was a look of guilt on his face and he began to take a couple of steps back. “I think I better go; it was nice hangin’ with ya’ll.”
“Suit yourself,” Eddie said.
“Nah, Colton, we were just beginning to have fun! Don’t go,” Dustin
Maxson did his best to hide. Dustin bought him a few seconds.
“Nah, Dusty, I gotta’ do some inventory on ammo and I’ve been meaning to do that for a while,” Colton said.
“Well come back if you finish,” Dustin replied as Colton began to walk away.
Are Dustin and Colton friends? Maxson was beginning to wonder.
“Yeah, Colton, come back,” Krystal cooed.
Colton stormed right by Maxson with his head looking down at his feet. His cowboy boots kicked the trash carelessly, leaving a path of clear carpet behind him. Maxson watched his friend walk out of view and prepared himself to follow, but he heard talking from the group again.
“What the hell?” Dustin whined.
“Get out,” Eddie said and Krystal giggled.
“But–” Dustin began to dissent.
“Get the fuck out, Dusty. Don’t make me say it a third time, because it will be the last time,” Eddie’s tone was now serious and threatening.
“Alright, alright… man this is fucked up,” Dustin said walking out of the room. He walked by Maxson, but not as fast as Colton did. In the main basement there was a couple of tables, and some random dressers that offered his only obstruction. His large frame would be easy to spot if Dustin merely looked over his shoulder. He never did and he walked off in the same direction as Colton.
“Damn, Eddie, that was sort of savage, don’t you think?” Krystal snickered.
“I don’t like sharing,” Eddie stated. “Now that we’re alone though, let’s get to it.”
“Let’s get to what?” Krystal voice was doused in artificial coyness. Maxson could hear the sound of shuffling. “But Eddddddiee…. What if Tyler comes back?”
The familiar sound of a zipper could be heard making Maxson curious enough to look back into the room. Eddie was standing in front of Krystal now and had just pulled his jeans down around his thighs.
“Think I’m scared of your husband?” Eddie took off his shirt and flexed. Krystal was obviously entertained by Eddie’s body and reached up to rub over his muscle ripped torso. “If he walked in right now, I’d tell that rich-boy to go wait in your bedroom and wait for me to be done with you.”
“Oh, Eddie, you’re so baddd….” Krystal was turned on and her hand had lowered below his torso, waist to level at his crotch. Maxson couldn’t see Eddie’s tool, but could see that her eyes were transfixed between his legs. Her hand was moving back and forth and presumably stroking him.
“You like a bad boy, don’t you?” Eddie said down to Krystal. She bit her lip and nodded up and down, but her mouth remained closed.
Wow, Mr. Know-it-all, knows everything, but the fact that his wife is stepping out on him. Maxson’s cynicism uncovered the irony in the situation. He was about to go, but accidently kicked a piece of garbage causing him to free. Fuck!
Krystal looked around Eddie anxiously almost seeing Maxson “Did you hear that?”
“No… now c’mon, unless you want Tyler to see you with a mouthful of my dick,” Eddie warned. His hand came to rest on the back of her neck and head. “It’s probably just Dusty watching and jacking off again.”
Again. Maxson was amused by this as he despised Dustin just as much as the Essex brothers. At least Konrad was up front and Eddie would stand by his word. Dustin was a spineless weak little weasel.
Eddie began pulling her head towards his waist, her face went out of view. Maxson watched her jaw lower and before long she was bobbing up and down on Eddie’s rod. The sound of her slurping and slobbering over Eddie could be heard emitting from the room. Krystal had been suspicious and Maxson needed to wait a minute for her to be fully focused on Eddie.
What a fucking slut, Maxson thought. He had mixed feelings about the whole thing. On one hand, Krystal was clearly cheating on Tyler. On the other hand, Tyler had been cheating on him by sneaking off with Konrad. At least that’s how he saw it. In the end Maxson only asked himself. How do I use this information?
Time had passed since Dustin had left Maxson as the sole audience member to the infidelity occurring in the basement. Eddie began to flex while Krystal continued to pleasure him and even began to slowly twirl his arm in the air like he was at a rodeo. Maxson was so disgusted that he had to stop watching and used this moment as the perfect time to sneak back out. He could hear Krystal working Eddie while he left and found the whole situation very disturbing.
How long has this been going on? Is it just Eddie? Is Konrad playing wingman to his younger brother? Maxson could only imagine that the two guys have been working her the entire time and Krystal was such a lush that their slimeball tactics actually worked.
He walked back upstairs and wondered if he could catch Colton in the garage taking a count of what ammo they had left. There was no reason to confront him about what he had just witnessed, because in the end, it really was none of his business. Colton was his own man.
Checking inside the garage, he didn’t see anyone. Colton wasn’t there and neither was anyone else. His eyes had adjusted to the dark house, but he still had to walk slowly through hallways to make sure he didn’t trip over something. The group had a tendency to put things in the middle of pathways and leaving them over night. He made it upstairs and was going to go to put Catalina’s candle out that she had lit, but instead heard muffled noises coming from down the hall. The sounds were very hushed, but it didn’t sound like talking and he realized it was coming from his bedroom.
What the fuck! Maxson was enraged someone was inside his room and immediately thought someone was stealing something from him. He clenched his fist and took a few deep breaths to prepare himself barge into his room. The wooden floorboard didn’t creak once and Maxson decided when he reached the door he was going to see if he could get a sneak peek inside before busting inside. It would give him an idea of who he was dealing with and what he was getting himself into. Opening the door, he spied into his own room as silently as he spied into the Richardson’s room earlier.
He saw Dustin on his knees with his hands on the bed with a woman on her back with her legs in the air. She was holding her own legs up by the back of her knees and her leggings were pulled up so that her perfect bare bottom was hanging off the bed. Dustin’s tongue could be seen lapping at the entrance of a woman’s bare slit. His head buried firmly in the woman’s snatch and his nose smashed against her snatch. Maxson quickly recognize who Dustin was going down on. Belle!
Looking at her face he could see the anxiety in her eyes with Dustin giving her oral. Dustin was already beginning to undo his jeans while he kept her going with his mouth.
What the fuck? Was there an orgy here that I wasn’t invited to or something? No. Fuck that. I’m not about to let Dustin be the first man that Belle experiences. Maxson mind raced with wild thoughts while watching Dustin stand up and try and mount Belle.
“Wait… Dusty… I….” Belle began to protest, realizing she had let things go too far.
Dustin was pushing her legs up and had a hand wrapped around his own flesh-twig, “Shh, just sit back.”
“But Dusty…” Belle was still wrestling around.
“Shhhh…. Shhhh…” Dustin tried to be quiet. His patience was wearing thin and he snipped at her in a low hushed tone. “Lay the fuck still.”
Maxson had walked in and shut the door silently behind Dustin and now was standing right behind him.
Dustin didn’t realize and was just about to penetrate her. “I’m about to give you a fucking of your lifetime, you little slut.”
These men are bad men. I can be worse.
Maxson grabbed Dustin by the shoulder before he could even touch her with his pecker and whipped him back. Dusti
n looked up at Maxson with the whitest and widest eyes that he had ever seen before. He quickly began to stuff himself in his pants before buttoning them back up.
“Maxson!” Belle began to sit up and stand. She was pulling her leggings up. “I came here looking for you and you weren’t here…”
Maxson looked over at her, “So you and Dustin decided to take advantage of the open room?”
“No!” Belle explained. “I was in here and I was…. Umm… uhhh….”
“Shoving a dildo up that tight twat of hers…” Dustin said with a perverse smile as he stared at her. He then looked over towards Maxson. “So, I figured I’d help her out.
“Maxson, I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking… he caught me in the act and I just kind of froze… he began going down on me and it felt so nice….” Belle looked over to Dustin. “Ew… I don’t know what I was thinking.
Her apology was unnecessary to him. Maxson slept with Catalina in the back of the Comanche just recently and there was no agreement of exclusivity with Belle. Plus, he remembered being young once and only thinking about one thing when it came to women.
“Oh c’mon… you know you were loving it,” Dustin even flickered his tongue at her.
“Oh my god, I am so embarrassed. I can’t believe I let you….” Belle couldn’t even finish that thought out loud.
“We can share her, if you want.” Dustin smacked at Maxson’s chest as he stared at Belle. Dustin’s demeanor had shifted to more confident as he waited for Maxson’s answer. “C’mon, Wonderkid, lets tag team this little whore.”
“Nuh-uh. You absolutely will not,” Belle crossed her arms.
Maxson observed Dustin and thought about how he just offered up Belle like she was some sort of whore. The woman he had been looking after since her father died saving them with his own brother.
Maxson looked on over to Belle, “Take of your clothes.”
“Oh yeahh….” Dustin began to rub his hands together.
Belle looked at Maxson shocked, “Maxson Devereaux! How dare you!”
Maxson didn’t say anything, but instead reach down and pull down her black leggings so they were wrapped around her knees. Hooking his thumbs into the pink straps of the thong, he pulled them down. “Sit down.”
Belle clicked her tongue and sat her bare ass on his bed with her leggings tight around her knees. Maxson tilted her towards himself she was leaning over. “Go ahead, Dusty. Get her nice and wet.”
“Fo’sho!” Dustin dropped to his knees and buried his face under Belle’s ass. She was now sitting halfway on the bed with the other half of herself titled up and resting on Dustin’s face. Her mouth opened as wet noises came from underneath her and it was clear that she was losing control to Dustin’s tongue.
“You like that don’t you, doll?” Maxson asked her. “You like Dustin licking that smooth little pussy of yours.”
Belle remained silent as Dustin continued to work her with his mouth, but the tense pressure in her face show pleasure. Only one foot could reach the ground with her sitting on Dustin’s face and she used it to leverage her ass grinding against it. She looked up at Belle with pleading eyes that suggested she was holding back.
Maxson began to unbuckle his belt and unbutton his own jeans. “Tell me you don’t like your pussy being sucked on and we’ll stop.”
Dustin objected to Maxson’s words, but his words were muffled and he was pinned with her on his head.
Belle watched Maxson loosen his jeans and reaching for his zipper with excitement.
“I love it, Maxson… it feels so good… now let me have it…” Unable to wait she reached for Maxson’s zipper and pulled it down herself. She wiggled around on top of Dustin’s face as she pulled Maxson’s jeans down. Maxson only watched as Belle hungrily stuffed his hardening member into her mouth and begin to stroke it vigorously. As she sucked him off, her hips bounced up and down on Dustin’s face. Her slit grinding against his tongue and Maxson had to hold back his laughing.
The little twerp is struggling to breathe while I stuff my big cock down Belle’s throat, Maxson was sadistically satisfied.
Maxson put his hand on the back of Belle’s neck and head and began to grind himself against her face. He could feel his balls swinging back and forth against her face as he punched at the back of her throat. As he pumped at her face, she struggled on top of Dustin’s face smashing him into the mattress.
“I…. I… can’t… breathe!” Dustin squirmed underneath Belle. His legs were kicking around as he tried to push the teen off of his face.
Maxson held her by her shoulder so that Dustin was unable to free himself. Belle devoured Maxson’s thick piece of meat and was too enthralled to concern herself with Dustin’s well-being beneath her. Her groans and moans, vibrating around the head blocking her air passageway.
That’s right. Smother the shrimp-twat. Murder the little sissy. The feeling controlling the young woman sexually, while concurrently controlling the life of the weakling beneath her was thrilling for Maxson.
He could take his life at any moment and thought about smothering Dustin. He was now fighting for his life by the way he thrashed. It would have been a great story that he would have told his brother if he was still alive. Colton would appreciate the story.
Maxson decided to finally tilt Belle off of him with her still pleasuring him. Dustin slid out with a glistening red face dripping with sweat. Panicked eyes stared up at Maxson as he caught his breath, unable to speak. Maxson made a point to be a little rougher with Belle’s mouth to show Dustin that he was in control.
“Fuck man, I almost blacked out down there,” Dustin nervously laughed. He began to unbutton his jeans, but Maxson halted him.
And now for the fun.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Maxson growled with pleasure.
“I thought we were sharing her,” Dustin was confused.
“We did. You’ve had your fun, and be thankful for that, now she’s all mine,” Maxson coldly asserted.
“Uhh-what the fuck? Are you fucking kidding me?” Dustin wiped his mouth that was still damp. “After the work I just put in just now?”
Maxson held Bell’s head firmly to keep her face attached to meat hanging between his legs. His words to Dustin interrupted each time he thrusted against the back of her throat. “Does… it… look… like… I’m… kidding?”
Dustin was dumbfounded and was nearly convulsing at what to do. He stood there watching Maxson the woman he thought he was about to get lucky with tonight. Maxson wasn’t through driving the point in as he pulled himself out of her mouth. A trail of her saliva was stringing on its tip before it dropped on the top of her thighs. It was Dustin’s turn to be on the other end of the verbal abuse.
“Thanks for getting her nice and ready for me, little guy,” Maxson said in a condescending tone. He even reached over and gave him a hard pat on the shoulder making him stumble.
Belle watched Maxson easily push around Dustin. “Oh my…”
Maxson firmly nudged Belle back down against the bed while watching Dustin intently. If he was going to make a move, he wanted to at least be ready for it. He also wanted to relish the moment that he took something that Dustin thought was his. He put a knee on the bed and began to mount Belle who accommodated him by shifting her lower half towards him.
“Really?” Belle was excited. They hadn’t slept with one another yet and she was beginning to think they might ever. Sure, Dustin was there, but maybe this would make him stop hitting on her relentlessly when Maxson wasn’t around.
Maxson could feel her tight folds stretching around his bulbous head and hear her moaning while he penetrated her. Inch by inch he pushed himself into the younger woman right in front of Dustin. Maxson wanted Dustin to know by his facial expressions how good Bell’s warm, wet, tight slit felt around his flesh.
“Not liking Wonderkid now, so much, are ya?” Maxson growled at Dustin. He threw his own words into Dustin’s stunned face and contin
ued to antagonize him as he entered Belle. The dominant alpha male could see that Dustin was seeing him for what he really was.
“You thought I was just going to let you run your mouth that whole time?”, Maxson shoved himself further into Belle.
“Fuck! Maxson! Oh my god… fuck,” Belle cooed and shifted around under Maxson’s size.
“You think I’d ever let you touch her?” Maxson pushed his hips further into Belle, making half of his length invade her warm walls. “I’ll never let you have a piece of ass like this while I’m around.”
Dustin’s mouth was opened and his shoulders sulked as he stood only feet away from Maxson fucking Belle. He stood over her on the bed and was ramming the last few inches of himself into her by now.
“You really now how to get a woman nice and wet, Dusty-boy,” Maxson was laughing to himself. “Lubed her up real good for me!”
Belle was smiling in a sinister manner, but her eyes were closed. Her leggings were still on and Maxson had complete control of the lower half of her body as he pounded away. Her breasts bouncing under her tight shirt, but in unison due to the bra that she wore.
Maxson pace had increased and the front of his hips were slapping against the bottom of her thighs and the bed was creaking now each time he thrusted into her.
“Fuck me…. Oh god… You’re so fucking big… So, fucking big….” Belle said.
“See, Dusty? This is how a real man fucks a woman. What is she going to do with a little shrimp-tart like you?” Maxson could feel the rush of the danger of angering Dustin as he continued to fuck Belle.
Dustin was silent. The once loud-mouthed, shit-talking asshole who always had something to say, was silent.
“Not so fucking tough without Konrad and Eddie, are you, fuck-twat?” Maxson pushed his hips roughly into Belle, taking his aggression out on her with his actions. His words were for Dustin. “Just a little bitch, ain’t he Belle-baby?”
“Fuck! Fuck-yeah… such a…. little bitch!” Belle grimaced out between her clenched teeth. She was gripping at the sheets of the mattress with the other hand coming up to cover her mouth from yelling out.