Unwrapped: a MMF Holiday Romance

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Unwrapped: a MMF Holiday Romance Page 8

by Taryn Quinn

“You’re going to swallow. Every drop. Do you understand?”

  She answered, but not with words. Still maintaining eye contact, she leaned forward and darted her tongue along the head of his cock. She did it again and again until Tristan seized hold of her hair and slid inside her beckoning heat, just enough to make her slumberous eyes widen. No matter what game they were playing, he didn’t want to hurt her. But she only opened her mouth farther, her teeth torturously scraping his erect length before she took more of him inside.

  “Shit, that’s hot,” Matt murmured, rising. He ran his hand up her belly to her breasts, his dexterous fingers manipulating her nipples until she squirmed. The sensation made her throat undulate like a satin glove, and Tristan groaned, helpless against the need to drive deeper. She didn’t seem to mind. In fact, something in the depths of her devilish blue eyes made him think she was scheming.

  She drew back, almost releasing his shaft before her lips sealed around the head. Her tongue rolled over him, and then, without warning, she let him fall free from her mouth.

  “You’re not done,” he said, gasping for breath.

  Ignoring Tristan, she turned her head toward Matt, parting her lips in invitation. Matt accepted greedily, cupping her jaw as their mouths clashed and grappled. Tristan let out a low groan when their tongues flicked against each other, lapping and sucking.

  Tristan worked his cock, the intensity in his balls impossible to ignore. She’d done that intentionally. Hell, she’d all but let Matt lick her tongue clean.

  Then she returned to encircle his length, her damp lips swollen from Matt’s kisses. She enveloped Tristan’s erection in a slick openmouthed kiss, riding up and down his engorged dick with practiced skill. Matthew’s gaze drew his attention, and he looked over at his friend, leaning in as Matt did the same. As their faces neared, Tristan felt Caity’s mouth tense around him. He reached up and fisted Matt’s hair, dragging their mouths together.

  Caity moaned, and the sound vibrated straight through to his spine. By then Matt’s tongue was in his mouth. Tristan could taste Caity on him, could smell her on his breath. The combination unleashed a furious longing unlike any he’d ever known.

  He reached between them and grabbed Matt’s cock, stroking it hard while Caity did the same to his hard-on with her tongue. She jerked her thighs open as if she ached to be filled. But she still had enough control to draw back again, Tristan’s glistening length gleaming from her efforts.

  She glanced at Matthew, who interpreted her wishes and bent to take Tristan’s cock in his mouth. While he took over, she hauled her chair closer and pulled on her arms until her binding loosened enough for her to duck her head. She licked Tristan’s balls, taking them between her perfect lips. Too damn much. Matt knew just how to bring him to the edge in an instant, and she was his accomplice, snaking her wicked tongue all the way down to his puckered hole.

  “Fucking hell,” Tristan grated, his ass clenching as he fought his climax. “Christ, I can’t—”

  The orgasm built faster than he could stop it. Matt sucked him into his throat, and Tristan started to come, his whole body jerking. At the last second, Matt transferred him back to Caity’s waiting mouth. He spilled himself there, spearing his fingers through her hair to keep her still as his hips pistoned with the force of his release.

  “Think that counts as good,” she whispered after he’d had a moment to recover.

  Then the little minx licked her lips and grinned.

  Tristan rolled over onto his back on the rug, casting his arms wide. “I’m famished.”

  “Me too.” Matt collapsed beside him, the firelight dancing over the beads of sweat on his skin. “What can we eat?” He chuckled, long and low. “Besides Cait.”

  From Cait’s perch on her chair, she bunched her fists. It had been hours. Endless hours and they’d yet to let her come.

  She’d been so thoroughly savored and sampled and damn near ravaged that her thighs were on fire with stubble burn, and she would’ve sworn she was actually chafed from their lips. Her poor clit throbbed from overattention.

  That wasn’t all they’d done. They’d fucked her too. But not with their cocks. With their fingers. With their toys. She’d had several inside her tonight, and they’d only served to increase the painful pleasure. Even now, minutes after they’d decided to give her a respite, perspiration still slicked her skin and occasional tremors racked her body.

  She’d moaned herself hoarse. Screamed until her throat ached. And still they hadn’t relented.

  “When you untie me,” she said, her abused voice cracking, “you both better run. Fast.”

  “Guess we won’t be untying you, then.” Tristan leaned up to nibble the back of her calf, and she whimpered, the sensation of his teeth sinking into her flesh eliciting a fresh rush of her juice.

  She’d never be able to forget this night. Just looking at their mouths and remembering what they’d done with them would push her to the verge of a climax.

  They’d explored every inch of her, so many times she figured her body was a morass of hickeys and bruises. Her lips were swollen and sore, her eyes grainy from bursts of fruitless tears.

  But the best was when they explored each other. So far they’d only touched and kissed. No one had had sex yet tonight, but it didn’t matter. Watching them together increased her already overwhelming desire until she was pretty sure she’d had a couple of mini orgasms just from excess visual inspiration.

  Two hot men, their bodies slick and straining in the firelight. Their cocks as hard as rods, willing to do anything to her and each other.

  Oh my God, was there anything hotter?

  If she went to her just reward before morning—and she just might at this rate—she would die with a smile on her lips and a reel of really naughty memories in her mind.

  “You know what I like best about tonight?” Matt asked, his tone conversational as he slid his hand down Tristan’s toned stomach. Tristan had more muscles, but Matt’s ass was a thing of beauty, so it all worked out. “Listening to Caity almost come. Now all it takes is a swipe of our fingers or a jolt from our bag of tricks over there,” he grinned and jerked a thumb at the plastic bag of toys next to her chair, “and she’s seconds away from an orgasm. Almost hate to ruin it.”

  Though she’d been glowering at Matt in the dark—they’d turned off the lights, leaving the fire and the small Christmas tree in the corner as the only illumination—now she perked up. Maybe her hours of torture were over.

  “Me too. What can we do about that?”

  “Hmm. Good question. Got any ideas?”

  Thoughtfully, Tristan played with Matt’s stiffening cock. She’d seen them with their hands and their mouths on each other’s shafts so much tonight she should’ve been immune to it. But she wasn’t. Her nipples peaked again, and her drenched thighs dampened anew.

  “Maybe we should fuck her.”

  “Excellent plan,” she said, her fingers flexing.

  They’d untied her a couple of times to rub her arms and back, but they’d always tied her up again. She’d grown used to the submissive pose now, so much so that when Matt rose and came over to her, her chin dropped to her chest in hopeful supplication.

  “If you weren’t a virgin, we’d have done it hours ago.”

  “Oh. Right. I’ve noticed your tender care.”

  Tristan laughed and palmed his own cock, his thumb rubbing over the swollen head. “We know you’re nervous.”

  “Not so much,” she said wryly. “The last of my nerves left when you came in Matt’s mouth. After that it’s been all downhill. Or uphill.”

  Again he laughed. “I was thinking maybe you should watch us first. So you’re not so scared.”

  She shivered, and it wasn’t from fear. Finally.

  “But gotta say, I’m getting hungry too. Hungry for food and for you.” Matt wiggled his eyebrows as he gazed down at her. “We’ll eat our picnic off your breasts.” He skated his fingers over her hypersensitive clit, and she
moaned, right on cue. “Drink our wine from your cunt.”

  Yet another word that made her breath catch a little. She wasn’t used to them speaking this frankly to her, at least when they weren’t making jokes. But she’d get used to it.

  “There’s wine?” she asked.

  Matt smacked her mound, and she laughed, arching at the flash of heat. Maybe he thought the best part of tonight was listening to her moans, but he was wrong.

  The best part was loving these two men and knowing they loved her absolutely in return. Being naked with them was just one more layer of icing on an already incredible cake.

  “I want to watch you,” she said after a moment, not bothering to disguise the plea in her voice. She wanted them to get just how much she was into them being into each other. As long as she was a part of it, she was happy.

  But what about when Monday came? Then what? They would go back to being lovers and she would go back to being alone.

  She hunched, suddenly cold. Since when had that word become so frightening?

  Since you realized what it was like to be completely with someone else. Two someones.

  What about that perfect little picture of domesticity she’d always held in her head for someday down the line? Would two husbands really be better than one?

  Saying yes would be so easy. Too easy. Saying no would hurt them all, but she couldn’t pretend to be relaxed about a situation very few people would understand—or condone.

  But does anyone else’s opinion really matter more than yours? And theirs?

  Matt stared into her eyes, and for a second, she was sure he was reading her thoughts. He’d always been good at that. “Think it’s time we untie you. You won’t just be watching. You’ll be participating.”

  She closed her eyes. Now that the doubt demons had resurfaced, she was having trouble battling them back. “We never talked about beyond this weekend,” she said quietly.

  “We didn’t have to. You’re ours.” Tristan’s certain tone told her there would be no discussion. “And if you’re not, you never should have given yourself to us. Because we’re not sharing you.”

  “It’s not about another guy. It’s about this being—”

  “What?” Tristan asked sharply.

  She’d almost said not normal. Luckily she’d stopped herself just in time. They couldn’t truly believe she’d consider this a genuine possibility. Some people lived that way, and great for them, but she was more traditional.

  Wasn’t she?

  “Fun.” She lifted a shoulder and winced at the resulting burn in her wrists. “A game. But it’s not life. It’s not real.”

  She winced again as she heard herself. Dear God, what was she saying? Orgasm deprivation had robbed her of the last of her mental faculties. Because only a crazy person would say those kinds of things to two horny, naked guys only too willing to make her submit to whatever they wanted.

  As they aptly proved a moment later.

  “Untie her. And get her in the bedroom.”


  He walked over to her, jerking up her face so hard her shoulders snapped back. “Exactly how far do you want to push us?”

  Chapter 6

  Matt laid a hand on Tristan’s back. “Easy, man. Bruising her into wanting this isn’t going to change her mind.”

  “I’m not bruising her yet. But I just might.” Tristan’s eyes glowed in the firelight. “Did you really think we’d take your virginity and let you go?”

  She lifted her chin. “It’s not really your choice, now is it? You’re only able to control me as long as I let you. As long as I give you the power.”

  “You want to give us power? That means you’re probably going to end up with me in your pussy and him in your ass. Fucking you until you can’t walk. Until you can’t even crawl from here. Is that what you want, Caity? Just say the word.”

  Matt moved to her other side, and she could tell from the way he was crowding in close he was finished trying to hold Tristan back. Tristan was a gentle giant most of the time, but when he got pissed, watch the hell out.

  And Tris was pissed now, his body tight and tense with fury even as he caressed her jaw. “Tell us one more time you’re playing with us and watch what happens.”

  She cast her gaze away. He always scared her when he got like this, but some part of her acknowledged the primal thrill his words caused. They’d throw her to the bed and fuck her, like animals. And she wouldn’t be able to think about after, because now would take all her attention.

  “I’m just trying to be realistic,” she murmured.

  Matt drew his fingertip down her neck, triggering a shiver she couldn't have suppressed if she’d tried. “If you’re willing to give this up, we can't stop you,” he said quietly, steel lining his words. “Maybe you think you can find this with someone else. Someone more appropriate.”

  She gritted her teeth. “The problem isn’t someone. It’s the someones. I graduated from high school and college early. I avoided sex as much as possible so I wouldn’t be deterred from my goals. So I wouldn’t get all messed up emotionally—” She blew out a breath. “I’m not looking for some big love affair with two guys.”

  I can’t handle it. It’s just too much to even consider. Too huge and scary.

  “So make it simple and choose one of us. Easy enough, right? You can do that.”

  Matt leaned in to nuzzle her neck, his mouth soft and wet and arousing. It wasn’t just that he knew how to kiss. Lots of men did. That wouldn't have provoked her to such desperation.

  It was that he knew all of her, even the warts she’d done her best to disguise. The sides of her nature she’d tried to hide away like dirty laundry at the back of the closet.

  And he still loved her. Still wanted her.

  They both did. At least right now. Whether or not that would be true after this weekend, she didn’t know.

  With that eerie synchronism they had, Tristan knelt in front of her and picked up where Matt left off, his broad palms enveloping her breasts while he kissed her with more passion than she'd ever dreamed of wanting. His warm lips drifted to her cheeks, her jaw, the curve of her throat. He added a hint of teeth, and she dug her nails into her hands as she arched up to meet his mouth. And his fingers as they plucked and circled the tight tips of her breasts.

  Then he eased back, breathing hard. “So choose.”

  Cait closed her burning eyes. Dammit, why were they doing this to her?

  “You chose each other, didn’t you?” The defensiveness came to hand easier than she’d expected. “So why couldn’t I choose too?”

  Even as she asked the question, the truth taunted her. She couldn't choose between them. It was like picking her left leg over her right. They were an intrinsic, vital part of her.

  The best part.

  “We didn’t plan to hop into bed. But the night we did, you were at Gary’s, and we both knew what that could mean,” Tristan said quietly. “You fell so quick for him.”

  “Hell of a consolation prize, huh?” she said under her breath. He didn’t seem to hear her.

  “I never thought you’d really be into this. I hoped,” Tristan murmured, caressing her shoulder, “but I didn’t believe it, deep down. And Matt got it. He understood. But if you think you weren’t in that bed with us every time we were together, you’re fucking stupid. And you’re not, so don’t play games with us. Not about this.”

  “You haven’t thought this all out. You couldn’t have. It’s not as simple as ‘hey, we’re in love!’”

  “Why the hell not?”

  Cait glanced at Matt, noting he’d gone sullen and silent. For what reason she didn’t know, but he clearly wouldn’t be any help.

  “It’s not that simple,” she said, wondering why she was the only one who got that. Though she couldn’t say for sure what side of the fence Matt stood on, Tristan had abandoned all sense in favor of some sort of twisted ménage fairy tale. “We have a business. A respectable business. What will people
say if we’re shacked up together?”

  “We’re already shacked up together,” Matt put in.

  She scrunched up her mouth. “We live in separate quarters. That’s not what we’re talking about. What exactly are you suggesting? That we share a big-ass bed, hold hands when we walk down the street in our small town? Do you honestly think I can tell my mom that I’m— that we’re—”

  “Yes.” Tristan’s gaze bored into hers. “All I’m asking for is for you to be honest about what you want and what we’re about. The rest will fall into place in time.”

  “But what about Matt’s mom? And your parents? You know how your dad is, Tristan. Big-time hunter, a complete man’s man. He wouldn’t know how to classify…this.”

  “Call us whatever you want,” Tristan said evenly, “but it doesn’t change the reality of what you need.”

  How could he possibly know what she needed when she didn’t even know herself?

  She bowed her head and stared miserably at her lap. “You’re asking me for more than I can give.”

  “No, we’re not. We’re just asking you to be who you are, with us. That’s all.” He reached up to brush his fingers over her hair, and her stomach pitched as if she were going to be sick.

  “Take me to bed,” she whispered. “And let me forget for a little while. Please.” She’d begged before, but not like this. Not as if her heart was breaking.

  In a very real way, it was. The worst of it was she’d helped instigate her own heartbreak. She’d been the one to come up with the plan to sleep with them, the one who’d insisted on watching them make love. So eager to steal slices of them they hadn’t given her willingly, she’d risked everything she valued most. Her friends, her work, her home.

  Her life, in the truest sense of the word.

  Tristan moved behind her chair to release the ropes. Once she was free, Matthew scooped her up in his arms just as he’d done earlier. But now the gesture made a lump rise in her throat as she pressed her face into his neck. She clung to him, the thick cords of his biceps rippling under her touch. He carried her through a short, dim hallway, entering the first doorway and lowering her to a huge, cloud-soft bed. A plush comforter rustled under her back, and she moaned, her body keen for even the slightest sensation.


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