Unwrapped: a MMF Holiday Romance

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Unwrapped: a MMF Holiday Romance Page 21

by Taryn Quinn

  Matt’s jaw worked as he rose. “This isn’t funny.”

  “No, it’s not. Why won’t you talk to me? How am I supposed to fix things if you both clam up and pretend everything’s fine?”

  “This is new for all of us. We’re just sort of feeling our way in.”

  She grabbed his hand and brought it to her breast. Even that brief contact caused her nipple to pebble. “Feel me.”

  He closed his eyes. “Don’t, Cait. Don’t force this.”

  She stepped closer. “Do you still want me? Hypothetically speaking, of course.”

  A brief smile. “Of course I do. No hypothetical needed.”

  “Do you still love me?”

  “More than ever.”

  Relief poured through her as she linked hands with him. With all the thoughts twirling through her mind, one stood out from the rest. “There’s something I want to tell you. While it’s just us.”


  “Christmas Eve, the day Tristan and I—”

  “Were bumping uglies when I came back to the loft. Yeah, I remember. Or actually you were licking uglies.” His grin didn’t quite hide the concern lurking in his expression.

  “That’s not all. Tristan mentioned kids. How he didn’t think he should have them because the CF gene could be in his DNA.”

  “Oh.” Matt’s throat worked. “You don’t think that’s bothering him too, do you? He can’t have just realized that.”

  “No, but I think he’d just figured out how to handle it. With us.” She gathered up her courage. “He suggested that someday you and I…could have children. As good as his own, he said.”

  Matt’s brows shot up. “Wow. Oh…wow.”

  “Your powers of conversational persuasion are especially stunning tonight.” She rolled her eyes. “Look, I just wanted you to know that he’s got it all planned out, long-term. I mean, I know we are long-term and committed and all. But he’s already thinking long-range.”

  “Yeah, well, it’s Tris. He would. Actually it makes sense.” He squeezed her fingers. “I think it’d be one hell of a rush seeing you with a baby inside you. Our baby.”

  Now she was the one to swallow hard. “This is hypothetical, right?”

  “Completely.” He framed her face between his palms and met her eyes. Everything inside her slid into place, key into lock. Then he lowered his head and took her mouth in a kiss that felt more like oral fucking than it did an easy mating of lips and tongues. He groaned and rubbed his erection against her belly. “I miss that sweet pussy,” he said in an undertone, sliding his rough palm up her inner thigh.

  “That pussy?” she tossed back, already breathless. His fingers flexed inches from where she needed pressure most.

  “Yours. On my mouth. Around my cock. Around his cock, creaming while I watch.” He stroked his thumb over her damp lower lip. “I’m just not sure he’s ready,” he murmured.

  Shocked Matt had actually shared something without turning it into a joke, she tamped down on her rampant lust. “His father hurt him.”

  “His mother too. Neither of them have returned his calls.”

  “So he can’t reach out to us? I thought we were together.”

  He shrugged. “You know how he is. If he can’t solve something, he doesn’t talk about it. He never does.”

  “Yeah, and you’re such an open book.”

  He gave her a quick smile. “Nah. But you read me like one.”

  “We need to figure this out. I don’t think Tris is just upset about his folks. There’s more to it. That’s why I wondered…” She blew out a breath. “I wasn’t sure if you’d decided you liked two better than three and didn’t know how to tell me.”

  “You’re kidding me, right? You really think we would’ve gone through all this just to go back to the way things were? No fucking way.” He gripped her ass and hauled her closer, kissing her neck while he dug his hard cock into her belly. “You’re ours. Every bit of you belongs to us, to do with as we wish. Anything we wish,” he added directly into her ear.

  Almost involuntarily, she rocked her hips to feel more of his erection. “Lots of talk on that score. Haven’t seen much action.”

  He eased away to look down at her. “Red flag, bull. Not a good idea if you’re not ready to back that up.”

  Since his hands still cupped her ass, she pressed down into his palms. “Oh, I’m ready. More than.”

  Matt moved so fast she had to laugh. But instead of spiriting her away to the bedroom, he grabbed his cell off the desk. “Let me call dickhead and get him back here.”

  A smile curved her lips. It was sweet, really, that he wouldn’t touch her without Tristan there anymore. At least touch her beyond kisses. Maybe they’d need to negotiate that, because sometimes Tristan went out of town to design conferences and trade shows. If she and Matt were alone in bed, she didn’t trust herself. And vice versa, when Matt was visiting his mom in Idaho. Then there would be times the guys would be alone too, and she didn’t want them to get weirded out if she wasn’t around.

  Ground rules would need to be set for a lot of things. But not tonight. Tonight would not include talking, if she had her way.

  “Wait,” she said before Matt could call. “He was stopping by home first, then picking up food, right?”

  “Yeah. Keeps knocking against the thick wood of his dad’s skull.” Matt shook his head. “He won’t leave it alone.”

  “Of course he won’t. He’s always been close to his parents. I can’t imagine what this distance must be doing to him.” She cupped her elbows and frowned as she met Matt’s gaze. “We need to help him forget for a little while. Prove to him he made the right decision.”

  “So I’ll call him and—”

  “Just wait. Let me think.” She hurried over to the calendar on Tristan’s desk and checked out his agenda for the next few days. “He doesn’t have anything scheduled for the weekend.”

  “No, not that I’ve heard.”

  “Let me call him, okay?” She returned to her desk and grabbed her cell, hitting the number of Tristan’s speed dial.

  He answered after two rings. “Hey, babe. Getting hungry?”

  Since it was the most affection she’d heard from him in two weeks, she smiled. “You could say that. Where are you?”

  “Right now? Sitting on a bench on the north end of East Lake, feeding the pigeons. Greedy bastards.”

  She shot a glance at Matt. If Tristan was sitting alone on a park bench in the near dark in the middle of winter, things were more dire than they’d suspected. “Did you talk to your parents?”

  “Yeah. To my mom at least. She’s pretty much gone back to the way things were before.”

  “Oh good. I’m so glad.” But she didn’t miss the pain in his tone. “And your dad?”

  “He didn’t rush out to shoot something when I showed up, so that’s progress, right?”

  “Guess so. Did he say anything to you?”

  “Yeah, he actually asked how TD’s year-end numbers looked.” He gave a short, ironic laugh. “I told him profits were up six percent from last year, and I got an ‘atta boy’ before he and Steve went off to do that manly son-and-father thing I’m now excluded from.”

  “He needs time. You said he’s starting to come around.”

  “Yeah. I know.” He paused. “So I’m out feeding the birds.”

  “Gonna get done with that anytime soon, or you planning on camping out there tonight?”

  “Nah, think I’m done.” She heard rustling she assumed meant he was standing up and getting ready to go. “You guys gotta be starving by now.”

  That was Tristan, doing his duty when his heart clearly wasn’t in it. “Aren’t you?”


  She bit off a sigh. One way or another, she and Matt would just have to love him through this. “So what’s for dinner? Thai Kings?”

  After getting another “sure” in response, she calculated how long it would take to get from the office to the takeout joint.
They wouldn’t have much time.

  As soon as she hung up with Tristan, she flashed Matt a bright smile. She’d told Val that faking it counted, so if she had to fake her happiness until she knew Tris would be okay, then she would.

  “What’s that smile for?”

  “You’ll see.” She started mentally packing her overnight bag as she snagged Matt’s arm and pulled him with her upstairs. “So, about that bondage rope of yours…”

  Tristan took the long route to Thai Kings, just to give himself a little longer away from the loft. It was a nice night, cold and clear, with tons of stars twinkling in the dark blue sky. But the weather wasn’t why he wasn’t in any hurry to head home.

  Cait and Matt weren’t at fault either. Not really. He didn’t trust anything right now. They didn’t know he’d yet to stop expecting them to turn to him and say maybe they’d all moved too fast, that they weren’t interested in the kind of relationship he wanted. Just because he’d finally gotten them to cave didn’t mean his timetable matched up with theirs.

  He didn’t doubt that they loved him or each other. As friends at least. But as for the rest? As far as committing to a real, permanent arrangement, something deeper than pizza runs and sexfests and innuendos they didn’t have to keep behind closed doors…well, that was murkier water.

  Had he pushed them to do something they truly hadn’t been ready for? He didn’t think so, but he’d given them plenty of space and ample opportunities to approach him, and they hadn’t.

  For God’s sake, for the last two nights since Mrs. Collins had gone home, the two of them had kept to their parts of his bed as if each of their areas were separated by an electrical fence. If they expected him to make the first move, they’d obviously overestimated his current level of confidence.

  Though it hurt, he could handle the situation with his dad. Things were improving slowly. He hoped one day his sexual orientation and relationship choices would be a nonissue. In the meantime, he would do his best to deal.

  But putting his heart on the line with Cait and Matt, even turning to them in bed at night, was just asking too much. He couldn’t take the possibility—no matter how remote—of another rejection right now. If that made him a coward, he’d wear the title and be done with it.

  Besides, why the hell couldn’t they come to him? Make that move, give him that grand gesture? Just once, why couldn’t they show him how much they loved him without him begging for it first?

  When he couldn’t stall any longer, he drove into the parking lot of Thai Kings. He’d called in their usual order, though he wasn’t particularly hungry. But Cait and Matt were waiting on him, so he’d deliver.

  Score one for the dirty Boy Scout.

  Lips quirked, he picked up their order and headed back outside into the brisk night. As he strode across the lot, he took a deep breath of cold air. He had no reason to complain. So everything wasn’t perfect with his parents. So Matt and Cait waited for his lead when it came to showing emotion beyond expressing an interest in playing naked Twister—and they hadn’t even expressed that lately. He had a hell of lot going for him. Maybe he needed to stop waiting for his lovers to take control and do it himself—

  Heavy footsteps on the concrete behind him made him stop short. He started to turn, expecting to see someone going to their car. Instead a muscled shoulder pushed him against the side of his vehicle. The bag of food slipped to the ground as his arms were jerked behind him. Tristan went wild, trying to shake off the hold, but his assailant held fast, saying only, “Dammit, stay still.”

  Could it be?

  “What the fuck?” Tristan began, seconds before a soft, curvy body slid up against him and cool, silky fabric covered his eyes.

  “It’s just us,” the woman murmured, tightening the blindfold. “You’re safe.”

  The momentary surprise and panic transformed into a rush of blood that funneled straight into his cock. He knew that voice. Recognized her innocent peach smell and the wicked lips that brushed his Adam’s apple.

  “See, unlike when someone else tried that move, we didn’t give you time to get afraid,” Caity said, her tone amused. “Or much time, anyway.”

  The questions on Tristan’s tongue fell away as a broad hand gripped his erection from behind. “Nope,” Matt said, chuckling. “Unless fear means insta-boner.”

  Tristan started to laugh, but he cut it off abruptly when the hand on his cock grew rough. Then another, more gentle hand joined in. It cradled his sac, nested tightly in his jeans. So fucking good. They hadn’t touched him in too long, and he hadn’t realized exactly how much he’d needed them to until this very moment.

  He groaned. “What the hell are you two doing?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” Matt asked huskily.

  They squeezed and fondled him until his breathing became little more than gasps. Speak. “Apparently…not.”

  “Then allow us to elaborate,” Caity breathed hotly near his ear. “We’re kidnapping you.”

  Chapter 14

  “Do you know where we’re going? And what we’re going to do to you when we get there?”

  Caity’s sensuous questions probably would’ve hardened his balls all on their own. When coupled with her pleasuring his shaft through his pants, he couldn’t hold back his exhale.

  He’d been doing a lot of that since they’d herded him into Matt’s SUV. They’d been driving for a while, but he hadn’t been bored. Not with Caity making such good use of the traveling time.

  She’d started with kissing his neck and sucking on his earlobe while she explored the ridges of his stomach under his shirt. Then she moved on to stroking his hard-on and licking his collarbone, before finally kneeling between his legs and going to town on his dick through the material.

  “Yes, to your first question. To your second…” His voice failed him when her lips sealed around the head and pulled. “Fucking hell. I’m about to ruin very expensive pants,” he managed.

  “Mmm. Maybe we’ll cut these off you and save them as a souvenir. How would you like that?” She palmed his sac and squeezed while she orally tormented him. “Though we might not have to cut them off, since you’re about to poke out over your belt.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Matt said. “So much for that one being innocent.”

  “Not anymore.” Her singsong voice would’ve made Tristan laugh if she hadn’t slipped lower to tongue his balls. “Matt, where is that spot that’s so sensitive on guys? The place to press if you want them to come?”

  “Uh-uh, no.” Tristan tried to scoot backward on the seat, but his bound arms and her rigid hold on his thighs didn’t give him much ability to move. She was a hell of a lot stronger than she looked, though truthfully, he didn’t try that hard to get away. He wasn’t a fool. “Don’t tell her, Matt.”

  “Okay.” The SUV shuddered to a stop, and Tristan glimpsed a flicker of movement through the blindfold. “How about I just show her?”

  Caity held his cock out of the way, giving Matt plenty of room for his demonstration. Then Matt pressed the special spot between Tris’s sac and his asshole while Caity finally unzipped his pants and released him before drawing the head of his cock into her mouth.

  A second later, Tris came with a shout loud enough to shake the truck.

  She sucked and sucked some more, uttering those little purring noises she’d perfected; then she crawled onto his lap and sealed her lips over Tristan’s as the SUV lurched into motion. Or maybe it was just a wave of dizziness. Either way he groaned as her coated tongue lapped at his before she reached down and started jerking him off. Again.

  “You’re not going to be stingy with your orgasms tonight, are you?” Her sultry whisper coiled in his belly, teasing his dick to wake from its brief slumber. “We expect you to live up to your end of the bargain.”

  “What bargain?” God, was that really him? His voice sounded thready and exhausted. Already.

  The woman he loved was one hell of a vixen. And the man he loved made her a deviously sexy
partner in crime.

  “You promised to take my other virginity too, remember?” She playfully bit his chin. “The kind that involves both my boys at once?”

  If he hadn’t been blindfolded, she would’ve seen his eyes roll back in his head. His balls drew tight all over again. “Seriously, don’t taunt me with that,” he grated.

  “Who’s taunting?” She shifted on his lap until she could drag him up and down against her panties, already soaked with longing. “I’m serious. So serious I want to just pull over and slide you in me right now. What do you say, Matt? Wanna rock and roll right on the side of the road?”

  “Hey, Frankenstein,” Tristan muttered over their laughter. “Get control of your monster.”

  “Mine, huh?” Matt followed up his possessive growl with a smack that could’ve only been his hand against Caity’s ass. Her breathless squeal confirmed Tris’s assumption. “If she’s mine, how come she’s not up here blowing me, then? You already had your fun.”

  “Good point.” Caity gave Tristan a quick, conciliatory kiss. “I’ll be back soon.”

  Thunks and wheezes signaled Caity’s climb into the front seat. Shortly thereafter the opening of a zipper and Matt’s long groan filled the cabin.

  “Jesus, pull over before the cops zero in on this traveling porn bus,” Tristan said, fighting a grin.

  “Nah. I can drive just fine one-handed. The other’ll keep her nice and steady on my dick. Right, sweetheart?”

  Her answer was, unsurprisingly, little more than a gulp.

  With a laugh, Tristan settled in to enjoy his aural treat.

  The rest of the drive passed in a sexual haze. After helping Matt hit his own pinnacle in the front seat, Caity came back and curled up on the backseat with her head in Tristan’s lap.

  And she was not sleeping.

  By the time Matt dragged Tris by the rope around his wrists up the walkway to the cabin, it had started to snow. Good thing, because his cock felt so sinfully abused that even the cold snowflakes on his erection—she’d considerately left his pants open—provided welcome relief.


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