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Angels & Sinners: The Motor City Edition

Page 9

by Ashley Suzanne

  The city was beautiful. It was on the coast and full of fresh air and places to run. Tonight, she would get to see more of the town. Kendrick was taking her on a date to the restaurant he’d mentioned on the plane. Anticipation rolled over her. I can’t remember the last time I was excited about a date.

  Giving herself a mental shake and steeling herself for the events of the evening she headed to the front room just as her doorbell rang. A quick glance at her wall clock told her Kendrick was ten minutes early. Points for punctuality.

  Astrid inhaled sharply and then opened the door. He looks good. She bit her lip, in an effort to keep her wayward thoughts at bay. His brown hair was perfectly mussed. The blue button down shirt and dark wash jeans fit his sculpted body perfectly. I can see the muscles rippling beneath his shirt. I want to rip it off of him and… God Astrid, get a grip.

  “You look lovely, darling,” Kendrick smirked taking her hand and kissing it.

  Heat crept up her hand from the searing touch. If he can do that to my hand, what can he do to my body?

  Blinking the indecent thoughts away, she smiled at him. “Thank you, you look nice as well.”

  “I thought we’d start out at the restaurant and then we could take a stroll along the beach,” Kendrick offered.

  Astrid slipped her arm into his and pulled her front door shut with the other. “Sounds fun.” And romantic.

  “I aim to please,” Kendrick replied, leading her down the stairs.

  A chill zipped down her spine. I bet you can please. Wow. I need to get my head out of the gutter. He opened the door and motioned to his new car. Another BMW. The cool night air helped to cool her heated skin.

  Focus on something else. “You seem to know your way around places,” Astrid spoke up. He had a vineyard in Tuscany and was familiar with Brunswick. Where all had he been?

  “I’ve spent a lot of time by myself. When Killian took over the pack, I knew it wasn’t the place for me anymore. I’ve never believed in forcing a mate to submit, or taking more than one woman at a time,” Kendrick replied as he opened the car door for her. “I wouldn’t wish that life on anyone. Too bad there isn’t more I can do to help other members of our pack.”

  Good. She didn’t want to be forced into a relationship—obligated to get pregnant. She didn’t want to share her wolf with anyone, and she needed control over her own body.

  Astrid froze as she played Kendrick’s words in her head again. Too bad there isn’t more I can do to help other members of our pack.

  Had he helped people before? Is that why he’s running? Did he help me?

  Someone had helped her escape. It was him. “You unlocked my door that night, didn’t you?”

  Kendrick twisted in his seat and gave her a small smile. “I saw the way you fought back against him the last night you were there. You wouldn’t have made it there much longer. Killian would’ve killed you.”

  “Thank you,” Astrid whispered, sighing heavily. For the longest time she’d thought it had been an accident. She’d fled, taking Marcia with her and had never looked back. “Did Killian know it was you?” Astrid asked. Is that why he’s running from his brother?

  “I left before he could figure it out,” Kendrick admitted. “I rescued as many people as I could over the years. I probably should’ve done more.”

  Astrid shook her head. “You did what you could. Fighting against him would’ve been suicide.” It was the truth. Killian had slaughtered her brother right before her eyes. Murdered him where he stood for daring to defy him. Anyone who stood in Killian’s way was killed. If Kendrick were to make a stand, he would’ve suffered the same fate. There were too many other wolves that followed him—too many that believed in his barbaric ways. You can’t change stupid.

  “I feel useless—stupid for running,” Kendrick admitted with a low growl.

  Astrid placed her hand over his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Sometimes running is all we can do.”

  Kendrick met her gaze and gave her a knowing nod. Without an army to back them, there wasn’t much else they could do. One day, more wolves would break out from the mold, but until then, they would have to bide their time and take small victories.


  “So what do you think?” Kendrick asked as they walked along the beach.

  Dinner had gone smoothly. Astrid had finally relaxed around him, and for the first time, he was certain that she felt the same connection he did to her. The yearning for her was undeniable and unlike anything he’d known before. Tonight was all about her. It had to be perfect for Astrid.

  Astrid smiled, peering up at the dark blue sky. The stars shone brightly and the full moon beckoned at them.

  “This is really nice,” she admitted

  Kendrick beamed as he slipped his hand into her dainty one. Astrid’s fingers curled around his.

  “What are we doing?” she asked coming to a halt. She picked up their entwined hands.

  “I like you, Astrid,” he admitted.

  “What about Killian?” she whispered.

  “I know what he’s done—what he’s capable of. I’m not going to let him hurt you again. I care about you, Astrid. I’m drawn to you. My wolf craves you and I understand if you need time. Or even if you’re never interested. What my brother did to you was . . . ” he trailed off. Words couldn’t describe the abuse she’d suffered by his brother’s hand.

  Astrid released his hand and took a few steps toward the cascading waves. She sighed, plopping down in the sand.

  “I’ve denied my wolf half for years. I haven’t shifted since the night I fled Killian. I think I thought I could date humans because it would be safer,” she started, tucking one of her long locks behind her ear.

  Kendrick took a seat beside her, waiting quietly for her to continue.

  “I feel the urge to mate—to find a good wolf, but I’m afraid. I don’t want to be forced into anything.” She turned to him and picked up his hand again. “I like you too, Kendrick.”

  Her eyes met his, and she licked her lips. Kendrick fought the desire to close the distance between them. It had to be her choice.

  Astrid swallowed hard, her full lips inching toward his. Heat enveloped him as her soft mouth touched his. Her lips moved slowly against his at first. Astrid sighed, parting her lips to him.

  He slid his tongue into her mouth, tasting her. Her hands cupped his cheeks and he let his own hands run through her silky hair. Arousal surged beneath the surface, and he fought the compulsion to claim her.

  Astrid was special. She wasn’t a random hook up—she was his wolf, and he would never force her to do something. He would wait forever for her.

  Astrid moaned, swirling her tongue with his as she explored his mouth. Her fingers gripped him tighter and her perfume enveloped him. This was perfect.

  She pulled back first. Red tinged her cheeks, and she ducked her head down, covering her face with her long hair. “I’m sorry I . . . ”

  “It’s okay,” he assured.

  “I don’t want to go to fast,” she admitted, chancing a glance at him.

  “I’ll wait for you. We’ll move at the speed you want,” he promised.

  Astrid smiled, her face lighting up for the first time in ages. She leaned forward, placing another soft kiss to his lips. “Thank you.”

  “I have an idea,” he said, grazing his thumb over her soft cheek.

  Astrid quirked her brow at him in question.

  “It’s a full moon tonight. I know you’re dying to run free,” he whispered, hoping his idea would be well received. “What do you say we take a run on the beach? I’ll transition over there and you can go under the pier to shift. I’ll meet you back out here.”

  “I haven’t done it in forever,” Astrid murmured.

  “We don’t have to.”

  Astrid bit her lip. “No. Let’s do it,” she agreed, standing up. “It’s a beautiful full moon. It’d be a shame to let it go to waste.”

  Kendrick watched as Astrid jogged off to
the pier and ducked into the darkness. He trotted down to the other side of the beach and undressed, stashing his clothes in the sand before crouching down on all fours. Envisioning his slender gray wolf, he began his change.

  His bones snapped and broke, twisting and shifting as they transitioned into his wolf. His vision sharpened and the ruckus of the seagulls and crashing waves grew louder. He looked up, fully changed and hurried back out to meet Astrid.

  The beach was empty. For a minute, he worried she’d left—fled to God knows where. But then, a white wolf emerged from under the pier. Its piercing brown eyes meeting his. Beautiful. Magnificent.

  He sat on his haunches and stared up at the shimmering moon. A loud howl erupted beside him and he joined Astrid’s chorus, belting out his own song. They sat that way for a long moment before darting off down the beach together.


  Six months later

  Astrid plopped down on the couch and picked up the TV remote. The past few months had flown by and other than her relationship with Kendrick, they’d been blissfully uneventful.

  “Popcorns ready,” Kendrick hollered from the kitchen. He emerged from the dimly lit room, popcorn bag in one hand and two sodas in the other. Movie nights in were always relaxing. She loved that they could curl up on the couch together and chill. “Did you pick out a movie yet?”

  “It’s my choice? What’s the occasion?” she teased.

  “I chose last time,” he reminded with a grin. “You weren’t too fond of Rocky as I recall.”

  No. The movie hadn’t been her cup of tea. “I could make you suffer through a romance. Oh. What about Pride and Prejudice?”

  “Shoot me now,” he mumbled with a smile.

  “Stop,” she laughed, picking up a handful of popcorn and tossing it in his face.

  Kendrick opened his mouth, managing to catch a few kernels in his mouth. “Yum. Bet you can’t do that again,” he challenged.

  Astrid lifted her brow. Challenge accepted. She dug her hand into the bag, taking out a large handful of popcorn. She fisted her fingers together as she pulled it out and aimed.

  “Oh I see how it is,” Kendrick chuckled, grabbing her arm.

  Astrid cried out as she attempted to throw the popcorn anyway. Kendrick reached forward, still catching a few kernels with his mouth. She dove for the bag again. I’ll show him. As she did, she lost her balance, and went careening to the hard wooden floor. Kendrick’s arm jutted out as he tried to catch her, but he ended up toppling over after her.

  They landed with a thump on the floor. Astrid giggled, trying to catch her breath. She blinked, meeting Kendrick’s gaze.

  He was so close, and his body fit deliciously against hers. I want him.

  “Kendrick,” she whispered, reaching up to touch his cheek.

  Kendrick swallowed as his eyes studied her. She gave him a small nod, knowing he wouldn’t proceed without her permission.

  His head dipped down, his lips claiming hers. The kiss was electric setting her whole body afire with desire. Her hands wrapped around him, getting lost in his brown hair. His lips moved against hers, his tongue darting into her mouth, as his hands lingered at her sides playing with the hem of her shirt.

  Astrid moaned as his hard length grazed against her core. Yes. I want this. The past six months with him had been like a dream. Kendrick was everything she’d been searching for and more. He’d been kind and patient, doing everything to help her.

  Slowly she rolled the bottom of his shirt up, trailing the pads of her fingers against his bare back. The muscles rippled beneath her digits and she shuddered, needing to feel more of him.

  Kendrick broke the kiss, sitting up. Astrid bit her lip as she continued to roll his shirt up until she lifted it up and over his head. Her eyes feasted on his torso. Magnificent. Inhaling sharply, she lowered her hands to her own tee and removed it. Then, she reached behind her back, unclasping her bra. The lacy material slid off her arms and she dropped it on the floor.

  She reached up and drew Kendrick back to her, moaning when their chests grazed against each other. Her sensitive nipples hardened at the contact and her core ached with need.

  Kendrick’s hand went to her breast, rolling the tender bud of her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. His tongue continued to dance inside her mouth as their lips melded together. Perfect. The moment couldn’t be any better. She was ready to become one with the man she’d slowly fallen in love with. Who would’ve thought that she’d fall in love with the enemy? That the man she’d deemed a threat would be the one man she couldn’t live without. Life was weird, but she was ready to live it. I’m ready to move on with the man I love.

  She sighed wistfully as Kendrick trailed wet kisses from her jaw to her neck. He took one of her taut breasts into his mouth, suckling the sensitive bud. His hand trailed down her torso and worked at the button of her jeans. Yes. She wiggled her hips as his hand slid into her panties and his palm pressed against her aching center.


  Kendrick inserted two fingers into Astrid. She was wet, already ready for him. Their coupling had to be special. He had to take it slow. Astrid trusted him with her body—trusting him not to hurt her. I will never harm her. I love her.

  Astrid was one of the strongest people he’d ever met. She was noble and brave, kind and caring. And she was his. I’m lucky to have her.

  “I want you,” Astrid whimpered as her hips ground against his hand.

  Kendrick growled low in his throat. His cock hardened painfully at her request. He withdrew his hand from her, licking the juices from his fingers. “You taste delicious,” he murmured. He stood up and offered his hand to her.

  Astrid gave him a confused glance, but accepted his help. She stood up with a frown, her eyes watching his every move. His hands went to his jeans undoing the button and fly, he lowered his pants to the floor. He stepped out of the garment and sat down on the couch, allowing her to have full control of the situation. He wouldn’t take the lead until she gave him the go ahead.

  Astrid grinned removing the rest of her clothes. She sucked in a deep breath as she straddled him on the couch. “I love you,” she whispered, meeting his eyes.

  “I love you too,” he smiled.

  Astrid grinned as her breathing hitched. She reached between them and took his swollen length into her hands. Positioning him at her entrance, she rolled her hips slowly teasing him as she slowly impaled herself on his cock.

  He grunted loudly, grasping her hips as he fought the need to drive up into her. She was so wet—so tight—so perfect. He shuddered at the feel of her.

  Astrid’s lips found his as she began to rock back and forth. He got lost in the wonderful friction of their lovemaking. Could she be anymore perfect? His sweet Astrid was everything he’d always wanted. Kendrick would do anything to protect her—anything to keep her safe. Her smile was his happiness, and she was his life—his mate.

  Astrid moaned loudly, breaking the kiss. Her head bent back as she gripped him tighter. “Make me yours,” she panted out.

  Kendrick shuddered as he lifted her up and rolled her to her back never once breaking their connection. He pulled out of her and plunged back in, enjoying the throaty cry that came out of her mouth. Her nails dug into his back and he repeated the action, watching as she fell apart in his embrace.

  Her slick center contracted around him as she came and he growled, quickening his pace so he could follow her over the edge into bliss. Dots blotted his vision, and he howled loudly as he thrust against her, emptying himself into her tight heat.

  He rested atop her, listening to the fast patter of her heart. Their sweat slicked bodies clung together.

  “I love you,” Astrid whispered, lazily running her fingers through his hair.

  “I love you too,” he replied, blinking up at her. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her. Together they would live out their years in the safety of each other’s embrace.


  A Straight from the Heart Novella

  Breigh Forstner


  This short story is dedicated to all of my friends, family, and readers. This is only a short beginning to what is to come for Samantha and Damon, so I hope you enjoy!

  It’s going to be one whirlwind of a ride.


  Boom. Boom. Boom.

  Yeah, whoever’s warming up the bass drums right now could certainly stop? As much as I liked the lineup for tonight, even the supporting bands, I only cared about one band and one man in particular.

  Damon Charming.

  He is the lead singer in the multi-platinum rock band Ignite the Flames, and the man that I’ve had a huge crush on for as long as I can remember. Now here I am, sitting front row at their concert, thanks to my older sister Isabella, who somehow snagged us tickets. All I could picture in my head now was seeing Damon, hot in the flesh, his blond hair and breathtaking silver eyes, that I’m sure have charmed quite a few girls out of their panties.

  “Sammy are you okay?” Isabella, my older sister by five years, nudged me out of my fantasy about Damon. She gave me a look of concern, her baby blue eyes meeting my dark sapphires. “Or are you fantasizing about him for the millionth time?”

  Bella, as I liked to call her, knew me all too well. Every time any song by Ignite the Flames came on the radio I was up dancing and singing to every single word, imagining I was at their concert, front row, shaking my ass just for the front man.

  Imagine no more.

  My eyes surveyed the ever growing crowd surrounding us, and in the stands of the Van Andel arena in Grand Rapids. It was going to be a sold out show tonight without a doubt, and the atmosphere was contagious. I was ready for the music. I was ready for the shredding guitars and bass lines to fill my bones.

  Suddenly, I felt self-conscious. These other girls who were beginning to surround Bella and me were wearing skirts even shorter than mine, and tops where their cleavage was nearly showing. I tugged at the leather piece of fabric that covered my ass, and adjusted my black sequined tank top. It wasn’t just the clothes. These girls were a hell of a lot prettier than I was; the kind of girls Damon Charming would want to take backstage and party with. I had decent sized breasts, don’t get me wrong, but I chose to cover them up a little bit more, hoping the modest approach would work with this man.


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