Love By Delivery (The Harringtons Book 2)

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Love By Delivery (The Harringtons Book 2) Page 4

by MacKenzie Shaw

  “I didn’t tell her I’d be here and that could be why she hasn’t replied to my text. She may be thinking I’m leaving on the sponsorship tour next week without telling her.”

  “Ah,” Liz replied, nodding, “that would explain a lot. Oh dear, well she’ll come round when you explain. I also think going to pack up her old life in Boston is getting to her as well. I’d offered to go with her but she refused, that’s why I’m so glad she’ll have you there.”

  Finn had offered to go with Willow to help her pack up her stuff in Boston, but she’d not given him a definite answer so he’d contacted Liz to find out her flight details and then booked the same flight for himself, planning to surprise her. This would definitely surprise her.

  The next morning he arrived early at the airport, waiting near the entrance for Willow. When she got dropped off by an Uber driver, she looked miserable. He felt guilty he’d made her feel this way, but hoped with his news that she’d forgive him for last night and be willing to plan their future together.

  He walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder, “Willow.” She jumped at the contact and whirled around to face him. Confusion etched on her face.

  “Finn? What are you doing here?”

  He waved his plane ticket around, “I’m going to Boston with you, remember?”

  She looked even more confused, then her confusion turned to anger and it was aimed directly at him. “Boston,” she spat out. “Don’t you mean your world tour?”

  He laughed, without meaning to. “I’m not going,” he told her. “If you’d replied to your text and met me after the event like I’d planned you’d know that I terminated the sponsorship contract last night.”

  “You what?”

  “Your mom thought you’d got the wrong end of the stick when I saw her last night.”

  “You spoke to my mom last night?”

  “Yes, when I went to see if you were still in the kitchen.”

  “Wait what?”

  He loved seeing the anger in her face turn to confusion and then finally the penny dropped for her.

  “Willow I was always going to Boston with you to help you pack up your old life. Last night was my ‘Boston’, where I was clearing out the old so that I could move forward into the new … with you. If you’ll still have me. You are the one who has helped me see a way forward to what I really want and that includes you.”

  He started to get worried as he could no longer read the blank expression on her face. It did look like she was about to cry, that look he knew well, but there was something more. Suddenly she flung her arms around his neck, dropping her overnight bag on his toes. “Of course I want to be with you! I thought you didn’t want to be with me.”

  Returning her hug and ignoring the pain in his foot he grinned at her, “I’ve always wanted to be with you and only you since you came running out of my kitchen like a bat out of hell and turned my world upside down.”

  Finn knew that being with Willow would be an adventure and he couldn’t wait to start that adventure with her … now they were on the same page. First Boston and then they’d deal with what came next … together.


  Six Months Later …

  Finn was sitting outside Alex’s office at Harrington Enterprises, shifting nervously in his chair. He wasn’t nervous about seeing Alex, after all he was his brother whom he’d known all his life. It was more the reason for his visit. He’d submitted a proposal to Harrington Enterprises offering his video marketing services and Alex was the one who was interviewing all the candidates.

  He felt his hand being squeezed in support, turning towards his fiancé he smiled. They now did everything as a team and he was glad she was here. Willow was his partner in his new venture and they worked well together. She was also a partner in her mom’s catering business but Willow had realized that she still loved marketing and couldn’t give it up, which was kinda lucky on his part as he needed someone with her skills to compliment his.

  Alex’s assistant came up to them, offering them refreshments which they kindly refused.

  “She’s pretty cute,” Willow whispered, “do you think Alex has noticed her?”

  “I doubt it. He’s pretty focused on work and I’m not even sure he’s noticed that Mary, his old assistant, left three months ago and has been replaced with a newer model,” he said chuckling at the thought.

  Ever since Marcus had reduced his working hours to spend more time with Carly, his new wife, Alex had got into his head that he had to pick up the slack. There wasn’t any slack. It was all in his mind.

  At last Alex came out of his office, giving a huge smile when he noticed Finn and Willow sitting in his reception area.

  ““Finn, great to see you again and Willow, a pleasure as always,” he greeted them. He looked over at the reception desk, looking uncomfortable. “Melody, could you please get us all some refreshments please and bring it into my office.”

  Melody looked up from her computer screen and smiled, looking at Alex through her eyelashes, “Off course Mr Harrington, I’ll bring a tray right in.” Then she was off, Finn presumed to get the refreshments before he could refuse the offer … again.

  “She just offered us refreshments. We didn’t want any.”

  “Ah well it’s fine I’m sure you might change your mind when she brings them.”

  Finn had never seen his brother look so out of sorts and was finding it mildly amusing. He looked over at Willow who was silently asking him what was going on.

  What was going on indeed. He was sure he going to find out what was going on between his big brother and his assistant.

  Want to know when my next book is out? Join my mailing list here:


  My other books in The Harrington’s book series:

  Carly Hansen’s professional life as a well sought after wedding planner was going from strength to strength, however the same couldn’t be said for her personal life. Her ex-boyfriend of 8 years was now marrying her cousin after a whirlwind 3 month romance and she was expected to attend and wish the happy couple a long and happy marriage; the marriage she was supposed to be having

  Marcus Harrington has just been voted America’s Most Eligible Bachelor which is more to do with his family’s company joining the top five richest companies in the USA than actually being ‘eligible’. He has a company to run and the last thing he needs is a gold digger getting her claws into him. No he’s sworn off dating until he loses the overly publicized title or the line of women looking for a husband.

  If only fate had different ideas for both of them.

  Get your copy here.

  MacKenzie Shaw has been reading romance books since borrowing her mums Mills and Boons books as a teenager so it was no wonder she started writing her own romance books.

  She lives in a small town in the UK with her family and their dog.

  This is her second published book and would love to hear your feedback, so please get in touch!

  You can contact her through her website:







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