Nicole the Beach Fairy

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Nicole the Beach Fairy Page 1

by Daisy Meadows

  The Earth Fairies must be dreaming

  If they think they can escape my scheming.

  My goblins are by far the greenest,

  And I am definitely the meanest.

  Seven fairies out to save the earth?

  This very idea fills me with mirth!

  I’m sure the world has had enough

  Of fairy magic and all that stuff.

  So I’m going to steal the fairies’ wands

  And send them into human lands.

  The fairies will think all is lost,

  Defeated again — by me, Jack Frost!


  Title Page




  Time for Action

  Meet the Earth Fairies!

  The Goblins Go Green!

  Seagull in Distress

  Goblin with a Wand

  A Little Human Magic!



  “Isn’t it wonderful to be back on Rainspell Island again, Rachel?” Kirsty Tate said happily, gazing out over the shimmering blue-green sea. “It hasn’t changed a bit!”

  Rachel Walker, Kirsty’s best friend, nodded. “Rainspell is still as beautiful as ever,” she replied as the two girls followed the rocky path down to the beach. “This is one of the most special places in the whole world!”

  The Tates and the Walkers were spending school break on Rainspell Island. Even though it was fall, the sky was a clear blue and the sun was shining brightly, so it felt more like summer. Kirsty and Rachel couldn’t wait to get to the beach and dip their toes in the ocean.

  “You’re right, Rachel,” Kirsty agreed, her eyes twinkling. “After all, this is where we first became friends!”

  “And we found lots of other amazing friends here, too, didn’t we?” Rachel laughed.

  Kirsty and Rachel shared a magical secret. During their first visit to Rainspell Island, they’d met the Rainbow Fairies, who had been cast out of Fairyland by Jack Frost’s wicked spell. Since then, the girls had gotten to know many of the other fairies. Their tiny, magical friends asked Rachel and Kirsty for help whenever Jack Frost and his goblins were causing trouble.

  “This is gorgeous!” Kirsty said as they finally reached the beach.

  The golden sand seemed to stretch for miles into the distance. Seagulls soared in the sky, and Kirsty could smell the fresh, salty sea air. “Should we explore the rock pools?” she suggested.

  But Rachel didn’t reply. She was looking down the beach, her face clouded with dismay.

  “Haven’t you noticed the litter, Kirsty?” she asked, pointing ahead of them.

  Kirsty stared at the golden sand more closely. To her horror, down near the water’s edge, she could see some plastic bags blowing around in the breeze. There were also some soda cans and empty water bottles floating in the ocean.

  “Oh, Rachel, this is awful!” Kirsty exclaimed. “I don’t remember seeing any litter last time we were here.”

  Rachel frowned. “We’ve been learning about the environment and being green at school,” she told Kirsty. “And our teacher says that plastic is one of the most dangerous things for sea creatures, because it can kill them if they swallow it or get tangled up in it.”

  Kirsty shaded her eyes and looked farther down the beach. She could see even more litter strewn across the sand.

  “Rachel, we have to do something about this.” Kirsty had a determined look on her face. “Rainspell Island is beautiful, and we have to keep it that way. We’ll need help, though — and I know just where we can get it!”

  Rachel’s face lit up. “Fairyland!” she burst out excitedly.

  Kirsty nodded. Quickly, the girls opened the magical lockets they wore around their necks. They each took out a pinch of fairy dust.

  Rachel and Kirsty sprinkled the dust over themselves, and instantly they were surrounded by a mist of rainbow-colored sparkles that lifted them off their feet. The two girls spun through the air, shrinking down to fairy-size.

  A few seconds later, Kirsty and Rachel tumbled gently onto the emerald lawn outside the pink and white Fairyland Palace. To the girls’ delight, they saw that the king and queen of Fairyland and their frog footman, Bertram, were already waiting for them.

  “Hello, girls,” Queen Titania called with a welcoming smile. “We knew that you were on your way!”

  “Sorry to turn up so unexpectedly, Your Majesties,” Rachel said.

  “But this time we need your help!” Kirsty added.

  “You’re always welcome in Fairyland, girls,” Queen Titania replied with a sweet smile. “You are our dearest friends!”

  “Now, how can we help you?” asked King Oberon.

  Rachel took a deep breath. “Well, it’s about Rainspell Island,” she began.

  Quickly, Rachel explained how she and Kirsty had found lots of litter on the beach.

  “And it’s not just Rainspell Island,” Kirsty added. “The whole human world needs help with the environment.”

  The king and queen looked dismayed.

  “We’ve heard about these problems,” King Oberon said with a sigh. “But even though we’d like to help, our magic isn’t powerful enough to fix them all.”

  Queen Titania whispered something in the king’s ear, and the two of them talked for a moment in low voices. Then the queen turned to Rachel and Kirsty.

  “Girls, we have a plan!” she announced. “Today is the Fairyland Wand Ceremony — and you’re invited to join us.” She turned to Bertram. “Please tell the seven fairies currently in training to meet us immediately by the Seeing Pool.”

  As Bertram hopped away, Kirsty turned to Rachel.

  “The Fairyland Wand Ceremony?” Kirsty whispered, looking very curious. “I wonder what that is?”

  Rachel and Kirsty followed the king and queen through the beautiful palace gardens, winding their way between the colorful flowerbeds.

  “You’re going to meet our seven fairies-in-training,” King Oberon explained. “They’re at the end of their course in fairy magic, but they haven’t taken their final exam yet.”

  As they got closer to the Seeing Pool, Kirsty and Rachel saw seven pretty fairies waiting for them.

  “Look, this must be Rachel and Kirsty!” one of the fairies cried, and all seven of them twirled up into the air.

  “Hello! Hello!” they called excitedly as they fluttered around the girls.

  “Rachel and Kirsty, meet Nicole, Isabella, Edie, Coral, Lily, Milly, and Carrie,” the queen announced. Then she beckoned to the fairies, who landed beside her. “Listen carefully,” the queen went on, looking around at them. “The king and I have decided that, just for a trial period, you seven fairies will be given a very special task.”

  “You’re going to become the Earth Fairies!” King Oberon explained. “You’ll be helping Rachel and Kirsty clean up the environment in the human world.”

  All the fairies gasped, clapping their hands with delight. Rachel and Kirsty glanced excitedly at each other.

  “If this is successful, then you’ll keep your titles as the Earth Fairies,” Queen Titania added. “Bertram — the wands, please.”

  Bertram hopped forward, carrying a tray holding seven glittering wands. But Rachel and Kirsty could see that the wands weren’t quite as sparkly as all the others they’d seen before.

  “The wands won’t be full of magic until the fairies pass their final exam,” the king told the girls when he noticed them staring at the tray.

  The queen reached for the first wand. “The Seeing Pool will match each fairy to her special assignment,” she said with a smile. Then she touched the wand to the smooth, glassy surface of the Seeing Pool.

tiny ripples began to spread across the water. The ripples grew bigger and bigger until a picture appeared.

  “It’s the beach at Rainspell Island!” Kirsty exclaimed.

  The queen turned to the first fairy, who was peering into the Seeing Pool. She had blond hair tied in a ponytail, and she wore a red T-shirt, a pink and orange skirt decorated with shells, and flip-flops.

  “Nicole, you are the Beach Fairy!” the queen declared, replacing the wand on the tray.

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” Nicole replied with a big smile.

  One by one, the queen touched the remaining wands to the Seeing Pool, calling out each fairy’s special task as she did.

  “Air for Isabella, Garden for Edie, Reef for Coral, Rain Forest for Lily, River for Milly, and Snow Cap for Carrie.”

  The fairies looked very excited now.

  “The Earth Fairies won’t be able to cure the environmental problems in the human world,” Queen Titania explained, “since that is the responsibility of all creatures on the earth, especially humans.” She smiled at Rachel and Kirsty. “But they’ll help as much as they can.”

  “That’s fantastic!” Rachel said, thrilled, and Kirsty nodded eagerly.

  The king stepped forward.

  “It’s time for the Fairyland Wand Ceremony,” he proclaimed. “Each fairy will now be presented with her wand —”

  Suddenly, a gust of icy wind swept through the palace gardens, chilling everyone to the bone. Rachel and Kirsty yelped as they spotted a tall, thin figure zipping straight toward them, riding on the frosty blast. He was surrounded by seven cackling green goblins.

  “Oh, no!” Rachel cried. “It’s Jack Frost!”

  Jack Frost zoomed down to the ground with a cold sneer on his face. He snapped his icy fingers. Immediately, the goblins rushed over to Bertram. The frog footman tried to shield the tray from them, but it was no use. The goblins circled him and grabbed the Earth Fairies’ wands with hoots of glee.

  “Stop that!” the king shouted.

  Jack Frost ignored him. Instead, he pointed his own wand at the goblins and sent an ice bolt shooting toward them. The next second, the goblins and the wands vanished in a flurry of snowflakes.

  Spinning around, Jack Frost aimed another ice bolt at the Seeing Pool. It shot into the water with a splash, freezing the whole pool on contact.

  Jack Frost burst out laughing. “That’s better!” he yelled triumphantly. “Earth Fairies? There are too many fairies buzzing around here already! The world doesn’t need any more do-gooders —”

  “We’re just trying to be green,” Kirsty spoke up bravely.

  “Green?” Jack Frost snorted in disgust. “Being green isn’t that hard — goblins do it without even thinking!”

  “Kirsty means that we’re trying to help the human world become a cleaner and better place to live,” the king said sternly. “This has nothing to do with you, Jack Frost. Please give the wands back immediately.”

  Smirking, Jack Frost put his hands on his hips. “Oh, but I want to help the human world as much as you do,” he sneered. “And I know that each fairy wand will lead the goblins to the Earth Fairies’ special places.” He chuckled. “I’m sure my goblins will give a whole new meaning to the phrase being green!”

  Before anyone could speak, Jack Frost was gone, soaring away on another frosty blast.

  “Oh, no!” Rachel said, looking upset. “Jack Frost and his goblins are going to make things even worse for the environment!”

  “Rachel’s right,” Queen Titania said anxiously. “We simply can’t have the goblins running around the human world with fairy wands! No one can ever find out about Fairyland.”

  “And we want our wands back!” Nicole added, looking annoyed. The other fairies murmured in agreement.

  “We all have to work together,” Kirsty suggested. “We can look for the wands and help the environment at the same time.”

  The seven fairies nodded eagerly.

  “Remember, Earth Fairies, your magic will be limited because you’re still in training,” the king reminded them. “But your wands will give you a magical boost if you can get them back from the goblins.”

  “The goblin with my wand will be at the beach on Rainspell Island, because that was my assignment,” Nicole said. “Let’s go there right away!” She linked hands with Rachel and Kirsty.

  “Good luck!” the other fairies cried.

  The queen lifted her wand. A shower of dazzling fairy dust surrounded Rachel, Kirsty, and Nicole for a moment before it swept them away.

  As the mist of glittering sparkles cleared, the girls landed on the Rainspell Island beach. They were human-size again!

  “We’d better find the goblin as fast as we can,” said Nicole, who was hovering above them. “He must be on the beach somewhere.”

  “Let’s start walking,” Kirsty suggested. “There’s a lot of ground to cover!”

  As they headed down the golden stretch of sand, Nicole noticed the bits of litter strewn around the beach. Her eyes grew wide.

  “Girls, I see what you mean!” she exclaimed as Kirsty bent to pick up an empty soda can.

  “Let’s collect as much litter as we can,” Rachel suggested, scooping up a plastic bottle.

  Nicole and the girls moved down the beach, searching for the goblin. But before long, Rachel and Kirsty both had too much litter to carry, and there were no garbage or recycling bins anywhere.

  “I don’t have much magic without my wand, but I should be able to help,” Nicole said. She snapped her fingers and a tiny shower of sparkles burst around the girls. The next moment, two glittery bags appeared at Rachel’s and Kirsty’s feet, one for recycling and one for trash.

  “Thanks, Nicole,” Kirsty said gratefully. She and Rachel put the litter they’d collected into the bags and continued along the beach. The fairy flew next to them, swooping down to pick up candy wrappers.

  A few minutes later, the girls spotted a family sitting on the beach ahead of them. A mom, a dad, a little girl, and her younger brother were having a picnic. Nicole immediately ducked out of sight behind Kirsty’s hair.

  As Rachel and Kirsty passed by, the little girl and her brother jumped to their feet and ran over to them.

  “What are you doing?” the little girl asked shyly.

  “We’re trying to clean up the beach,” Rachel explained with a smile.

  “Don’t you think it would look nicer without all this garbage lying around?” Kirsty asked.

  The boy and girl nodded.

  “We can help!” they cried excitedly. They ran over to their parents and came back with their hands full of sandwich bags and empty drink cartons. Rachel opened the sacks, and they dropped the garbage inside.

  “If everyone did that, the beach would be cleaned up in no time!” Kirsty said with a laugh.

  “We’ll always clean up after our picnics from now on,” the little girl promised solemnly.

  “Let’s go and tell Mom and Dad,” the boy said eagerly, and they ran off.

  Rachel and Kirsty grinned.

  “Good job, girls!” Nicole whispered, flitting out to sit on Kirsty’s shoulder. “You’re already getting people to think about cleaning up after themselves!”

  The girls walked on, filling their bags as they went. Suddenly, they all jumped as they heard a loud, ear-splitting screech.

  “What was that?” Kirsty asked.

  “Look!” Rachel gasped, pointing to the water’s edge.

  A large white seagull was flapping around on the sand. He had a plastic bag tangled around his feet, and he was tearing at it with his yellow beak, trying to get free.

  “Quick, girls!” Nicole said as the seagull screeched again in panic. “We have to help him.”

  Rachel and Kirsty dashed over to the seagull, with Nicole zooming alongside them.

  “Hello!” Nicole called, fluttering down to hover near the frightened bird. “I’m Nicole, and these are my friends Rachel and Kirsty. Don’t worry, they’ll set you free!” />
  “That’s awfully nice of you,” the seagull panted as the girls kneeled down on the sand beside him. He stopped flapping his wings and sat quietly while Rachel and Kirsty gently untangled the plastic bag.

  “There you go!” Rachel said as they finally freed him. The seagull gave a screech of relief and hopped happily around the sand. Meanwhile, Kirsty shoved the plastic bag in with the rest of the recycling.

  “Thank you,” the seagull said. “My name is Screech, if you haven’t already guessed!”

  Rachel, Kirsty, and Nicole laughed.

  “Pleased to meet you, Screech,” they all said.

  “Isn’t this garbage awful?” Screech complained, looking around the beach. “I’m not the only sea creature who’s getting tangled up in it, you know. Lots of other birds and animals are suffering, too. And not just on this beach, but on other beaches around the mainland.”

  Nicole’s eyes opened wide.

  “So that’s what my special assignment is really about!” she exclaimed. “When I get my wand back, I’m going to help clean up all beaches.”

  “Look how much garbage we’ve collected already!” Kirsty said to Screech, showing him her recycling bag.

  “Can I help?” Screech asked eagerly.

  Before Kirsty could reply, there was a flapping of wings overhead. The girls glanced up and saw another seagull swooping down toward them.


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