A Sacred Pact

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A Sacred Pact Page 10

by Michael Todd

  “Not to worry. Everything is in order.”

  Angie laughed at him. “Please. You think I don’t know you went there to catch a glimpse of tatas?”

  Juntto snarled his lip. “Come to find out, women don’t like it when you stop them on the street, hand them beads, and stare. I was slapped three times.”

  Angie giggled, putting the DS in her bag. “That’s what you get. You should be glad none of them gave you a black eye. Can you believe, not long ago you would have thrown one of them over your shoulder, or maybe over the side of a mountain? You have come so far.”

  Juntto leaned in and kissed Angie. “And all because of you. Are you sad to leave New York?”

  “Not really. I love the people here, but I’d like to see everyone again. I also heard that Timothy is demon-free now. I am curious to see how that has changed things for him.”

  Juntto nodded. “I am anxious to see how Brock and the rest of his team are doing. I heard they took quite a beating from a mysterious monster. I will ask them the details of this creature. I have been here long enough that I may recognize who it was.”

  Angie’s face went serious. “Yeah, Katie is really pissed about it. She didn’t say much on the phone, but I’m curious to hear everything when we get there. It’s not often that our guys go down that hard, not to mention the demons they lost in the process.”

  Juntto shrugged. “I did not know you could lose your demon and stay alive, unless you were exorcised.”

  Angie chuckled and Juntto raised his eyebrows at her. She straightened her face. “Sorry, it’s just so weird to see Channing Tatum’s face and hear your accent. Totally throws me off, but I like it.”

  Juntto laughed, kissing her again. Just then the plane began its descent, and the two stared out the window until the wheels of the plane hit the runway. It was the first flight Angie had taken where she wasn’t afraid. Then again, she had a man who could just jump out of a plane with her and land safely below. How could she be afraid of flying when she had Juntto?

  When the plane came to a stop, Juntto and Angie walked down the steps with their bags on their shoulders. Angie kissed Juntto on the cheek. “I’m going to go find everyone and see what’s up.”

  Juntto took a step with her but stopped. “I’d like to go the med bay and check with the doctor. I want to make sure everything is on the up and up.”

  Angie nodded and kissed his cheek. She headed into the main building and strolled down the hall, then poked her head around the corner into the living room. Stephanie, Katie, and Timothy were crowded onto the couch, talking excitedly to Sofia. Katie looked up and smiled excitedly. “Hey, girl! I didn’t realize you were going to be here so fast.”

  Angie skipped into the room and kissed Timothy on the cheek. “We were ready early, so we headed on over. What are you guys doing?”

  Timothy patted the seat next to him. “Talking about the wedding!”

  Angie clapped her hands. “That’s right! Congratulations! Do you know what you want your dress to look like?”

  Sofia gave her an “of course” smile. “Something tight and strapless that flairs out at the bottom.”

  Angie cooed as Timothy showed her a picture. “You would look fabulous in that. My boobs would fall right out.”

  Sofia giggled. “That’s why you tape those suckers down.”

  They talked about the cake, the music, and all the details. Angie shook her head at all the excitement. “So much to do. When are you thinking? Next year?”

  Sofia looked at Angie and grinned. “Actually, that was what I wanted to talk to you all about. We want to do it at the end of next week.”

  Everyone freaked out. Timothy put his hand to his head and pretended to faint. Sofia laughed and folded her hands in her lap. “The thing is, I feel like Calvin and I have spent enough time waiting for each other. I could have lost him on this last run, but he survived it and was given a second chance at a normal life. I don’t think there is any more time to lose.”

  Stephanie giggled excitedly. “I don’t blame you. You never know what tomorrow will bring.”

  Sofia pointed at her. “Exactly. We are ready to start living our lives together.”


  Juntto walked into the med bay, slowing down as he rounded the corner. Doctor Ozu looked up from his desk and tilted his head to the side. “Channing Tatum?”

  Juntto looked down at himself and chuckled, morphing his body into a smaller version of the blue frost giant. “Sorry. I get less attention when I don’t walk around like this.”

  The doctor laughed. “I was utterly confused for a moment, Juntto. You look healthy. How are you feeling?”

  Juntto sat down on the other side of his desk. “I feel good—really good. Things are different. I seem to get more powerful the more people I save. Positivity really gets me going.”

  Doctor Ozu closed the file in front of him. “You could start a business as a motivational speaker.”

  Juntto shook his head. “Don’t like crowds much, especially the ones who stare at me.”

  “Me either. What can I do for you? I am assuming you came to see the guys.”

  “I did, but I wanted to stop by and thank you for taking care of me. I never got a chance to say that after waking up.”

  Ozu took a deep breath. “Of course. You were one of the most interesting patients I have ever had. I will be right here, or somewhere close, if you ever need me again.”

  Juntto chuckled. “I hope that’s not necessary. As nice as the nap was, I don’t think I want to go back into that freezer again. Hopefully, life starts to settle down a bit.”

  Ozu clapped his hands together. “I hope for that too. And I don’t blame you; it was a bit chilly in there. It’s actually funny that you stopped by at this moment.”

  “Why is that?”

  Ozu pulled out a sheet of paper and glanced down at it. “Well, General Brushwood contacted me a few days ago. He has asked me to fabricate some experimental weapons for you. Of course, I would be using Joshua as my main man.”

  Juntto pumped his fist. “That is amazing news. When I am full-sized, I struggle when I use anything but my fists. I usually get torn up because I have to be close to be effective. A ranged weapon is what I need. It will be nice to fight without demons clawing my legs. Little bastards hurt.”

  “I imagine that would be uncomfortable. We are doing our best to accommodate you and the general. Just remember, weapons don’t solve everything. There will still be times you have to throw your body into it.”

  Juntto smirked. “Oh, I know, and maybe I’ll actually look forward to those times again.”

  Ozu stood up. “Let me get you in to see the boys. They are all in one room right now so they can have some time together, but we’re trying to limit their visitors. They need their rest.”

  The doctor led him to a room down the hall and opened the door for Juntto. Dr. Ozu didn’t go in. He knew the guys had more than enough to keep them busy. As soon as Juntto entered the room the guys cheered, happy to see him alive and well.

  Juntto looked at Eddie, Turner, and Sean in the beds and Brock in a wheelchair and shook his head. “Should have known you would be over here taking a nice vacation while the rest of us did the real work.”

  Brock pulled himself up and grabbed some crutches. “Good to see you’re still an asshole.”

  Juntto slapped hands with Brock and laughed. “I wouldn’t have to be if you guys were still around. You fill up the asshole ticket fast.”

  Turner smirked. “You out there landing all the women and kicking demon ass?”

  “Not this Leviathan. Kicking demon ass, yes, but I am a one-woman Leviathan now.”

  Eddie booed, and Sean laughed at Juntto. “Angie’s got you all kinds of twisted up, doesn’t she?”

  Juntto shrugged. “What are you gonna do? She’s hot, she puts up with my bullshit, and she plays Destiny better than half the guys online.”

  Eddie sighed. “Dreamgirl status right there.”

  Brock nodded at Juntto’s bag. “You just get here from New York or from a fight?”

  Juntto dropped his bag to the floor and sat down in one of the chairs. “Both, actually. I went out on an assignment for the general, then grabbed Angie and headed over here. We were in New Orleans.”

  Eddie shook his head. “Dude, did you go to Bourbon Street and get any fucking amazing food?”

  Juntto smiled. “Yeah, I did. I thought there would be a side of tits with my gumbo, but apparently, that’s only during Mardi Gras. I settled for the food and the coffee.”

  Sean wrinkled his nose. “Coffee? What about whiskey? It’s New Orleans and you drank coffee? What are you, an old man now?”

  Juntto frowned. “I was on assignment. I didn’t have time to properly drink and fight all the demons in the city.”

  Eddie put his hands behind his head. “I remember my first time at Mardi Gras. There were beads, boobs, and beer all over the fucking place. We were dancing in the streets, drinking everything and anything, and having a fucking blast. One day I’m gonna go back.”

  Turner snickered. “Yeah, ‘cause it’s the only place he gets to touch titties without getting slapped into next week.”

  Eddie sneered at Turner. “Very funny. Better than that chick you took home from the Halloween Party last year. We all thought she was in costume, but it turned out she was just that fucking ugly.”

  Turner shrugged innocently. “Hey, sometimes you just gotta get it done. She was willing and I was able.”

  Juntto leaned back and bellowed with laughter. He pointed a blue finger at Brock. “How about you? You are up and around. Women love scars and war-wounds. I should know.”

  Brock looked up but Turner chimed in first. “Nah. This guy done been snatched up by the queen bee herself, Miss Katie. She must have something special, because boyfriend here is whipped.”

  Brock rolled his eyes. “Not whipped. I just like her.”

  Juntto nodded. “There is no shame in that. I get it. Ignore these douchebags.” He pointed at Eddie. “Especially him.”

  Eddie shrugged. “What did I do?”

  “This is a true warrior! You would be lucky to snag his leftovers.”

  Sean cackled. “Eddie would be grateful for sloppy seconds.”

  Juntto was giving them a hard time, but it was seriously boosting their morale. Being stuck in bed without demons to help them heal had taken a real toll on them. They had all thought about what life would be like without their demons, and Juntto’s visit was a welcome distraction.

  Brock cleared his throat. “You were in New Orleans, so are you working for the general now?”

  Juntto leaned forward and pressed his hands together. “That is one of the reasons I’m here. I’m going to be out there fighting in the field until you guys either come back or another task force is deployed. I have been fighting all my life, but you have been fighting demons for a long time. If I am to take over your duties, I would like any advice that you can offer.”

  The reality of the situation was that Juntto didn’t need their advice in the slightest. He had been fighting for centuries and had taken on creatures that would give these men nightmares, but he knew it would make the guys feel better if they were in the loop. He wasn’t going to hold back from them. Who knew, maybe something they said would help him.

  Turner put his hand up. “Stay away from the claws as best you can. That shit hurts.”

  “Oh, that’s a big one. Very important. You should write that down.” Sean grinned at Turner, who flipped him the bird.

  Eddie offered, “Always clear out the little demons before going for the big guy. Otherwise, they will nag you to death. Little bitch claws take your attention off the giant swinging fists.”

  “That’s good. Yes. Kill little bitch demons.”


  “Okay, okay, that’s great advice. Anything else?”

  Sean cleared his throat. “Yeah. If you got a weapon, get good with it. Shoot them in the head first to save bullets. Shooting them in the body doesn’t do much good unless you explode the heart. Easier to go for a headshot.”

  “I am still waiting for Juntto-sized weapons, but I will take your suggestions to heart.”

  The room went quiet for a moment and Turner looked up from his lap. “Any word on the bitch who did this?”

  Juntto shrugged. “I don’t know. I just got off the plane and came right here.”

  “She was something else. Like no demon I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen some shit.” Eddie let out a deep breath and relaxed back on his bed.

  Turner shook his head, letting out a deep sigh. “I sure as fuck hope that the sword Brock stuck in that spider bitch’s belly did her in. Hopefully, she shriveled up in a corner somewhere and died.”

  Juntto perked up. The term spider bitch struck him for some reason. It sounded very familiar.

  Korbin looked down at the map in the soldier’s hand. They were walking along a perimeter and discussing the line for the new reinforced fence.

  The soldier gave him the current status. “We’ll start here at the back and work ourselves around. We are hoping to have the back and right side done in one week, then the other two sides done in another week. Two weeks will also give us time to get that barbed wire top finished. Joshua is working on it, but he had to come up with a machine to wind it like thread. He’s a smart cookie.”

  Korbin chuckled. “That he is. That all sounds good. I just wanted to do a last-minute check before I leave.”

  The soldier smiled. “I know it’s hard for you to leave this unfinished.”

  Korbin took a deep breath. “It is. It’s really hard, but I have to trust that my team will complete the base security while I’m gone. Of course, you know how to contact me if you have any questions.”

  The soldier folded the map. “We do, but all that’s left is the fence. That, and a few new guns we are mounting on the towers. The rebuild after the latest attack set us back a couple of weeks, but we’re moving full steam ahead, now. There shouldn’t be any problems. Besides, your boss lady will be here to help.”

  “That’s right,” Stephanie said, walking up behind them.

  Korbin kissed her on the forehead. Stephanie looked at the folded map. “Going over the plans one last time?”

  The soldier patted Korbin on the shoulder. “I’m gonna go get the men in gear. Let me know if there is anything else you need before you go.”

  Korbin nodded. “Will do.”

  Stephanie narrowed her eyes. “Go? Where you going? You didn’t finally decide to run off with some Damned yoga instructor, did you?”

  Korbin laughed and pulled his wife close. “I got all the limber Damned I could ever want right here in my arms.”

  Stephanie kissed him but pressed him for answers. “So? Where you going?”

  Korbin put his hands in his pockets. “The general called me the other day.”

  “Really? And what did he want?”

  Korbin looked toward the horizon. “He offered me a gig. He wants me to go around to different cities, starting in Romania, and help to fortify them. Set up protections, weapons, fences, and anything else they need. They have to be able to hunker down and fight on their own when the mercs can’t be there. We have to start protecting people, you know? There are ten times more demons than fighters.”

  Stephanie groaned. “Don’t remind me. Those things multiply every time there’s a new incursion. This last one with the lava was brutal, or so I’ve heard from the guys. I can’t even imagine what that must have been like.”

  Korbin turned back to Stephanie. “I know, and that’s why we need to get this done. We need these places to be strongholds. I mean, cities all over the world. We can’t have the rest of the world falling to demon control. There are a lot of lives left to protect.”

  Stephanie rubbed her hands on Korbin’s arms. “And I think you are the perfect man to do it. You have the know-how and the training, and you can fight if you need to. I kno
w it’s something that you have been wanting to do for a long time. I’m glad the general was smart enough to call on you. Will you have a team?”

  “It will probably be military. I didn’t get all the details, but I know I can’t do it alone. I was actually thinking about asking Calvin if he wanted to go with me when he is well enough.”

  Stephanie tilted her head to the side and giggled. “You might have to pry him out of Sofia’s hands. She is chomping at the bit to start a real life with him. They are getting married, then they are gonna relax and enjoy each other. You know, just like we used to do once upon a time.”

  Korbin smiled. “That we did. We will get back to that point again, trust me. Right now, we just gotta get this war under control.”

  Stephanie pursed her lips. “Maybe you could ask Timothy. It would probably be a good idea to have someone there who is tech savvy. I know he could probably use some time out of the dungeon.”

  Korbin thought about it for a second. “What about the comm center?”

  Stephanie shrugged lightly. “I know how to work the basics and all of the protections. There’s no reason he couldn’t go with you. Besides, I want to make sure someone is keeping an eye on you.”

  Korbin laughed. “So you send the guy who has more scarves than I have socks? His hat collection takes up two closets.”

  Stephanie nodded. “That’s true, but he is also fiercely loyal, and very brave when he needs to be.”

  “You know what? You’re right. Maybe I’ll ask him to go along. Lord knows I could use help with all the tech stuff.”

  “When are you guys going to be leaving?”

  “After the wedding. Calvin would kill me if I left before then.”

  Stephanie giggled. “Timothy would kill you. He has a lot invested in this wedding. He is like bridezilla and he’s not even the one getting married. God help us all if he ever does. He will drive us all crazy.”

  Korbin laughed. “Then definitely after the wedding. Maybe even two days after, to let him come down off his high. I’ll see what the general needs us to do.”


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