Jungle Fever

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by Lexy Timms

  Jungle Fever

  Shifting Desires Series

  Lexy Timms

  Published by Dark Shadow Publishing, 2018.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. May 7, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 Lexy Timms.

  Written by Lexy Timms.

  Also by Lexy Timms

  A Chance at Forever Series

  Forever Perfect

  Forever Desired

  Forever Together

  BBW Romance Series

  Capturing Her Beauty

  Pursuing Her Dreams

  Tracing Her Curves

  Beating the Biker Series

  Making Her His

  Making the Break

  Making of Them

  Billionaire Holiday Romance Series

  Driving Home for Christmas

  The Valentine Getaway

  Cruising Love

  Billionaire in Disguise Series




  Billionaire Secrets Series

  The Secret



  Trust (Coming Soon)

  Building Billions

  Building Billions - Part 1

  Building Billions - Part 2

  Building Billions - Part 3

  Conquering Warrior Series


  Diamond in the Rough Anthology

  Billionaire Rock

  Billionaire Rock - part 2

  Dominating PA Series

  Her Personal Assistant - Part 1

  Her Personal Assistant Box Set

  Fake Billionaire Series

  Faking It

  Temporary CEO

  Caught in the Act

  Never Tell A Lie

  Fake Christmas

  Firehouse Romance Series

  Caught in Flames

  Burning With Desire

  Craving the Heat

  Firehouse Romance Complete Collection

  Fortune Riders MC Series

  Billionaire Biker

  Billionaire Ransom

  Billionaire Misery

  Fragile Series

  Fragile Touch

  Fragile Kiss

  Fragile Love

  Hades' Spawn Motorcycle Club

  One You Can't Forget

  One That Got Away

  One That Came Back

  One You Never Leave

  One Christmas Night

  Hades' Spawn MC Complete Series

  Hard Rocked Series


  Heart of Stone Series

  The Protector

  The Guardian

  The Warrior

  Heart of the Battle Series

  Celtic Viking

  Celtic Rune

  Celtic Mann

  Heart of the Battle Series Box Set

  Heistdom Series

  Master Thief

  Just About Series

  About Love

  About Truth

  About Forever

  Justice Series

  Seeking Justice

  Finding Justice

  Chasing Justice

  Pursuing Justice

  Justice - Complete Series

  Love You Series

  Love Life

  Need Love

  My Love

  Managing the Bosses Series

  The Boss

  The Boss Too

  Who's the Boss Now

  Love the Boss

  I Do the Boss

  Wife to the Boss

  Employed by the Boss

  Brother to the Boss

  Senior Advisor to the Boss

  Forever the Boss

  Christmas With the Boss

  Gift for the Boss - Novella 3.5

  Model Mayhem Series

  Shameless (Coming Soon)

  Moment in Time

  Highlander's Bride

  Victorian Bride

  Modern Day Bride

  A Royal Bride

  Forever the Bride

  Outside the Octagon


  Reverse Harem Series




  RIP Series

  Track the Ripper

  Hunt the Ripper

  Pursue the Ripper

  R&S Rich and Single Series

  Alex Reid


  Saving Forever

  Saving Forever - Part 1

  Saving Forever - Part 2

  Saving Forever - Part 3

  Saving Forever - Part 4

  Saving Forever - Part 5

  Saving Forever - Part 6

  Saving Forever Part 7

  Saving Forever - Part 8

  Saving Forever Boxset Books #1-3

  Shifting Desires Series

  Jungle Heat

  Jungle Fever

  Southern Romance Series

  Little Love Affair

  Siege of the Heart

  Freedom Forever

  Soldier's Fortune

  Tattooist Series

  Confession of a Tattooist

  Surrender of a Tattooist

  Heart of a Tattooist

  Hopes & Dreams of a Tattooist

  Tennessee Romance

  Whisky Lullaby

  Whisky Melody

  Whisky Harmony

  The Bad Boy Alpha Club

  Battle Lines - Part 1

  Battle Lines

  The Brush Of Love Series

  Every Night

  Every Day

  Every Time

  Every Way

  Every Touch

  The Debt

  The Debt: Part 1 - Damn Horse

  The Debt: Complete Collection

  The University of Gatica Series

  The Recruiting Trip





  No Rush

  University of Gatica - The Complete Series

  T.N.T. Series

  Troubled Nate Thomas - Part 1

  Troubled Nate Thomas - Part 2

  Troubled Nate Thomas - Part 3

  Undercover Series

  Perfect For Me

  Perfect For You

  Perfect For Us

  Unknown Identity Series






  Unknown Identity Box Set: Books #1-3

  Unlucky Series

  Unlucky in Love


  UnLoved Forever

  Wet & Wild Series

  Stormy Love (Coming Soon)



  Loving Charity

  Summer Lovin'

  Love & College

  Billionaire Heart

  First Love

  Frisky and Fun Romance Box Collection

  Managing the Bosses Box Set #1-3


  Shifting Desires Book # 2

  By Lexy Timms

  Copyright 2018

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced
into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  All rights reserved.

  Jungle Fever

  Shifting Desires Book #2

  Copyright 2018 by Lexy Timms

  Cover by: Book Cover by Design

  Shifting Desires Series

  Book 1: Jungle Heat

  Book 2: Jungle Fever

  Book 3: Jungle Blaze

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  Angelica has left South America behind, hoping to also leave behind the bad memories of being kidnapped and her wild flight through the Amazon. What she hasn’t left is the CIA agent who saved her life. But long-distance relationships are complicated, made more so by Taylor’s unique ability to change into the white tiger. Distance seems a good thing as Angelica works out her feelings for both man and beast.

  While Africa is halfway around the world from where she began, Angelica learns that as a doctor in a primitive clinic she is privy to a lot of secrets. Starting with the existence of a tribal group of refugees with the ability to transform into lions. But when the young girls of this tribe go missing, victims of a human trafficking ring dedicated to the enslavement of women with their unique abilities, it’s Taylor who Angelica turns to for help.

  Now the white tiger is firmly back in her life, and Angelica is caught in a race against time to save the lions—before she falls victim herself.


  Shifting Desires Series

  Find Lexy Timms:


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  Jungle Blaze Blurb

  Shifting Desires Series

  Find Lexy Timms:


  More by Lexy Timms:

  Chapter 1


  Angelica spun at the sound, taking note of the gurney making its way toward her with exaggerated slowness. An old woman hobbled down the hallway beside it. Her first thought should have been of the patient. Instead she stood a moment, thankful that the nurses had finally figured out that speed was not of the essence, the way gurneys crashed through doors in American TV shows.

  Her next thought was less charitable. That old woman should be on the gurney, not beside it.

  A quick glance showed that the girl lying so stiff and frightened under a thin white sheet wasn’t a critical case. Still, she hastened to catch up, arriving in the room just behind the medics. She brushed past the old woman, paying her little attention. She had no time for flustered family members until she’d satisfied herself that the patient was going to be okay.

  “What do we have?”

  She listened to the recitation of vitals while doing her own cursory examination of the frightened teenager. The patient couldn’t have been more than thirteen, at most fourteen. She was clenching her jaw and trying not to squirm as Angelica looked in her eyes and listened to her heart.

  “Is she from the refugee camp?” Angelica fired the question into the air, her focus intent on the child. Something about the way the girl was holding herself felt familiar. She was in pain, obviously, but there was something else that niggled in the back of her mind. A memory from somewhere recent...

  “We don’t know, her grandmother’s here, she’s not... how you say... forthcoming on the information. One of the medics took her in because she was in obvious pain.” The nurse spoke carefully, her English hard to follow, flavored by an accent that Angelica hadn’t quite gotten used to yet.

  “What’s wrong, honey?” Angelica asked the girl, hearing the echo of the nurse next to her translating.

  But the child just screwed her eyes up tighter and sobbed.

  Angelica fought to keep her face calm. Impassive. There was some deep bruising on the girl’s arms and legs and when Angelica lifted the girl’s shirt she saw the bruises on her ribs were of the same kind. “Get some pictures on her; both arms, both legs, all her ribs.” Angelica ordered, tasting bile, fighting an urge to throw up that she hadn’t had since medical school. She hated this... hated how women and girls were treated in this part of the world. The refugee camp should have been a safe place.

  Why had she even come here?

  “Yes, doctor.” There had been a hesitation in the answer, something that caused Angelica to look up sharply to stare at her nurse, a young woman with dark skin and even darker eyes that avoided her gaze now.


  “No, Doctor, sorry, I just... she’s in such pain...”

  “I know, but I need to know what we’re dealing with first. Get the x-rays, please.”

  “Yes, Doctor.”

  The nurse spoke rapidly to the orderlies. They wheeled the girl out of the room, shrugging a little. One murmuring something in broken English about doctors who couldn’t make up their minds regarding where they wanted their patients. Something she was meant to hear.

  Angelica fought the urge to snap at them to do their jobs, dammit, and instead snagged the old woman’s arm. “You’re her... grandmother?”

  “No.” The old lady looked in the direction they had taken the girl, her expression carefully neutral. A little too neutral.

  “You can’t go in there. They’re taking her where they can do tests,” Angelica said shortly. “You have to wait here. Now, tell me who you are and who she is.” She wondered if she was going to have to wait for a translator, but she’d been discovering that many of the patients she’d seen in the last few weeks since she’d arrived at this clinic at least understood a fair amount of English, provided she talked slowly and didn’t use words that were too complicated.

  “Don’t know,” the old woman said, shaking her head. “Never saw before. She... in camp. Like me. Saw her hurting, that’s all.”

  “So you know nothing about her?”

  “Just saw she hurting. Not know how help. She can’t make the pain stop. Needs doctor, western medicine to pull her through. She isn’t going to be able to fix it.”

  “What do you mean she can’t fix it? Does she have any training, any medical background?”

  The old woman shook her head and then stopped, remembering herself. She turned the denial in
to an eloquent shrug. “I don’ know. I don’ know her, just met her, she in the refugee camp, too. Like me.”

  “How long has she been like this?”

  “In pain? I don’ know. She in camp, next bed to me, don’ know.”

  “Doctor?” One of the orderlies chose that moment to return, mystified expression stamped upon his broad face. “You need to see this.”

  Angelica looked from him to the old woman, not wanting to leave her, positive that she would disappear the moment her back was turned. “Keep her here,” she said, pointing, as if there were any doubt just who she meant. The old woman was the only one in the tiny exam room besides them. The large young man stepped into the room and took a place near the door. He stood, arms crossed, implacable. He would have made a fine warrior somewhere back in time when young men such as him arrayed themselves in battle gear. Maybe such things still happened. She hadn’t learned as much about Africa as she would have liked to, but when she’d arrived the clinic had been so disorganized and there was so much work to do. The other doctors had a bad tendency to disappear, so learning about her new home in the wilds of Cameroon had taken a back seat to... well... everything.

  Shaking her head, Angelica stepped out to where the other orderly was standing with the gurney, perusing an iPad. The girl’s x-rays were cued up.

  “That was fast.” Angelica said, taking the iPad, thankful that here at least the technology was reasonably up to date. Whoever the new admin was over at Doctor’s International, they were funding things better than they used to. Some days the technology was the only thing that kept her sane. Especially in the light of staff members who weren’t always very professional.

  Case in point: this yahoo who had been the one to mutter those oh-so-flattering words only moments before.

  “She screamed when we moved her around,” the man said. A greenish tinge seemed to hang over him. Despite his obvious lack of respect for authority, he had a tender heart. She knew he’d disliked making the child hurt worse, but it was something that had to be done. You couldn't take an x-ray without having to pose the patient. And Angelica needed to know what was wrong before she could start treatment. She understood the man’s guilt, but they were too busy to stop over a necessary evil. The man looked miserable as he murmured, “We hurried,” and handed her the iPad.


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