Allie's War Season Three

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Allie's War Season Three Page 57

by JC Andrijeski

  The seer's eyes met his as soon as Wreg closed the door.

  "What am I doing here?" Jon said, speaking before he knew he intended to. He gestured angrily with his mutilated hand. "Are you and Revik finished deciding what to do with me? Or are you going to finish the discussion later...when the kid isn't listening, maybe?"

  Wreg didn't hesitate.

  He walked directly up to Jon and grabbed hold of him. He moved fast, with that eerie grace of his, catching hold of him by the arms before Jon had time to writhe away. The seer turned him around with his hands, pulling him up against his broad chest, and Jon found himself gasping, caught off guard...right before he fought him.

  Wreg didn't let him go.

  Worse, they'd sparred enough times by then that he knew ways around what Jon normally used to escape. Before Jon could position his weight, Wreg had his arms locked to his sides, his weight off-balance from where he'd inserted his legs between his, twisting his torso partly sideways with his larger size.

  Once Wreg knew he had him, he just held him there, letting his own body go soft. He started sending light into Jon's aleimi in the same moment, grasping him tighter when Jon once more struggled to get free.

  "You're angry with me, brother," the seer said, after a pause.

  "Let go of me, Wreg." Jon glared back at him. "Now. I'm so totally not in the mood for this...I fucking mean it..."

  "I will. I will let you go...I promise you, brother." Wreg sent more light into his skin, enough that Jon felt his chest fill with heat, in spite of himself. He was fighting to breathe when the seer sent more light into him, enough that Jon's stomach started to hurt, even as he felt himself getting hard. The combination made him so angry he could barely think. "...I want you to talk to me first," Wreg said, his voice lower that time. "And since it doesn't seem to be working the usual way, I intend to try something different..."

  "Different? Yeah, this is fucking different..."

  Jon fought his own reactions, still struggling where the seer held him...closing his eyes as he forced himself to concentrate, to resist what the seer was doing to his light, even as he felt it melting back into Wreg's.

  Biting his tongue until he tasted blood, he glared back at the seer, forcing out words.

  "Are you going to beat me up, if I don't give you the answers you want?" he snapped.

  Wreg slid his free arm around Jon's other side, placing his hand deliberately on Jon's crotch.

  When Jon tensed, Wreg began massaging him through his jeans, using his light even as he tightened his hold on Jon's arms and elbows.

  Jon's eyes closed, longer that time, right before a sharp wave of pain left his light. He fought the heat that rose in his body, but Wreg's weight grew heavier against his, his light more invasive. When the pain worsened, Jon let out a low groan, unable to stop it, and the seer's light slammed his, just before Wreg tightened his hands, letting out a gasp.

  Jon's jaw clenched when the seer massaged him harder, anger mixing with the pain until Wreg groaned against his neck.

  "Fuck off," Jon snapped. "Jesus, Wreg..."

  "You're angry at me," Wreg said again, his voice taut that time, almost breathless. "Why? Are you going to tell me?"

  "You're serious?" Jon said. "You leave me here for a half hour...then trap me like some kind of neanderthal and start to jerk me off...and now you want to have a heart to heart?"

  Wreg gripped him harder, frustration coming through the light of his hands.

  Even so, his mind remained nearly unreachable as he continued to massage Jon. The seer was hard, hard enough that Jon was having trouble feeling anything else...but he could sense it was his own reactions that Wreg continued to watch, his hands bordering on cautious now.

  "You're angry because I looked at your sister?" he said.

  Jon felt his face harden to granite.

  He looked away when Wreg tried to catch his gaze.

  He felt the seer trying to decide if he should ask the question again and Jon shook his head, breaking the silence before he could.

  He softened his voice and tried to open his light enough to let Wreg feel he was telling the truth, but somehow that just brought a harder, more intense flush of pain from the seer's aleimi.

  "I don't like these games," Jon said. Pausing, he fought back his reaction to the change in Wreg's light, looking back at the seer before adding, "I mean it. I don't like it,'s bullshit. If you just wanted someone to push around –– "

  "I'm not interested in pushing you around, brother," Wreg said, his voice carrying a touch of warning. "I want the truth out of you, and I'm tired of hearing from you that you don't give a damn what I do. If you really don't give a damn, then tell me now...tell me so that I believe it, and I'll stop fighting with Nenz about you..."

  Jon turned his head again. Studying Wreg's eyes, he gave him an openly disbelieving look once he realized he was serious.

  "Don't put that shit on me. Whatever your deal is with Revik, it has nothing to do with me..."

  "The hell it doesn't. I've never questioned one of his orders before."

  Jon shook his head. "I never asked for a babysitter..."

  "It is not babysitting, goddamn it. Now tell me why you were angry with me this morning..."

  Jon shook his head, his jaw firm. "You're the one who keeps telling me I have to act like who I really am. Like a commander, not just some human who can't see anything. Yet you insist on treating me like some kind of pet..." He closed his eyes, fighting his own breath when the other massaged him more deliberately. "Goddamn it, Wreg. What do you want from me?"

  "I want you to tell me not to look at your sister," he said. "I want you to tell me not to fuck anyone but you..."

  Jon tensed, feeling that flush of fury hit his light, even more than it had that morning. The intensity of it scared him, more so because he couldn't seem to pull it back. He fought to find words for some of it, to express it...but ended up only shaking his head.

  "Do whatever you want, man," he said, his voice cold. "I'm not going to tell you to do anything, sorry."

  "Why?" Wreg said, his voice openly frustrated.

  "Because I don't generally tell other people what to do. Whether I'm sleeping with them or not..."

  "So you are just going to get angry at me instead, even when it is nothing but some harmless flirting...? Even when I am trying to get you to react?"

  "Harmless flirting," Jon said. "Okay, sure. Thanks for telling me what that was...I'll be sure and let Revik know. I could tell he appreciated it, too..."

  "What if I do fuck someone, will I wake up to you stabbing me in my sleep?"

  Jon gave a disbelieving snort. "In your deluded dreams..."

  "Bullshit," Wreg said, anger reaching his voice. "Stop pretending you're a fucking human about this, Jon...and tell me what you want."

  Jon's jaw hardened.

  He didn't speak, but felt his face tighten, right before another pulse of pain left his light when Wreg continued to massage him.

  He was still trying to decide how to answer when Wreg pushed him down, face first on the table. He released one of his arms early enough that Jon was able to catch his own fall, but then Wreg continued to pin him there, clasping Jon's shoulder in the same hand as reached around and started unhooking Jon's belt. Jon tensed, feeling the war in his own limbs as he tried to decide if he wanted to fight him for real. When the seer continued undressing him though, he gave a low groan, losing control of his light.

  He found himself remembering the night before, what Wreg had done to him when they'd finally gotten back to his room. Even before that, when he'd demanded Jon give him head in that cubicle in the restaurant, his light so far in Jon's that Jon had done it, too, almost without questioning it, even knowing others in the restaurant probably felt him do it.

  His pain hit Wreg in a sharp wave, pausing the seer's breath even as his hands grew almost rough. "Tell me why you were angry. Tell me...since you don't care..."

  "My sister's married, you

  Wreg shook his head again, his voice angry. "No. That's not it."

  "What the hell are you doing with me?" Jon burst out, his voice harsh. "If you want a woman, there are plenty around here. Why are you messing with me? Is it because of her?"

  Wreg gave a low laugh, unhooking his own pants, one-handed. "Gaos di' can't possibly be that young. Do you really think, when you get to be my age, the exact equipment matters all that much...?"

  "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Jon said. He glared back at him, angry, then let out another low gasp when Wreg yanked down his jeans. "Gods, man...seriously. Just tell me what you want. Is this all just some power trip for you? You know I need this right now...that I need you play these fucking games with me...?"

  Pain eclipsed his sight, so intense that Jon stopped breathing, couldn't think through it as his mind halted in its tracks.

  A few more seconds passed before he even realized it was Wreg's...then another dozen before he traced it back to what he'd said. Wreg didn't move for a moment, but only hung there, his weight pinning Jon to the table. Jon fought to think past it, to what he'd felt in the seer in that stretch of silence, but Wreg's hand was on him again when his vision finally cleared, only that time with no clothes between fingers and skin.

  Jon's whole body started to hurt when the seer didn't stop. His skin grew hotter; he was having trouble breathing as his light swam deeper into Wreg's, pulling at it, even as he tried to stop it.

  "Tell me, goddamn it," Wreg said, his voice a near growl. "Do you want me?"

  Jon let out a low sound, almost pleading. Wreg used his light to pull on him harder, long enough to get a denser pulse of pain off his light. He stopped to reach into his jacket pocket, pulling something out and fumbling with it one-handed behind Jon's back. Jon knew what it was even before the seer finished what he'd been doing, tossing the tube of lubricant on the table where Jon could see it.

  His fingers were inside him a moment later, just enough that Jon let out another low cry, his body flushing even hotter. Wreg pressed his weight up against him, pausing when he felt him tense, even as another ribbon of pain cut into Jon's light.

  "Do you want me?" he asked again, gruff, kissing Jon's neck, his mouth at his ear. "Gods, Jon...tell me that much. Do you want me?"

  "Yes," he managed, still gasping.

  He struggled against Wreg's hold, that time trying to reach his hand back to touch the seer's cock. Wreg pushed his fingers and arm aside, pressing against the back of Jon's legs and massaging his erection slower and more deliberately with his still-slick hand, using his light that time.

  "As much as you wanted Dorje?" he murmured against his ear.

  Tears came to Jon's eyes, along with another flush of that more raw, vulnerable pain. He felt Wreg's light react at once, emitting another dense coil of heat even as Jon shook his head, unsure at that point if he was fighting to get further into the other's light or still trying to get away.

  Wreg's hands gripped his arms as a sharper pain left him...different enough from separation pain that Jon realized that the seer thought he'd been answering his question.

  "More," he said, feeling his jaw harden. "I want you more..."

  Pain flooded his light, so much it shocked him.

  Again, it took him a few seconds to move his mind, to recognize the pain as Wreg's. He was already half out of his head by the time he realized the seer was positioning his cock...then Wreg was all the way inside him, groaning against his neck, pinning him to the table. Jon felt that pain abruptly worsen; he started to move back against the seer when Wreg grasped ahold of his waist, his fingers tightening in warning.

  "Careful," he gasped. "I'm extended...I couldn't stop it. Please, let me do it...I don't want to hurt you...let me do it, brother..."

  Jon grew totally still but he was panting, hands splayed on the table. He felt Wreg's pain worsen as he looked at him, until he had to fight to remain where he was.

  "You want me that much, but you don't care if I do this to someone else?" Wreg said. He gripped him harder with his hand, resting his weight on his other palm as he leaned over the table. "You really don't care, Jon?"

  Pain hit at Jon's light, nearly bringing tears to his eyes.

  Wreg arched into him harder, his light turning possessive again, into that desperate pull. " you want to watch me fuck someone else, is that it?" he gasped. "Does the thought of me doing this to one of the others turn you on?"

  "No," Jon said, angry.

  "I'd want to kill anyone who laid a hand on you, Jon..."

  Jon once more felt his mind stutter to a stop.

  The shock didn't lesson as his mind turned over the seer's words, but gradually turned, becoming a more complex array of emotions that flickered over his light, bringing pulses of pain, what might have been guilt.

  Wreg seemed to be watching him fight it, try to suppress it, and eventually lose control over it...even as the seer's own pain worsened. He arched into him deeper. When Jon groaned, he did it again, stroking him harder with his other hand. Jon felt himself building in seconds, until his breathing shifted to labored pants and he was sweating, gripping the table. Wreg arched into him again, holding his light so he wouldn't come.

  "Were you jealous?" he said. "Jon...just tell me."


  "So ask me," he said. "Stop being a coward and just fucking ask me..."

  Jon shook his head, gasping as another flush of pain made it impossible to think.

  He forgot everything when Wreg slid into him deeper. He let out a half-cry when Wreg did it again, and then Jon was clutching the seer's wrist where he supported his weight over the table. Pain sparked off his light once more, bringing a nausea and a longing that Wreg must have seen on his face.

  "Gaos, Jon...I'm asking you. Please tell me..."

  "Don't," Jon managed.

  "Don't what?" Wreg panted.

  "Don't have sex with anyone else," he said. Tears came to his eyes, right before he closed them, arching his back when Wreg eased into him slower. "Stop looking at Allie...please..."

  Wreg clutched his hair, letting out a low sound.

  The seer started moving into him harder in the same set of seconds, aiming each thrust of his body deliberately as he held Jon motionless. Jon felt him losing control over his light the longer it went, until Wreg was half out of his head, fighting to keep from hurting him. Within minutes he was breathing in low groans, rubbing the hard end of his cock carefully against him. He shared his end of the sensation with Jon, using his light, and Jon abruptly lost control, climaxing in hard jerks as the seer watched his face where it lay sideways on the table.

  Wreg didn't last a lot longer.

  He started even before Jon had finished, crying out as he let go, still controlling his body so he wouldn't hit him the wrong way.

  At the end, he half-collapsed on Jon's back, still groaning, and Jon felt the seer's mind that time, a heated emotion that cut his breath, that made the pain worsen in his light. He felt Wreg fighting with his body, too, trying to retract the hard end before he hurt him for real...what Dorje called a 'thorn,' which sounded something like 'hirik' in Prexci.

  When Wreg finally managed it well enough to pull out, the pain worsened. Both of them lay there, with Wreg half on him still, his mouth and tongue on his spine and the back of his neck as he pressed against him.

  Jon couldn't move. He felt like his mind had been crushed in some kind of vise, leaving him barely able to breathe as fought his way back into the room. He felt Wreg struggling for words behind him, right before he sent another pulse of heat over Jon's body.

  "I want an agreement," the seer said, laying his face between his shoulder blades. "Can we do that? Can we make an agreement?"

  There was a few seconds' pause before Jon glanced up, his face still sideways on the table. He looked at the seer longer than that, feeling the part of him that was tired of fighting this, whatever it was. He knew that part was winning
, well enough not to pretend otherwise. After another silence, he began turning himself over, shifting his body under Wreg's, so that he was lying most of the way on his back, his feet resting on the floor.

  Wreg got off him long enough to accommodate the shift, but leaned on him again once he'd readjusted his weight.

  For a moment, Jon just looked at him.

  Then he exhaled, a near sigh.

  "Yeah," he said. A kind of surrender colored his light when he exhaled again. He reached up to finger Wreg's hair out of his face. "Yeah. Okay, man. We'll make one."

  Another pulse of pain left the seer's light, even as his hand slid back between Jon's legs.

  "Tonight?" he said.

  Barely waiting that time, Jon nodded again, closing his eyes against the pain that rose under the seer's hand. "Okay."

  "You asked what I want from you," Wreg said, after another pause.

  Jon nodded. He opened his eyes, feeling strangely calm now.

  "Yeah. I did."

  Wreg met his gaze. "I want you as a mate," he said.

  Jon froze, unblinking as he stared at the older seer.

  For a long moment he just lay there, looking at Wreg, half-waiting for the punchline of what had to be a really bad joke. When Wreg didn't deliver it, the shock changed to something closer to disbelief. Pushing himself up on his elbows, then his palms, Jon stared into the face of the other man, still looking for the subtext, or maybe some kind of deeper meaning behind why he'd said it. Something about the openness of the seer's expression only brought another pulse of pain though, along with a flicker of deeper worry.

  Wreg looked worried now, too.

  "I know it's too soon," he said, his voice abrupt that time. "But you seem to think I'm trying to screw with your head...or that I'm treating this like some kind of game. I'm not. My light knows what it wants from has for a long time now..." He hesitated again, still gauging Jon's eyes. "You should probably know, too...I was married once. It was a long time ago. To a woman. I haven't even thought about it since then, to be honest..."


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