Dare to Hold

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Dare to Hold Page 7

by Carly Phillips

  He turned, his gaze hidden behind really sexy aviators. “I get it. And for the record, I want you to feel like you can ask me anything.” He turned into a long driveway and parked by a two-car garage. He pulled off the sunglasses and left them on the dashboard.

  “Okay … then how do you live here?” she asked, feeling a bit braver but still overwhelmed by the upscale neighborhood.

  “My mother’s parents passed away, and when my grandfather died, he left us kids each a very nice trust fund. For me, it was a way to separate myself from my father’s money.”

  She studied him without interrupting, wanting to understand this enigmatic, complicated man.

  He shut the ignition and twisted to face her. “When I was married, we lived in an apartment in South Beach.”

  “Married?” This was the first she’d heard of it, and she couldn’t believe the uncomfortable twisting in her belly. She had to remind herself that he’d said he had been married. He wasn’t currently. And he’d been understanding of her past, so she could do no less for him.

  He let out a groan. “It was a couple of years ago,” he said, gripping the steering wheel hard. “And in truth, Leah, my ex-wife, was more interested in my family name and status than me. But at the time, I didn’t really care. I thought I loved her, and I wanted her to be happy. What I didn’t realize was that she hated me being a cop and thought I’d eventually give it up because she wanted me to.” He shook his head. “I wouldn’t, and we had many arguments over my hours and my job.”

  Meg let out a relieved breath. Because he’d only thought he’d loved his ex and because he was giving up being a cop now and his ex had nothing to do with why.

  He reached out and toyed with a long strand of her hair. “What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”

  She glanced up at him and smiled. “That’s a secret.” And she wasn’t about to reveal she’d been jealous.

  His frown and the warning in his dark gaze promised retribution of the most sensual kind, and she squirmed in her seat.

  “The house?” she reminded him.

  “Right. Umm, things changed between us, and I decided we needed more space.”

  “Changed how?” Meg asked.

  He grasped her hand and ran his thumb over the pulse point in her wrist. Her sex spasmed, and she swallowed a moan.

  “I want to tell you,” he said. “I just don’t think this is the right time. Can you trust me and will you wait?”

  She drew a deep breath. Now she was even more curious, but if he wanted time, she’d give it to him. “Okay. Yes. I can wait. Can I see the house though?”

  His expression lightened and he nodded. “Let’s go.”

  He opened the garage with a remote on his vehicle and came around to her side of the car, helping her out. He clasped her hand and led her through the garage. They walked directly into a laundry room that doubled as a mudroom, with hooks for jackets and a high-end washer and dryer along the far wall.

  She still used the laundry room in her building, pumping money in to do her clothes, and this setup made her mouth water. Especially since she’d be trudging up and down with a baby in her arms … somehow, anyway. She preferred not to think about the details that were still seven months away and completely overwhelming.

  They stepped into a white ceramic-tiled hallway, passed a powder room, and ended up in a massive great room that led to a backyard with a pool protected by gates surrounding the glistening water, and a gorgeous patio with padded furniture and a stone built-in grill.

  “Scott, this is beautiful.”

  He strode up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, his body hot. “You really like it?”

  What’s not to like, she wondered. “I love it. Really.”

  She spun around, taking in the comfortable furniture, a deep maroon sectional L-shaped couch meant more for comfort than show, a huge table in front of it, and a recliner nearby. A fireplace with a large-screen TV sat in front of the sofa, and the décor was simple and tasteful.

  “Did your ex decorate?” she asked.

  He placed a soft kiss on her neck, causing her to shiver. “No. I didn’t move in until after the divorce.”

  Her breath left her in a rush. That mattered, she realized, although she wasn’t certain why.

  “Someday we’re going to christen this place,” he said, his husky tone a promise that turned her body to liquid desire. “But not today, unfortunately. Make yourself comfortable; look around. I’ll run up, change, and be right back.”

  She knew he’d showered at her place. His hair had been damp when he’d come into the kitchen. “Go ahead. I’m fine.” He kissed her again and headed toward a staircase on the far side of the house.

  She drew in a deep breath and took in this beautifully decorated, expensive home. More than ever, she was certain she needed to watch her heart. Because a man like Scott, who had everything going for him, was way out of her league.

  Chapter Five

  Scott returned from the bedroom with a small duffel bag in his hand to leave in his car. He didn’t want to get stuck at Meg’s place again without clean clothes, and he wasn’t leaving her alone unless he was sure she was protected. He was just grateful she didn’t ask about the bag because he doubted she’d appreciate the answer. Her independent streak would kick in, and he’d rather save the argument for another time.

  When they arrived at Tyler’s office, he took in the atmosphere as if for the first time, knowing his life was about to take a drastic turn. Double Down Security was located in a high-end building meant to impress big-name clients. Scott knew his brother didn’t give a shit about appearances, but he did know how to play the game. He gave clients the perception they wanted and the protection they paid for. It was a win-win.

  Scott had given his brother a heads-up that he’d be bringing Meg by, and Tyler stepped out of his office to greet them. He slapped Scott on the back and turned to Meg. “I’m Tyler Dare,” he said by way of introduction.

  “Meg Thompson.” She held out her hand, which Tyler engulfed in his larger one. “I can see the family resemblance,” she said, her gaze going back and forth between them.

  “Just a resemblance though. I’m the better-looking brother.” Tyler winked.

  Scott rolled his eyes. “Ignore him. He’s a pain in the ass.”

  Meg laughed, the sound warming Scott inside.

  “My little brother just can’t handle the competition,” Tyler said, his gaze never leaving Meg as he assessed her for the first time.

  “Little, my ass,” Scott muttered.

  “And I hate to break it to you, but I don’t see any competition,” Meg replied, teasing Tyler right back.

  A small smirk kicked up the corners of her mouth, and Scott burst out laughing. “She told you,” he said to his brother, inwardly pleased she’d stood up for him.

  Tyler chuckled. “I like her,” he said to Scott. “Okay, so what can I do for you two?”

  Scott turned to Meg. “I called Tyler earlier and explained the situation with Mike.” He glanced at Tyler. “I’d like to set Meg up with Luke. I want all the information I can get on her ex and his family. There has to be a reason a guy who doesn’t want anything to do with a baby is still harassing her. She just wants him to sign away his rights. You’d think he’d be happy to do it.”

  Tyler’s gaze darkened as he listened. Like Scott and Ian, the Dare men were protective of women. And once the woman meant something to one of them? Things got personal.

  “Okay, I’ll introduce you to Luke Williams. He’ll open a case file and take information from you. Don’t worry,” he said to Meg. “We’ll get to the bottom of things and get him off your back.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “Baby, are you comfortable talking to Luke alone? I need five minutes with my brother, and then I’ll join you.”

  “Of course.” Meg straightened her shoulders. “This is my problem. Take all the time you need.”

  “I think my bro
ther considers it his problem too,” Tyler said, wrapping an arm around Meg’s shoulders and leading her toward the back rooms. “Meet me in my office,” he called over his shoulder to Scott.

  A few minutes later, Tyler rejoined Scott in his office. The space was large with a wall of windows overlooking the city. Because Tyler didn’t have a woman in his life, their mother, Emma, had taken over decorating. The office proclaimed elegance and class, from the mahogany desk with intricate carvings and detail to the glass and brass accents and live plants, which Scott knew Tyler’s assistant watered for him. In frames on the desk, there were pictures of Tyler and the family, their mother and their siblings. Beyond those touches, the office was professional.

  “She’s very different than your ex,” Tyler said, cutting to the chase as usual. He didn’t bother with small talk when he had a point to make.

  “Yes, she is. I take it you think that’s a good thing?”

  “Rhetorical question.” Tyler met his gaze with similar navy-violet eyes. “I don’t like it that she’s walking around looking over her shoulder.”

  “Me neither, obviously. I showed up last night, and she was freaked out. The bastard had been by, banging on her door, yelling and demanding to see her. The restraining order doesn’t mean a damned thing to him.”

  Tyler rolled a pen between his palms. “Let’s see what Luke comes up with.”

  “I made a decision,” Scott said, also getting right to the point. He wanted to get back to Meg as soon as possible. “I accept your offer. I’m in.”

  Tyler rose to his feet and strode around the desk, pulling Scott in for a brotherly hug. “That’s fucking good news.”

  “Hope your military employee pals agree.”

  “No worries. You know most of them. These guys take orders like they were born to it. They know I’ve wanted to bring you in for a while now.”

  “Way to share that with me.”

  Tyler shrugged. “I needed you to be ready and willing to say yes.”

  Scott inclined his head, understanding. “I am. In fact, I’m heading over to the station after this.”

  “Giving notice?”

  “If I were on active duty, yeah. Given how shitty things have been? My captain will be happy to have me gone.” And Scott relished telling his boss he was leaving. “Besides, I need to free up my time to make sure that asshole doesn’t get anywhere near Meg.”

  Tyler nodded approvingly. “She know you’re about to be around twenty-four seven?”

  “Not yet.” Scott braced his hands on the chair and pushed himself up. “Let’s go see what’s going on.”

  Tyler eyed him through his assessing gaze. “You’ve got it bad.”

  Scott didn’t deny it.

  “Pretty damned fast.”

  He shrugged. “When you know, you know.”

  “And I wouldn’t.” Tyler shook his head and started for the door.

  “Someday you will … and I can’t wait to watch you fall.”

  “Fuck you,” his brother muttered.

  Tyler chuckled and they headed to find Meg.

  * * *

  Meg liked Luke Williams. Blond, big, and imposing-looking, he was pure military, from his commanding posture to the crew cut of his hair. But he was warm and understanding when he listened to her story and wrote down the information on Mike and his family. Not that Meg knew much.

  “When I met him, he was estranged from his parents. He said they were wealthy and demanding and expected more of him than he could possibly give.” She shrugged. “I felt bad. He seemed like a nice, if misunderstood, guy.”

  It wasn’t like she deliberately went after losers. It seemed like they became that way later on. Or, more likely, they didn’t show her their true natures until after she’d been drawn in and had opened her heart … and in Mike’s case, her home to him as well. But she was finished putting up with shit from men. Done feeling used and taken advantage of.

  “I just want to know what the hell he wants from me. Why he won’t just sign away his rights and go away. I know my lawyer’s sent the forms.”

  Luke looked up from the computer, where he’d been tapping away, taking notes. He spun his chair around and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “We’ll get to the bottom of this. And we’ll keep you safe.”

  She appreciated his words of assurance.

  “Hey, Williams! Hands off the clients,” Scott barked from the doorway.

  Meg jumped at the unexpected angry tone in his voice.

  Luke merely glanced up, met Scott’s annoyed gaze, and grinned, slowly removing his hand, as if he had all the time in the world. “Nice to see you too, little Dare.”

  Meg stiffened, her eyes opening wider at the snarky, condescending comment. Was Luke looking for a fight? If so, from the furious expression on Scott’s face, he wouldn’t mind obliging him.

  Jaw clenched, he started forward, but Tyler placed a firm hand on his brother’s arm, stopping him. “Luke, Scott’s agreed to join me here. Which makes him your boss.”

  Luke rose from his seat, strode toward the two men, and Meg held her breath. She wasn’t thrilled with Scott staking a claim on her in front of his brother and Luke, yet at the same time, she couldn’t deny a part of her liked his possessiveness. Rather, she liked the thoughts behind the possessiveness if not the behavior itself.

  “You’re joining us,” Luke repeated. “That is great fucking news, man. Welcome aboard.” Luke slapped Scott hard on the back.

  The hit, which would have sent most other men reeling, didn’t have an impact. Scott merely grinned and clasped the other man’s hand in return.

  “Thanks.” Scott’s voice deepened, the meaning in that one word clear. “And I meant what I said. Hands off this client.”

  Meg rose to her feet, determined to stop this ridiculous display. “Scott—”

  “No worries,” Luke said, both hands raised in the air in deferral. “I had no idea she was yours.”

  “I’m not anyone’s!” she said. “And besides, do I look like a piece of meat for you two to fight over?”

  Tyler burst out laughing. “I don’t think you want either one of them to answer that,” he said. “Have you made any progress?” he asked Luke.

  Luke nodded. “She’s given me enough to start.”

  “Great. I need to go meet with my captain. And Meg has plans with a friend.”

  “You two go on. We have everything under control and in place,” Tyler assured him.

  Meg hoped he was right. Because her security was at stake.

  * * *

  Meg didn’t bring up Scott and Luke’s pissing contest on the way back to her place to pick up her car. She didn’t know what to do with the events of the morning, and she put aside thoughts of Scott, his beautiful home, and how she suddenly had a security firm she couldn’t afford, digging into Mike’s life. It was easier to focus on maternity clothes than the sudden one-eighty her life had taken.

  When she checked her cell phone, Meg found Lizzy had left a message canceling their afternoon shopping trip because she’d come down with a nasty stomach bug. Determined to get this shopping excursion over with, Meg called Olivia. Luckily the other woman was up for a mall trip.

  She had to admit she was surprised Scott had given in so easily on not accompanying her, but she was grateful. She needed a break from his intensity and protective nature. She liked it. Too much. So maybe it was her own surprising needs she needed a break from.

  She parked and headed inside to the food court, where she’d agreed to meet up with Olivia. The other woman was waiting, but to Meg’s surprise, she wasn’t alone.

  “Hi,” Meg said, joining Olivia and a petite, dark-haired woman at a small table with three chairs.

  “Hi!” Olivia rose and pulled her into a hug. “I brought my sister-in-law, Riley, along. Riley, meet Meg. I figured you and I could use an expert for our first maternity expedition.”

  Riley raised a hand and waved. “Hi, Meg. Hope you don’t mind me intruding.�

  Meg shook her head. “Of course not. If you have advice, I’m happy to hear it. When my jeans wouldn’t close the other night, I nearly burst into tears. They fit a few days ago. I’m a little overwhelmed,” she admitted.

  “I’m the mother of an eighteen-month-old. I now have expertise on things I never thought I could handle. Mind if I finish my coffee before we walk around?” Riley asked.

  “Of course not.”

  “Want to get anything?” Olivia offered.

  “No, I’m fine.” Meg settled into a chair at the table, and the other women took their seats again.

  “So speaking of your eighteen-month-old, where is your…” Meg trailed off, not knowing if Riley had a boy or a girl.

  “Daughter,” she supplied. “Her name is Rainey. She’s with my mother-in-law.” Like any good mom, Riley pulled out her phone and showed off a picture of her baby.

  “Isn’t she the cutest?” Olivia asked. “She has Ian’s eyes.”

  Meg leaned over the table and glanced at the screen on the phone. Actually, the baby had Scott’s eyes, Meg realized, staring into the cherubic face with dark navy eyes and pudgy cheeks.

  “She’s absolutely gorgeous,” Meg said, unable not to grin at the adorable baby with the cute smile.

  “Thank you. She also has her father’s … shall we say dominant personality? Stubborn as heck already,” Riley said with affection in her tone.

  “You don’t say? That controlling personality runs in the family?” Meg met Olivia’s gaze just as her friend burst out laughing.

  “What am I missing?” Riley asked.

  “Oh. Nothing,” Meg said. “I just meant—”

  “Meg is … involved with Scott,” Olivia chimed in before Meg could formulate an explanation.

  “Your brother Scott?” Riley asked.

  Meg shook her head and swallowed a groan. “We’re not really involved, we’re just … I mean, Scott is helping me out with a situation.” Meg liked her interpretation. Better than telling Riley she was sleeping with the other woman’s brother-in-law.


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