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Dare to Hold

Page 14

by Carly Phillips

  “Scott?” a female voice called out. “Olivia told me you were here, and I want to meet Meg… There you are!” A pretty woman with long dark hair walked in, stopping short. “Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt a private conversation.”

  “No, come in,” Meg said brightly. “Are you Avery?”

  The other woman nodded. “Hi, Scott.” She pecked him on the cheek. “It’s great to meet you,” she said, turning to Meg. “Olivia has told me so much about you. We have to all get together for girls’ night. I can drink, and you two pregnant women can watch me drown my sorrows,” she said, following up with an obviously forced smile.

  “Av, are you okay?”

  “I’m great!”

  Even Meg knew her words were forced and wondered what was bothering her.

  “I’d love to chat and get to know you, but Mom said it’s dinnertime, so we need to go into the dining room.” Avery spun around and walked out of the room.

  “What’s going on with her?” Meg asked Scott.

  He groaned. “I think it has something to do with an old boyfriend.” Scott explained that Grey Kingston of the band Tangled Royal was Avery’s high school boyfriend. “He left her to go find fame and fortune, which he did. According to Olivia, he called her last time he was in town, and they got together. Nobody knows what happened, but she’s been … off ever since.”

  “Scott! Dinner!” someone called.

  He shot Meg a wry grin. “Let’s go find out what my mother’s big news is.”

  Meg had to hand it to Emma, she had a flair for the dramatic, ignoring her children’s questions throughout dinner and holding her news for after dessert.

  “So I’m sure you all wonder why I asked you to come here tonight,” Emma finally said.

  “Been wondering, Mom,” Avery said.

  “I think I know,” Olivia said next with a grin.

  “Not playing twenty questions,” Ian muttered to his sisters. “Let’s hear it.”

  “Well, Michael wanted to be here, but he had a work emergency, which is just as well because I wanted to talk to all of you alone.”

  Meg squirmed in her seat, feeling very much like an outsider. As if sensing her emotions, Scott reached for her beneath the table, his hand coming to rest on her thigh, squeezing lightly. The act calmed her, then immediately spiked her pulse, but she forced herself to focus on his mother’s words.

  “Michael asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

  The women around the table squealed, called out congratulations, and Emma’s daughters jumped up to hug her. The men, Scott and his brothers in particular, sat in stunned silence. Which was what Meg sensed had had Emma so concerned. And why she was glad her fiancé hadn’t been able to make this family dinner.

  Meg immediately slid her hand over Scott’s, giving him silent support, as she knew he’d been dreading something like this. Having never met Michael, she couldn’t judge Emma’s taste in men or why her sons were so concerned.

  “Isn’t this a little soon?” Ian spoke up first, his dark tone silencing the women’s excitement.

  Emma turned her gaze toward her oldest son. “Funny you should ask that. Michael and I have been together now … for about as long as you and Riley,” she said pointedly. “And my granddaughter is asleep in a crib upstairs. “Any other objections?” she asked, her voice strong.

  But the wobble of her chin and the sheen of tears in her eyes told a whole different story. She might be a grown woman, but she desperately wanted her family’s approval. Meg didn’t blame her. Though she didn’t know what it was like to have such a large family, with everyone having differing opinions and feelings, Meg envied this group their closeness.

  “He’s a nice guy, but do you have to marry him?” Scott asked. “It’s just so permanent, and what if things don’t work out?”

  “Are you saying you don’t believe in marriage anymore?” Olivia asked her brother.

  “Goddammit, Liv, this isn’t about me,” Scott snapped back.

  That was too close to the conversation they’d had about his feelings on family, and Meg slipped lower into her chair. She didn’t know how many gut-punching reminders she could take.

  “He’s good to her,” Olivia said to Ian, but the sweep of her gaze encompassed all her brothers. “You’ve all seen it. What do you want? For Mom to be alone for the rest of her life? Dad’s not. He’s off doing what’s best for him. He always has. Why does he deserve to get what he wants out of life with Savannah but Mom doesn’t?” She wrapped an arm around her mother’s shoulder.

  “Okay, everyone, stop. Right now,” Emma said. “I called you all here to give you the courtesy of letting you know. I wasn’t asking your permission. I’d like it if you could all be happy for me. If not, then at least shut up about it.” Emma’s voice cracked, and Scott jumped out of his seat, followed by Ian and Tyler, who’d sulked in silence.

  “I guess it’s just that no one’s good enough,” Scott said gruffly as he reached her. “I love you. Michael’s a good guy. I’m happy for you.”

  Or he’d get there, Meg thought, her heart too wrapped up in his feelings and this family drama. She really needed to get out of here and breathe. Except leaving here meant going to Scott’s house, not her own. She pulled in a shaky breath, watching as everyone now congratulated Emma and made their peace with her decision. Meg was the last to step up and offer her good wishes.

  Then finally it was time to leave. Exhaustion beat at every bone in Meg’s body. She couldn’t wait to go to sleep.

  Olivia caught up with Meg before she made it to the front door. “Are you okay?” Olivia asked.

  “Why wouldn’t I be? I feel bad that your family isn’t all supportive of your mom, but I’m sure they’ll get there.”

  Olivia smiled. “They will. The guys are … guys. But I’m talking about you.”

  “Nothing to worry about,” Meg lied. No reason to involve his sister in her feelings for Scott.

  “Okay, well, I wanted to know if you and Scott were up for dinner tomorrow night. You know, the four of us. I think it’d be fun.”

  Meg blinked, surprised. “Oh, umm … I don’t know. Scott might be busy.” Not that he tended to go out at night, but a couple’s date when she and Scott weren’t really in a formal relationship?

  “I’m not busy, and dinner sounds good to me,” Scott said, coming up behind her.

  “Great!” Olivia said. “One of you call me in the morning, and we’ll pick a place and time. I’m going to check on Mom.”

  Once they were in the truck headed home, Scott glanced at her, one hand resting on the steering wheel as he drove. “Any reason you were trying to avoid going out with them?” he asked, way too perceptive as usual.

  She figured honesty was the best way to handle this. “For the same reason I’m trying to get you to see that I’m here for security reasons only. I know we’re sleeping together, but that’s because we can’t seem to keep our hands off each other.”

  He grinned. “You’ve got that right.”

  She shook her head. “I just don’t want to give your family the wrong impression,” she said.

  “And what impression would that be?” he asked.

  She wondered why he was deliberately being so dense. “That we’re a couple with any long-term potential,” she said.

  “Well, thank you for being so blunt. Now I know you’re only in it for sex,” he said, sounding grumpy and put out, when he was the one, more than her, who didn’t believe in anything else.

  She raised an eyebrow at that. “And you’re not? Or are you lining up for labor, delivery, and daddy duty?”

  When he didn’t answer, she glanced out the passenger window and remained silent for the rest of the ride.

  By the time they arrived at Scott’s, neither one of them was up for much in the way of conversation or anything else, for that matter. She washed up in his luxurious bathroom that was three times the size of her own and climbed into his bed.

  Long after Scott p
ulled her into his arms and drifted off to sleep, Meg’s thoughts were churning around in her head. As was Olivia’s shouted question at Scott.

  Are you saying you don’t believe in marriage anymore? his sister had asked.

  Or are you lining up for labor, delivery, and daddy duty?

  She squeezed her eyes shut tight, wishing she didn’t care about his refusal to answer either question.

  Chapter Ten

  Scott dressed for dinner, listening to the sound of Meg getting ready in his bathroom. The low hum of the blow-dryer and the small sounds of different jars and items being placed on the marble countertops. Sounds that were becoming all too familiar and comfortable. He hated how strained things were between them now. He missed the days when they could say and do anything without thought or consequence.

  He buttoned his shirt, chosen because Emilio’s was a nice restaurant. No tee shirts there. It was located near his half brother Alex’s apartment in an out-of-the-way location. So as not to run into Alex and Madison and have them feel slighted, Scott had texted Alex and asked if the other couple wanted to join them, but they had other plans. Alex promised to get in touch, and they could do something another time. Scott refused to think about whether or not that time would come. Where Meg would be in a few short weeks.

  She stepped out of the bathroom, and Scott sucked in a shallow breath at the sight of her. Her hair fell over one shoulder in soft waves, and her skin had burned slightly during her afternoon in the sun while he’d been holed up in his home office. Her cheeks were flushed pink, her brown eyes highlighted in a soft purple, her lips a lush shimmer he wanted to taste. Now.

  She stared at him, her gaze hesitant after this afternoon’s distance, and he didn’t blame her.

  “You look gorgeous,” he said, breaking the silence and, he hoped, any tension.

  He couldn’t stop staring. She wore a one-piece white outfit that set off her tan, with flowing pants and a ruffled layer that cut straight across her lush chest. He didn’t miss the fact that her breasts were getting bigger … and more sensitive.

  Hell, all of her was more responsive, to his hands, his mouth and, yes, even his cock. Her body accepted him easily, clasping him in amazing heat and shattering more easily each time. At this point, he was willing to concede prowess to her hormones, he thought wryly, not that he was complaining in the least. He just wished the emotions between them weren’t such a minefield, laden with unforeseen traps and triggers.

  “Thank you,” Meg said. Her gaze raked over him, and a soft smile pulled at her lips. “You look pretty good yourself.”

  He glanced at his black pants and white long-sleeve button-down and shrugged. “I shaved earlier.”

  She laughed and the sound lightened the mood. “Then that’s it, I guess.”

  “Ready for dinner?”

  “I’m starving,” she said.

  He frowned. “That’s because you missed lunch.”

  “I had a shake a little while ago.” She picked up a small straw purse. “All set,” she told him.

  He hooked his arm in hers and led her down to his truck. He helped her into the seat, ignoring the feel of her waist in his hands, swallowing a groan. He slammed her door shut and headed around to the driver’s side.

  The trip to Miami passed quickly, music on the radio, easy conversation around them. This was what he’d missed, he thought. Although they hadn’t been together long, their first weeks had been so easy. Had he ever been with another woman who fit him so well? Thank goodness that thought hit just as he pulled up to the parking lot near Emilio’s and he pulled down his window to deal with the attendant.

  A few minutes later, they were seated across from Olivia and Dylan in the small Italian restaurant. Olivia had made a reservation, and Anna had reserved them a private table in the corner. His sister had already ordered sparkling water. Dylan and Scott passed on hard alcohol. They ordered quickly, Olivia asking Emilio to serve slowly so they had time to relax and talk.

  Talk made Scott nervous, especially when his sister was involved, but Meg and Olivia had developed a close friendship in a short time, so he hoped the women would carry the more intense parts of conversation.

  Scott knew exactly what had him on edge. Olivia was intuitive and would notice any problems. His sister had already warned him about hurting Meg, and looking back, Scott should have listened harder. Thought more. If Dylan got a whiff of tension tonight, he’d be in even more trouble.

  To make matters worse, his sister couldn’t be trusted not to dig into private, personal conversations better left alone. Especially when it came to his love life. Knowing how much Olivia cared about Meg, he could only hope she was smart tonight.

  They started with football, a conversation that was always fun and easy, and segued into Scott’s new position within Tyler’s firm.

  “I’m enjoying the freedom involved, catching up on client files and getting to know what everyone needs. It’s been challenging on a whole different level,” Scott explained.

  “I bet,” Dylan said. “It’s great to do something you enjoy.” As travel director for the Thunder, Dylan knew what he was talking about. The man loved his job. “Meg, how are things at school? Kids still keeping you on your toes?” Dylan asked.

  And just like that, easy conversation ground to a halt.

  “Umm, I—” Meg stammered.

  “Meg is fine,” Scott said, hoping to help Meg bypass the answer entirely.

  “Actually I’m not. I’m on temporary leave,” Meg said, going on to explain how the situation that her ex had escalated, leading to the principal strongly suggesting she take leave.

  “Oh my God! Why didn’t you say anything?” Olivia asked. “I’d have come over … called, something,” she said, offering all the support she could.

  “I’m going to kill the bastard,” Dylan said, his hands curling into fists.

  “Well, get in line, because when I find him, he’s going to wish he’d never been born.” Though Scott appreciated Dylan backing Meg, when it came to protecting her, he wanted that job and didn’t mind letting the other man know it.

  Olivia studied him, eyes narrowed, and Scott swallowed a curse.

  “I don’t want anyone confronting Mike for me. He’s dangerous,” Meg said. “But I’m meeting with his parents on Wednesday.”

  “We’re meeting with his parents,” Scott reminded her.

  Meg raised an eyebrow. “I was going to discuss that with you in the morning. I think it’s better if I go alone. Rick will keep an eye on me.”

  Scott tensed, clenching his jaw and wondering when things had spiraled out of his control. “We’ll talk about it when we’re alone,” he said, well aware of Dylan’s and Olivia’s intense stares, taking in every word and action that Meg and Scott made.

  “Well, regardless, I’m not worried about meeting with them anymore. Luke said the background check turned up all good things. Lydia and Walter seem to be rational, decent people. They support children’s charities and—”

  “What the hell do you know about what Luke found?” Scott asked her. Everything about Meg’s case was supposed to be his domain. Luke had no right to jump in with answers Scott had planned to give her, and he’d intended to have this conversation in the morning before the lunch meeting.

  Meg merely shrugged, ignoring his sharp tone. “Luke called earlier today. He filled me in.”

  “I was going to tell you everything. There just hasn’t been time.”

  Dylan braced his arms on the table. “Meggie, I can’t imagine one good thing about the people who raised that asshole,” he said skeptically.

  At the old nickname Dylan called her, Scott’s jaw locked in place.

  “Actually, it’s not what you think,” Meg said to Dylan. “The Ashtons adopted Mike when he was a baby. I didn’t know that. He also had fetal alcohol syndrome, so there’s that component too. I suppose I can’t necessarily blame them for how Mike turned out. There’s definitely something to genetics.”

bsp; She trembled as she spoke, and Scott could guess where her mind had gone. His anger fled in the face of her obvious fears. He knew for sure what she was thinking.

  “Don’t think that way.” He settled his hand over hers, hoping to comfort her. “Your baby will be fine even with that bastard’s genes. He has you.” And a deep-seated longing arose inside him because he wanted to claim that position in the baby’s life too.

  Shit. He was in so much trouble.

  “Meg, are you okay?” Olivia asked softly.

  Scott glanced her way.

  Her eyes looked suspiciously damp. “Actually, I’m going to go to the ladies’ room. Excuse me.”

  Scott rose as she stood and headed for the other side of the restaurant.

  He lowered himself back into his seat.

  “Scott, what the hell is going on?” Olivia asked.

  “I’d like an answer to that too,” Dylan said.

  Emilio walked over with food in his hands, and Olivia waved him away. “A few minutes, please?”

  The older man nodded.

  “Talk fast, big brother,” she muttered.

  “Shit. Everything was fine until I told her about Leah.”

  Olivia glanced at Dylan. “His ex-wife. I told you about her,” she said.

  Dylan nodded. “What about her?” he asked, his tone chilly.

  “It’s not about her, it’s about what she did. Before her, I didn’t want kids. When she got pregnant, I got excited. Invested. I really wanted to be a father. But she never came around, and instead of talking about it with me, she had an abortion. Just like that, everything I’d dreamed about was gone.” He snapped his fingers in the air. “Telling Meg reminded me of the pain, and I said something stupid.”

  Dylan narrowed his gaze.

  In for a penny, Scott thought. “I said, the whole family thing is for suckers, and happily ever after only happens in fairy tales.” He ducked his head and groaned. “I pretty much put any nail in the coffin of whatever was happening between us.”


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