Rowley Jefferson's Awesome Friendly Adventure

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Rowley Jefferson's Awesome Friendly Adventure Page 4

by Jeff Kinney

Roland knew that if he opened his eyes he

  was going to be NEXT. So when Medusa

  tried to trick him, Roland kept his eyes

  shut TIGHT.

  Then Medusa pretended like she left the

  room but Roland knew she was still there

  because he could hear her SNAKES.


  Roland couldn’t keep his eyes shut

  FOREVER so he tried to think of what his

  friend Sherlock Holmes would do to get

  out of this mess. Roland thought about

  Medusa’s angry snakes and then he had

  an IDEA.

  Roland told Medusa the reason her snakes

  were so MAD was because she was using

  a harsh shampoo that bothered their

  EYES. And then Roland told Medusa he

  had a travel bottle of GENTLE shampoo in

  his bag and maybe if she used it to wash

  her hair the snakes would calm down.


  Well Medusa thought this was some kind

  of TRICK but Roland told her his parents

  raised him right and he never fibs.

  So Medusa got the shampoo from

  Roland’s bag and took her second shower

  of the day. And when Medusa came out

  she sounded happy and told Roland he

  could open his eyes because she put

  sunglasses on.

  Roland wasn’t sure how Medusa’s parents

  raised HER and he thought this could be

  another trick. But Roland didn’t hear the

  snakes hissing anymore so he decided to

  trust her this time.


  Medusa asked Roland if she looked

  pretty NOW. But Roland remembered his

  mom telling him that if you don’t have

  anything NICE to say you shouldn’t say

  anything at all.

  So that’s what he did.



  Greg said it was a GREAT idea to have

  all those characters from classic books

  in the last chapter because librarians go

  NUTS for that stuff. Then he said if we

  replace Roland with a character people

  have actually HEARD of we'd sell a lot

  more books.

  Greg liked having Medusa as a character

  because everyone would know who SHE was.


  And he said we could sell lots of toys like

  one that lets girls style her HAIR.

  And I said maybe boys could play with it

  too if they liked that kind of stuff.

  The only thing that made Greg nervous

  was how Sherlock Holmes had a PIPE

  because he said grown-ups get touchy

  about that and they might not sell the

  book at school fairs.

  But I told Greg the pipe was just part

  of Sherlock Holmes's detective costume

  and didn't have anything IN it. And Greg

  said we should be OK then.



  Medusa thanked Roland for the shampoo

  and told him he was free to go. But

  Roland knew he couldn’t leave without

  his best friend Garg and his NEW friend

  Sherlock Holmes.

  Roland asked Medusa if she could turn

  them back to normal but she said only a

  WIZARD could do that. And the only one

  she knew was the One-Eyed Wizard who

  lived in the Burnt Swamp.

  So Roland left Medusa’s cave to search for

  the One-Eyed Wizard. And even though

  Roland was scared to be on his own for the

  first time he tried to be brave for his mom.


  The Burnt Swamp was even more awful

  than Roland imagined and he got totally

  LOST. But then Roland saw a light coming

  from a hut deep in the swamp and he

  went toward it.

  Sure enough the hut belonged to the One-

  Eyed Wizard who told Roland to come

  inside and take a seat.

  Even though Roland’s parents told him to

  never talk to strangers he figured they’d

  let him make an exception this one time.


  The One-Eyed Wizard said he had been

  watching Roland for a long time in

  his crystal ball and he knew all about

  Roland’s mom and the White Warlock

  and Medusa and Garg and even Sherlock


  And even though Roland was a little

  creeped out that this guy had been

  watching him all this time, Roland was

  kind of glad he didn’t have to tell him the

  whole story from the beginning.

  The wizard said the White Warlock wanted

  to make it winter FOREVER and the

  reason he kidnapped Roland’s mom was

  so he could make her his QUEEN.


  Roland said the White Warlock COULDN’T

  make his mom his queen because she’s

  already married to his DAD. But the One-

  Eyed Wizard said the White Warlock could

  just snap his fingers and make his mom

  forget all about her old life.

  Then he told Roland the WORST part. He

  said Roland would be the White Warlock’s

  STEPSON and he’d make Roland play

  catch with him and call him “Dad.”


  But the One-Eyed Wizard said there was

  still time to save his mom because the

  White Warlock couldn’t make her his

  queen until there was a crescent moon.

  And that was still ten days away.

  The One-Eyed Wizard said the Ice Fortress

  was protected by a wall that was twenty

  feet thick and thirty feet high. And nobody

  had ever gotten THROUGH it before.

  But Roland knew a guy who was good at

  smashing things. And right now he was a

  statue in Medusa’s cave.



  Greg said the new chapter was pretty

  boring because it was basically just two

  dudes talking in a swamp.

  But when I said maybe I could add some

  more ACTION he said I should just keep

  it the way it is because this will be the

  scene in the movie when everyone gets

  up to use the bathroom and goes to refill

  their sodas and popcorn.


  Then he said the BIGGER problem was

  that there were way too many GUYS

  in the story. I said MEDUSA is a girl

  but Greg said she doesn't really count

  because she's a MONSTER.

  He said I need to put a few REGULAR

  females in the story to give girls a

  reason to come see the MOVIE. Because

  if we DON'T, we'll only make HALF the


  Greg's other big comment was that the

  "endless winter" thing has been done a

  million times in other stories and I need

  to change it to something ELSE.


  I said maybe the White Warlock can make

  an endless SPRING instead. But Greg said

  that was the worst idea he ever heard

  because everybody LIKES spring.

  So I guess I'll just keep it winter unless

  I can think of another season everyone




  When Roland and the One-Eyed Wizard got

  to Medusa’s cave she wasn’t ther
e. But

  she left a note that said she went off to

  New York City to become a model.

  Roland showed the One-Eyed Wizard the

  statue of Garg, and the wizard used his

  wand to turn him back into a regular


  The One-Eyed Wizard turned Sherlock

  Holmes back to normal too. And then the

  wizard kind of got on a roll and unfroze

  everybody ELSE.



  And when Roland saw how EASY it was

  for the wizard to turn everyone back to

  normal he felt a little bad about what

  happened to the statues Garg smashed.


  Most of the creatures hurried out of the

  cave in case the modeling thing didn’t

  work out for Medusa and she came BACK.

  But a few of them stuck around because

  they wanted to thank Roland for saving

  them and hear how he GOT there.

  So Roland told them about his mom and

  the White Warlock and the stuff about the

  endless winter.

  Then the elf girl said she’d come WITH

  Roland to help him rescue his mom. Then

  everyone ELSE said they’d go TOO.

  And that made Roland happy because he

  knew his mom would be proud of him for

  making so many new friends.


  Greg said this was another boring chapter

  because it was mostly talking. But what he

  DID like were all the new CHARACTERS.

  He said it's really important to have

  lots of characters so when the movie

  comes out you can do a different poster

  featuring each one.


  Plus he said we could make little plastic

  figurines of all the characters and put

  them in those kids' meals you get at

  fast-food restaurants.

  Well I didn't really like THAT idea because

  I don't wanna encourage kids to eat fast

  food. But Greg said kids could always

  swap out french fries for apple slices

  and that made me feel a little better.

  I also said I don't wanna add a lot of

  plastic junk to the world because that

  stuff hurts the PLANET.


  So Greg said we could make the toys out

  of BIODEGRADABLE plastic so they'd

  turn to mush after a little while. And

  that made me feel better too I guess.

  Greg really liked the girl elf whose name

  is Shae'Vana. He said girls would think she

  was cool and they'd all wanna dress up as

  her for Halloween.


  Greg said Shae'Vana should have a special

  TALENT and that maybe she could be a

  master THIEF. I said stealing is WRONG

  but Greg said it's OK if it's her job. And I

  guess that kind of makes sense.

  But Greg wasn't crazy about some of

  the OTHER characters in this chapter.

  He said I should ditch the alien because

  this book is supposed to be FANTASY and

  not sci-fi.

  And Greg didn't like the half-man, half-cow

  whose name is Stephen.


  Greg said if I was trying to draw a

  CENTAUR then it's supposed to be

  half-man, half-HORSE. I said I'm pretty

  sure centaurs can be cows too and he

  said yeah but all cows are GIRLS so

  if I wanted to keep it as a half-cow

  then Stephen would have to lose the


  I said this was getting too complicated

  so maybe I'll just ditch Stephen too. But

  Greg said we should KEEP him because

  those udders are gonna come in handy

  when we do our fast-food deal.



  Roland and his team went through the

  Boulder Pass to cut across the Razor

  Range. That’s where they were attacked

  by ogres who threw giant rocks down

  on them. And Roland was really glad he

  remembered to wear his helmet.

  Everyone thought they were going to get

  squished by the boulders but then the

  One-Eyed Wizard created a giant magical

  hand to PROTECT them.

  After they got clear of the Boulder Pass

  the team was so happy to be alive that

  they took a minute to CELEBRATE with

  cold glasses of milk. And everyone agreed

  it tasted WAY better than a sugary drink

  like soda.

  But they celebrated too SOON because five

  seconds later they all got scooped up off

  the ground by giant EAGLES.

  At first Roland thought it was kind of

  FUN to be that high in the air. But then

  he realized the eagles wanted to feed

  them to their BABIES.


  Luckily Shae’Vana was really good with

  her BOW and she SAVED everyone. And

  the magical hand caught each of them and

  set them all down on the ground safely.

  So now everyone was calling the magical

  hand “Lefty” and giving high fives and

  fist bumps to thank him.


  And that made Lefty feel good.

  Everyone thought it was too dangerous to

  stay out in the open so they decided to cut

  through the Mines of Murlak. But after

  everybody was inside, Garg hit his head

  on a stalactite which made the tunnel


  So now they were TRAPPED and the only


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