by Sarina Wilde
“Lay back,” Adam told her, brushing her wet hair from her face. “It’s our turn to get you off.”
They started at her face, one on each side, kissing their way along her body, spending extra time licking and sucking her nipples. She stroked her fingers through their hair, purring with pleasure as they moved down, nibbling at her hips then shifting so they both lay between her thighs, her legs over their backs. Adam stared at her glistening, puffy pussy and licked his lips.
“You are an incredibly lucky man.”
“Taste her, so I can too.”
Adam lapped her juices. When he lifted his face for air, Kevin dove in, lapping her from her vagina to her clit. When he turned his face, Adam was right there, and kissing him was the most natural thing in the world. Their cheeks rasped together, their tongues battled. He tasted of Jill and wine and a warm male flavor all his own. They turned back to Jill, taking turns tasting her and tasting each other.
When she came apart, trembling and shaking to multiple climaxes in their arms, they held her and soothed her, cradling her between them. She fell into an exhausted sleep. Adam reached for the lamp, but before he turned it off, he caught and held Kevin’s gaze.
“You have to tell her.”
Kevin swallowed. Adam felt it too. One night would never be enough for any of them. “I know.”
* * * * *
Sometime during the night, Jill awakened to a slight chill on her back. She shifted away from Kevin, who slept heavily on her other side, and eased from the bed. A faint strip of light glowed beneath the door leading into the suite’s living room. Slipping her husband’s T-shirt over her head as she went, Jill eased the door open and tiptoed into the other room. Adam sat in a chair near the sliding-glass door leading onto the balcony. It seemed as if he hadn’t heard her enter the room.
The expression on his face made her pause. He looked vulnerable, lonely. Just as she was about to retreat and give him his privacy, he turned as though he’d caught sight of her in his peripheral vision.
“Hey,” she murmured.
His mouth tilted at one corner. “Hey back.”
“Couldn’t you sleep?”
“No. A little on edge, I guess.”
Jill took his response as a willingness to have her company. As she moved forward, he held out his hand.
“You want to talk?” She took his fingers.
He smiled, but shook his head. “Sit with me?”
Adam slid over in the oversized chair, giving her room to squeeze in next to him. It was intimate, cozy. She leaned her cheek against his chest and heard the hammering of his heart. She could relate. Hers was doing the same thing. He cleared his throat.
“Was everything okay for you?”
“It was.” His chest relaxed, almost as though he’d been holding his breath. Jill swallowed a little nervously, but she had to get what she’d been thinking off her chest. “Adam, I think we all know this ended up being so much more than we imagined.”
He stiffened, shifting slightly away. “I can leave now if you’d prefer.”
“No! That’s not what I meant at all. I meant…” she eased her hand up to cup his cheek and turn his head so she could look directly at him. “I meant it was so much better, so much more emotional…so not a one-time thing.”
He stared at her. “Jill.”
She straightened enough so she could kiss him, sighing with pleasure as his mouth opened and his tongue tangled with hers. They had kissed each other’s bodies in the most intimate ways, yet not taken nearly as much time to simply lock lips and make out. Adam groaned and tangled his fingers in her hair, drawing her closer. They kissed again and again, their hands touching and caressing ears, cheeks, necks and shoulders. Jill twined her legs with his and pressed her chest against him.
Next to her hip, she felt the hardening length of his cock. As if conscious of it, he shifted slightly away. “Sorry. I know just you and me wasn’t in the game plan.”
She slid her hand over his hip and wrapped her fingers around him. “Who says?”
He blew out a breath and ran a hand over his short hair. “You sure?”
She smiled. “I need to know if it’s just the excitement of having two men at once or if what I think I’m feeling stands up to just you and me being together.”
His mouth curved sweetly. “I know my answer. We’ll be good together.”
They moved to the couch, Jill stretching out on her back while he crouched over her, kissing her as though he were a man dying of thirst and she were a desert oasis.
“Take off the shirt,” he whispered.
“Yes.” Jill reached down between them, wiggling as she pulled it up over her head and tossed it to the ground.
“So sweet. I just want to fuck you, nice and slow.”
Her pussy clenched with desire. “Get a condom.”
He fumbled around on the table, coming up with one of the unopened packages, ripping it open with his teeth and quickly rolling it down over his erection.
“Please tell me you’re already as far along as I am.” His eyes pleaded in the dim light.
Jill smiled. “Do it, Adam. Fill me.”
He thrust forward and Jill spread her legs wider to accommodate him. He pumped deep, withdrawing so slowly it made her ache. He hadn’t been kidding. She draped her arms over his shoulders, pulling him closer so she could kiss him while he thrust. It seemed to go on forever and then he was bracketing her hips with his hands so he could pump harder and faster until they both came, Jill muffling her cry of pleasure against his shoulder. Her heart pounded and her throat ached. How the hell had he gotten under her skin so quickly?
“Jill,” he whispered and softly stroked her face, his dark eyes searching. “Where is this going?”
“I don’t know.” She touched his cheek. “Come back to bed with us, Adam. We can talk in the morning.”
Chapter Six
The insistent chirp of a beeper dragged Jill from a blissfully deep sleep. With the heavy drapes drawn across the windows, she couldn’t see if it was even daylight. She tried to clear her sleep-fogged brain, aware of both men shifting on either side, their voices raspy whispers in the darkness.
“Fuck me. What time is it?”
“Five-thirty, dude.”
Jill struggled from beneath the heavy covers, seeing Kevin flick on a light in the bathroom before he headed into the other room. Seconds later, one beeper stopped. In the bedroom, Adam had slid open a drawer and the second beeper quit. Dread settled in the pit of her stomach.
What were the odds two total strangers would have beepers blaring at the same time? In the dim light, Adam pulled a holstered pistol from the drawer. She swallowed, a sick, choking feeling making her grab for the covers as he turned and caught his clothing from Kevin.
Both men were hastily pulling on clothes, their expressions hard and tight. Jill grabbed the sheet and pulled it to cover her breasts. She felt not only exposed, but used. Kevin squared his shoulders and faced her. Adam turned as well, his holster clipped to one side of his belt and his badge at his waist on the opposite side.
“No. Don’t.” She held up her hand, cutting her husband off from saying anything else. She turned her gaze on Adam. “It’s not Adam Gregory, is it? Detective Heller, I presume. I vaguely recalled Kevin mentioning Adam Heller, his new partner, but he always called you Hell. I guess I must have seemed pretty naive to you.”
“Baby,” Kevin said. “You need to listen.”
She shook her head. “To more lies? No. Not now. You should go. Both of you.”
Adam stood silently near the doorway, his gaze slightly averted. Jill’s heart hurt. Kevin set the keys on the dresser. “I’ll ride with Hell and leave you the keys.”
She turned her face away from them, afraid she would go to pieces.
“Jill…” Kevin’s voice trailed off. “I can explain everything…”
“Not now!” She glared at them. “Go!”
She man
aged to hold herself together until she heard the door to the suite shut. Curling into a ball on the bed, Jill rocked back and forth. They’d lied to her. Kevin had lied to her. For the first time in all the years they’d been together, she wasn’t sure who he was.
Being honest with each other went right to the heart of their relationship. What had always made him different from the other guys in high school was his unwillingness to play games. Honesty was what they’d based almost a dozen years of marriage on. Honesty and trust. And if it had been a lie, what else was?
And Adam? Was it all just a game to him? Had what they’d done in the middle of the night, just the two of them, been just part of the charade?
Jill wasn’t sure how long she stayed there before she moved. Her body ached. In other circumstances, she would have said it was from sexual satiety, but right now all she felt was used. Moving as though she were an old woman, Jill found her bag. She’d packed a sweat suit and sneakers, knowing they would likely leave at a time when the dress she’d worn the previous evening wouldn’t be suitable.
After pulling the sweatpants and jacket on over her nude body, she slipped her feet in the sneakers and scraped her hair back into a ponytail. She stuffed her other belongings back in the oversize bag then grabbed the dress she’d worn the previous evening. With nausea roiling in her gut, she tossed it in the trash and left the room.
Jill checked the glove compartment when she got in the car. He’d used the spare key to retrieve his service weapon and she sighed with relief. Still holding herself in check, keeping her mind blank, Jill adjusted the seat, checked the mirrors and started the car. She busied herself with the details of those tasks to keep from thinking about emotions she couldn’t process yet.
The streets were still deserted so early on a Sunday morning. Maybe she could get home without encountering anyone awake in their neighborhood. She was pretty certain she couldn’t face her neighbors and actually smile and wave as if her entire world hadn’t come crashing around her ears. No. She wasn’t even close to Kevin when it came to acting ability. He’d actually convinced her he’d never met Adam before.
Luck was with her. Jill pulled his car into the garage next to hers and triggered the automatic door before walking inside their neat kitchen. She dropped her purse on the counter then wrenched at her wedding band and engagement ring. After yanking them off, she dropped them next to her purse and staggered along the hallway, stripping her clothes along the way.
Once the water in the shower was as hot as she could stand it, she stepped beneath the needlelike spray and scrubbed her skin. She berated herself for overreacting. Logic told her to wait for Kevin’s explanation, to give him and Adam both a chance to explain.
But she was so angry and her anger won. She had been so confident a threesome would just be a night of fun, a fantasy fulfilled. Instead it turned into one night she might well regret for the rest of her life.
Once she’d dried, Jill donned fresh clothing, pulled out Kevin’s luggage and methodically packed his clothes. As she filled a case, Jill dragged it to the kitchen until she had three full-size suitcases and a duffel bag in a neat line. That done, she blew out a long breath and opened the sliding-glass doors onto the deck so she could go outside. Working in the yard had always been her therapy. Maybe, just maybe, it would work now. And it would keep her from staring at those suitcases and changing her mind.
* * * * *
If their sergeant thought it strange Kevin and Hell arrived in the same car, he didn’t say anything, just looked at them both and jerked his head over his shoulder. “We’ve got a Jane Doe back there. Jogger found her this morning.”
Adam’s heart skipped a beat, all the issues with Jill going straight out of his head. “It’s not Addy Brown, is it?”
“Too old. This one looks as though she’s late twenties, early thirties. Hard to tell. Looks as if she might’ve been an addict.”
“So why call us?” Kevin asked, his gaze shadowed with a lot more than concern over the Jane Doe.
“Did you get a chance to go through the cold-case file I gave you?”
“Yeah,” Kevin told him. “Hell and I both agree there could be a link. We’ve started cross-referencing for similarities. So?”
“This Jane Doe has a couple of the identifying marks linked to our cold-case missing girl.”
Adam shifted, not liking where this was heading. “So ten years ago, a pretty high school senior disappears then ten years later, her body turns up within spitting distance from where another teenager disappears under similar circumstances…and with some striking similarities in physical appearance.”
Kevin scowled, his blue eyes narrowed on where the forensics guys were still collecting evidence and snapping pictures as they bagged and tagged what they gathered. “Sergeant, are there any other similar cases?”
“Good question, Ramsey. I don’t know. I remember this one because it occurred right after I made detective. I’d say that’s something to check into.”
The sergeant got back into his unmarked sedan, leaving Kevin and Adam to watch. Kevin’s hooded gaze tracked the team working around the body. “How long do you think it will take them to make a positive ID?”
Adam jammed his hands in his pants pocket. “Not long’s my guess. The file on the other missing girl said they had DNA samples in addition to dental records. We should know something PDQ. Meantime, I think we go on the assumption it’s her. Want to grab something to eat before we start?”
Kevin scraped his hand back through his dark hair. “I should call Jill.”
“Whoa, dude. After how we had to leave things today, calling is not what I would do. You need to be face-to-face.”
Kevin raised worried blue eyes to him. “Shit, Hell. She looked so…hurt. I never meant…Fuck. Maybe I would be better off giving her time to cool off. She’s levelheaded, always been logical. Maybe if I give her some space…”
Adam wasn’t sure who Kevin was trying to convince, him or himself. But Adam could still picture her expression when she’d looked at him and realized who he was. He had a bad feeling Kevin was in a whole lot deeper shit than he’d ever imagined.
They ran through the nearest fast-food biscuit joint’s drive-through, loading up on carbs and caffeine, and headed in to the station. After they pulled into the garage, Adam glanced at his partner.
“You going to be able to handle this?”
“Work? Yeah. Jill? I don’t know, Hell. I’ve really fucked up.”
“Well, you’ve got work right now. Let’s see what we can start piecing together.”
They decided to split the duties. While Kevin compared similarities between Addy and Heather Stevens, the cold case, Adam put in search parameters to help him identify any other possibilities.
After a couple hours, Adam had narrowed his list of possibilities to two. One was from twenty years ago with the girl still listed as missing, the other was from fifteen years ago. Five years after her disappearance, hikers had discovered her shallow grave off a trail in Umstead State Park.
“I’ve got two possibles,” Adam said. “What about you?”
Kevin ran his hand around the back of his neck as if it ached. “Same basic physical descriptions, very different economic backgrounds, but here’s the kicker—same high school.”
Adam didn’t lend that much credence. Since they’d both disappeared from the same general area, the same school was a distinct possibility. He looked at his files and shifted his attention to the one from fifteen years ago.
“What’s up, Hell? You’ve got that look on your face.”
Adam set the older missing person case to the side, scanning the Umstead body details more intently. “Jesus, Kevin, this girl the hikers found also had physical similarities…and she was a student at the same school. Maybe there is a connection.”
“Let’s take a look at the faculty. It would make sense, Hell. No signs of a struggle with Addy, which fits if her abductor was someone known to her.”
��Known and trusted.” They stared at each other.
“Were faculty interviewed in your body found?”
“Yes. Here’s the list.” Adam reached over to the printer, grabbed the sheet that had printed out and shoved it across the desk to Kevin. “Any matches?”
Kevin snorted. “This must be the most stable school faculty known to man. Even the principal’s been there most of his career. There must be at least fifteen matches across all three cases. All the faculty came up clean in the last two investigations.”
“Anybody we haven’t talked to yet about Addy?”
“Three. I think we need to wait on a positive ID that this body is Heather Stevens before we start back through the list.”
Adam looked at Kevin’s expression, saw the need there in his partner to get back to his house and his woman so he could try to repair the damage they’d done.
“I’ll give you a ride home. You want me to grovel too? I will.”
Kevin shook his head. “I’ll do this one alone.” He stopped, swallowed, looked around the otherwise empty room and back at Adam. “Last night… Shit, Adam, it was fantastic, but…”
Adam’s chest constricted with pain. “Not happening again. I knew going in. I’m good with it.”
They stared at each other for a long moment then Kevin nodded.
“Let’s get you home.” Adam was amazed how steady his voice was when inside he was falling to pieces.
* * * * *
Kevin’s gut was in knots. In all the years he and Jill had been together, they’d had some ups and downs, but nothing serious. Nothing either of them would have called a deal breaker. But now as Adam pulled into the driveway, Kevin’s hands shook a bit when he released his seatbelt.
“You want me to wait?” Adam’s voice was quiet, calm.
Kevin sucked in a shaky breath. “No. I’ll…see you tomorrow.”
He waited for Adam’s car to reverse down the drive before he walked around the side of the garage and let himself in the door. When he stepped into the kitchen, the first things he saw were his suitcases lined up next to the counter separating the kitchen’s working area from the breakfast area.