Prisoners of Paradise

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Prisoners of Paradise Page 17

by Brandon Lars Erikson

  “Hey boss,” Agent Tim Mahoney said with a chuckle, I bet his is more helpful than anything Agents Renolds and Hulumalu have done all year.”

  “Don’t count on it, Agent Mahoney,” Jack said as he walked away. “Things like this always seem to blow up in our faces.”


  Location: Kimo’s Diner…Downtown Polynea.

  Ailanian Standard Time: 1613 Hours.

  Moke stared at his coffee cup as he thought, “some of us…carry dark secrets…and the desire to keep these secrets hidden from the rest of the world, is what dictates our actions…it’s too bad that my actions, are soon going to be very hard to justify…”

  Pete Munich stared at Moke and said, “And you think I’m crazy? I can’t believe that you are actually going through with this stupid idea that you concocted one night…after you had way too much to drink my friend!”

  Moke’s fingers formed as shaky fist as he felt his patience wearing thin. His eyes narrowed into suspicious slits as he gazed at the skinny man sitting across the table from him. Moke scrunched his nose up in disgust as he realized how Pete looked and smelled like a homeless bum.

  Pete said, “You think I’m crazy, because I’m trying to prove something! All I’m doing is trying to prove how The Alliance is trying to cover up evidence of their crimes against humanity. You’re the one who’s crazy. You’re the one trying to sabotage Operation Shade.”

  “Operation shade…” Moke winced as he picked his coffee up and sipped it with contempt.

  “Yeah…Operation Shade…you know, those orders you were given to assist in the government’s politically expedient plans to end narcotics trafficking on Ailana. You thought you’d ignore those orders, and start rocking the boat a little more than you normally do, by bringing corruption charges against two Ailanian High Senators. And now, your plan is in jeopardy…and you are scared. Why are you doing this anyway?”

  “Look, Pete…I’m not here to discuss that,” Moke said sternly, “I asked you to come here for one reason, to help me decode that medical file that Audrey’s Tech Team is having difficulty cracking into.”

  Pete Munich was a seasoned spy from Earth. He could see right through Moke’s facade, and despite the Ailanian’s stoic appearance, Pete could tell that his friend was very distressed. “Moke,” He said calmly. “I understand what you are trying to accomplish with this plan of yours, I really do. But let’s face it, you folks in the Ailanian law enforcement agencies have been chasing your tails for a number of years now trying to bring these drug dealers to justice. There really is no getting around the fact that there are a lot of people who want a final solution to the problem. I completely understand why the High Senate is demanding that Operation Shade happens real soon. Military intervention seems to be the only logical step.”

  “The hell it is,” Moke said, his fists shaking under the table with distain. “Our law enforcement agencies are closer to taking down these drug cartels than we ever have been. If we want to be a sovereign planet, then we need to act like a sovereign planet, we do not need Military personnel from Earth to take care of our problems for us.”

  “Moke, let me say something,” Pete said softly, compassionately. “Look man, I know why you really don’t want these Military guys showing up in your backyard, and it ain’t got nothing to do with Ailanian pride…it’s a personal thing. And this file, is gonna help you out with some of your…personal problems…am I right?”

  Moke narrowed his eyes and showed his teeth as he began to whisper in a threatening tone, “Listen here, Pete…I swear to the gods, if anyone finds out about my intentions for that medical file…I will kill you!”

  Pete countered those words with his own angry whispering, “Hey now, I thought we were friends! I was just going to say that you are going to need my help to accomplish your goals for that file. And just remember, I was the one who helped you steal it in the first place!”

  Moke decided to back off. He took a sip of coffee before saying, “I apologize, Pete.”

  Pete’s eyes narrowed. “Yeah, you better be sorry. This game is all about if I scratch your back, then you better scratch mine. Now I helped you, and you still have yet to give me any information about those missing archeologists.”

  Moke’s shoulders slouched. He lowered his head and let out a frustrated sigh as he said, “Pete, we’ve been over this already…”

  “And your last answer was bullshit, Moke! Tell me, how do two men whose occupation requires them to be trained survivalists, just vanish without a trace?”

  Moke raised his hand and said, “Pete, please…not now…”

  “No, man…you listen to me…and what about that investigation you supposingly started into the mysterious death of Dr. DeWolf Miller, the guy who was in charge of the Cedar Hills Institute of Technology? Why did the report come back stating he died during a burglary? You know it was all a part of that white haired bastard’s plan. He had Dr. Miller murdered and you know it!”

  Moke glanced up from the menu he had been pretending to read for the last five minutes and said, “Pete, that’s enough. There is no white haired man.”


  Moke rolled his eyes. He hated the fact that he needed this man’s help now. He sat back in his seat and tried not to let his body language convey how much he hated being here. He rubbed his face as he thought about didn’t even dare to think about what could happen if certain people knew that this meeting was even taking place.

  Pete was nearly foaming at the mouth as he said, “Bullshit, Moke…I know all about the white haired man…and by the way, what else are you not telling me?”

  Moke sighed and said, “I don’t know anything about those missing archeologists…we handed the investigation over to the local police. I will let you know as soon as something comes up. And as far as Dr. DeWolf Miller is concerned, well…his case is closed.”

  “You let the cops take over the investigation?!” Pete whispered forcefully. “Don’t you know that those two archeologists were onto something big, something that someone in the government did not want them to discover? Don’t you think their disappearance is suspicious? And you better have another look at Dr. Miller’s autopsy report…or even better, have me do the autopsy!”

  “Pete! Enough with the conspiracy theories already…you’re barking up the wrong tree…besides, they cremated Dr. Miller’s body yesterday.”

  “You let them cremate Miller’s body? Oh my gods its worse than I thought…”

  Moke felt his headache getting worse. He hated having to deal with this paranoid man. “Pete, the man died in a burglary, the case is closed…and I’m sorry I don’t have any news about those two guys that got lost in the desert…but we don’t have time to look for missing people! I’m the head of the CIA not the Search and Rescue. Besides, we’ve been swamped with some really bizarre murder investigations lately. Haven’t you heard about all these dead people that have been turning up in Polynea over the last few weeks? I’m sorry those two archeologists have not been found yet, but we are still trying.”

  “Yeah…I heard about all them sliced up kids in the apartment next to that nightclub that got shot up by those gangbangers…you don’t think it was actually gang related do you? And all those dudes with their throats slit…maybe they was slinging dope, but…that’s a pretty weird way to go. I’ve never heard of gang bangers using knives at close range like that…I mean, who in the hell is skilled enough to kill someone with a knife anymore…not your typical Ailanian thug…something is definitely out in left field with them murder cases. It’s almost like the knife wounds are a sort of calling card.”

  Moke rubbed his face and exhaled deeply. He motioned toward a small computer disc that was lying on the table, next to Pete’s coffee mug. “So what do you make of that thing?”

  “I was able to bust down those obnoxious firewalls and encrypted containment points tha
t were giving em’ trouble. But that’s as much as I can do without getting us caught. Audrey and her technicians have the technology to do the rest of the decoding at Hana Paloi where it’s safer to do that sort of thing. But don’t worry. I kept a few things pass worded, so that she wouldn’t be able snoop around too much while she decodes it for you.”

  “Good,” Moke said with a small sigh of relief. “You know how curious she can get.”

  “Well, there’s a lot to be curious about here, it’s not your standard Military Medical File,” Pete said, as he cocked his head and looked at Moke with suspicious eyes. “Like I said before, Captain, I know exactly what you want to do with this file. Have you really thought about the risks you are taking with this plan of yours, why do you want to do this so badly anyway?”

  “I owe this man my life. And because of that, I need to do everything I can…to save his.”

  “So that’s what this is all about? Tell me the truth; do you really want to save your friend Ronald Harris?” Pete smirked and narrowed his eyes as he said, “Or are you doing this, just to save your own ass?”

  Moke didn’t hear what Pete had just said, he was too busy remembering what he had read in that file earlier that morning. He remembered words like, AMNESIA…ANGER…memory loss…patient diagnosed as having post-traumatic stress syndrome and anger related problems…the patient became delusional, violent and suicidal…medication dosage increased…current mental condition…unknown.”

  Pete narrowed his eyes and looked at Moke, who appeared to be trembling, “Are you all right Moke? You don’t look so good.”

  “I’m fine,” Moke said as he snapped out of it, and took a long sip of coffee.

  “Hey, one more thing.”

  “Yes?” Moke said as he cracked his knuckles. He felt a bit light-headed.

  Pete wet his lips and said, “The bottom line is, I know that you’re the kind of guy who wants things done your way, but don’t be afraid to ask for my help if you need it. I could really help your plan succeed.”

  “I’ll keep in touch, Pete. But would you do me a favor?” Moke said, as he stood up.

  “Yeah…what is it?” Pete said as he turned his worried gaze towards the monitor that the waitress was watching behind the counter since there was no one else in the diner.

  “Stay at home from now on. Ever since Jacob Colombe died…the public mindset has changed regarding vigilantes. You wouldn’t want our law enforcement to accidentally think that you are a member of The Evil.”

  “Come on, Moke…those folks in The Evil have gone into hiding…you’ll never hear from em’ again. They lost their shepherd…and now the sheep, don’t know what to do.”

  “I’m serious, and please…just do me a favor…drop these personal investigations that you’re doing into the disappearance of those archeologists…there is nothing you can do for them. Just leave that stuff to us professionals.”

  “Is there a law on this planet against being curious? Is it illegal to ask a few questions?”

  Moke paused for a moment as he thought about his secret plan, and the compromises it would require, and the people it could possibly endanger. He gave Pete a facial expression of warning and said, “Just don’t ask the wrong ones, Pete… some questions are better left, unanswered.”

  Pete gave Moke a sad look and said, “and one more thing Moke…when all of this is over…and if things end badly for me…make sure to take good care of my little girl…god knows that damned treaty they claimed to have signed won’t protect her.”

  Moke sighed as he said, “I’ll make sure she stays safe, Pete. You have my word.”

  Pete said, “And Ronald James Harris, does he know just how well you keep your word?”

  Moke bit his lip as he turned around and walked off, realizing that there was a lot of truth in what Pete had just said.


  Location: Moke’s Office….Hana PaloiFederalBuilding…Downtown Polynea.

  Ailanian Standard Time: 1400 Hours.

  “It’s time to get all my ducks on a row…and figure out who is really on my side…” Moke thought as he pressed a button on his keyboard and a large Balguran man’s worried face appeared on his monitor screen.

  “Thank you for your time, Magistrate Hupo,” Moke said as if he were speaking with an old friend.

  The well-dressed man’s eyes darted about and his breathing was labored as he said, “Thank you for all your efforts, Captain. I’ve been reviewing your case, and I’ll be able to get Sprog Kanta off your back…but be careful, my power over the High Senate can only go so far…and right now, it appears that my approval rating with the Ailanian public is going down. These are hard political times, Captain Kalapana. Please make the right choices from now on…I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up for you.”

  “Magistrate Hupo, I am indebted to your kindness,” Moke said softly as he realized the enormous favor the large man had just given him.

  “I have to go, Moke…as you know the High Senate is hearing the testimony of a Hydroplantation CEO whose company is under investigation for causing a bacterial outbreak, which led to a few thousand cases of food poisoning. It seems the circus never ends.”

  “I know of some people who might know how to make things better,” Moke thought briefly before he said, “Thank you sir, I’ll speak to you soon.”

  The Magistrate’s face disappeared and Moke heard a knock on his office door.

  “Come in,” Moke said as he pressed a button on his desk. The door opened, and to his dismay, in walked a tall, Hokupi man with dark green skin, and hair that was white due to his advanced years. High Senator Karamotzain’s skin was wrinkled and his face appeared to be full of discontent as he pointed a bony finger at Moke and said, “Don’t you think for one minute, that I am not onto what you are attempting to do!”

  Moke remained stoic and resisted the urge to draw his weapon as he thought, “no one must know about what I am about to do…”

  High Senator Karamotzain placed his hands on his thin hips in an attempt to make himself look bigger as he said, “this case you have against High Senators Glik and Semnor is not something that you can just use to stop what the people of this planet want!”

  Moke sighed and relaxed his fists as he said, “And what do the good people of this planet want, High Senator Karamotzain?”

  “Justice! That’s what! And you think that you’re going to stop justice from happening?”

  “That depends,” Moke said as he leaned back and began to look comfortable as he said, “is Operation Shade…a plan that involves allowing soldiers, from Earth, to utilize deadly force against gang members considered justice, or just politically expedient?”

  “We’ll see what kind of justice is given to you, when your little tactic causes this world to go over the tipping point…we have gangs selling narcotics and committing acts of violence, our people feel like prisoners in their own homes…and now you want to hamstring the High Senate from doing anything about it?”

  Moke sighed and said, “I simply want to bring those gangsters to justice in a manner that does not violate our constitution.”

  “Oh, we’ll see whose interpretation of the constitution is more valid soon enough…this is not over, Kalapana!” High Senator Karamotzain smoothed out his white hair with his hands before he turned on his heels and strode out the door.

  “Asshole,” Moke thought to himself as he returned to his monitor, “Conservative Moralists, like him, refuse to regulate corporations who steal from the common man, but they are more than willing to use the strong arm of the government to force people to conform to their views of what they believe it means to live a moral life…”

  Moke’s angry thoughts were interrupted again by another a knock on his office door.

  “Come in,” Moke said as he pressed the button on his desk. The door opened, and to his delight he saw a
beautiful Ailanian woman walk into his office. She was petite, but strong. Her gorgeous Kupano face was radiant and had a determined look on it. Her hair was long, black, and glistened as it reflected the light from it. She was dressed in a black, conservative dress that made her look like she was about ready to go take care of business and cut through some red tape.

  Moke smiled and felt a warm glow inside as she walked towards him. Malia Egnudt, Ailana’s Attorney General, was definitely a woman who he loved to watch as she worked. Today, she was about to go into court, to try to nail a couple of corrupt Ailanian officials to the wall.

  “I received your message,” she said as she strode in and sat down on one of the plush chairs in front of his desk. “I just came over to say thank you, for your help. Thanks to you, our cases against High Senator Glik and High Senator Semnor are going smoothly.”

  “Anytime,” Moke said with a grin as he thought, “I’ll do whatever it takes to get those bastards removed from power.”

  “If you could, I need some more information on High Senator Glik’s campaign staff. We need some more documentation of the deal they made with the owner of Mele Entertainment.”

  “Ah yes, Loko Kalaheva, the owner, and president of Mele Entertainment, has quite a few mistakes in his book keeping system.”

  Malia seemed to pounce when she heard the name, “And we should keep looking into that, as I understand it, you had someone else arrested last night.”

  “Yes, we found out that one of High Senator Glik’s campaign managers was misreporting revenue as expenses. The campaign manager originally told us that he had given Loko Kalaheva a large sum of money to pay for television advertisements…but our CIA accounting agents discovered the money used to pay for those ads was coming from Loko Kalaheva’s accounts.”

  “Was it money in the form of an illegal campaign contribution?”


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