The Return of Constantine (The Blackest Knight Series, Book 2)

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The Return of Constantine (The Blackest Knight Series, Book 2) Page 4

by Michael S. Melendez

  “Trust me she doesn’t,” Vincent added.

  “How can you be so sure? I mean this is the same person who at the age of thirteen shaved off a girl’s entire head because she had the same hairstyle as her. And right now I’m talking alone with the man who has managed to successfully court her. See, I love my hair…and breathing.”

  “She’s not going to kill because she has heard this entire conversation.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Watch.” Vincent walked past her to the tree just behind. He gripped it tightly with his right arm. “While we were talking, I noticed the birds in this tree all scatter. Why? No loud noises and definitely no predators. So why did they all run?” Vincent dug his feet deep into the ground and pushed against the tree as hard as he could. The roots began to tear from the ground and eventually the tree was in free fall. Cassandra was amazed. She never saw someone rip a tree out of the ground with their bare hands, let alone using only one.

  “Emilia, once you are done collecting yourself out of those branches and have the nerve to once again face us. We’ll be waiting on the king's road. Take our time.”

  “She was in the tree?” Cassandra asked.

  Vincent nodded. “Trust me, I know how jealous Emilia can get. I know her very well. She should also know the type of man I am! But I suppose trust doesn’t come easily to her. Anyway, we should go.”

  Emilia joined them minutes after. Her face was covered in tiny scratches and her hair was full of tiny twigs and leaves. Her face was bright red and continued to walk pass them without saying a word. Vincent and Cassandra glanced at one another and couldn’t help but laugh out load.

  Blackfire capital was only a days walk from where they were. The black scorched stone walls surrounded the capital was a familiar if not frightful sight. They kept to the tree line as to avoid being spotted by sentries.

  “This is too easy,” Cassandra said. “When I fled from this place there was an army of archers on those battlements. Where did they go?”

  “Go question,” Vincent said. “No one in the watch towers either. They aren’t expecting anyone. We may have the element of surprise here, but Cassandra’s right. This is too easy and far too quiet.”

  “Walking through the front gate is out of the question. Emilia, do you know another way in?” Cassandra asked.

  “I do actually. When me and my mother fled we used an old emergency tunnel. Leads right to the dungeon. We can come up from down bellow and make our way up. No one ever expects an attack to come from inside the castle. I know I didn’t.”

  There was a look of pain on Emilia’s face.

  “Good. Then we have somewhat of a plan.” Vincent said. “While you two come in from down bellow. I’ll go through the main gate.”

  “That’s suicide!” Cassandra barked. “There is no telling how many would be waiting for you.”

  “You call it suicide I call it a diversion. I’m not so easily killed and stealth is not my strong suit. I’ll keep whatever forces busy while you two get the drop on them. I’ll try not to hurt any of them too badly.”

  “You're that confident in yourself?”

  “Cassandra, we should go.” Emilia urged.

  “Your grace, you can’t be serious about letting him go and face an army head on. It's madness!”

  “Vincent’s right, Cassandra, he doesn’t die easily. And if does die he knows I’ll find a way to bring him back just to kill him myself.”

  Vincent snickered. “I actually believe that. In any event, you two should go. We’ll meet up in the throne room.”

  Cassandra continued to protest but it all fell on deaf ears. She couldn’t understand why Emilia would allow him to go off on his own. If she knew Vincent’s secret then she would, but would it truly help him now?

  The sun had set. The light of the moon shined bright on the scorched wood gate of Blackfire. These walls have held back invaders for centuries. Vincent found it rather hard to believe a single woman managed to take the castle. As Vincent placed his hand on the door his right arm began to ache. Danger, it told him. What kinda danger awaited him?

  Normally a massive door of this size would require two people station on the two pulleys that open the door. His right arm made it easy to open. He pushed the door open just enough for him to slip inside. When he stepped through the crack he was immediately pelted by icy winds. It was hard to forget such a sensation having ran two straight days through this. The capital was frozen solid. Ice decorated every house. At first glance, you would assume everything was in fact made of ice, but looking under the thick layers you could see the brick houses underneath.

  Walking further in, Vincent saw the army. An army of Blood Knights. They were frozen near the castle. Each in various positions. Some were clearing in a sprint to the castle. Others seem to be shielding civilians or trying to get them to safety.

  “Frozen in time.” He muttered.

  Vincent slowly ascended the stairs to the castle. More Blood Knights littered the stairs. Only these were running away. Blood Knights are hardened soldiers. For them to run away would mean something threatened all of them. Perhaps it's what froze them all, to begin with.

  He approached the frozen door. As he pushed it in, the door completely shattered off its hinges and slammed hard to the ground. A thunderous boom echoed throughout the castle. Vincent instinctively drew his sword. Only a deaf person would not have heard that. He was anticipating an attack. Only no one came. Odd.

  Slowly Vincent crept inside. The ice beneath his feet cracked with each step. For some reason, the ice was thinner here. Vincent knew why——because the closer he got to the throne room the hotter it was getting.

  The door of the throne room wasn’t frozen. In fact, Vincent was only standing no more than two feet away from it and he could feel the heat radiating off it. He was scared to grab the door. Thinking that he would burn himself. He got a running start, threw his fist back and punch the door hard. It was easy enough to knock down and when he did a wave of heat bombarded him. He thought that his eyebrows burned off.

  There was a woman sitting on the Black Dragon throne of Blackfire in the seat where the queen would normally be. She had short blue hair, wore a black robe which was hanging off her shoulder, and carried a staff with a red crystal at the top. In her other hand, she had chains. Vincent glanced over to where the chains led. He saw two women stark naked having sex with each other.

  “WELCOME!” Levi yelled. “I’ve sooo been expecting you for some time, Vincent Valentine.”

  “You know who I am?”

  “OF COURSE! Why wouldn’t I know the Black Knight himself? So good, ahead of schedule but still so good. Oh, I have much, much work to do. Much, much work. Must prepare. Not prepared! You come too soon, Black Knight!”

  It was very clear to Vincent that this woman was mad. But why was she waiting for him? And just what is she preparing for?

  “What the hell are you talking about?” he asked.

  “WAR! WAR IS COMING! Brother, other brother. Brothers will fight. Brothers must fight. One lives other dies!” Levi cackled as she pulled one of the chains. She pulled one of the women closer to her and began to fondle her. There was something about Levi that made this woman go into a state of pure euphoria. Levi proceeds to push her to the floor and begins kicking her.

  “STUPID! STUPID! Must not delay. Most provide seed. Must build more. Need more. No time! The end is near!”

  “You're mad!” Vincent yelled.

  Levi turned her head to the side and smiled at him. “ME MAD?! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO! THE WORLD IS MAD! I AM THE ONLY SANE ONE. WAR COMING, ENEMIES HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT. OLD RELIGION NOT GONE…must not delay. You must not interfere! We must win. You must win or end is coming!”

  With a blink of an eye, Levi vanished. Vincent readied himself for an attack. Looking all around the room for her. He didn’t expect her to appear in front of him, let alone to kiss him. He immediately pushed her off. He dropped his sword as the room began to spin. Sh
e did something to him. All the color mashed into one as the floor beneath his feet shattered like glass. Did he fall through the castle? No. He was falling through his own mind. When he landed he found him inside the castle. Only it wasn’t Blackfire. It was Avia.

  He heard a sinister laugh coming from behind him. It was hard to forget that laugh. He slowly turned around and saw his father sitting on his throne. Next to him was his mother and next to them both was his older brother and sister. All laughing. A thunderous boom echoed from the other side of the door. The sound of bodies hitting the floor was all too familiar. The doors swung open and there he was. The Black Knight. His fiery red eyes struck fear into Vincent’s heart. He himself began to back away.

  The Black Knight walked in with sword drawn. Vincent tried to scream for him to stop, but no word left his mouth. He was too frighten. He had to watch once again his father get beheaded. His mother split in half. His brother dismembered limb from limb. And his sister impaled on the wall. Vincent collapsed to his knees and wept.

  “PATHETIC!” The Black Knight yelled. “YOU. ARE. PATHETIC!”

  “Who…who are you?” Vincent asked with a whimper.

  The black armor disappeared off his body like sand being dragged off by a gust of wind. Vincent was now staring at himself. His ten-year-old self. “I’m you. A representation you. And you, Vincent Valentine, are pathetic and a hypocrite. I heard what you told that girl Cassandra. Maybe you should learn to take you own advice. This scar has been reopened, it is festering, and is infected at this point.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Then allow me to explain it to you. I’m you. That right arm. That’s me. Think of me as a parasite tagging along for the ride. I am a weapon. An instrument created to do one thing. Kill. And you have been reliving this moment for ten years now! Get over it!”

  “Get over it?” Vincent repeated. “If you are me then you know why I can’t get over it! I…I am not having this discussion. I’m leaving.”

  “No, you aren’t. Not until we talk. See, right now you are temporarily brain dead. Your body is still in Blackfire castle with that witch.”

  “She was a witch?”

  “Of course, she was a witch. How many clues did you need? An entire capital city was frozen. The staff. Not to mention this charm she put you under. Oh, don’t worry, it had no effect. I just took advantage of your weaken mine state to bring you here.”


  “Like I said. We need to talk.”

  Chapter 7

  Down bellow in the spider and rat-infested dungeon, Emilia and Cassandra emerged from the secret entrance completely unnoticed. Not much of a feat given that there was no one around.

  “It’s far too quiet,” Cassandra said.

  “It wasn’t like this when you left?”

  “Not even close. These dungeons were patrolled all day and night. I’d dare say that half of the Blood Knights were down here patrolling. Where are they?”

  Emilia grabbed a lit torched on the wall and they proceeded further inside. All the cells were empty. This wasn’t how Cassandra remembered it. Each cell was full with a random assortment of women and a handful of men all pleasuring one another. She can still hear the sound of flesh smacking against flesh. Where are they know?

  “Are you going to be okay with one arm?” Emilia asked.

  “Yeah. It wasn’t my sword arm so I can fight. And even if it was that wouldn’t stop me. I owe you and your mother so much.”

  “Cassandra, you owe us nothing. We were happy to take you in.”

  “Not what I meant.” Cassandra stopped and turned to her. “So many of us believe that you killed your father and tried to usurp the throne. I…am ashamed to say that I was one of those believers. After everything you did for me over the years I was so ready to hang you for what Levi accused you of. I should have known better. I should have…if I came looking for you sooner then maybe Blackfire wouldn’t be like this.”

  “You couldn’t know that, Cassandra. Things became so…hectic when me and my mother were forced to flee. Whatever happened, I doubt I could’ve stopped Levi’s plans before they happened——whatever it might be. Anyway, come on, its far to quite and I’m getting a little worried about Vincent. We should hurry.”

  They ascended the stairway of the dungeon. Still, they saw no one and there was a chill in the air. Emilia stopped as she peered out the window. Her heart shattered as she saw Blackfire frozen. “What happened here?” she said, wiping the tears from her eyes.

  “This…it wasn’t like this when we left. Oh, by the gods, what foul curse is this?” Cassandra glanced down at the frozen people on the streets. Even from this distance and under the layers of ice, Cassandra would recognize the armor of her brothers and sisters anywhere. But why are they outside? What happened in the time that she fled? Something changed.

  They continued on further in the castle. It was eerie. Normally these halls are filled with laughter and people. Now all there is only silence.

  They felt a sudden change in the air. It became hotter as they approached the throne room via a side door. It was like opening a door to a sauna. Outside it was frozen and inside it was sweltering hot. Why?

  Levi was nowhere to be seen, but Vincent was on knees with his sword in his hand. Without thinking, Emilia ran over to him. “Vincent! What happened?” she asked. No response. He was live, but as she looked into his eyes she could see no light in them. He had the appearance of a catatonic victim.

  She yelled at him trying to get him to respond and even started to shake him, but it was no use. Vincent was locked in his own head with his worst enemy. Himself.

  “I’ll say it again. You are pathetic, Vincent Valentine! For all your power. Nay. For all my power you have barely scratched the surface of what you can do!”

  “I never asked for this power!” Vincent barked.

  “Does a person ask for cancer? Does a murder ask for the rope? No. Those things are given for a reason!”

  “What are you saying? Are you saying the gods gave this power for the sole person of murdering my family?”

  “I never said it was the gods. See, you, Vincent Valentine, have an enemy. A very old enemy who’s sole purpose was to awaken that power sleeping inside of you. Has it never occurred to you as to why your father became so obsessed with finding Old Religion artifacts. Did you honestly think he woke up one day in a fog of madness? No. Someone guided him to do the things he did. The things he did to you. The things he did to his people. And the thing he did to your sisters. All of it has been planned from day one. Your oldest enemy has been playing you like a fool!”

  “That doesn’t matter to me!” he bellowed.

  “Well, it should. How long do you intend to play this little game of theirs? They want you to find your sisters. For what reason I can’t be sure of but you are playing right into their hands.”

  “So you are asking me to stop looking for my sisters. If you are me as you claim to be then you should know that I won’t stop. Not until I find them!”

  “Idiot…your enemy truly has done a number on you. Tell me, why do you think Rodrick didn’t kill you?”

  “Because of the…wait…what?” Vincent found himself in a haze. He couldn't remember the reason. “I don’t know…”

  “How did you get this power?”

  “I…” Once again a haze of mist. It was as if the memory was dodging him at every corner. What was going on? “I don’t know…”

  “Okay. Then let me ask you an easy question. How did you know that sword you carry on your back was in that dead willow tree?”

  “I…I…put it there.”

  “Did you? See, that makes no sense. You were imprisoned almost immediately after killing your family. You never once broke out even though you could at any moment. So, how did that sword get there?”

  The more he spoke the more Vincent’s head began to ache. He found himself on his knees clenching his head. Two memories clashing against one another. One is t
rying to make sense of the other. What Vincent knows to be the truth and what is true are two different things.

  “Has is not dawned on you by now that finding your sisters is exactly what they want you to do?”

  “You aren’t making any sense. Who are they?!”

  “Think!” he bellowed. “Who is the one person you can’t remember? A name you know but a face you can’t place. Think!”

  “A name I…” That was when it hit him. “Kristy…”


  “She’s my enemy?”

  “Yes and no. Yes, she is the person who warped your memories but no she is not your enemy. In a game of chest, their are pawns. Pawns in which you use to advance yourself further along the board in order to take the king. However, not every pawn makes it to the end. Some must be sacrificed in order to advance further on the board. Do you understand, Vincent? She isn’t your enemy. She was a seed planted in your life at a very young age. And like all seeds she eventually blossomed and grew. However, a seed cannot grow without light and water. Without those two things the seed with wither and die. Your enemy is trying to play god and you, Vincent Valentine, is the right hand of the gods.”

  The haze didn’t lift itself. Whatever the truth is Vincent could no longer access it. He was stuck with the warped reality of what he thinks is real.

  “The right hand.” He muttered as he looked and his bandaged hand. “What is this thing? What is this power? How did I get this power? You still haven’t explained anything to me.”

  “Like I said, its a weapon. A weapon designed to do one thing. Kill. You were inside that temple, Vincent. You saw the statues. You also saw your own arm on one of the gods. You and I both know that cannot be a coincidence. After all, the universe is hardly ever so lazy as to implement a sheer coincidence as facts. That day when you looked into the void you saw something. Seeing as you can hardly remember very basic things I won’t bother trying to make you remember so I will tell you this. Humans cannot look into the void without having something look back at them. In your case, you saw it all. Your birth, your growth, your pain, your victories and defeats, and your death. It was on that day that I found you and the day your blood activated.”


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