Surviving Ivy

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by Rayne Rachels

  Surviving Ivy

  Bryant Station Curves

  Book 8

  Rayne Rachels

  Surviving Ivy

  Copyright © 2017 Rayne Rachels and RAKC Books

  All rights reserved.

  For more information about the author, please visit

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are the product of the Author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The Author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.

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  To my husband for always supporting me.

  To Rachel G. for all your help.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  About the Author

  Other Books by Rayne Rachels

  Reluctantly Undead

  Chance to Love Again

  Chapter 1

  Ivy Braxton rolled out of bed and instead of putting her feet on the floor as she expected, she stepped on the shoe she had kicked off last night when she went to bed too exhausted to care where her clothes fell when she took them off. Her foot slid off the shoe, causing her to twist her ankle and stumble as she tried to keep her balance.

  “Horse feathers!”

  She grabbed the edge of the nightstand to steady herself. Once she was sure she had her balance under control, she carefully lifted her injured foot and rotated her ankle. It hurt but it wasn’t broken. From experience, she knew what broken bones felt like.

  Thank the goddess for small favors.

  Balancing on her hurt foot, Ivy kicked the shoe that had caused the problem under the bed with her uninjured foot. She hobbled into the bathroom.

  Ivy turned on the light. She put her hands on either side of the sink and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Dark circles had taken up a permanent residence under her eyes. She took a deep breath and let it out rather noisily. It wasn’t like there was anyone living with her to hear it.

  She blinked her eyes several time and yawned. The lack of sleep was really getting to her. Ivy didn’t know how much more she could take before she broke.

  Her face was paler than normal. Beads of sweat dotted her forehead. Her reflection should have shocked her, but it didn’t. Over the weeks, she had grown used to it and had thought it was because of all the issues she had to deal with as a result of her grandmother’s sudden death.

  The funeral had been bad enough, but then her parents, who she hadn’t seen in years, appeared at the lawyer’s office demanding their inheritance from Ivy’s grandmother’s estate. Two hours later, they stormed out of the office. Beatrice Braxton had completely cut her son, daughter-in-law, and grandson out of her will.

  To Ivy’s surprise, her grandmother had left her everything.

  But it had made her brother hate her even more than he already did. As he and her parents left the lawyer’s office, he stopped in the doorway and glared at her. Cold fury rolled off of him in thick waves causing her to shiver. Relief filled Ivy when he finally left, but she had a nasty feeling he wouldn’t be gone for long. Sooner or later, he would show up and cause her all sorts of problems.

  Even though her grandmother raised her, Ivy never even contemplated she would one day inherit her grandmother’s estate. Ivy always figured her grandmother’s belongings would go to her parents and brother. She had no real magical skills to speak of and because of that she wasn’t good enough to be an active member of the Braxton Coven. In fact, she was only listed as a member because she was a Braxton. On the other hand, her older brother was being groomed to take over the coven.

  After her family stormed out of the lawyer’s office, she had sat there staring at the wall of books behind the man. Not only had she inherited the house, the contents and a small savings account, but when she finally mated, Ivy would inherit several other bank accounts that were set aside in a trust fund. Stunned hardly described how she felt.

  And then the dreams started. At first the dreams were wonderful and left her filled with desire and need, but slowly the dreams slowly changed into nightmares.

  Night after night she had the same nightmare over and over.

  Night after night she watched the demon kill the gorgeous man with the dirty-blond hair after he shifted into a large Kodiak bear.

  Her chest tightened with fear. The dreams were ripping her heart to shreds. She couldn’t keep watching the bear shifter die night after night. She had to do something. Somehow she had to save the bear shifter, because the dreams weren’t exactly dreams. They were premonitions of what was going to happen. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but she did.

  She couldn’t let the gorgeous bear shifter die.

  Ivy looked down at her hands. Even though they were palm down on the counter, her hands trembled. Fear twisted her guts into knots, making her sick to her stomach. Ivy couldn’t let her premonitions come true.

  “You know what you have to do. You have to save your mate. Neither of you can live without the other.”

  Ivy looked up and stared at her reflection in the mirror. “But he is a shifter…a bear shifter. How can my mate be a bear shifter?”

  “Because Destiny has decreed your mate is a shifter.” The air behind Ivy shimmered. An elderly woman slowly came into focus.

  “But witches don’t mate with shifters. We only mate with witches.” Ivy turned around and looked at the ghost of the woman who had been her grandmother.

  “It’s obvious Destiny has different plans for you.” The ghost of Beatrice Braxton smiled. “You look like you need to sleep.”

  Ivy rolled her eyes. “You think?” She ran her hand through her messy brown hair. “I haven’t slept more than a few hours each night. As soon as I drift off to sleep, the dream starts, and it always ends the same way…the handsome shifter dies.”

  “It is more than a dream…more than a premonition. I’ve always told you that you were special. Dream…Premonition…No. What you are seeing is something more,” said the ghost of her grandmother.

  “What do you mean?” asked Ivy.

  The ghost smiled. “You know what I mean. Think about what I’ve said.”

  Ivy stared at the ghostly figure. She wanted to believe the dreams were just bad nightmares that were the result of the emotional rollercoaster she had been on ever since her grandmother died, but she knew better. She wasn’t having nightmares, and she wasn’t having the normal premonitions of what was going to happen to her mate.

  Her mate.

  She was having a mating dream about what could happen to her mate if she didn’t find him. Mating dreams used to be common among witches. It was the goddess’s way of showing the witch his or her mate, the one person created just for them, so that they could find them. But when the Braxton males took charge of the coven, they ignored the mating dreams. For decades, instead of waiting for their fated mate, the Braxton males formed matings based on power which totally went against the goddess’s teachings. As a result of
the arranged matings, the goddess had turned away from the Braxton Coven which should have diminished their powers, yet somehow the power of the Braxton Coven continued to grow.

  Ivy snorted. Her power didn’t grow. It was stagnant and what little she had was unpredictable at best. Of all the witches in the coven, why would she be granted mating dreams? Was it because she was not an active participant in the coven? Not that anyone actually wanted her there at the ceremonies.

  “I’ve always said you are special.” The ghost smiled. “Now, you have to decide what you are going to do with the mating dream.”

  Ivy closed her eyes and looked into her heart. A warm peace settled over her. She knew there was only one thing she could do…needed to do. She had to find the handsome bear shifter and save him. He had to live because Ivy was already falling in love with him. She hoped he would feel the same way about her when they finally met.

  “How do I do this?” Ivy looked at the ghost. “How do I find him? I have no idea where to start looking. It’s not like I can cast a spell to find him.” Ivy’s shoulders slumped. “If I did try to cast a spell, I probably would blow him up or myself, if not both of us.” Ivy shuddered at the thought of accidentally harming the handsome bear shifter because she didn’t have enough magic in her to correctly cast a spell.

  Her ghostly grandmother chuckled.

  Ivy shook her head. “I can see the headlines. Two People Mysteriously Blow Up! Story at Seven.”

  “You have always been a little dramatic. When the time is right, your powers will flourish.” The ghost smiled at Ivy.

  “Yeah, and Delphine and Bradford Braxton will suddenly have a change of heart, and welcome their only daughter with open arms into their home.” Ivy snorted. “Who am I kidding. They would rather have a party to celebrate my death.”

  “I doubt they would even bother with a party. They would just want to know what you had left them, especially since I left them nothing and you everything.” The ghost’s eyes sparkled.

  “Great!” Ivy winkled her nose “You made me a target when you left me everything.”

  “I didn’t make you anything that you weren’t already. From the day you were born, you were a target because you are everything they aren’t, and it scares them. I just left you the means to fulfill your destiny. There will always be people who will desire what you have, but I believe you have a more pressing issue that is also keeping you awake at night.” Her grandmother’s ghost smiled warmly at her, and Ivy could feel her grandmother’s love radiating from the ghost.

  Ivy turned and studied her reflection in the mirror. Her pale skin made the dark circles under her eyes stand out. “I look horrible, but then what’s new?” She shook her head. Her parents had ignored her for years. Even at the lawyer’s office, they didn’t look at her or speak to her. They were only interested in what they thought should have been theirs.

  Ivy sighed.

  She had more pressing matters at hand.

  She turned around. “Since I don’t dare cast a spell, how do I find my handsome bear shifter?” She knew she couldn’t let the dreams of his death come true. If they did, she would lose her mate, the one man created to be her partner, her lover, and her best friend.

  The ghost shimmered and started to fade.

  “Please, how do I find him?” begged Ivy. She felt helpless. As a witch she was a total failure, and if her grandmother’s ghost didn’t help her, she was doomed to watch her mate die each night and not be able to do anything to stop it.

  “Tomorrow’s newspaper will hold what you seek. I think it’s time you moved out,” said her grandmother’s ghost as it completely disappeared, leaving Ivy alone.

  “Tomorrow’s newspaper? Moving out?” Ivy rolled her eyes as she shook her head. “So tomorrow is going to be a busy day?” She waited for a reply, but none came. Ivy yawned. “I might as well go back to bed and try to get some sleep. Any would be better than none.”

  Turning off the light, she limped out of the bathroom. Her ankle still hurt, but not as bad as it did when she stepped on the shoe when she got out of bed. All I need to do now, is find the other shoe.

  Three seconds later, Ivy’s toes caught something hard. The moment of her foot sent the object into the path of her other foot. Ivy tripped. She tried regaining her balance as she stumbled forward. All she could do was throw her arms up in front of her to hopefully protect her face. Ivy fell face first to the floor with a loud thump.

  “Double hockey sticks!”

  Ivy laid where she landed for several minutes. “That is going to leave a mark,” she muttered as she slowly moved each limb, checking for broken bones. She was going to have a lot of new bruises, but luckily, nothing was broken. “I think I found the missing shoe,” she said.

  Ivy pushed herself into a sitting position. “Maybe it would be safer if I just stayed on the floor.” In the dim glow of the nightlight, the bed loomed in the distance. She looked at it longingly. If she could just safely navigate the shoe infested waters, she could make it to the sanctuary of her island bed.

  She yawned again.

  Desire to curl up in her soft warm covers won out. Ivy carefully stood up and took a step. So far, so good. She took another step and then another. With each step she gained confidence.

  After successfully navigating the dangerous waters, Ivy crawled back into bed. She snuggled down into the covers and thought about the handsome shifter from her dreams.

  Tomorrow she would buy a newspaper. Ivy smiled. Tomorrow she would begin her search for her mate. As much as she wanted to get to know him, she knew her priority was to save his life. “Don’t worry. I will find you, and I will protect you from the demon, even if I have to give my last breath to do so.” She pulled the covers up to her neck and closed her eyes. Sleep quickly claimed her.


  The next morning, Ivy sat at a corner table in her favorite coffee shop, The Java Zombie. She picked up the large cup of coffee sitting on the table in front of her and took a sip. She sighed as the rich, sweet brew slid down her throat. It tasted even better than the first cup of coffee she had when she first arrived at the coffee shop with the day’s newspaper.

  Ivy put the cup down. She rolled her shoulders, tilted her head from one side to the other and stretched her arms. Picking up the cup of coffee, she took another sip and turned her attention back to the newspaper spread out on the table.

  So far she had gone through a good two thirds of the newspaper, but hadn’t found anything that even remotely looked like a sign as to where her handsome bear shifter lived.

  She took another sip of coffee and set the cup down before she carefully turned the page. Ivy scanned both pages but still couldn’t find anything. “You told me I needed to look in today’s newspaper. I’m looking but I’m not seeing anything but stories on the high school sports teams, who was arrested for jaywalking, and who won ribbons at the county fair last week. I didn’t realize eating ten whole cherry pies in twenty minutes would earn you a blue ribbon. They actually gave a prize to someone for stuffing his stomach faster than the other contestants. Unreal.”

  Ivy shook her head. I like cherry pies, but the thought of eating ten whole pies in one sitting makes my stomach hurt. She shuddered. That’s just completely gross!

  She took another sip of coffee. “And then there’s the story about a local artist who uses flowers instead of paint brushes.” She sighed. “There’s nothing that helps me find my mate.” Ivy rubbed her forehead. She picked up her coffee cup. “Fiddlesticks! Who drank my coffee when I wasn’t looking? That was so uncool.” She started to get up to get a refill when the room suddenly grew cold.

  Ivy looked around. No one seemed to notice the temperature change. They were all going about their business as if nothing was wrong. Ivy sat back down. “Grandmother?”

  “The classifieds are a great place to find a new home. Listen to your heart.”

  The room warmed.

  Ivy raised her eyebrows. “Okay, the classifieds. Now,
why didn’t I think to look there in the first place. Maybe it would have saved a lot of time, but then I would have missed some crazy reading material.” She turned to the classifieds at the back of the newspaper. “Thanks Grandmother for the clue.” Ivy skimmed through the “apartment rentals” and “homes for rent/sale” sections. About halfway down the first column, one advertisement stood out from the others.

  Shaking her head, Ivy stared at the newspaper. “It really can’t be that easy.” She reread the advertisement.

  Duplex for rent to the person who is looking for a change of venue. If you’re that person, then Bryant Station is the town for you. Call 1-254-592-2965 and ask for Forrest.

  The words were simple, but they spoke to Ivy’s heart. “Bryant Station,” she whispered. This was where she had to go…where she needed to be if she was going to find and protect her mate.

  Ivy reached into her bag and pulled out her cell phone, a notepad, and pen. She copied the number and the name onto the first blank sheet in the notepad. She unlocked her cell phone and tapped in the phone number. Her finger hoovered over the call button.

  Ivy took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

  “I’m being silly. It’s just a phone call.” She tapped the call button and brought the phone up to her ear. In seconds the phone starting ringing. Her heart raced.

  “Hello?” The male who answered had a deep voice.

  It was pleasant, but it didn’t do anything for Ivy. Instincts told her this wasn’t her mate. “Hello, is this Forrest?”

  There was a short pause. “It is. Who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?”

  “This is Ivy. Ivy Braxton. I’m calling about the duplex you have for rent. By chance, is it still available?”

  “It is, but I’m not renting it out to just anyone. It has to be the right person,” said Forrest.

  Ivy frowned. “And how will you know it is the right person?”


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