Forbidden Bastard: Opposites Attract Matchmaker Romance (Princes of Avce Book 10)

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Forbidden Bastard: Opposites Attract Matchmaker Romance (Princes of Avce Book 10) Page 10

by Victoria Pinder

  At the store, Cassidy had mentioned her sister. Sandi held out her hand to shake. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” Chelsea said fast, taking her yellow-polished fingers back. “I’m happy to help.”

  Chelsea then walked her a foot closer to the lone man in the room. “This is Michael. It took him weeks to work through my rat’s nest to make me presentable.”

  Both women were model-perfect and made it seem so natural. Michael winked at them and motioned toward a stylist's throne-like chair that had every hair instrument she’d ever seen around the seat, and some items spilled over to a mahogany table. “Cassidy was determined to make herself as ugly as possible," he said. "I only uncovered the beauty she was hiding inside.”

  The idea that the brunette who worked in the palace, wearing powder-blue flats that perfectly matched her shirt, with gray slacks tailored for her, was anything other than put together was hard to believe.

  And if this was all Michael, then he must be gifted. Sandi flounced her long red hair that tangled all the time and hoped she had no new knots. “Well, I’m going to trust everyone as I’m super nervous about going to a royal anything.”

  Chelsea brought a pink dress toward Sandi's cheek and held it there before she wrinkled her nose and stepped back.

  Cassidy motioned for her to sit and Michael studied every strand of her hair as Cassidy said, “The king and queen are really nice and both are determined to bring your fiancé into the family circle of trust, if they can.”

  “I see.” Sandi pressed her lips together. Would Charles want that? She wasn’t sure so it was best not to give an opinion.

  Chelsea brought over a red fabric and nodded, then stilled. “Sheena and Matteo will be there.”

  The ex. The one everyone thought Charles loved. Sheena had also seemed beautiful. Perhaps it wasn’t fair, but Sandi hadn’t thought about being put together for more than work or going out with her few friends in ages. Tonight’s ball made her stomach twist and the idea of Charles with another just added a stone inside as she slumped in the chair and said, “Oh.”

  Chelsea asked, “Do you prefer red or royal blue, as both colors go well with your skin tone?”

  Tonight she needed every weapon and that included amazing good looks. She met Chelsea’s blue eyes and said, “Siren red.”

  A huge grin broke out as Chelsea patted her arm. “I like you already, Sandi. Just so you know, Sheena has been my dearest friend for years now.”

  Then anything said could travel. It was best not to say a word that could be taken wrong. Sandi swallowed. “Charles told me how he'd asked, in royal court, for her marriage to be annulled.”

  “Good.” Chelsea headed toward a rack with red dresses as she said, “He warned you what to expect. Sheena is in love with Matteo. She always has been, so that wasn’t going to happen.”

  Michael started tugging at the ends of her hair as if inspecting the strength of each strand. The news made her glad that Sheena didn't have a broken heart either. “I see.”

  Chelsea brought over three dresses and held them up like she was internally measuring and deciding on style while she said, “But she’s happy you’ll be there with Charles tonight, and hopes you'll talk to her so everyone is at ease.”

  If talking with Sheena settled things down, she’d happily help. Sandi nodded until Michael held her head firm. She put her head down to let him see her long layers. Chelsea put the dresses back and carried a few more over while Sandi mumbled, “Sounds good.”

  Michael released her hair and then picked up his scissors as he said, “I love your happiness that gleams in your eyes. Now, let’s add a few touches to your hair so when your smile brightens the palace, it’s not dimmed with these dull ends.”

  As money had tightened, so had her trips to the nicer salons, not that she wanted to explain that. She said instead, “It’s hard to find a good stylist.”

  Michael handed her a black smock that she wiggled into. “You have me now. We’ll fix this line.”

  She resumed her seat and he started cutting her hair as Cassidy brought over a cup of mint tea and said, “I learned to just trust that Michael knows what he’s doing.”

  Chelsea showed her a lace-top dress that would fit tight in a mermaid-style. “I think this dress is best.”

  Until now she’d never dared wear something that might break if she ate too much, but she was about to walk a red carpet and be photographed. “It’s lovely. Definitely a dress that will be seen.”

  Chelsea laughed. “We’ll need you to try it on but I have a few backups in case you hate it. You get Michael tonight. He and his team are the best.”

  Wow. Her mind twirled. Life with Charles was a dream. Everything should be great. She sipped her tea as Cassidy said, “We’re all happy with you, Sandi. I hadn’t known what to expect when I pulled your name.”

  Sandi’s eyes widened as she met the matchmaker's gaze. She hadn’t thought about this until now but she stilled as she asked, “Who did you expect I’d be?”

  Cassidy pressed her lips together as she handed Michael a comb he’d pointed toward and said, “I’m not sure exactly. Charles Esposito was the hardest for me to picture as I don’t know him well.”

  But Cassidy had said Charles was her perfect match. It’s why she'd agreed to marry him, because she wanted to believe in love. “Then how do you know your computer system works?”

  Cassidy shrugged. “I make no guarantees, though I’ve never been wrong in the past. While you have a long social media profile, Charles doesn’t and never did. He’s extremely private.”

  Yes, she loved taking pictures of her food and sharing the photos like she ate out every night when mostly it was food she wished she could eat. She'd lied online. Did that screw up the program? She swallowed and asked, “So your system might be wrong?”

  Cassidy massaged the bridge of her nose below her glasses. “As I said, there are no guarantees--but you’re marrying him because you are into him, and not just because my computer system said so, which means you know best.”

  The tingles at the back of her neck were normal. She fluffed her hair and avoided the matchmaker's gaze as she said, “Right. I chose Charles because…”

  “Yes?” Cassidy asked, and Michael stopped cutting her hair.

  From the dress rack, Chelsea also stared at her.

  Great. Her words were important--she couldn't mess this up. She sat straighter. “Because he’s sweet, handsome, and the best man I’ve ever met.”

  Cassidy inched away and her face was white. “And because you’re in love?”

  She hadn’t wanted to get married until she’d known about the program. What if it was wrong? Her mind raced but she lifted her chin and prayed the words were stronger than she felt as she said, “Yes. I wouldn't marry if I didn’t feel love.”

  Cassidy smiled in relief and nodded at Michael, who then cut her hair again. Cassidy said, “Good, then all is well.”

  Yet her stomach hadn’t untwisted and her heart now thumped faster. This wasn’t good.

  All negative thoughts disappeared when Michael showed her the new do in his mirror. He'd transformed her hair into shiny curls in an updo, and the diamonds around her neck sparkled.

  Sandi, in the large adjoining bathroom, slipped into the red dress that clung in all the right places. She left the other two choices in the empty walk-in closet. She stepped out and sashayed toward the huge mirrors set up near the racks of dresses, feeling feminine.

  Chelsea wore a fabulous yellow gown and Cassidy was in green, sitting on a stool for Michael to freshen her dark brown hair.

  Michael, Cassidy and Chelsea all stopped mid-hair to applaud. Sandi smiled at herself and said, “I look like a siren.”

  If Charles loved her and this was a love match, then he’d be happy she'd glammed it up for the night.

  If dressing to stun was a bad idea, then she’d make another bad choice.

  Cassidy left Michael and brushed the red dress like she saw a speck of d
ust. “Absolutely lovely. You’re perfect for the palace.”

  “Then we better get going,” Sandi said, still nervous. "Thanks for your help." Cassidy's green gown was classic in design, while Chelsea's had enough flair to be worn on a runway.

  Surreal. Tonight she was going to the royal ball with Charles. What could go wrong?

  Chapter 12

  Fun wasn’t what he’d ever assume he’d have when he met his half sisters and their husbands. When he’d invited them, he’d assumed they’d run like their mother would. And he hadn’t expected to laugh, but he understood the suggestion that they all go separately.

  At the end of the night, he wanted to escape the palace to come home, with Sandi.

  Charles waited at the front door of his house as the limo pulled up to take his guests to the palace. He lived in the opposite direction, but he stood as the perfect host to tell his guests goodbye. As they finished getting into their limo, Charles waved off Remington Burke, the Earl of Skye, Cassidy, Alexandre Travers, the French vintner, and Chelsea, whose art was a collector's item these days.

  After talking to the others, he’d arranged to have his own limo bring him and Sandi so they could go ahead and they might come home.

  His mind buzzed. Sheena had been right about Chelsea’s artwork. Alex had proudly shown him pictures earlier on his phone.

  She was magnificent and somehow they were related. He had an eye to sell art, which Clara once said was a gift to many creative types who never had that skill.

  The town car to bring him and Sandi to the castle pulled up--where was Sandi, anyway? He closed the front door and tugged at his tight collar.

  His American fiancée was late and she’d stressed the need to be on-time with him since they'd met.

  He scanned the foyer, and then the stairs.

  Had something happened?

  He decided to go to the suite where staff was packing the up dresses but she wasn’t there.

  For a moment his heart didn’t quite beat and his shoulders tensed.

  Where was she?

  He popped his head into their bedroom mostly because he wasn’t sure where else to go. But as he glanced inside, he saw a spot of red out on the balcony.

  Charles entered his room as if drawn. Surely the woman outside wasn’t Sandi. The diamonds in her hair only made the moonlight seem brighter.

  And the red fabric clung in all the right places.

  Her backside and neckline were intimately familiar. He lightly tapped on the balcony door to get her attention. She turned around and his breath caught in his throat.

  Sandi was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  She smoothed the sides of her dress like she was erasing non-existent wrinkles. He reached for her hands as he said, “You look amazing.”

  She relaxed her shoulders and beamed at him. “I’m glad you like the dress. I thought it was a bit too "siren" and started wishing for my mother.”

  “I’m an idiot for ever saying a word.” He offered his arm to walk with her, and touch her. “Your parents can be brought here tomorrow.”

  “Let me talk to them.” She wrapped her arm through his.

  He opened the bedroom door. “You’re unusually late.”

  She laughed. “I’m forcing myself to go slow and enjoy this night.” They reached the staircase that headed downstairs. “What were you men doing?”

  The staff had all lined up near the door, probably to get a glimpse of how radiant Sandi looked, but he was reluctant to let her go as he waved at Bernard. “Mostly talking. Alexandre has sold me on buying a few bottles of his wine, and he showed my Chelsea's art.”

  They walked out toward the limo as she answered, “Interesting.”

  The driver opened the door for them. Something was different about Sandi tonight, and it wasn’t the dress.

  The tension in his gut whispered that something was wrong. “He’s very nice, and it’s good someone like him will be at this party.”

  “French?” she asked as she slipped inside the limo.

  He followed her and chuckled. “Not titled, and completely down to earth.”

  She relaxed and sat back. “The titled people have their charms too, and they are your...relations.”

  He'd been born to them, and tossed out.

  If it wasn’t for Clara and wanting to ensure she had the best in health care and a place to retire in Avce, he’d have never come here.

  But with Sandi the huge house might be a nice place to settle for him too.

  For now the familiar twisting of his insides wasn't overwhelming. “I’m happy my half-sisters were kind to you.”

  She patted the back of his hand. “They were both amazing and Michael is a miracle worker.”

  Good. He ignored the question that knotted inside him and said, “I’m happy then.”

  She settled into her seat and stared out the window as they drove down an olive tree-lined street. “Your home is breathtaking. I can’t imagine a palace being any better.”

  Nothing mattered except Sandi and her happiness--he tried to stop tensing so much as he said, “You’ll see.”

  But the only other time he’d gone to the castle replayed in his mind.

  He hadn’t been a good boy. He’d cheated on Sheena, and then humiliated her.

  And all because he’d wanted bad people to never go near Clara, either with offers that might confuse her or worse if someone physically hurt her because of him.

  The house, the staff, the money he’d received was beyond enough when he’d humiliated himself to ensure Clara was safe.

  This was all more than he deserved.

  And so was Sandi. She deserved everything with her good heart, always trying attitude who volunteers with the cancer society. On the other hand, he didn’t. His skin ticked with adrenaline, but she called to him and he couldn’t look away as she simply said, “Charles?”

  Tonight she’d outshine the princesses, the ladies, and everyone else. “Yes, lapinette?”

  Her cheeks were lightly flushed as they turned into the palace grounds. “It’s okay that I went for the siren look?”

  He traced her face with gentle fingers and squared his shoulders as the impulse to kiss her hit him. “I wanted to hide you away so no one else would see your charms. Now the world will be jealous that I have you.”

  Without looking at the castle or his father’s royal guards, her hands rested on his chest as she said, “Charles, you’re sweet.”

  Awareness of her grew and he didn’t care about her red lipstick. She was his.

  For better or worse, and he’d marry her soon. He claimed her lips in a searing kiss that made his own body heat.

  If it wasn’t for the party, he’d strip off the formal red gown that hugged her curves and take her right here in the back of the limo.

  Charles let her go and battled to stay in control.

  She sighed. “You’re on edge.” The driver opened the door before he could explain; she slid out and waited for him with her arm extended for him to walk beside her. She said, “I’m nervous about this party. I keep imagining I’ll fall into some three-layer cake and embarrass myself.”

  His lips curved into a smile despite the fact there were cameras now shooting photos of them. “Don’t be overly dramatic. Besides, three-layer cakes are so American weddings.”

  Her face contorted like she'd just heard her childhood friend had died. “So no cake at the party?”

  Good to know. Sandi could be won over with cake, like him. He patted her arm as they took their place to walk the red carpet. “The tower of cake will likely be taller than a human being, without the need for a pedestal.”

  As they turned the corner, millions of camera bulbs flashed in front of them and he couldn't see clearly. She tugged on his arm. “So, that doesn’t help. I’m more nervous now.”

  He turned toward her and the lights and noise of the press faded away. He stared into her beautiful green eyes. “Just hold my hand.”

  For a moment nei
ther of them moved. She then wiped his face with her finger like she saw some speck of dirt on him and nodded at him like she'd succeeded. As they headed to the palace, she glanced up at the huge double doors. “This is it?”

  “Yes.” They stopped for more photos.

  She smiled but between her teeth she asked, “How does anyone live here?”

  The same way they were talking. Carefully. He waved off the camera crew and directed them forward. “The branches of the royal family all have their own suites. They can probably avoid each other entirely with all the space.”

  Again they stopped and a reporter called his name from behind them. Sandi tugged his arm and whispered, “Don’t leave my side.”

  ”Of course not.” He wanted to help her adjust to just being beside him without the pressure of making sales on her shoulders. “Okay, we finish this walk on the red carpet, shake hands of whoever is greeting at the door, and then go straight to the dance floor.”

  Her shoulders relaxed as she nodded and said, “I like having a game plan.”

  “I guessed that about you.” Sandi didn't seem to like surprises much as she’d been afraid to wear the diamonds out of the store.

  He’d be whoever she wanted for the night as he’d show the crown that he wasn’t a threat to anyone and let his bad-boy reputation rest until he could move Clara to Avce without incident.

  They finished the walk, and headed up the steps. Cameras flashed. Whoever wrote articles about him would soon figure out that Sandi was important to him as they were photographed side-by-side.

  Luckily his jet was now halfway to America to pick up her parents--his one surprise before the wedding that he hoped she liked as she'd said she missed her mother. The staff was already getting the guest house across the pond ready for them as Americans, from what he could tell about the country norms, preferred some privacy.

  His mind stopped spinning as he saw King Leopold Aussa’s brown eyes and open hands in the waiting line.

  He hadn’t expected to see his birth father here. He’d never wanted to meet him again, though the man had been nothing but kind. Royalty didn't interest him.


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