Making Angel (Mariani Crime Family Book 2)

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Making Angel (Mariani Crime Family Book 2) Page 18

by Harley Stone

  We disconnected, and I called Bones, opening the door for security to retrieve Tech as I slipped out.



  I SNEAKED OUT of the self-storage building hiding Tech's lair and crept into the shadows of nearby buildings to hide and wait for Bones. Before long, a hunter-green Honda Civic with darkened windows pulled into the neighborhood. It slowed and idled at the corner. I kept Tech's Glock in my left pocket and pulled out my Desert Eagle. I switched off the safety and watched the car. The driver's side window rolled down. Bones stuck his head out and looked up and down the road. Relieved, I flipped the safety back on and hurried out to greet my friend.

  "Whose ride is this?" I asked, sliding into the small backseat as I waved to Ariana who sat in the passenger's seat.

  "My mom's. We had just stopped by her house when you called, and I thought it best to use a vehicle nobody knows about."

  "Good thinking."

  Ariana turned around, her mouth pressed into a thin line and her eyes red and swollen. "Good. Now that that's settled, can one of you please tell me where the hell my sister is?"

  "Ari--" Bones reached for her.

  She deflected his hand. "Don't you touch me. I swear to God if one of you doesn't tell me what's going on right now, I'm calling the cops."

  "The orphanage," I blurted out. "Get us there, Bones."

  He put the car into gear and flipped a U-turn, heading toward the orphanage.


  The orphanage door was locked, so the three of us took turns banging on it until we pissed someone off enough to open it. A woman I didn't recognize cracked the door and told us Markie hadn't been there in days. Tech had lied. Now I had no clue where to look. I ran a hand through my hair and pulled out my phone to let the old man know I'd failed. Maybe the Pelinos had nabbed Markie and the kids and Tech had lied about that, too.

  "Angel. Pst, Angel."

  Bones and I both had our hands on the guns in our pockets as we spread out and searched for the source of the whispers. Bones nodded toward the bush on the side of the building and we crept over to find Myles crouched down behind it.

  "What are you doing out here?" I asked, releasing my hold on my gun.

  "Waiting for your slow ass. I thought you'd never get here, but Markie made me promise to wait for you."

  My heart skipped a beat. Before I could say anything, Ariana lunged forward. "You know where Markie is?" she asked.

  "Yeah, I know where she is, but who the hell are you?"

  That helped me find my voice. "Myles, this is Ariana, Markie's sister. Can you take us to Markie?"

  "Fool, what do you think I'm waiting here for?" he asked. Then he turned and motioned for us to follow him down the side of the building. We crept past the open field to a small storage shed. A broken lock dangled from the hook beside the door. Myles knocked out a little tune, and then opened the door.

  Luciana and Georgio stared up at me with dirty, tear-streaked faces. Recognition widened their eyes and they both lunged at me. Overjoyed to see them, I kneeled down and gathered the little monsters into my arms, squeezing them tightly. Then I let go so I could examine them. Their clothes were torn and filthy, and several small cuts and scrapes covered the exposed area of their arms, but they were alive.

  "Where's Markie?" I asked.

  The two stepped aside so I could see behind them. Markie was lying on the ground, her skin worrisomely pale.

  "Shh, she's asleep," Georgio whispered. "She has a headache."

  I could tell by looking at her that she was more than sleeping. My feet felt glued to the floor as I watched her chest, hoping it would rise and fall with a breath.

  She should have heard us. She should have woken up. Why is she so pale?

  "Markie?" Ariana asked. She rushed past us and fell to her knees beside her unconscious sister. "Wake up. It's time to go home."

  Markie didn't even stir.

  Ariana gave Markie's shoulders a firm shake.

  No response.

  "Get up." Ariana's voice cracked. "This isn't funny, okay?"

  "Is she messin' with you?" Myles asked.

  Ariana shook her head. "No. I think something's wrong. She's not... she's not responding."

  I couldn't move. All I could do was stand there and watch as my world shattered. I'd found her, but I was too late.

  "Is she breathing?" Bones asked, stepping forward to check.

  Tension and fear mounted. The twins started crying and asking what was going on.

  "Breathing. She has a pulse," Bones announced, pulling me from my stupor. "She's not dead, Ari. We need to get her to a hospital."

  Ariana pulled out her phone. "I'm calling for an ambulance."

  I reached out and grabbed her phone, stopping the call. "No. It'll come across the police scanner and..." I glanced at the twins. "Just no."

  Ariana looked like she was going to argue, but didn't. I gently lifted Markie, cradling her in my arms as I carried her to the car. We sent Myles back to the orphanage, and then Bones, Ariana, Luciana, Georgio, Markie, and I all piled into Bones's mom's tiny Honda and headed for the hospital.

  "Angel, you need to call your father," Bones said.

  With my arms still wrapped around Markie, I somehow managed to phone the old man and tell him we were taking the twins to the hospital.

  "Will she ever wake up?" Luciana asked, her big, innocent eyes heavy with tears.

  She had to. Dr. Monte had sent the scans to some specialist. We were confident Markie could get treatment. We needed more time.

  I tried to be strong for my little sister, but could barely get any words out. "I don't know."

  We made it to the emergency room where a nurse had me lay Markie on a stretcher. I was vaguely aware of my family surrounding us and taking the twins. Nurses wheeled Markie through double doors and I followed, refusing to let her out of my sight.

  Bones and Ariana stood outside the room, but I went in. When the nurses couldn't get me to leave, they gave up and made me dress in scrubs. I stayed by her side as doctors came and went. Finally, family was allowed in. Mamma was the first to enter.

  "The specialist is on his way," she assured me. "Dr. Monte says this guy's the best, and he's confident he can remove the tumor."

  "When will he be here?"

  "His flight should be here in a little over an hour. We're doing everything we can, Angel."

  "I know. Thank you."

  Mamma crept over to the bed and took Markie's hand.

  "It's the least I can do," she whispered, her eyes filling with tears. "I cannot thank you enough for saving my babies. We're getting you help, Markie. Our family needs you. Angel needs you. Hang in there."

  She kissed Markie's forehead, and then hugged me on her way out the door.

  Nonna came in next, holding a bag out for me. "The cafeteria food is rotten, so I hit that deli down the street and got you a sandwich."

  I'd lost track of time. The clock on the wall said four-fifteen, but I wasn't sure if it was morning or afternoon. Although I had no idea how long it had been since I'd eaten, I had no appetite.

  "Thank you," I said, taking the bag from her and setting it on a chair.

  Nonna sidled up to Markie and repeated most of the same words Mamma had used, before kissing her cheeks, hugging me, and leaving.

  Father entered. "How you holdin' up?" he asked.

  "I've had better days," I answered honestly.

  "Ain't that the fuckin' truth. Tech." Father shook his head. "Never saw that coming. If you hadn't been there... I don't know what would have happened. That bastard will get his, though. Just as soon as we wring every ounce of information we can out of him."

  I felt no pity for Tech. He deserved everything he got.

  "You get that wound in your side looked at yet?"

  I hadn't even thought about it. "No sir."

  He nodded. "I'll send a nurse in to stitch it up. Make sure you get some rest. Markie and the family need you to be at
your best right now."

  I knew he was right, but the idea of sleeping seemed almost as crazy as eating. I needed to know Markie was okay first.

  Father hugged me and left, holding the door open for Ariana. She rushed in and sat by her sister's bed.

  "Any change?"

  "No. A specialist is on the way, though. He'll do everything he can for her."

  "Thank you, Angel. I'm glad Markie has you."

  I didn't know what to say, so I nodded. I stood at the foot of the bed and Ariana sat by Markie's side in silence until a nurse came in and started fussing over my cut. She cleaned it and stitched me up, and then Ariana left.

  The specialist arrived and kicked my ass out of the room, informing me that they'd be moving Markie to a sterile environment for surgery and I wasn't allowed. Knowing he was her only hope, I gave her one last kiss before following Bones to the waiting room.



  THE NEUROSURGEON SAID Markie's surgery was a success, and he was able to remove the entire tumor, but when the anesthesia wore off, she didn't wake up. He said these things take time and Markie's body needed to heal itself. No telling when she'd wake up.

  Hooked to machines with her head bandaged and her eyes closed, she slept peacefully while Father and I plotted revenge.

  Tech had squealed like a pig, rolling over on the idiots stupid enough to support Adamo over my father. Uncle Carlo organized teams to close down their warehouses and cripple their operations while Father and I hit Adamo directly. The very next day we found him at his current whore's house. As much as I wanted to be the one to drive the bullet into his brain, Uncle Michael had done the deed.

  "Two in the head, make sure he's dead," Michael said, lowering his pistol. "Fuck, that felt good."

  Uncle Michael was appeased, but my old man sure as hell wasn't. So many people he'd trusted had betrayed him. After everything he'd done for them... done for the city. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that every single traitor would die before my old man let up.

  "How can I help?" Dante asked, finally taking an interest in the family business.

  Father gave him a team and sent him after one of the families who'd fucked up. Dante returned only hours later, refilling on ammo and requesting the next hit.

  "He's becoming the hitman you'll need him to be," Father told me, sounding both proud and sad. "This isn't what I wanted for him. For any of you."

  "We're lions, Father," I told him. "We can't pretend to be anything less."

  He smiled at me. "You are your mom's child. You'll make a good capo someday."

  Hopefully that day would be well in the future. As soon as Markie recovered, I had plans to marry her, buy a house, and fill it with little monsters of our own. Thoughts of her made my stomach clench with worry. I glanced at my watch. Almost eight p.m. Visiting hours would end soon, and getting past the nurses' station would be a pain I'd rather not deal with.

  "I gotta get back to the hospital."

  "I know you do," Father replied. "We have all the teams out still. This shit should be wrapped up soon."

  He wouldn't rest until his city was cleansed.

  No change in Markie. I spent the night by her side, and then went back to work the next day.

  Days were filled with killing traitors and taking over their warehouses and nights were spent beside Markie's bed. By the fifth night, I wondered if she'd come back. I replayed our time together in my mind, wishing I could do things differently. If I could have gone back in time, I would have jumped from the Ozone tower with her. I would have dove into the freezing ocean by her side and spent more time helping her with those brats at the orphanage.

  "Wake up," I whispered, kissing her forehead. "And we'll go feed and shelter every last bum in this goddamn city."

  Silence was the only reply I got.

  On day six, I was getting ready to head out when Markie stirred. Rushing to her side, I squeezed her hand.

  She squeezed mine back.

  My heart leapt into my throat. "Markie?" I asked. "Baby, wake up."

  Ariana and Bones were sitting on the couch. They both jumped up and rushed to the bed.

  "What? What's going on?" Ariana asked. "Is she awake?"

  "She squeezed my hand," I explained.

  Ariana grabbed Markie's other hand. We stood on either side of the bed, waiting for her to do something. Anything. Nothing happened.

  Ariana gasped. "She squeezed my hand! Quick, get a doctor!"

  Bones rushed off and Ariana and I stayed with Markie. One beautiful blue eye opened, and then the next. I stared into them, still holding her hand as I leaned against the bed. Relief threatened to pull my legs out from under me.

  She looked at us and then glanced around the room. "The twins?" she croaked. Wincing, her gaze cut to the water bottle in my hand.

  "They're fine." I popped the top and helped her take a couple of sips. "Worried as hell about you, but otherwise fine. Nonna is too. You did good, baby."

  Ariana burst into tears and hugged her. Markie patted Ariana's head, still looking at me.

  I kissed her fingers one by one, so grateful I couldn't even speak.

  "The cancer is gone, Markie," Ariana sobbed. "You're gonna be okay. Ohmigod you've been out for a week! Don't ever do this shit to me again."

  Markie took another sip. "A week? It's gone?"

  Bones returned with a doctor in tow. He looked over Markie's chart and smiled.

  "We were able to remove the entire tumor," he confirmed. "Now that you're awake, we'll need to run some tests and make sure your body's not hiding more. Now tell me, how do you feel?"

  "Ready to jump from the top of the Ozone again."

  Her eyes sparkled with mischief, reassuring me she would be okay. Patting her hand, I promised her we'd fly to the fucking moon as soon as she felt better.


  Markie was released from the hospital two days later. The day Markie woke up, Bones, Ariana, Dante, and Pietro packed up Ariana's apartment and moved the two of them into the empty condo beside mine.

  Or, at least, we'd moved Ariana into the condo next door. Markie was never leaving my bed again.

  Despite her insistence that she could walk, I carried her upstairs while Bones, Ariana, and the doorman brought up the gifts, balloons, and flowers my family had filled her hospital room with. I parked her fine ass on the sofa and told her to sit there while I made dinner.

  The four of us ate, and then Bones and Ariana cleaned up while I sat beside Markie and pulled her onto my lap. She felt so damn good. I wrapped my arms around her and breathed in her scent. The doctor had shaved the back of her head. It served as a reminder of how close I'd been to losing her.

  "You okay?" she asked, turning to look at me.

  "I missed you. You scared the hell out of me."

  She cupped my face in her hands, and her lips landed on mine. She tasted sweet and warm, comfortable, but also exciting.

  "I love you," I said, pulling back to watch her.

  Her eyes softened. "I love you too, Angel."

  Squeezing her against me, I said, "We moved Ari into the place next door, but I want you to move in with me. I can't stand being away from you. At all. Move in with me so I can see that beautiful smile every morning and fall asleep beside your sexy body every night."

  Tears flooded her eyes.

  "Ari will be right next door?"

  "Yes. We wouldn't leave her in that pit by herself. Neither of you are going back there. Not ever. We still don't know where that Matt prick is." I was getting off topic, and she still hadn't answered me. "So what do you say? You tried to stay away from me. I tried to stay away from you. None of that shit worked. This... This works, Markie."

  "Are you sure?" she asked. "This seems so soon."

  Never been more sure of anything in my life. "You know my family. They fuckin' love you, especially after what you did for the twins. By the way, we're going to have to go see them soon or the little monsters will pro
bably slip out on their guards and run away to verify that you're okay for themselves."

  She smiled. "I'd love to go see the twins."

  "Not today. Today you need to rest. In my bed and by my side, where I'm still hoping you'll spend every night. You're kinda leaving me hanging here."

  "Yes." She nodded. "I'd love to move in with you."

  A tear slid down her cheek and I brushed it away. "Good. Because your stuff is already unpacked in my room."

  Her eyes widened, and then she giggled. "That's a little presumptuous, don't you think?"

  "No." I kissed her nose. Then her forehead. Then her lips. "I just know I can't be without you. You know my world is dangerous, but I swear I'll do everything I can to keep you safe. I can't let you go. You bring balance to my life. I need your crazy jumpin'-off-buildings, feeding-strangers, helpin'-kids self."

  "Yeah?" she asked, snuggling against me. "Good, because you're stuck with me now."

  I held her, already plotting ways to keep her safe. Father and I had thinned out a lot of traitors over the past few days, but we still had work to do. Hell, I'd tear the city down for Markie if I had to, but she was like Mamma... the type of woman who'd rather help me build it up. To do that, my family needed to keep control over the criminal underworld. We had to rid our city of every piece of shit who thought they could bring us down.

  We had to be lions.

  Thank you so much for reading Making Angel. I hope you've enjoyed the journey. Please take a moment to write a review. They only require twenty words and help me tremendously. I appreciate your support!

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