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Elder Page 1

by Raine Thomas


  Book Three of the Firstborn Trilogy


  Raine Thomas

  Copyright 2012 Raine Thomas.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Visit the author's website: http://www.rainethomas.com

  Cover design by: Nimbi Design

  Table of Contents

  Title Page



  Part I:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Part II:

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Part III:

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41


  For my nephew and godson, Nathan, the fellow elder of a new generation. You're a true inspiration to me and I know you'll inspire many others in the years to come.


  There have been so many people who have helped me in the course of the Estilorian series. I'll begin by thanking my husband and biggest supporter, Kevin. You're the reason I can work a full-time career and still have time to pursue my writing dreams. Thank you so much for everything you do!

  The rest of my family is also an amazing source of support. My mom, Diane, is one of my first beta readers for every book, as well as a vocal cheerleader. My dad, in-laws, grandmother, siblings and cousins all buy and read my books even when they could get them for free. My aunts like to debate which of my male characters are their favorites (I told you that you'd love Zachariah, Auntie Linda!). With all of this to bolster me, how could I fail?

  I can't neglect to thank some of my fellow writers, some of whom serve as beta readers, some who offer me support with advice and a friendly ear, and some who do both: Bethany Lopez, Roy Bronson, Leif G.S. Notae, Tiffany King, Carol and Adam Kunz and Marilyn Almodovar. I can't thank all of you enough.

  Lastly, thank you to my readers. Although I'm moving on to other projects, you have made the Estilorian world a joy to live in for the past two years. You're the best supporters out there, and I appreciate you more than you'll ever know!

  Author’s Note

  A warm welcome to those readers who are new to the Estilorians! Please note that the Firstborn trilogy serves as a follow-up to the Daughters of Saraqael trilogy. For an overview intended to bring new readers up to speed or refresh the memories of those who have already enjoyed the Daughters of Saraqael trilogy, please read the following Glossary. Happy reading!


  Click here to skip the glossary

  Estilorians (Things You Need to Know)

  Daughters of Saraqael – Amber, Olivia, and Skye, triplets born to the Corgloresti, Saraqael, and their human mother, Kate, as a result of a ritual outlined in a powerful scroll. They’re the first and only half-human Estilorians, which allows them to carry children…something full Estilorian females can’t do. Amber is avowed to the Gloresti elder, Gabriel; Olivia is avowed to the Gloresti, James, and Skye is avowed to the Gloresti, Caleb.

  Estilorian – A being that physically resembles a human, appearing no older than 40 human years old (most look like humans in their late teens or early twenties). Estilorians can fly, and have specific powers based on their class. They can live forever without aging if they’re not mortally wounded. Their eyes, wings and markings—if they have any—are always the same color, and identify their class.

  Estilorian Plane – About two millennia ago, the nine Estilorian elders created a separate plane of existence to remove themselves from humanity, making their kind the objects of human myths and legends. All Estilorians live on this plane, and humans cannot travel to it. Estilorian society hasn’t evolved like human society, and doesn’t have such modern inventions as electricity, vehicles or modern weaponry.

  Estilorian Classes (Alphabetically)

  Corgloresti – Soul Harvesters – Identified by their silver eyes, wings and markings, these Estilorians travel between the planes of existence to facilitate the transfer of dying human souls to the Estilorian plane via The Embrace…the only method full Estilorians have to reproduce.

  Elphresti – Lords of Wisdom – These Estilorians, identified by their black eyes, wings and markings, maintain the highest levels of authority among their kind. In human terms, they would be considered judges or beings in similar positions of authority.

  Gloresti – Defenders – Gloresti bond with Corgloresti who are on the human plane to protect the Corgloresti. Gloresti are highly trained to defend and are identified by midnight blue eyes, wings and markings. Aside from the Corgloresti, the Gloresti is the only class that can travel to the human plane, but only in emergencies.

  Kynzesti – Elementals – Having half-human mothers, the Kynzesti are identified by deep blue-green eyes, wings and markings. Unlike other classes, they are only created through biological childbirth. The youngest of all Estilorian classes, the extent of their powers and abilities is largely unknown.

  Lekwuesti – Hospitality Ambassadors – The Lekwuesti are identified by lavender eyes, wings and markings. Their primary focus is assisting their fellow Estilorians. They form exclusive pairings with other Estilorians to provide them items of “creature comfort,” such as food, clothing, accessories, furniture, etc. All other Estilorians rely heavily on this class.

  Mercesti – The Dark Ones – Once lauded for their skills in strategy and innovation, this class is identified by red eyes, wings and markings. The nature of the Mercesti changed dramatically when Grolkinei assumed power by killing the class elder, Volarius, out of hatred and rage. Estilorians now convert into Mercesti if they kill or intend to kill another Estilorian for any reason
other than defense. Because they are formed largely of beings that used to belong to other Estilorian classes, some Mercesti maintain remnants of their former skills and abilities.

  Orculesti – Advisors – Identified by dark green eyes, wings and markings, the Orculesti function as advisors regarding humankind. They work with paired Corgloresti and Gloresti to provide a mental connection between them when they are separated by the planes of existence. This class can read the thoughts of other Estilorians who aren’t strong enough or trained enough to prevent it, and use their mental powers to suppress the thoughts and abilities of others.

  Scultresti – Creators – The Scultresti are identified by brown eyes, wings and markings. This talented class creates all forms, including those that Corgloresti assume on the human plane when they transition there. They also create new Estilorian forms for human souls to inhabit when they are Embraced by Corgloresti, and are responsible for producing new animal and wildlife on the Estilorian plane.

  Waresti – Warriors/Lords of the Flame – Identified by burnt orange eyes, wings and markings, the Waresti are dedicated to the overall protection of Estilorians from the Mercesti and other dangers. The most physically strong of all Estilorians, these warriors are markedly muscular and highly skilled with weapons and all forms of attack.

  Wymzesti – Intuits – Incredibly charismatic, the Wymzesti have deep purple eyes, wings and markings. With the ability to read body language and intuit actions based upon past behavior, this class can predict events before they happen. Like the Orculesti, this class has the ability to manipulate thoughts and decision-making of those who aren’t strong enough to resist them.

  Kynzesti Family Tree

  Parents: Amber and Gabriel

  Children (in order of birth): Clara Kate, Joshua, Zara, Corliss, Riley, Kiera

  Parents: Olivia and James

  Children (in order of birth): Sophia, Keane, Leigh, Elle, Will, Paige

  Parents: Skye and Caleb

  Children (in order of birth): Tate and Tiege (twins), Nicholas, Abigail and Adam (twins), Grace, Quaid, Emma

  Glossary of Terms

  adelfi – A term of respect applied to Olivia and Skye, the sisters-in-law of the Gloresti elder, Gabriel.

  adelfos – A term of respect applied to James and Caleb, the brothers-in-law of the Gloresti elder, Gabriel.

  archigos – A term of respect reserved only for the class elders.

  Avowed – The strongest connection two beings can have. An avowed pairing is made when two beings exchange heartfelt vows of love. It results in shared thoughts and feelings and can never be undone.

  Central – The primary area where most Estilorians live, similar to a capitol city. Floating above the ocean and surrounded by heavy enchantments, Central is inaccessible to Mercesti. Also called home base.

  Elder – The oldest and most powerful member of an Estilorian class; an elder must have inherent abilities that blend cohesively with the other elders.

  Kragen – A beast that crossed over to the Estilorian plane when it was formed; humans called these creatures “dragons.”

  kyria – A term of respect applied to Amber, the wife of the Gloresti elder, Gabriel.

  Mainland – All of the area outside of Central/home base. This area is not protected like Central, and as such is sparsely populated by Estilorians other than the Mercesti.

  Markings – Estilorians develop markings on their skin, similar to tattoos, when significant events occur. For example, Gloresti develop a midnight blue marking when they pair with a Corgloresti, and the Corgloresti receives an identical silver marking. Also, Estilorians may have markings around their eyes, indicating they have a second ability.


  “Let me get this straight. Your dad is Gabriel? As in, the Gabriel mentioned in the Bible?”


  “And he and I were once the equivalent of best friends?”


  “Holy crap.”

  Clara Kate stifled a laugh as she watched Ini-herit process this news. His gray eyes were wider than she’d ever seen them. The only sound was of the rain pelting the roof of the large tree house located in the backyard of their human guardian, Mrs. Clara Burke. Despite the fact that they were eighteen and the tree house was meant for younger kids, it was a place they visited whenever they wanted some time away from everything else. They’d even camped in it a few times.

  Now, they sat against one wall with their legs sprawled in front of them and their hands joined. He studied her for a moment. When she just quirked an eyebrow, he let out a long breath.


  Her lips curved upwards. “You believe me.”

  He continued to look at her without responding. She knew his features as well as her own after these past few months with him on the human plane, but that didn’t make her less interested in gazing at them. His aristocratic nose, long-lashed eyes and full lips would have made him what others called a “pretty boy” if not for the rough, honed edges of his cheekbones and jaw line. He wore his dark hair longer than Mrs. B would have liked, but he usually pulled it back into a ponytail out of deference to her. At the moment, he had it unbound and it brushed his shoulders in beautiful waves.

  “I do believe you,” he said at last. “Though heaven knows why.”

  “Well, you’re the Corgloresti elder. It’s a class founded on faith. Even though your Estilorian memories and abilities have been suppressed while you re-learn human emotions, you retained your core characteristics.”

  “So when I call you Angel, it’s not so much a nickname as a fact.”

  Shaking her head, she nudged him with her elbow. “I told you we’re Estilorians, not angels.”

  “What if I want to be an angel?”

  “Oh, you’re no angel,” she said. He grinned wickedly, making her heart work overtime. “Angels are just one of the mythical creatures humans created based on their memories of Estilorians. When we separated the planes a couple of thousand years ago, humans documented their experiences with us in a variety of ways. Art, literature, music…you name it. In essence, we became human myths and legends.”

  “Being a legend doesn’t sound so bad.” He paused, looking thoughtful. Then he asked, “And I’m how old?”

  “Well, you were around before the separation of the planes.”

  “Get out.”

  “It’s true,” she said, laughing at his expression. “On the Estilorian plane, you’ll look about the same age you are now, though. Maybe a few years older. Estilorians don’t age, and many of the elders are the youngest in appearance.”

  “You said I’ll look different when we transition. How different?”

  She was pleased by his apparent acceptance of what she’d shared with him. They had been discussing this for hours, ever since she received word that they had to return to the Estilorian plane. She knew she wouldn’t be commanded back unless something big had happened. Maybe her mother had gone into premature labor or something. Whatever the reason, she couldn’t refuse the command.

  “I don’t know,” she responded. “We don’t have photographs on the Estilorian plane, and you left before I was born. I’ve never seen your Estilorian form.”

  “Well that kinda sucks.”

  “Why? Do you think you’ll end up looking like Brent?” She batted her eyelashes at him.

  He shoved her shoulder. “Ha. You can have that blond Viking with the IQ of a sock puppet. Who needs enough muscles to lift a car, anyway?”

  “Yeah.” She sighed dramatically. “Who needs ‘em?”

  He rolled his eyes and swung an arm over her shoulders. She felt the taut muscles there and knew he didn’t really have a complex about Brent’s steroid-induced physique. It was Brent’s unwanted attention toward Clara Kate that had brought her and Ini-herit closer together, so he was a frequent butt of their jokes.

  “But you’ll look the same?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said. She’d already discussed this, bu
t didn’t mind reviewing it if it helped ease his worry. “I’ve been able to transition between the planes without changing forms since I was three. I’m the only Estilorian who can, actually. No one knows why.”

  She didn’t bother describing the uproar she’d caused the first time she did it. She barely remembered the experience. One moment she’d been sleeping in her bed at home. The next she was in a hospital on the human plane answering a million questions from the humans who found her. As a result of her impromptu transition, the protections around her homeland had been strengthened considerably.

  “You’ll look similar to how you do as a human,” she explained. “Archigos Zayna, the Scultresti elder, did her best to mimic your Estilorian features in your human form to make the transition less psychologically stressful on you. Your eyes will be more silver than gray, and you’ll have a bunch of silver markings on your body from past pairings with Gloresti. And I think your hair will be longer, based on what I’ve heard.”

  “Based on what you’ve heard?” he repeated. He reached over and traced the line of her jaw, causing her to shiver. “You were curious about me before you ever came here, weren’t you?”


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