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Elder Page 19

by Raine Thomas

  She flushed and glanced briefly at Ini-herit, who grinned. “Thanks, Sebastian,” she said.

  “Absolutely. My point in mentioning this is if you’d like to take this time to rest while your cousins are paired, I’ve arranged for some accommodations just down the hall.”

  Ini-herit sensed her relief in the set of her shoulders and answered for her. “That would be great, Sebastian. I’ll go with her.”

  “Excellent.” Sebastian sent him the thought of the room’s location, as well as another thought that had Ini-herit smiling and nodding in thanks. “I’ll reach out to you when we’re through here.”

  The doors to the auditorium closed as Ini-herit guided Clara Kate to the room waiting for her. She sagged against his side when he put an arm around her shoulders, so he reached down and picked her up.

  Gasping, she said, “Put me down, Harry! I can manage on my own.”

  “You’ve more than proven that,” he said. “But you’ll have to indulge my need to keep you close for quite some time yet, I’m afraid. At least a century or two.”

  That made her snort out a laugh. Although she shook her head at him, she couldn’t hide her smile.

  They reached the room a couple of minutes later. He set Clara Kate on her feet once they entered it, then closed and locked the door behind them. She looked around the nicely appointed bedroom with wide eyes, still unused to the level of opulence often seen at Central. Her family’s home was comfortable and lovely, but many spaces here would put all human magazine pictures to shame.

  Reaching into his pocket, Ini-herit pulled out the gift Sebastian had crafted for him. The two rings were silver. Hers resembled a vintage style from the human plane, the metal looking almost like lace with its delicate pattern. The diamond and deep blue-green gems comprising the center stone sparkled in the light. The men’s ring bore a solid silver band with the same center stone.

  “What’s that?” Clara Kate asked, finally glancing at him. Her brows lowered into a considering expression as she stepped closer.

  “These are rings that I asked Sebastian to craft for us.” He watched her eyes widen as he held them up. She brought a hand to her lips and caught his gaze. “I’m hoping, since I’ve gained your father’s permission, that you’ll allow me to fulfill my second promise to you.” Closing the distance between them, he tipped her chin up and lightly brushed his lips over hers. “Clara Kate, will you exchange vows with me?”

  It took her a moment, but she managed to nod. Her eyes glistened as she took a deep, centering breath.

  “Thank you, Angel.” He handed her the men’s ring and took her left hand into both of his. His throat tightened as the words he wanted to share with her entered his mind and his heart. “Clara Kate, when you entered my life, I had no idea how much it was going to change. Because of you, I know a love more precious than anything I ever imagined. You give meaning to my existence and I’ll cherish what we have forever. I offer you this ring as a symbol of my love and my unbreakable commitment to you.”

  He slid her ring onto her left ring finger. She then took his left hand and said, “Ini-herit, I knew how much my life was going to change when I met you. Because of you, I now have a love that is every bit as precious as I ever imagined. You give meaning to my existence and I’ll cherish what we have forever. I offer you this ring as a symbol of my love and my unbreakable commitment to you.”

  Once she placed the ring on his ring finger, they linked their hands so their rings touched. Then he leaned down and captured her mouth in a kiss to seal the vow.

  Unexpected pain seared over his body, culminating in a longer, deeper pain on his right bicep. Clara Kate inhaled sharply, likely feeling similar pain as her avowed markings were created. Knowing better than to break the kiss, he pushed past the pain and focused on enjoying the moment. He wanted to preserve this memory forever.

  Finally, they parted. He realized that the three deep blue-green estoile markings around her eyes now had silver crescents curving around them. She would have a matching symbol on the back of her right shoulder blade.

  Your markings!

  Her distraught thought entered his head as clearly as though she had spoken it, another effect of the avowing. He glanced down at his arms and realized his skin was now unmarked save for the marking on his right bicep that matched hers.

  Don’t be alarmed, he thought back to her. Her troubled eyes moved to his as she heard the thought. The only marking that matters to me is the one that calls me yours.

  That had her concern easing into delight. I love you, she thought, reaching up to encircle his neck with her arms.

  I love you, too.

  Show me.

  It would be my greatest pleasure.

  Chapter 29

  Eirik glanced up from his conversation with Friedrich as their informant approached. The spy made appearances several times a day in an effort to keep Eirik’s Mercesti from intersecting with Harold and Derian and the rest of the party searching for them. It had worked flawlessly so far, but today, the spy looked anxious.

  “What news do you bear?” Eirik asked.

  “I fear that my efforts to aid you have not gone unnoticed. It seems Derian and Harold have begun to suspect that the only way you could be eluding them is through the help of someone aware of their plans.”

  Frowning, Eirik exchanged a look with Friedrich. This was actually the concern they’d been discussing before their informant arrived.

  “Have you received an update on the return of Tate and Ariana from Central?” Friedrich asked.

  “Not recently. Harold and Derian are withholding more information now. The last I heard was that the Lekwuesti pairing ceremonies would take place today. Because I know they wish to stop you from acquiring the remaining piece of the artifact, I imagine they will return to the mainland within a day or two.”

  Eirik paced as he considered this. “Will you continue to aid us until they return?”

  “For as long as it is possible without getting caught.”

  That had Eirik suppressing a growl. He wanted to grab the spy by the throat to try and gain compliance, but the truth was, he couldn’t fault the other being’s focus on self-preservation. He would have said the same thing.

  “Fine,” he snapped. “Then tell us where we need to go now to remain undiscovered.”

  “I will.” The other being hesitated. “There is something else I thought might bear mentioning.”

  “What is that?”

  “One of the Kynzesti was attacked while at Central.”

  Eirik stopped pacing and stared at the informant. His hands slowly closed into tight fists as he sensed the news to come.

  “The details are vague, but from what I understand, a Mercesti somehow made it to Central and nearly killed the Kynzesti. Why I felt this was worth mentioning is that I learned the name of the Mercesti. It was the shapeshifter, Metis.”

  “You’re avowed?”

  Clara Kate blinked as she absorbed Alexius’ shocked expression. She stood with him in the hallway outside of her bedroom at Central. He had stopped by after she and her family returned from the pairing ceremonies and asked to speak with her alone. No sooner did she greet him than he saw her new avowed markings and staggered a full step away from her.

  “I, well…yes,” she replied, trying to understand his behavior. “Harry finally remembered our relationship from the human plane. Once I told him I was pregnant—” She cut herself off as he jerked back again. Battling a wave of unexpected guilt, she said, “Alexius, didn’t Uriel convey any of this to you?”

  She knew the answer to her question even as she asked it. She hadn’t ever seen him look so pale. So defeated. A sick feeling blossomed in her stomach.

  “But I love you,” he whispered.

  Now she was the one who stumbled back, needing the wall behind her for support. She wasn’t sure who looked more stunned as they held each other’s gazes.

  He loved her? Alexius, a being from the class that fought emotion
at every turn—a being she had seen face terrifying enemies without batting an eye—loved her? When had this happened? How hadn’t she known?

  She watched helplessly as the male whose heart she had just blown to pieces slowly collected himself. The sick feeling unfurled in her belly and spread painfully to her chest. Hadn’t she just endured weeks of this kind of anguish? How could she, of all beings, have missed the signs? She realized that she had been so absorbed in her own emotional turmoil that she failed to recognize the depth of his feelings. She had to be the most self-involved being on either plane.

  “I’m so sorry, Alexius,” she said, fumbling for the right words. “I should have told you sooner. I wish things were different. I wish—”

  He cut her off. “I understand, archigos.”

  The use of her new title made her flinch. She stopped herself from begging him to use her first name when she saw his expression.

  “Archigos Ini-herit deserved the honor of learning about his coming child before anyone else,” he continued in a monotone. “Congratulations to you both.”

  She had no idea what to say. What to do. Alexius was such a good friend. Losing that relationship over an imbalance in their affection for each other was too devastating to consider. Wanting to convey this to him, she reached out and touched his upper arm as she started to respond. He took another step away from her. The action lanced through her like an arrow tip.

  Letting her hands fall to her sides, she blinked back tears and said, “I can’t begin to tell you how difficult these past couple of months have been, Alexius. I couldn’t have gotten through them without the support of my family and friends. That includes you.”

  When his burnt orange gaze met hers this time, she read nothing there.

  Feeling him slipping away from her, she hurried to explain, “I turned to you as a source of comfort. You’re a wonderful friend. I’m so sorry for any pain I’ve caused you.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for, archigos. You made no promises or declarations of emotion to me.”

  Lord, he wasn’t making this any easier by offering excuses for her. “No,” she agreed, “but I wasn’t entirely honest with you, either. I hope you know that it was never my intent to hurt you, Alexius.”

  He nodded once. “I understand, archigos. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me.”

  She took a deep breath, recognizing the dismissal. She knew he wanted to remove himself from her presence. He needed time.

  “Of course,” she said, and it about slayed her.

  He started to turn, then looked back at her. “If I might make one request, should it not be too disrespectful of your position?”

  Her heart lightening with hope, she offered him a grateful smile. “Anything.”

  “Please address me as commander Alexius from now on.”

  Her throat seized. Knowing words wouldn’t get past the hot pain caused by his request, she nodded instead. Then she watched him walk away.

  She wanted to break down and bawl, but she knew that Ini-herit now experienced at least a part of everything she did. The last thing she wanted was for him to step into the hall to find her in such a state. He’d learn soon enough how this conversation went.

  Taking several deep breaths and pulling herself together, she turned the door handle and entered her bedroom. Much to her surprise, her bed was occupied.

  “Finally,” Tate said. “You were taking forever out there.”


  Unable to manage more than that, Clara Kate looked from Tate, who was lying on her stomach in the middle of the bed with her feet in the air, to Sophia and Ariana on either side of her. They had all changed into lounging clothes since they weren’t planning on traveling back to the mainland until the following morning. A tray containing an assortment of finger foods sat in front of them.

  “Are you all right, C.K.?” Sophia asked with a concerned frown.

  Smoothing her features and clearing the lingering emotion from her throat, Clara Kate shrugged. She wasn’t about to lie with Tate sitting right there. “Where’s Harry?”

  “We kicked the guys out,” Tate answered, reaching for a chocolate-covered strawberry.

  Clara Kate’s stomach grumbled despite the knot residing there. She moved closer to the bed. “You did?” She glanced around the room. “There’s no way Zachariah left you unprotected.”

  Tate grinned. “He’s standing on the other side of the adjoining door.”


  Ariana lifted the tray with a pointed look, beckoning Clara Kate even closer. Unable to resist, she climbed onto the large bed and sat beside the other females. She reached for a pink-frosted petit four. When she looked at it more closely, she realized that it was decorated with a white baby’s bonnet.

  “Okay…what’s this all about?” she asked.

  “We wanted to do a little something to celebrate,” Sophia said.

  “Yeah,” Tate added, lifting a mini-cupcake topped in blue sprinkles. “We’re going to be second cousins. Kind of like honorary aunts!”

  Ariana smiled. “It’s a baby shower. Well, a prelude to the one we’ll have for you when we get back home.”

  Clara Kate didn’t fail to miss that Ariana had referred to the Kynzesti homeland as her home. She also finally realized that they were celebrating her pregnancy.

  The stark difference between this reality and the one she had endured only a day ago had Clara Kate losing her hold on her emotions. When she looked again at the tray of colorful treats, tears blurred her vision.

  “Thanks, you guys,” she managed to say. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  “Aww, we’re happy for you, C.K.,” Tate said, moving into a sitting position so she could put an arm around her. “And I have to admit, we figured we’d have more success in pumping you for details when we had you in the midst of a sugar high.”

  “Details about what?”

  All three females leaned closer, making Clara Kate’s eyebrows rise. Tate spoke for them.

  “Details about sex.”

  In his bedroom, Ini-herit sat on the sofa and studied his medallion, trying to ignore the emotions swirling through him as a result of his connection to Clara Kate. Funneling and processing everything she felt was a kind of invasion of privacy, he thought. He also tried to close his mind to the stray thoughts she allowed to filter through. It would take her some time to get used to their mental bond.

  “What do you suppose they’re talking about in there?” Tiege asked.

  Tate’s twin sat at the table with Quincy, playing cards. His gaze kept moving to the closed door between the bedrooms. Since Zachariah leaned against the wall right beside the door, it looked like Tiege was staring at the Mercesti.

  “Who knows?” Ini-herit said, keeping his tone vague. “Probably just boring girl talk.”

  Zachariah raised an eyebrow as Quincy snorted out a laugh. Knowing the other two males were likely intercepting thoughts from their avoweds, Ini-herit fought a hot flush of embarrassment. They surely knew exactly what the topic of conversation was.

  “You could have the decency not to tune in,” he muttered, looking between them.

  “You take all the fun out of everything,” Quincy said, staring at his cards and struggling not to smile. “At least all of the feedback from C.K. is positive.”

  “Good Lord.” Ini-herit rubbed the back of his neck, swearing it was about to burst into flame.

  “Feedback about what?” Tiege asked.

  When Quincy opened his mouth to respond, Ini-herit shot him a look. “I’m still your elder,” he warned.

  Quincy closed his mouth. His silver eyes were alight with humor, though. Tiege frowned.

  “Well, this all got rather awkward,” Zachariah mused dryly, pushing away from the wall. He strolled over to Ini-herit. “How are your efforts to decipher the medallion’s map coming along, archigos?”

  “They’re not.” Ini-herit handed the medallion to Zachariah when he reached
for it. Catching the Mercesti’s gaze, he said, “I don’t suppose I could get you to stop with the formal title?”

  “Not likely.”

  “You could if you ordered him to,” Quincy interjected from the other side of the room.

  Both males looked at him. He shrugged with a “You know it’s true” expression.

  “All right,” Ini-herit said with a nod. “Then I order all of you to address me as Harry or Ini-herit from now on. If you’re more comfortable using my title among unfamiliar company, that’s fine. Otherwise, knock it off.”

  Quincy and Tiege nodded their agreement. Zachariah stared at the medallion and didn’t comment.

  “Zachariah?” Ini-herit prompted.

  “As you wish,” he said at last.

  “Thank you.”

  Lifting the medallion by its chain, the Mercesti walked back to his position by the door and watched it twirl, his face expressionless. Ini-herit knew there was something significant the other male wasn’t saying. Having spent centuries of his own existence not only expressionless, but emotionless, Ini-herit recognized the difference.

  Zachariah lost his rank and his title. Maybe he doesn’t understand why someone would treat theirs so dismissively.

  Clara Kate’s thought reached him as he studied the Mercesti. He realized she was right. He also realized he was conveying as much to her as she was to him.

  Thanks, Angel.

  Rising and approaching Zachariah as Tiege and Quincy resumed their game-play, Ini-herit said, “Zachariah, do you understand my request?”

  “It doesn’t matter if I understand it,” he answered, his eyes on the flashing metal.

  “Oh, I think it does.” Crossing his arms over his chest, he also leaned against the wall. “When you avowed with Tate, you became a member of Clara Kate’s family.”


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