Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2: A BWWM Marriage Love Story For Adults (Matthew and Cara)

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Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2: A BWWM Marriage Love Story For Adults (Matthew and Cara) Page 8

by Katie Dowe

  “Gary what is your job title?” Matthew asked him softly.

  “Head of acquisitions.” Gary responded knowing what was coming next.

  “How long have you worked for the company?”

  “Four years sir.”

  “Get the men on the line and tell them that if the tiles are not delivered by the end of this week we are pulling our very large business from them and giving it to someone who appreciates it better.” Matthew said getting to his feet. “Don’t come to me with trivialities like this again Gary find a way to deal with it yourself. Dismissed.”

  He bit off a sigh as he watched them filing out of the conference room. He was horny and irritable and it certainly did not make for a perfect combination. And on top of that he was going home to face a wife who was certainly not pleased about his going away next week.


  Carolyn sat curled on the love seat in her room, her mind active. It was a quarter past eleven and she should have gone to sleep but she did not feel sleepy. She had had fun today with the rest of the girls and she realized how she missed the camaraderie of other women around her. In the UK it had been work and come home and other than talking to her mother and having her visit a few days a week she had been without friends. She and Clive had ran out of things to talk about a long time ago and besides when he came home he was too tired for conversation let alone sex.

  She had been lonely and that had been the reason why she had gone outside their marriage. Her mother had stopped coming over so often because she had found a group of friends and they were constantly going somewhere or doing something. Clive had finally called and asked how she was doing.

  It was getting nearer to her delivery date and he wanted to find out if she wanted him to be here for her and she had told him she could manage. She had learned to do without him and had actually formed a close friendship with Jennifer. How funny life was, she thought. She had not liked the woman at all and had seen her as a possessive bitch when it came to her brother but she had gotten to know her. She had confided in her about the doctor she had been seeing. “I have not told anyone except you Caro, I am not ready to share yet.” She had said.

  Carolyn sighed. She had come here and seen how the other half lived and how in love her sister and Matthew were. Even at the dinner table they would touch each other. She had seen Matthew come in from the office looking tired and distracted and he never forgets to take his wife into his arms and the two of them go up to the nursery to look for their children. That was love and commitment and that was what had been missing from her marriage.

  Chapter 8

  The doctor cleared her from bed rest when they went back to his office on Saturday much to their combined relief. He had come home that evening to find that their suite had brighter colors and more space because she, along with the others had gotten rid of the high boy that had been in one corner of the room. They had managed to set up a little office space for her in one corner of the large room where her laptop sat on a cherry wood table along with her stationery and telephone. There was a large comfortable chair behind the desk and when she sat it afforded her a view of the towering pine tree in the yard. They had also brought in a large play pen where the twins could stay in and play with their toys while she was busy seeking donations for the center or on the phone with some sponsors. They had set up a place where she could work from home on the days when she could not go into the center.

  He had told her he loved it and she had smiled in satisfaction.

  “The baby is okay,” the doctor told them with a pleased smile. “He has changed position because it is near to the time of delivery but he is doing fine.”

  “What about sex?” Matthew asked him bluntly.

  The man looked at him without changing expression and nodded. “Good to go there as well.”

  Cara gave her husband a resigned look. “I am used to that from the men mostly Cara so I have learned to take it in stride.” The doctor said in amusement. “In the meantime I want you to take it easy, still no heavy lifting especially not the twins because they are getting too heavy right now.”

  “Thanks doc.” Matthew said with a nod. “We will see you by the first week of July.”

  “If there is anything not quite right please call me.”

  “Let’s go to the cabin,” Cara suggested impulsively as they were driving back from the doctor’s office. He turned to look at her quizzically. She had gotten bigger overnight and had been complaining about her feet swelling up on occasions. He had forbid her to drive and had given her exclusive use of one of the drivers to take her wherever she needed to go. She had on a thin cotton dress with a button up collar and a matching barrette in her shoulder length dark hair. She looked beautiful and very pregnant.

  “You want us to go the cabin now?”

  “Right now. We have not been in quite some time and you will be going away next week for three days and I am not relishing that Matthew.” She reminded him. When he had come home that evening she had told him she did not want him to go.

  “Please don’t make it harder than it is now Cara,” he had told her quietly and she had let it go but his leaving was constantly on her mind.

  “For the weekend?” he asked her.

  “We could come back on Sunday night. We could ask Jennifer to oversee the kids.” She touched his thigh briefly. “I want to be alone with you Matthew.”

  “So do I.” he murmured.

  Jennifer and Carolyn had no problems in supervising the children. Her sister’s due date was the second week of June and Cara was wondering if they should be leaving her now.

  “I am here Cara so I will keep an ear out for her calls.” Jennifer assured her. “You guys go and have fun and do not worry about a thing.” The nannies were off for the weekend but some of the household staff was on duty. Jennifer told them that she would let them bring the cribs into her suite so the kids would be nearer to her.

  Their bags were packed and they headed out to the cabin. The traffic was heavy until they reached the rural area that led to the cabin. Cara remembered the first time he had taken her there. It had been on their honeymoon and it had been in the dead of winter. Now the afternoon sun was blazing down on the foliage: she had wound down her window in spite of the heat outside. She loved the feel of the sun on her skin and Matthew had driven the BMW.

  He looked at her indulgently as she hung her hand out to touch the leaves as they drove past. They got to the cabin while it was still light out and he took the bags inside. “Hungry?” he asked her as he deposited the bags just inside the hallway. It was made purely of polished wood and had a sheen to it especially highlighted in the rays of the afternoon sun.

  “I want to go into the woods first before it gets dark,” she told him. She was feeling especially energetic now that she was off bed rest and she wanted to stretch her legs.

  “You are not afraid of bears?” he asked quizzically, one blonde brow arched.

  “You told me there were no bears around here. Matthew Logan are you trying to scare me?” she asked, her hands on her hips as she faced him.

  “Is it working?” he came over to her and pushed back the wisp of hair that had escaped the ponytail she had put up.

  “It is not,” she pushed at his solid chest and then taking his hand she pulled him out the door.

  There was a slight breeze circulating through the trees. The air was pungent and heavy with the smell of the different plants blossoming. There was a wood shed in one corner of the land that was always stocked with wood for the winter.

  The sound of the water gurgling over the rocks was like music to their ears and they went towards it. The grass there was a deep green and had a carpet like texture to it as he helped her to sit with him sitting behind her and wrapping his hands around her belly. She leaned back against him and sighed in contentment.

  “I love it here,” she murmured, feeling the pressures of the city and the various dinner parties and traveling melting away. There were bir
ds chirping in the trees above them and the sky was a brilliant blue with not a cloud to be seen. The trees shaded them from the rays of the sun but there were patches of it shimmering through the leaves. “

  I was thinking of having a tree house made for the children for when they come to visit,” he rested his chin on her head and agreed with her. It felt like he was far away from the pressures of the company. “We could bring them here sometime in the summer.”

  “That’s a good idea.” There was no sound of engines running or horns tooting. It was just the sound of nature at its best and it made her appreciate how much she had to be thankful for. “What do you think about Carolyn? Do you mind her staying as long as she has?”

  “I have no problem with her staying, the place is big enough to hold ten or more persons,” he commented. “I remember when I lived there alone and I used to ask myself why on earth I built this huge place.”

  “Why did you?” she looked up at him, turning her head sideways.

  “Because at the back of my mind I always knew I would meet you,” he told her quietly, his green gaze holding hers. “I never gave up hope even when the years went by. I always knew if I waited long enough you would come along.”

  “That’s beautiful,” she murmured huskily.

  “You are beautiful.” He bent his head and took her lips with his slowly, savoring the scent and feel of her as he deepened the kiss. He had waited for two weeks to touch her and he had no intention of spoiling the moment by rushing it. He was going to take his time with her. She put her hands around his neck and angled her body better to accommodate him. With a sigh she surrendered to the kiss, the feeling curling inside the pit of her stomach and edging further up, the fire building inside her.

  Birds called to each other above them, a squirrel chased another one in a tree nearby and the wind picked up speed and whistled through the leaves but they did not notice as the blend of feelings inside them blocked everything else out but what the passion was like going through their bodies.

  He lifted his head and looked down at her. His wife and the mother of his children who had come into his life a bit late but well worth the wait. “I want to make love to you for the entire night. I promise to take it slow and not to do anything to hurt our child but I need you so much that I cannot think straight.”

  “What are you waiting for?” she asked him softly.

  He nodded slowly and picked her up into his arms balancing as she put her arms around his neck. His strides were swift as he made his way back to the cabin. He went straight to the master bedroom upstairs and put her on the bed. Even though it was not used very often he made sure that someone nearby came and cleaned and aired the place out and he sighed in relief as he realized that the sheets were clean. He lifted her black and white polka dot dress and ran his hands over her belly. He was humbled by the fact that she was carrying yet another child of his and he wanted to protect her with all he had. He bent his ash blonde head and kissed her belly gently before getting up and pulling the dress over head.

  “I feel fat,” she murmured unconsciously putting her hands over her bulge. He removed them firmly and put them at her sides.

  “You are beautiful and pregnant with my child and I get so horny for you that I cannot think straight.” He leaned over and got the olive oil, pouring some into his palm. He rubbed his palms together before using his hands to rub over her belly slowly, his eyes on hers. He drifted down to her pubic area and eased off her panties sliding them down her legs and taking them off before coming back to part the lips of her vagina. Cara moved restlessly and arched her body as he used his fingers to rub the oil between the folds of her vagina.

  She was propped up onto the pillows and wearing only her bra. Her eyes widened as he touched his tongue to her mound. Her hands clenched into the sheets as his tongue reached inside her moistness. She opened her legs wider and a moan escaped her as the tip of his reached deep inside her.

  “Matthew,” his name escaped her like a breath, her body vibrating from the pleasure of it. He had introduced her to oral sex when they first made love and she had become addicted to it ever since. He made her feel as if her body was falling into thin air and she had lost all sense of control. He left off much to the disappointment of her shaking body and undressed hurriedly climbing onto the bed beside her. He leaned over and unhooked her bra taking it off slowly. He leaned over and took her nipple inside his mouth, his teeth grazing the tight sensitive bud.

  Cara erupted. A scream escaping her throat as the orgasm exploded inside her. She sobbed and clutched at his head and without waiting a beat he went to the other nipple and nudging her legs apart, he put his fingers inside her to help her to ride out the excruciating wave of pleasure that had invaded her body. She was delirious and going insane with desire as he continued to thrust his fingers inside her, giving her waves after waves of pleasure.

  He waited until she calmed down a little bit and then putting her gently onto her side, he entered her from behind wrapping his hands around her waist. She was wet and slippery and he sank deep into her, moving against her urgently, his body tightening with need and craving. He had missed her, missed this and he felt himself hardening as she wrapped around him tightly. His lips feathered at the back of her neck, kissing the softness of her skin as he drove deeper and deeper inside her, his mind swirling with desire. He wanted the moment to last, he wanted to stay inside her for the rest of his life and he never wanted to let her go. His teeth bit into her shoulder gently and he used his tongue to soothe the sting of it as he felt the tightness of his testicles. No not yet! He cried inside his mind but he had never been able to hold out long where she was concerned. He held her tight against him and as if by tacit agreement she turned her head to the side and he captured her lips with his, in a hungry avaricious move that had her gasping inside his mouth. He released her lips long enough to let out a loud bellow, his body convulsing against hers. He took her lips again as his semen flooded her. He held her against him, his hands gentle and his lips demanding as they waited for the trembling to abate.

  He pulled out of her finally, kissing her gently as she protested. “I am going to get us something to eat.” He told her huskily, pulling the sheets over her before leaving the room. He came back in a few minutes with a tray laden with a jug of juice, huge ham and turkey sandwiches and slices of apple pie.

  “Are you sure there is enough food?” she asked him teasingly.

  “I could always go back and get some more,” he told her with a grin as he placed the tray in front of her and climbed on the bed beside her. He had not bothered to put on any clothes so they were both naked as they partook of the delicious supper.

  The sun had gone down and the time had gotten decidedly cooler. He had turned on the lamp beside the bed to give them some light. He was going to make sure she got some rest even though she had been in bed for two weeks.


  They took long walks into the woods with him stopping often to let her rest. He held her hand as they hiked through the wooded area some distance from the cabin. It was very isolated with the nearest neighbor several miles away. Even though the sun was high in the sky, the air was still cool due to the many trees on either side of the path.

  “I wish we did not have to leave so quickly,” she murmured as she watched a squirrel scurried up a tree nearby.

  “I promise that as soon as you have the baby we will come back with the kids.” He lifted her hand and touched it to his lips. “How does that sound?”

  “I hate when you travel without me,” she murmured leaning against him. “It is so funny when you fall in love with someone how you come to depend on them. I get scared sometimes thinking that I am going to lose you.”

  “I feel the same way too and I promise to cut back on my travels so that I can be with you and our children.” He told her solemnly.


  “I will go with her,” Marissa insisted.

  It was Sunday afternoon and she had stoppe
d by to check up on them while she was on her way back from an appointment only to find out that Carolyn was having contractions and that they were five minutes apart.

  “Would you?” Jennifer said grateful that she did not have to leave the children. She had no intention of calling her brother and his wife just to tell them that Carolyn was feeling pain. The woman was two weeks early as she was supposed to have the baby the end of June. “I was in the middle of taking Joel and Janice to have a swim in the pool. Could you stay with her as well?”

  “I will be right there with her holding her hand if they allow me,” Marissa reassured her as she helped Carolyn out to the vehicle. John had gone to visit his kids and grandkids for the weekend and wouldn’t be back until in the morning. “I will let you know what’s happening.”

  “Thanks Marissa.” She said helping Carolyn buckle in. “You are going to be okay my dear.”

  Carolyn squeezed her hand gratefully before they drove off.

  “I have no idea about breathing techniques or anything,” she told the girl as she merged into traffic. “I never had the privilege of giving birth.”

  “I think I know what to do,” Carolyn said taking a deep breath as another pain racked her body taking her breath away. “I wish Cara was here.”

  “I am sure you do but honey, I make a good substitute.”

  They got to the hospital in good time and Jennifer had called ahead so there was a wheelchair and the doctor waiting outside for them.

  She was taken immediately to the delivery room and given something for the pain.


  Clive called the house when he did not get through to Carolyn’s cell phone and Jennifer answered. “I am trying Caro and I am not getting her,” he said in an apologetic tone and Jennifer remembered him as a quiet subdued man who looked as if he did not create waves.

  “She has gone to the hospital; the baby came a little early.” She told the man with a smile.

  “I wanted to be there when she went.” There was a pause and Jennifer waited for him to continue. Carolyn had told her about her indiscretion and the girl had said how sorry she was for hurting him, he did not deserve it.


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