Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2: A BWWM Marriage Love Story For Adults (Matthew and Cara)

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Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 2: A BWWM Marriage Love Story For Adults (Matthew and Cara) Page 10

by Katie Dowe

  “I called Matthew first and told him. She is very near to her delivery date and I did not want to spook her.” Christine looked at the space where the computer had sat. “He is calling her but he is going to pick her up and bring her here himself. Who could have done this Jeanette?”

  The woman did not know how to respond and they both looked up as they heard the sirens. Matthew and Cara came while the police were still taking evidence and by that time the parents’ who usually dropped their kids off had come over. “Oh Christ I forgot to call them and tell them not to come.” Christine said slapping her hand against her forehead.

  “We will use over my place,” Jeanette said firmly coming to a decision. “Christine you and I will see to the kids while the police conclude their investigation.”

  Cara nodded vaguely as she continued to look at the damage that had been done. Matthew had not wanted her to come but she had told him firmly that even if she had to drive herself she was coming, so he had taken her.

  They all looked up as a loud voice was heard outside. The police were trying to bar her from coming inside the building but she was determined to enter. “Miss this is a crime scene,” a detective told the girl as she made to push her way in.

  “And I know who committed the crime,” she said.

  Cara walked over to her slowly. “Janet what are you saying?”

  “Miss Cara it was Malcolm and a couple of his buddies. They did it because they said that the center is bad for the neighborhood and they wanted to get it out of the area.”

  “Your boyfriend did this?” Cara looked at the girl incredulously.

  She hung her head in shame. “I am sorry Miss Cara, I did not know they were going to do it.”

  “Are you sure about this young lady?” A female detective asked her, taking out a notepad.

  “They still have some of the stuff at the shack Malcolm calls home.” She said with a nod.

  “We are going to ask you to stay here miss,” the detective told her as she beckoned to the one of the others to come with her.

  “I have nowhere else to go, this is like my home,” she muttered casting a look at both Matthew and Cara. “I hope they catch him and lock his ass up!”

  Chapter 10

  The police made quick recovery of the items that had been taken from the center including the computers they used on a daily basis. Most of the food and the clothing they had packaged to give to the mothers had also been recovered. They never had time to get rid of them. An arrest was also made and the women and some men in the neighborhood came over to clean up after the yellow tape had been taken off.

  “I have called the locksmith to fix the locks and I am going to be putting in a proper security system as soon as he is finished,” Matthew told her.

  The news had gotten around and people and donations were pouring in. Cara had told him at first that she was not sure she should reopen but he had persuaded her to change her mind. “Jeanette and Christine need this place baby and not to mention the mothers who have nowhere else to go.”

  “What if it happens again?” she had asked him, her eyes flashing. “What if some other boys or men get it into their heads that what we are doing here is not something they want in their neighborhood? What then?”

  “Things like this happen baby it does not mean you give up.” He ran his hands up and down her arms trying to get through to her. “The police recovered most of the stuff thanks to that girl Janet and the people in the neighborhood are chipping in to give their support; that is something at least.”

  It had been a week since the break in and they were now in the first week of July with the 4th of July celebrations only a day away. The center had been put back on its feet and it was as if nothing had ever gone wrong except for the fancy security system that Matthew had installed and the surplus of donations that had come pouring into the center. Marissa had come by to pitch in and had been helping out for the past couple of days. Janet had stayed away for a couple of days but she had come back and asked tentatively if she could still help out as she had nowhere to be. They had told her yes and that it was in no way her fault.

  Cara had come by there to see what was going on and was pleased with the result. “You see my dear giving up is never an option.” Jeanette told her softly as she guided her to a comfortable chair that had been put there especially for her. Janet was working especially hard as if to make up for the fact that it had been her boyfriend who had devised the plan to burglarize the place. The parents had been especially grateful that they had not closed the center and had come up with a neighborhood watch to make sure it never happened again.


  Jeremy Clayton Logan was born in the very early hours of the 4th of July. Cara had felt the heaviness in her belly from the night before and realized that she was feeling decidedly uncomfortable but had not said anything to her husband. Her water broke as Matthew was rushing her to the hospital but there was the doctor and a nurse outside waiting for them. She was wheeled into the delivery room immediately and unlike the twins, Jeremy was out within two hours of labor. He weighed in at seven pounds two ounces and had ash blonde hair like his dad but brown eyes like his mother, the combination looked stunning and had the nurses exclaiming over him. He had his father’s stubborn chin and long lashes with blonde fringes. He was beautiful.

  “Our son,” Matthew said his breath caught in his throat as he looked down at him in his arms. He had been cleaned up by the nurses and was wearing a pale blue onesies and a matching cap on his curls. Cara was exhausted but pleasantly so as she looked at the two men who looked so strikingly alike. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  “You are most welcome,” she said with a tired smile.

  “Okay Mrs. Logan I am going to ask you to get some rest now while I take this little cutie to the nursery.” Nurse Manning said with a beaming smile as she reached for the baby.

  “She is right baby; you need to get some sleep.” Matthew told her as he handed his son to the nurse.

  “Will you stay with me?” Cara pleaded.

  “I am not going anywhere,” he assured her as he climbed onto the bed and gathered her up to him. “Now go to sleep.” He whispered.


  Carmen Jones arrived the same day Cara was released from the hospital. All the way from the UK she had been overwhelmed by how much she was blessed. Her daughters had given her four grandchildren between them. She and their father had not gotten sons but now she had two grandsons and two granddaughters, she could not be happier. And Carolyn had told her she had patched things up with her husband and she and the baby would be coming back to the UK with her, she just needed to sort out their daughter’s passport.

  Matthew had sent a car for her and she was almost at the manor and could not wait. When she got to the manor her daughter and grandson had just reached and settled in not ten minutes before. It was a bright and sunny July afternoon and the sun was still high in the sky when she reached there, although it was five in the afternoon.

  Both girls were in Cara’s huge bedroom and both had their babies with them. Matthew had greeted her and had told her that he would give her some time with her daughters.

  “Mama!” They chorused as she hurried inside the bedroom. The twins were there as well sitting on the bed and staring at the two babies in fascination. “Mama,” they chorused with their arms outstretched to their grandmother.

  “I don’t think my heart can stand the excitement,” Carmen said taking both children into her arms as she looked down at her new grandson and granddaughter. “What beautiful babies! I am going to be the envy of all my friends when I get back home.”

  They chatted in excitement for almost two hours until Carmen insisted that they leave the room in order for Cara and the baby to get some rest.

  She had the chance to talk to Carolyn alone as they went into her bedroom. Clive had left for the UK two days ago because he had to go back to work but she had promised that she would be coming back with her mother.
  Carmen took the baby from her and sat in one of the comfortable sofas in front of the bed. Jennifer had poked her head in to tell them that supper would be served within the hour. “She does look like her dad,” she commented looking over at her daughter. “That must have been a relief for you.”

  “I made such a mess mama,” Carolyn added shamefully.

  “We are entitled to do so my dear as long as we acknowledge it and apologize,” she lifted the baby and kissed her soft cheek loving the smell of her soft skin. “I saw your husband just before I left and he told me that he had every intention of making you happy from now on. I told him that we owned our own happiness and that as long as he does his part I am sure you will do yours.”

  “He keeps apologizing for his lapse even though I told him it is not his fault.” Carolyn said with a sigh. “I ended up almost pushing Cara away as well but thank God we are now back on solid ground.”

  “You were in a bad place honey and your sister understands that.” She got to her feet. “I think my lovely granddaughter needs her meal.” She handed the baby to her. “I cannot tell you how happy I am that you are coming back with me. As much as I adore Cara’s children, they are far away. I need someone I can spoil nearby.”

  “Cara has already spoiled her rotten and not to mention Jennifer. She has become such a good friend and I am going to miss her so much when we leave.”

  “I am happy everything turned out okay.” She planted a kiss on her granddaughter’s cheek and watched as she suckled greedily. “She reminds me of you when you were a baby.” She said with a fond smile. “You were quite a greedy little tyke yourself.”

  “I am so glad you are here mama,” Carolyn told her holding onto her hand.

  “So am I honey.”


  They left a week later. Jennifer prepared a big dinner party the night before even though they insisted that she did not need to go to the trouble. “I am not going to see you for Lord knows how long I have to make a splash so you won’t soon forget us,” Jennifer sniffed. She gathered little Cara-Lee to her and kissed the baby’s cheek softly. They were all in the play room and the twins were running around the room chasing each other and screaming. Cara was ensconced in a soft cushioned chair that had been put in there for her to sit and watch the activities of her children while she held her youngest in her arms or fed him. The nannies had cleared the room to give the family some space. Carmen watched in delight at the antics of her older grandchildren and realized how much she was going to miss them.

  “You can always visit,” Carolyn reminded the woman with a smile. She had come to mean so much to her and they had the habit of talking way into the night. “And I promise that I will be back in a few months, you do remember that Cara-Lee is actually a citizen of this country.”

  “That’s good then.” She said briskly. “Now I am going to see about lunch and speak to Caleb about the menu for Saturday night. I was thinking of inviting Marissa and her husband and of course Christine and her family and Jeanette.” She said looking at Cara.

  “Good idea,” Cara answered smiling at her sister in law.

  She came over to where she was sitting and reached out her hands for Jeremy. The child was two weeks old and looked as chubby as they come with beautiful golden skin and those eyes that he had inherited from both her and her brother. He was a beautiful child. All three of them were and she felt complete. “I will just take Jeremy with me for a walk outside for him to get some fresh air. Isn’t that right sweetie?” she crooned.

  “Thanks Jen,” she told the woman with a smile.

  “Nothing to it. I will send up lunch shortly.” She said leaving the room with the baby in her arms.

  “She is such a delightful woman. She has certainly changed from the person she had been when we first met her.” Carmen commented as she caught Joel into her arms as he was about to fall.

  “She has been a very good friend and I am going to miss her like crazy,” Carolyn said with a sigh.

  “She can always come and visit honey and you will have to come back here for Cara-Lee’s sake and of course to visit your niece and nephews. Isn’t that so baby boy?” Carmen caught Joel and lifted him high in the air.

  “Of course,” Carolyn smiled as Janice came over to peek at Cara-Lee curiously.

  “Baby,” she murmured touching the baby’s arm.

  “That’s right honey and so are you.” Carolyn took her up and sat her on her knee so she could look at Cara-Lee properly. “You are just a little bit older.”


  “I had someone come in and clean the apartment from top to bottom and I also got help to decorate the nursery,” Clive told her over the phone.

  “I thought you were going to wait until we got there,” Carolyn protested. It was Friday night and she had settled her daughter in for her nap.

  “I know I am an excited father and husband.” He said contritely. “I am trying to make everything okay for you and my daughter Caro.”

  “You don’t have to keep trying to make things perfect Clive, we are in this thing together, remember?” she asked him softly going into the sitting room so as not to wake their daughter.

  “I know and I intend to do this the right way. I got a lovely antique crib from my aunt, who by the way cannot wait to see her grand niece and I bought some other furniture for clothes. You did say you got a play pen and a swing set from your sister right?”

  “And toys and enough clothes for two more children. Jennifer went out the other day and bought some other stuff. Our daughter has so many things that we are going to have to donate some of the things. The good thing is that Matthew made his private plane available to take us home so we can carry everything.”

  “I have to tell him thanks.” He hesitated briefly. “Do you have a crush on him?”


  “I know I am not much to look at in the looks department and he has everything: looks, money, a charismatic personality so it is easy for a woman to look at him more than twice.” This was said in a rushed voice as if he wanted to get it out of his system.

  “You look fine.” She told him firmly. She would never hurt him further by telling him that she had lusted after her brother in law for a while but had come to her senses before she made a fool of herself. “I am satisfied with what I have Clive and the funny thing is you never know what you have until you almost lose it. Matthew and my sister belong to each other and that is something that will never change. I am looking forward to coming home.”

  “The place is so empty without you,” he admitted.

  “It’s going to appear full with our daughter there. She's as quiet as you are but she does get up at odd times during the night to be fed.” She said with a smile in her voice.

  “I am looking forward to it.” He said softly. He had no intention of telling her that he had also taken money out of their savings and had redecorated their bedroom making it airier and lighter. He wanted to surprise her. “You should get some sleep.”

  “Goodnight.” She paused briefly and then said. “Clive I love you.”

  The silence was profound as he pondered what she had just told him. They had not said those words to each other in a long time. “I love you too.”


  “Your sister looks happy,” Matthew murmured as he came up behind his wife and held her around the waist.

  It was the night of the party and Jennifer had had the maids clean out the Great Hall and it was being held there. The table was spread with a sumptuous fare and there was a separate table for desserts. The children were asleep upstairs except the twins who had slept earlier and refused to go to bed. The nannies were taking care of them.

  “She does. She and Clive are okay now and I am happy for that because sister or not I do not appreciate another woman having eyes for my man,” she said softly leaning back against him.

  As soon as she was cleared by the doctor she had started working out in the gym downstairs and she had started lo
sing inches. She had persuaded Carolyn to do it with her and even Jennifer had joined in. She had worn a peach dress with thin straps and showed off her curves in a very attractive way. Her breasts were generous and glimpses of them were shown by the cut of the neck. She was wearing a diamond necklace her husband had given her on the birth of their second son a few weeks ago and her hair was twisted into a simple chignon at the nape of her neck.

  “Your man?” his mouth traced the outline of her long neck and he could feel the fire building inside him. It was torture not making love to her properly even though they had improvised.

  She twisted her head and caught his green gaze. “Yes my man.” She said with a grin. “I don’t care who it is but no one comes between us.”

  “Nothing will,” he told her softly, his hands tightening around her waist. “I have eyes for no one except you.”

  “What are you doing?” She whispered achingly.

  “What?” he was using his tongue against her neck and she felt the desire trembling through her. “You mean using my tongue to taste your delectable body?”

  “Matthew,” she breathed sagging back against him.

  “I am crazy about you. The mother of my children, the love of my life and I cannot wait to sink my dick deep inside you.”

  She was shaking as if she had a seizure and she closed her eyes, her fingers sinking into the skin of his hand around her waist. She needed to be alone with him. They would not be able to do anything much but she needed something. “I think we should go and check on the children,” she told him breathlessly.

  “Baby my dick is aching from the pressure inside it and you want us to go and check on the children?” he asked her incredulously.

  “I need to be alone with you and if anyone asks that’s what we will be doing.” She explained.

  A gleam of understanding came into his amazing green eyes. “Okay.”


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