Extreme Passions

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  Halfway down the street she heard the tinkle of an ice cream vendor and watched as children came pouring out of buildings, clutching coins in their hot little hands. A brightly colored wagon pulled to the curb, and the driver, a good-looking young woman with shoulder-length red hair pulled into piggy tails, started serving up icy treats.

  Teddy noted her curvaceous body, hugged by very short overalls and an off-the-shoulder white peasant blouse. Lithe legs led the butch’s eye up to a softly rounded bottom that wiggled as the vendor dug around inside the freezer compartment to fill orders. Teddy dug in her pocket and pulled out a bill.

  Wandering over, she waited until the children were gone, then approached the ice cream lady. “I need something to cool off,” Teddy purred. “What have you got for me in that box of yours?”

  The redhead raised cool green eyes as she stuffed the money she’d collected into her overall pockets. “Like I never heard that before. Teddy!” she cried, recognizing her former lover. She threw both arms around the butch and hugged her tight. “How you doing, baby?” She ruffled Teddy’s short brown locks and laughed as they were smoothed back into place.

  “Good, Shannon.” Teddy looked her over from top to bottom and in between. “You’re looking good, girl. How’re things with you and Heather working out?”

  “We’ve got three years next month,” answered the redhead with a warm smile. “How about you and Caroline?”

  “She’s suffering,” complained Teddy. “Our air conditioner’s on the fritz, and she’s miserable.”

  “Put a rocket in your pocket, stud,” Shannon said saucily.

  “If only. Sex is the last thing on her mind right now.”

  “Cool her off from the inside.” Shannon laughed, opened the freezer door at the side of her truck, and pulled out a Popsicle. It was wrapped in a white plastic wrapper bearing the words Lickety Split. “This little baby will do the trick. Always does for me.” She laughed and peeled down the wrapper to expose a frozen rounded cone in two colors, red strawberry ice surrounding a frozen white creamy center. Her eyes glittered. “Heather and I found out about this last summer.”

  Visions of pretty Shannon getting plowed with the frozen treat melted to visions of beautiful Caroline moaning for more. Teddy watched Shannon’s mouth circle the red and white Lickety Split and suck it slowly for a long minute, then reached into her pocket and pulled out a twenty.

  “Give me a dozen of them,” she said. Shannon laughed as she opened the door and gestured for her to help herself.

  Ten minutes later Teddy let herself back into the apartment. The sound of running water came from the bathroom, so she stuck all but two of the frozen treats into the freezer. The others she stuck in the right front pocket of her jeans. Pushing open the bathroom door, she caught sight of Caroline climbing into a cool tub. She lounged against the doorway.

  “Hey there, pretty lady.” Her steel blue eyes widened as she whistled in appreciation.

  “Hey, babe,” answered Caroline. She settled into the tub with her eyes closed. Teddy’s drank her in. Small and supple, Caroline’s breasts were perfect, tipped with dark brown nipples flaccid in the heat. Her narrow waist gave way to well-rounded hips; a dark blond neatly trimmed triangle nestled between her muscled thighs. The cool water shifted over the hills and valleys of her body.

  The silence made Caroline open her warm brown eyes. Fringed in dark lashes, they were possibly her best feature. She stared ambiguously at her butch, then lowered her gaze. “What’s that?” Her long, red-tipped finger pointed at Teddy’s crotch. “It’s too hot to fuck, honey. So you can take that off!” She snapped her fingers, imperious and cranky.

  Teddy laughed, a deep throaty chuckle. Caroline started to argue, then smiled widely as Teddy pulled forth the frozen Lickety Splits from her pocket.

  “Popsicles! What a great idea!” she said, reaching eagerly for one.

  Pulling the wrapper off for her, Teddy perched on the side of the tub and held it to Caroline’s lips for her to suck. Blue eyes smoldered as they met brown ones. “It’s not just a Popsicle, honey,” she said as she pushed the frozen dildo deeper into Caroline’s mouth, then pulled it almost all the way out. “It’s a Lickety Split.”

  “Um, yum,” agreed Caroline as she took the frozen treat in her hand and teased Teddy by licking it slowly from base to tip. Teddy eagerly stripped her own Popsicle, then leaned over and rubbed it on Caroline’s right nipple, which leapt to attention as Caroline yelped in surprise.

  “Hey, that’s cold,” she said, her eyes glittering with appreciation. “Maybe you’d like to join me in here?” She gestured to the tub of cool water.

  “Invitation accepted,” said Teddy, handing her the Lickety to hold as she quickly stripped out of jeans and T-shirt. She’d never seen Caroline change her mind before.

  Climbing into the tub, Teddy settled at the opposite end, angled into the corner to avoid the spigot. Caroline sat cross-legged to make room for her, handed back her Popsicle, then leaned back in open invitation. Closing her gorgeous eyes, she tongued the creamy white center of her own.

  Teddy leaned forward and started at the corner of Caroline’s lips, slowly tracing the melting Popsicle down her long neck, along her collarbone to the soft mounds of her breasts. A delicious shudder shook Caroline as the ice traced first one nipple, then the other. They tightened to the size of plump raisins.

  Biting the tip from her frozen rocket, Teddy held it in her mouth as she rolled each nipple with her tongue and sucked the melted syrup from her lover’s skin. Caroline moaned deep in her throat. Teddy couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so responsive.

  “Up,” she commanded huskily, helping Caroline to her knees. Caroline cooperated, but took time to run her own Lickety over each of Teddy’s tits, which jumped up to salute.

  “Oh my God!” Teddy shouted as the cool ice stroked her fiery skin. “Stop that!” she ordered Caroline, pushing her away. “I’ve got to concentrate here.”

  The lovers laughed easily, then Caroline, breasts thrust out proudly, spread her knees wide. Teddy groaned. “You’re so beautiful, baby.” She rose up on her own knees, then kissed her lover, nipple to nipple, hip to hip. Caroline slid her frozen tongue into Teddy’s mouth, and the hungry butch groaned again.

  Reaching a long arm around Caroline’s waist, Teddy cupped her ass. She supported her that way as she slowly traced the bitten Popsicle up the inside of one thigh and down the other. Sodden blond curls parted easily before the cold slickness that found and toyed with her clit.

  Caroline arched her back, which presented her breasts to Teddy’s hungry mouth. Teddy’s tongue swirled plump nipples in the same way she used the melting ice pop on Caroline’s clit. She squeezed the plump ass filling her hand, strong muscles supporting her lover as she felt her writhe under cool caresses.

  Caroline thrust her forgotten Lickety into Teddy’s mouth at the same instant the frozen rocket entered her. She clenched her thighs, trapping Teddy’s hand, moaning deep in her throat as her free hand circled Teddy’s neck. They synchronized their strokes into and out of mouth and pussy until their rockets melted.

  “Oh no,” sighed Caroline, tossing the wooden sticks into the trash and sitting to sluice syrup from her body. “Well, it was fun while it lasted.”

  “Meet me in the bedroom,” husked Teddy, rising and stepping from the tub.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” whined Caroline. “It’s cooler in the tub.”

  “Trust me, babe.” Teddy’s naked ass scampered out to the kitchen, where she dodged the open curtains, quickly gathered what she needed, and raced to their bedroom. She used their ice crusher to fill a metal bowl, which she set on the floor, loaded with Popsicles. Then she stripped the bed down and covered it with the vinyl tablecloth they used on picnics. She was bending over to tuck in one corner that had come loose when she heard a soft step behind her.

  “My favorite view of you,” she heard Caroline say. A good sign. “What have you got there?” A wa
rm hand descended softly on Teddy’s ass as Caroline leaned over to examine the bed and bowl full of Popsicles. “You devil,” she laughed. Then she rolled her butch onto the bed.

  Teddy used her muscles and kept rolling until she was on top. She reached for a Lickety, peeling the paper and tossing it to the floor. She instantly inserted it in Caroline as she lay beneath her.

  The fresh rocket was long, fat, and frosty. Caroline groaned and arched her back. She spread her legs, urging Teddy on. Teddy slid down to lick her clit as she stroked the icy cone in and out of her lover. She paused only long enough to change directions and reach for a second Lickety, which she handed to Caroline with a grin.

  Caroline angled her lover’s brown bush right over her chin, then used one hand to pull her butch’s belly down to her own. With Teddy spread wide open, Caroline stroked the swollen outer lips with the icy rocket while slip-sliding on her own.

  Groaning, Teddy offered herself up to Caroline while staying focused on the business at hand. In and out she plunged the frozen dildo, watching the pretty pussy under her eyes become bright pink with syrup, friction, and temperature.

  Digging her fingernails into Teddy’s ass, Caroline pushed her long, frosty Lickety into Teddy gently, slowly. She never stopped advancing, never once retreated, until her lover was fully conquered in her frozen onslaught. It was hard to stay focused. The steady thrusting of the melting treat in her own hot pussy demanded attention. Every pore in her skin felt open, sensitive, receptive.

  Teddy gasped as the Lickety split her wide. It was too cold, almost painful, but so incredibly sensual. As her body accepted and adapted, she felt the thrill of doing something naughty, something forbidden. She moaned on Caroline’s clit.

  Teddy reached over the bedside and scooped a handful of ice chips into her mouth. She descended once more on Caroline’s clit, still steadily pumping. The ice chips shocked already sensitized skin, and with a shrill scream Caroline climaxed in her arms. The melted Popsicle slid out of Teddy’s pussy, forgotten for a moment. Teddy rolled off Caroline, switching around to gather her in her arms, cradling her sated body in the combination of sweet syrup and lovers’ juice that pooled around them.

  “That was”—Caroline searched for a word—“transcendent.” She reached for the melting Popsicle on the bed beside her and started sucking Teddy’s juices from it. “What a great idea! You’re so creative!” Her lips wrapped around the tip of the well-licked Lickety while she tongued it. She kissed her butch, full and long.

  Teddy felt Caroline’s cold swollen lips on her own, still sensitive from the ice chips. Cool tongues dueled each other, slowly warming the hot cavity they shared. Generous in her satiation, Caroline continued to treat Teddy’s body to long, lingering icy cold kisses. Shoulders, breasts, nipples, belly button, hips, and finally the one she’d longed for—the clit.

  Her butch wasn’t always comfortable with oral sex. It was not something Caroline could count on when they were intimate. But tonight Teddy reached down to spread her own lips, her engorged clit rising above her sticky sweet pussy. She wanted it, all of it.

  Caroline complied, using fresh Licketeys inside and out. Her cool lips and icy tongue caused Teddy to thrash beneath her, unleashed in a rare depth of passion. The butch’s arms surrounded her femme, reveling in soft back, breasts, and belly. It would take time for her to achieve one of her rare orgasms, but she was well on her way. Teddy raised and lowered her hips, creating a rhythm for them both.

  When one Popsicle melted away, it was replaced by another. Neither woman was in a hurry, and leisure became part of the rhythm they shared. Caroline would rest her arm once in a while by pausing to rise and kiss Teddy deeply, waiting for her to warm back up. Then back she’d go to icing her down again, until finally Teddy’s body began to quietly spasm.

  Teddy descended into the blackness of her orgasm, rising in growing waves to sweep through every nerve ending in her body, electricity jumping from her body to Caroline’s. They rolled as one, awash in sticky red liquid, coming finally to rest in a pool of melted Popsicles.

  “We’re a mess,” laughed Teddy before licking some syrup from Caroline’s cheek.

  “It was recommended we take a cool bath,” mused Caroline. “I think one might just be perfect about now.” She smiled her lovely, peaceful smile.

  Teddy stroked Caroline’s head as it rested on her shoulder. She’d learned something tonight. Caroline’s passion could be sparked, Lickety Split.

  Play Per View


  “Good evening, ma’am.”

  The bellboy’s congenial greeting earned him a smile from me as I pondered my next destination underneath the hotel’s halogen-studded awning. Beyond the borders of the arched driveway, the haze of industry and noisy motorcades lured me despite road dust and petrol fumes. I had had a long day ensconced in the controlled environment of our offices, and I needed the jagged, intrusive sounds of the city to dispel the pallor of work.

  The sun’s baked heat, absorbed day long, emanated from the concrete around me. My black jacket had to come off, and so did three buttons on my starched shirt. I thought I could handle the heat, but air travel has a way of screwing my body’s yin/yang balance and I had been hopping cities around the world for a month.

  Forced misted air from external fans fell gently on my back and neck. If I didn’t mind the enclosure of another generic accommodation, I would be cooler in my room—but I needed something else that the heat had brought up.

  Unclipping my cufflinks, I dropped them into my jacket pocket and handed the jacket to the bellboy with instructions to take it to my room. Then I picked a direction and started walking.

  Away from the safe bubble of the hotel, down boutique-lined streets, the metal heels of my shoes clicked shortly upon the pavement in a hollow cadence, echoing off the centuries-old sandstone buildings towering above. It was late, and I had nowhere to be. Unmindful of the quiet streets, I browsed wares through dressed windows until I was startled by my dark reflection floating in my disembodied white shirt. Peering closer, I noticed that my eyes were ringed with fatigue and I needed a haircut. The weight of a long day and an even longer month made itself known then in the knotted breadth of my shoulders.

  Someone jostled me and muttered an under-breath apology, leaving me with an impression of a hard press in my back and the sexy metallic tang of Photo. It had been a long time since that cologne crossed my senses, but it still ignited a fiery memory. My head turned to follow the progress of the wearer, whose flinty eyes challenged me over the shoulder of her leather jacket before she was gone, swallowed by a doorway barely discernible in the dark.

  I didn’t even think as I trailed her into the mysterious hole in the wall, intrigue and a memory spurring my heels. The corridor inside was a short pitch-black strip, with stars at the other end. A sequined curtain. I had followed her into a titty bar.

  A beefy bouncer looked me up and down when I pushed through the fronds, grunted, then turned back to watch the show. There was action onstage, and immediately, I averted my eyes; my pleasure had never been sought in places like these. Grasping for familiar ground, I hipped a bar stool and ordered a beer. While waiting, I scanned the small audience quickly to no avail. She had disappeared.

  I drained my mug in one cold swallow and beckoned for another. Why the hell not, it was a warm night.

  I was surprised by the slow R&B tunes in this place; surprised and relaxed by a quick ingestion of alcohol, although not uninhibited enough to turn and face the stage. A montage of badly cut mirrors behind the bar flitted angled images of the whole floor to me, a colorful psychedelic screen that slowly kaleidoscoped in my mind and transmitted the throb of the bass into my groin. Soon, I was tapping the lacquered bar top and mouthing to a Kylie remix.

  Curiosity sent me to a dark corner and into a low chair that afforded a view of the stage but kept me out of reach of the lights. The music changed smoothly from one groove to another and I was coasting along to the beat,
enjoying the visual effect in the moistness between my legs, when she burst onto the stage in a long-legged stride. My feet hit the floor and my clit hit the seam of my pants, pulsing in time to the boom beat of her song. I didn’t recognize the tune but my tensed straining length recognized the beauty before me.

  Blazing silver eyes defied the audience as they tracked through the men gaping at her. She marched to a mechanical rap, her crop slashing at the riding boots below the beige jodhpurs that were stretched invitingly over her mons and down her long thighs—the kind of legs I could easily worship en route to her pussy and have wrapped around my head.

  Her slender fingers played with the buttons of her shirt, teasing us with glimpses of flesh and cleavage, her short riding jacket having been shucked off during the introductory riff. While I had never seen a sexier woman in a white shirt, I knew my breath deepened with each tantalizing exposure. She appeared unconcerned, almost bored, as if this was routine itself to take off her clothes for strangers. Her face was set in stone but her eyes were so alive. Their electric taunt raced to my tingling clit and I had to clutch my knee to hold back from touching myself.

  The rest of the song was a blur of lights, rhythm, and her twisting pale body flecked with gold dust. She was a long, wet drink for my parched arousal that kept me sitting, legs apart, waiting for the roar in my blood to subside minutes after her set was over. This had been an unexpected evening, oddly satisfying yet not.

  I skolled the rest of my drink and stood, pleased that I could still hold my liquor with no side effects other than the heightened need for a fuck. I could accomplish that in my room by myself and my trusty travel companion tucked in its velvet bag somewhere in my suitcase.


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