Extreme Passions

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  Anyhow, back to the evening. I’d been slinging drinks right and left, picking up a hefty amount of tips as the the women became

  rowdier. We had already hosted the usual stage dances for them, with our ladies prancing out to bump and grind, throwing their nearly naked bodies around the poles. The women were whooping and hollering “Take it off, baby, take it all off!” with every other breath. People say men spend money on stripteasers—hell, women will outdo them in a heartbeat.

  The later it grew, the more the whiskey flowed and the wilder the party became. I had been groped and fondled so many times, I thought that I might be going home with permanent handprints on my ass and tits. Still, my pile of tips continued to grow, so who was I to push anyone away?

  Late in the evening, after most of the women were close to being drunk, I saw them push back the tables and chairs directly in front of me. One of the women took a single chair and placed it all alone in the middle of the floor. The other chairs were set up along the edges of the floor space, positioned so they all faced the chair in the center of the floor. A couple of the women took hold of the “bride-to-be” and led her to that lone chair. They giggled and stumbled, managing to remain upright only because they were leaning all over each other.

  They finally managed to get our lady seated in the chair after two very near misses where she would have ended up on her ass on the floor. As it was, she plunked down into the chair in a drunken sprawl, with her legs outspread. Near the back of the room, someone grabbed a mop out of the corner and managed to maneuver one of the spotlights so that a single bright red beam zoomed in on the chair, bathing the bride in a surreal light. The music from the speakers pulsed throughout the bar. Its beat was slow and sexy.

  Most of the women were still milling around, looking about the room as if there was something they couldn’t find. Finally, the door to the ladies’ lounge opened and out walked the sexiest woman I had seen in some time—and believe me, I’ve seen a few. Goddamn, she’s hot…all legs. She had to be about five-ten, stacked, with wavy flaming red hair streaming down her back. I couldn’t tell the color of her eyes because of the red spotlight, but what I saw sparkled like hell. Her hips swished gently side to side with each step she took. She had on a sexy, full-length forest green silk dress that clung to her well-endowed body. She was wearing matching long gloves. Four-inch heels peeked from beneath her dress.

  I knocked over the Crown Royal that I was pouring when she looked at me while I was staring at her. Shit, she’d managed in one glance to light my body on fire. My nipples hardened, rubbing against my shirt, making it painful to even breathe. My crotch dampened as I imagined my hands toughing her chest. I reached down and slightly shifted my package, as it was pressing too firmly against my clit.

  I thought at first that she was going to walk right up to me and plant a kiss on me, but at the last minute, she stopped and turned around. Instead, she turned toward the bride. Her dress was totally backless. She looked to be naked under the dress, but I would just have to wait to see to be sure.

  She began moving to the music, her whole body swaying and slowly gyrating to the steady bump-and-grind beat. I watched as she moved in front of the bride-to-be.

  She rocked gently to the beat of the music as she slowly pulled her gloves off her hands. She flicked her gloves up and down in front of the bride before releasing them to fall on the floor close to the chair. She moved closer to stand between bride’s legs, lifting the bride’s hands up to rest on her hips.

  I watched as she leaned forward, whispering something that none of us could hear. The bride grabbed hold of the material at the dancer’s hips and pulled downward, moving the dress steadily over the dancer’s hips. The dancer’s breasts slowly uncovered as her outfit dipped lower. I could barely see them from my angle at the bar—damn, but it had me leaning to the side for a better view. She continued to slow dance while her dress slid to the floor.

  At first, I thought she was totally naked, but I soon realized she had on the sheerest pair of white thong panties that I have ever seen. She turned toward me as she pushed her dress away with her feet. I could see her red bush through the front of her panties. Fuck, I’m burning up. I quickly poured myself a shot of tequila, hoping to calm down before I embarrassed myself more by climbing over the bar and taking her right there on the floor.

  The music changed and the pace picked up, changing the mood from soft and subdued to frantic impatience. Most of the women clapped to the beat as the dancer changed her style of dancing. She gyrated energetically, moving tighter between the bride-to-be’s legs to give her a private lap dance. I could only see what was happening from the back as I leaned against the bar, my knees weak from watching the hot action taking place in front of me. I would have given anything to be the woman sitting in that chair. Damn!

  The dancer slid back and forth over the bride’s crotch, stopping to press her sheer-covered pussy hard against the bride’s mound. She arched backward, pressing her bare breasts against the bride’s face, using both hands to hold her tits in place as she rapidly shimmied back and forth. Her breasts slapped the bride’s cheeks repeatedly as the music continued. The bride leaned back slightly in her chair, running her tongue out to tentatively touch the nipples being held in front of her.

  Goddamn, why can’t I be sitting in that chair? Someone walked up to the bar and ordered a drink. For the first time in my life, I was angry that I had to stop watching in order to fix a drink. Turning my back, I took several deep breaths to get my sex drive back under control before I made a bigger fool of myself. I turned back around to the customer and handed her the drink, saying, “Sorry, this one’s on me.”

  She smiled suggestively at me and tucked ten dollars into the vee of my shirt between my breasts. Just goes to show being nice does have its rewards. I opened the till, put in the ten spot, and removed a five for myself.

  The women were chanting “Go…Go…Go.” I turned back to see what was happening, and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. Our sweet, innocent bride was on the floor in front of her chair with her hands up around the dancer’s waist. As I watched, and to the chanting in the room, she slowly slid the G-string off the dancer’s body, leaving her wearing those incredibly high heels and nothing more.

  Boing! My clit jumped and I nearly passed out, wanting nothing more than to throw the dancer down on the pool table and finish off what I was feeling. I could only watch as the music faded and the bride leaned forward and placed a wet, drawn-out kiss on the dancer’s mound.

  I continued watching in misery as the music stopped and the dancer turned, leaned down, and picked up her clothing. Holding her clothes in front of herself, she looked directly at me and blew me a kiss. Damned if I didn’t fall in love—or would it be better to say lust? I watched her turn and head back to the ladies’ lounge while the rest of the crowd circled the bride.

  The evening ended shortly after that single lap dance. I called for taxis and made sure that everyone left the bar safely. I must have missed the dancer’s exit, because I didn’t see her again as I finished straightening up. Finally, hot, horny, and tired beyond reason, I closed up and headed for home.

  So there I was, standing in the parking garage waiting on the fucking slow-assed elevator to get to the basement so I could finally go to bed. I’d made more money tonight then I make in most weeks. It was fun, but nothing was worth being as horny and achy as I was right at that moment.

  The elevator finally descended and I got on, pressing the button to take me to the ninth floor where my apartment is. It didn’t make it farther than the first floor.

  My heart nearly stopped in my chest when the dancer from the bachelorette party walked into the elevator still dressed in her tight green outfit. My God…she’s beautiful!

  I smiled shyly at her while I continued to stare, unable to turn away. She got on, pressing the button before moving to the back of the elevator. The door closed and the elevator started its upward movement. She turned and took the
few steps necessary to put her directly in front of me.

  As I stood leaning against the back of the elevator, she ran her hand over the bulge in my pants where my package was outlined. Slowly rubbing it she said, “Nice touch.”

  I nearly jumped out of my skin. That was it, entirely too much sexual excitement to tolerate even for one more minute. I stood up and reached for the woman standing in front of me. I pulled her hard into my arms.

  She moved forward and slid her arms around my body, pulling me close to her. In her high heels, she was nearly my height. I moved my face toward her, wanting nothing more than to taste her lips—at least as a starting point. With my mouth slightly opened, I took her lips with mine. She was hot, moist, and so damn sweet tasting. It took my breath way.

  I twirled her around, pressing her against the back of the elevator so I could lean more tightly against her. My hands slid through her thick, full red hair, making my palms tingle. I pulled her closer into my kiss and angled my mouth more firmly on hers. She opened her mouth and her breath mingled with mine. Damn, she was hot as a new-lit firecracker—and I was the match.

  I thrust my tongue into her mouth, tasting her and tangling with her tongue as she sucked me deeper and harder. In and out I parried, wanting to take all of her right at that very minute.

  I leaned my entire body hard against hers and ground my pelvis to hers, my package rubbing against her pubis as she whimpered into my mouth. She grabbed my hips and pulled me snugly to her, swiveling back and forth against the front of my pants. My pussy was on fire and I could only imagine how hers felt.

  Her breasts were pressed tight against my chest. I could feel her nipples harden as her excitement heightened. Damn, my nipples were so sensitive that I thought I would scream out loud if she didn’t stop rubbing back and forth soon.

  We kissed more, longer, and harder, sucking each other’s tongues, trying to devour each other as we became more turned on by the minute.

  Ding…Ding…Ding… The elevator came to a stop on the ninth floor. With one final kiss, I pulled back from the dancer and simply stared into her eyes as the door slid open. She stepped around me and held out her hand, saying, “Darling, I don’t have my keys. Give me yours so I can open the door.” Handing her the keys, I followed her to our apartment. For you see, she may tease and she may please, but the Dancer always comes home with me. She is the love of my life, and for her, I will always be the Bartender.


  Taking the keys from her hand, I opened the door to our apartment. Having her close behind me brought back memories of the night.

  As I danced this evening, I knew the bartender was watching every move that I made. I saw the lust in her eyes as she leaned against the bar watching me dance. For her, I made it as erotic as I could. I ground against that poor bride, imagining that I was sitting in the bartender’s lap. I could nearly feel her pack hitting my clit as I ground hard upon the bride’s mound.

  When the bride leaned forward and kissed my breasts I knew that the bartender nearly came over the bar, wanting me right that very minute. God, I was so hot—had she come to me at that moment, she could have had me right there on the pool table with everyone watching.

  When I stood and my panties were slowly taken off, I trembled with desire knowing she could see that single wet kiss the bride placed on my mound. I nearly came knowing the bartender was so turned on that she would have taken me any way she could have gotten to me.

  I turned and looked at her as I gathered up my clothes: I burned with wanting her, to have her hot, muscular body rubbing against mine. Her gaze moved over me from head to toe, and I couldn’t resist blowing her a kiss as I left the dance floor.

  I dressed and left quickly before I caused her further distraction, knowing if I stayed, I would have tantalized her unmercifully. Instead I sat in my car imagining what I would be doing with her had I stayed and teased her more. I sat there lost in thought, watching everyone leaving the club. Finally, I saw the bartender lock up and go to her car. God, she looked sexy as hell, even in that semidark parking lot.

  I started my car and drove home. After parking the car on the street, I entered the lobby and waited by the elevator. I hadn’t been standing there long when it opened in front of me. Who should I see but the bartender leaning back against the wall of the elevator?

  She was glorious. Her firm breasts jutted out against her silk

  shirt, which was unbuttoned to the cleft of her breasts. Her pelvis angled slightly out toward me; her soft pack was visible, and damn, it was

  sexy seeing that ridge lying against the right side of her mound. I panted with desire, moist just from looking at her.

  I could no longer resist. Moving forward, I ran my hand over her crotch, feeling her pussy and moving up to run my fingers over her package. “Nice touch,” I said as the leather beneath my hands made my fingers tingle. The firmness of her cock lay just beneath the surface of her pants; I followed it back down and could feel where the base rubbed against her clit. I couldn’t resist and pressed it hard against her pussy, feeling her jerk with the sudden pressure on her clit. God, she is so fucking hot.

  She rose up and grabbed me by the arms, pulling me tight against her body as she took my mouth in a hot, wet open-mouthed kiss. I could barely breathe, she was so hot against my lips. Lips still locked together, she swung me around until I was pressed against the elevator wall, her body hard against mine. She ran her fingers through my hair, pulling my face roughly to hers, thrusting deep into my mouth.

  She swirled her tongue around inside my mouth, making me hunger for more than just her lips. In and out she thrust, groaning deep in the back of her throat. I sucked her tongue, holding her tight as she slowly ground her pelvis on mine. Her package hit against my clit repeatedly, rubbing back and forth, making me horny as hell. My pussy moistened more in anticipation of what was to come.

  My breasts were crushed against hers and I could feel my nipples harden as she rubbed hers back and forth across them. They became highly sensitized—just one more touch and I would be screaming aloud: “Mmm…take me…here…hard and fast.”

  Thank God, the elevator reached our floor. She stepped back from me and I stepped around her, burning so I could barely walk. I held out my hand, saying, “Darling, I don’t have my keys. Give me yours so I can open the door.”

  I watched the bartender as she walked slightly behind me to our apartment. As I leaned down to unlock the door, she stepped closer to me, pressing her crotch against my hips, rubbing her package against the crack of my ass. I felt her moan as I fumbled to get the door open.

  I reached back and grabbed her sleeve, pulling her quickly into the apartment. She had barely crossed the threshold when I kicked the door shut and pressed her up against it. I pressed my breasts firmly against her chest, rubbing hard against her nipples, making them rigid. She moaned as I kissed her.

  I thrust my tongue deep into her mouth, sucking hard on her lips. I ran my hands across her stomach, slid them around her waist and down to her hips, and pulled her forward, pressing her mound tight against my pelvis as I ground against the front of her pants. Her pack and harness pressed against my clit.

  She finally reached up and ran her fingers through my hair, pulling me toward her. She angled her head and traced my mouth with her tongue, using just its tip to touch my lips lightly. She then plunged deep inside my mouth, past my teeth deep into my throat, sucking and taking my breath away. I did nothing but moan loudly in her mouth, letting her know how much she turned me on, how much I really wanted her.

  She pushed my dress off my shoulders just as the bride had done earlier. It slid over my arms, bunching at my waist. She leaned away from the door and tilted her head to touch her tongue to my nipples. They stood up, hard and tight, at the touch of her wet lips. My pussy trembled as she laved first one, then the other. I tilted my head back and moaned as she excited me more and more.

  She stood all the way up, gently moving my arms away from her as she ste
pped past me and took me by the hand to lead me to our bedroom, my nipples tightening as we walked through the air-conditioned rooms. She sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled me between her legs and again she began to feast upon my breasts, sucking my nipples hard and deep into her mouth.

  “Oh God, baby…please,” I pleaded, not knowing if I meant stop or continue. She wrapped her hands around my breasts, squeezing them hard as she used her lips to tug them. “Mmm…yesss.”

  As I withered against her lips, she dropped her hands to my dress, and in a single, steady pull, dropped it in a pool at my feet. I kicked it out of my way. Standing there only in heels and sheer white G-string, I trembled with desire, wanting her to take me rough and hard—or sweet and gentle. Damn, I didn’t know and I didn’t care, just as long as she made love to me.

  She grinned up at me, knowing that I was all but ready to jump on her if she didn’t do more. Looking into my eyes, she hooked her fingers into my F-string and slowly pulled it down, uncovering my pussy. I heard her intake of breath as she looked down to see how damp I had become while she played with me.


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