Ancient Remedies

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Ancient Remedies Page 21

by Dr. Josh Axe

  Essential oils: Diffuse 3 drops of peppermint, eucalyptus, lemon, or tea tree oil.

  ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE. This form of dementia impairs memory, reasoning, judgment, and word-finding. Risk factors include age, family history, and genetics. Some research suggests that a diet rich in fat and low in carbohydrates, like a ketogenic diet, can help.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, the root cause is kidney qi and kidney yin depletion.

  Foods That Harm: Food additives, alcohol, sugar, refined grains, food in aluminum packages

  Foods That Heal: A diet high in healthy fats (coconut oil), omega-3-rich foods (wild-caught fish, walnuts, chia seeds), eggs, grass-fed beef, avocados, olive oil, tahini, leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, berries

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Ginkgo biloba. A meta-analysis showed it’s beneficial for cognition.2 Take 120 mg daily. (Bacopa has similar benefits and can help, too.)

  2. CBD oil. Its antioxidant capacity can protect memory. Take 40 to 160 mg daily.

  3. Vitamin D3. Supports nerve tissue regeneration. Take 5,000 to 10,000 IU daily.

  4. Turmeric. May slow the disease’s progression. Take 500 to 2,000 mg daily.

  5. High-DHA fish oil. Reduces brain inflammation. Take 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture, spiritual reading, yoga, socializing, and walking in sunlight. Get 8 hours of sleep a night.

  Essential oils: Diffuse a few drops of frankincense, cedarwood, and/or rosemary oil, all of which enhance memory.

  ANEMIA. Anemia occurs when the blood has too few red blood cells, or if the cells don’t have enough hemoglobin. Signs include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, brain fog, cold hands and feet, and headaches.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, anemia is seen as blood deficiency. Blood is derived from food qi and produced by the spleen, so nourishing the spleen is the focus of treatment.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar, processed food, dairy, bran (it removes iron), foods that block iron absorption (chocolate, soda, coffee, black tea)

  Foods That Heal: Beef or chicken liver, grass-fed beef or bison or lamb, egg yolks, leafy greens, beets, blackstrap molasses, vitamin C–rich foods, broccoli, red bell peppers, cherries, figs, raspberries, prunes, kidney beans, spleen-nourishing foods (carrots, pumpkin, acorn squash, butternut squash)

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Dong quai. The best herb for strengthening blood. Take 1 g 3 times daily.

  2. Iron. Boosts iron in the blood. Take 10 to 30 mg daily of a food-based supplement, along with 1,000 mg of vitamin C.

  3. Astragalus. Great for blood building and spleen support. Take 500 to 2,000 mg daily.

  4. Probiotics. Helps the gut stay healthy so it can absorb more iron. Take 50 to 100 IU daily.

  5. Desiccated liver. High in iron and B vitamins. Take 3 grams daily.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture, exercise, walk in nature, get plenty of rest, and find things that bring you joy to counteract worry and support spleen health.

  Essential oils: Add 1 or 2 drops each of cinnamon and ginger oil to food or a smoothie daily.

  ANXIETY. Characterized by excessive worry or fear, anxiety is commonly caused by emotional trauma, physical trauma, life stressors, and genetics.

  Ancient perspective: If you’re having insomnia, it’s due to heart deficiency; if you’re fearful, the cause is kidney deficiency; excess worry is linked to spleen deficiency.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar, refined grains, artificial sweeteners, caffeine, alcohol, and processed carbs

  Foods That Heal: Leafy greens, carrots, pumpkin, squash, beets, healthy fats, nuts and seeds, coconut oil, wild-caught fish and other omega-3-rich foods, walnuts, foods high in B vitamins (eggs, fermented dairy)

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. CBD. Reduces anxiety. Take 20 to 80 mg daily.

  2. Valerian. Improves sleep. Take 1 teaspoon of a tincture daily.

  3. Ashwagandha. Helps keep cortisol in check. Take 300 to 500 mg daily.

  4. Magnesium. Calms the nervous system. Take 250 to 600 mg daily.

  5. Chamomile. Calms the nervous system. Drink 1 or 2 cups of tea daily, or take a supplement as directed.

  Other remedies: Meditate, pray, try acupuncture, do yoga, exercise, get 8 hours of sleep a night, walk in nature, listen to nature sounds, perform random acts of kindness, practice gratitude, try digital fasting, and make time for activities and people who bring you joy. Additional herbs that are helpful: astragalus, kava kava, lemon balm, and dong quai.

  Essential oils: Diffuse a few drops of lavender, chamomile, or ylang-ylang oil to promote relaxation.

  ARTHRITIS. Arthritis occurs when the cartilage cushioning the joints wears down, causing pain and inflammation. It strikes the lower back, hips, knees, feet, neck, and fingers.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, arthritis is caused by liver qi deficiency as well as liver fire and blood stagnation.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar, artificial sweeteners, gluten, processed food, packaged snacks, refined carbs, dairy, red meat, fried food, nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, and bell peppers)

  Foods That Heal: Omega-3-rich wild-caught fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna), chicken bone broth, leafy greens, broccoli, kiwi, pineapple, blueberries, figs, walnuts, flaxseed, chia seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, green tea, turmeric, ginger, rosemary

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Turmeric. Eases pain and contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory benefits. Best taken in combination with black pepper or piperine. Take 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily.

  2. Bone broth protein. Contains collagen, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin, which repair connective tissue. Take 20 g daily.

  3. Boswellia (frankincense). Cuts inflammation. Take 500 to 1,500 mg daily.

  4. Fish oil. Reduces inflammation. Take 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily.

  5. Bromelain. Anti-inflammatory found in pineapple. Take 500 mg daily.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture, meditate, do low-impact exercise (yoga, swimming, cycling, and walking in nature), take time for spiritual reading and affirmations.

  Essential oils: Mix 3 drops of frankincense and myrrh oil with ¼ teaspoon coconut oil; apply to affected area. Add 1 or 2 drops of ginger oil or turmeric oil to soup or smoothies.

  ASTHMA. A respiratory condition in which environmental irritants trigger narrowing and swelling of the airway, asthma causes wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.

  Ancient perspective: Asthma is usually caused by dampness in the lungs, kidney qi deficiency, and excess mucus caused by spleen imbalance. Dry asthma (the key sign is a dry, nonproductive cough) is caused by liver qi deficiency, which causes lung dryness.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar, packaged food, processed carbs, conventional dairy, additives and preservatives, frozen food, fast food, refined grains, casein, gluten, refined vegetable oils

  Foods That Heal: Orange and red fruits and vegetables (sweet potatoes, pumpkin, squash, carrots, berries, tomatoes), celery, broccoli, cauliflower, wild-caught fish and other omega-3-rich foods, chicken, folate-rich foods (leafy greens, beans, nuts), citrus, pears, honey

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Licorice root. Strengthens lung qi. Take 1,000 mg daily as a capsule or tea.

  2. Reishi. Contains triterpenes, which reduce asthma. Take 2 to 9 g daily.

  3. Astragalus. Builds the immune system and lung health. Take 1,000 mg daily.

  4. Slippery elm and marshmallow root. Moistens the lungs. Take as directed.

  5. Peppermint. Effective for dampness in the lung. Take as directed.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture or chiropractic, spiritual reading to reduce stress, deep breathing (into your belly), qi gong, and aerobic exercise—running, cycling, or walking.

  Essential oils: Diffuse 3 drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil, both of which open the airways and relieve congestion. You can also apply topically to the chest and neck.

ENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER (ADHD). This childhood neurodevelopmental disorder features a pattern of inattentiveness and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity. It may be caused by exposure to toxins, chemical additives in diet, and genetics. But question the diagnosis. Some kids with these symptoms may just be bored, or kinesthetic learners.

  Ancient perspective: The root cause, in TCM, is damp heat in the spleen and liver.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar, artificial sweeteners, gluten, nitrites, conventional dairy, food dyes, caffeine, MSG, hydrogenated oils, and hydrolyzed vegetable protein

  Foods That Heal: Bone broth, grass-fed beef, poultry, eggs, spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, squash, berries, apples, rice, oats, sweet potato, probiotic-rich foods, coconut oil, avocados, salmon and other omega-3-rich foods

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Probiotics. ADHD can be linked to gut issues caused by sugars and antibiotics, so probiotics may help. Take 25 to 100 billion IU daily.

  2. CBD oil. May reduce hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention.3 Try 10 mg daily; experiment to find an effective dose, up to 100 mg daily.

  3. Fish oil. Omega-3 fats improve brain function. Take 1,000 mg daily.

  4. Multivitamin. Zinc, iron, magnesium, and B vitamins may improve symptoms. Take as directed.

  5. Bone broth or collagen protein. Supports gut. Take 10 to 30 mg daily.

  Other remedies: Exercise, pray, get 8 hours of sleep a night, and spend time in nature.

  Essential oils: Take 3 inhales of vetiver, rosemary, or cedarwood oil 3 times daily.

  AUTISM. This developmental disorder affects children’s development of language, behavior, and social skills. The cause is still unknown but may include genetics and exposure to toxins and antibiotics in utero or in infancy.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, the root cause is a lack of fire depleting the spleen, liver qi deficiency, and heart qi deficiency. Frustration is a key sign of liver involvement, and poor digestion a sign of spleen qi deficiency.

  Foods That Harm: Gluten, conventional dairy, sugar, hydrogenated oils, food additives and dyes, and soy

  Foods That Heal: Unprocessed foods, bone broth, wild-caught fish, poultry, beef, cooked vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, squash, rice, applesauce, blueberries, healthy fats from coconut

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Probiotics. Restores healthy gut bacteria. Take 50 billion IU daily.

  2. CBD oil. Research shows it can relieve symptoms.4 Take 4.6 mg per kilogram of body weight daily.

  3. Astragalus. Helps heal gut-brain connection. Take 500 mg twice daily.

  4. Bone broth or collagen protein. Supports gut health. Take 10 g daily.

  5. Fish oil. Reduce brain and body inflammation. Take 1,000 mg daily.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture or chiropractic, exercise, spend time in nature, walk barefoot on the grass, listen to nature sounds, and try occupational therapy.

  Essential oils: Vetiver oil can balance brain waves, lavender oil can benefit the nervous system, and frankincense oil supports neurological development. Diffuse 5 drops of each.

  BRONCHITIS. Bronchial tube inflammation causes coughing and develops after a respiratory infection. Chronic bronchitis is due to environmental irritants.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, bronchitis is caused by lung qi deficiency with dampness.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar, artificial sweeteners, gluten, nitrites, conventional dairy, food dyes, processed food, chocolate, fried food, eggs, oils

  Foods That Heal: Organic vegetables and fruit, whole grains, beans, bone broth, wild-caught fatty fish, probiotic-rich fermented foods, fresh herbs and spices, plenty of warm fluids with manuka honey, miso, ginger, rice congee, pears

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Echinacea. Shown to improve bronchitis in studies. Take 250 to 400 mg twice daily.

  2. Astragalus. Strengthens the lungs. Take 500 mg twice daily.

  3. Panax ginseng. Improves lung function. Take 500 mg twice daily.

  4. Probiotics. Heals the gut and protects the lungs. Take 25 to 50 billion IU daily.

  5. Andrographis. Dries dampness. Take 500 to 1,000 mg 3 times daily.

  Other remedies: Take licorice root, mullein, or N-acetylcysteine (NAC); try acupuncture; use a humidifier in your bedroom while you sleep to loosen mucus; use prayer, spiritual growth reading, digital fasting, and daily downtime to reduce stress.

  Essential oils: Add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to a pan of boiled water. Lean over the pan, drape a towel over your head, and inhale for 5 to 10 minutes. Take a few whiffs of peppermint straight from the bottle. Or take 1 or 2 drops of oregano oil once daily for no more than 2 weeks.

  BRUISING. Bruising occurs when blood from damaged blood vessels collects near the skin’s surface. Blood thinners, aging, nutrient deficiencies, and leukemia increase risk.

  Ancient perspective: Liver blood stagnation causes bruises to heal slowly, and chronic susceptibility to bruising is caused by spleen qi deficiency.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar, processed food, gluten and wheat, fast food, alcohol

  Foods That Heal: Vitamin K–rich foods (kale, collard greens, spinach), vitamin C–rich foods (citrus, colorful fruits and veggies), zinc-rich foods (grass-fed beef, pumpkin seeds), 4 to 5 ounces of protein per meal, pineapple

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Cold and heat. On days 1 and 2, apply a cold compress for 10 minutes 5 to 6 times. On day 3, alternate warm and cold compresses for 15 minutes 3 to 5 times daily.

  2. Elevate. Prevents blood pooling. In first 24 hours, elevate for 20 minutes 3 to 5 times.

  3. Arnica gel. Apply a fingertip-size portion to the area twice daily.

  4. Turmeric. A potent anti-inflammatory. Take 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily.

  5. Astragalus. Strengthens the spleen. Take 1,000 mg once or twice daily.

  Other remedies: Use compression to prevent vessels from leaking; apply aloe vera gel and witch hazel to reduce pain and inflammation; stretch or walk to keep blood moving.

  Essential oils: Apply 2 drops of frankincense oil to the area 3 times daily. Add 2 drops of cypress oil to ¼ teaspoon of coconut oil and apply to the area 3 times daily. Lavender, rosemary, helichrysum, and yarrow oil may help as well.

  BURNS. First-degree burns damage the outer skin layer. Second-degree burns affect deeper layers and often blister. Third-degree burns, which involve all skin layers, and fourth-degree burns, which affect muscle and bone, are medical emergencies, as are all electrical burns. Use these home remedies to treat first- and second-degree burns that are less than 3 inches in diameter and not on the face or hands.

  Ancient perspective: It dovetails with conventional—burns are caused by heat.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar, artificial sweeteners, refined grains, hydrogenated oils, processed food, too much sodium

  Foods That Heal: Vitamin C–rich foods (citrus, colorful fruits and veggies, leafy greens, carrots, berries, pumpkin), zinc-rich foods (grass-fed beef, pumpkin seeds), bone broth, omega-3-rich wild-caught fish, walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseed, liver

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Cool water. Run cool (not cold) water over the burn for 20 minutes, then wash with soap and water. Apply cool compresses for 5 minutes 5 to 10 times daily.

  2. Lavender essential oil. Promotes healing. Apply 2 to 5 drops 3 times daily. Also, apply 3 drops of peppermint oil as needed to reduce pain.

  3. Aloe vera gel. Stimulates wound healing. Apply a thin layer to the burn once daily until it is healed. Use a product without additives.

  4. Manuka honey. A natural antibacterial. Apply a thin layer topically once daily until skin begins to heal.

  5. Zinc. Critical for healing the skin. Take 30 mg 2 times daily.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture, limit sun exposure, and don’t pop blisters.

  CANCER. Mutated cells divide uncontrollably, invading nearby tissue. Causes include environmental toxins, poor diet, genetics, stress, inflammation, a
nd radiation.

  Ancient perspective: The root cause is poor diet and unhealthy emotions; they deplete liver qi, which leads to blood and qi stagnation.

  Foods That Harm: Processed food, sugar, artificial sweeteners, gluten, nonorganic produce, alcohol, food with hormones or antibiotics, fried food, charred meat

  Foods That Heal: Organic leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, asparagus, carrots, celery, beets, pumpkin, berries, goji, citrus, wild-caught fish, bone broth, liver, fermented foods, seeds, olives, coconut, shiitake and other wild mushrooms, miso, onion, garlic, green tea, herbs, spices

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Turmeric. Protects against many cancers, including gastrointestinal, lung, brain, breast, and bone. Take 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily.

  2. Reishi and maitake mushroom. Studies show it has tumor-inhibiting effects.5 Take as directed.

  3. Chlorella and spirulina. Support cellular health and cleansing. Take 1 tablespoon daily.

  4. Astragalus. Aids the immune system. Take 1,000 to 3,000 mg daily.

  5. Galangal. Has significant cancer-fighting effects. Take 3 to 6 g daily.

  Other remedies: Vitamin D3, vitamin C, ginseng, milk thistle, and proteolytic enzymes have anticancer properties. Reduce stress with prayer, meditation, and exercise. To tame unhealthy emotions, practice gratitude, forgiveness, and loving others. Visualize a hopeful future. Consider natural treatments such as acupuncture, massage, chelation therapy, hyperbaric chamber, Gerson therapy, and Budwig protocol.

  Essential oils: Diffuse 5 to 10 drops of frankincense and myrrh oil.


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