Ancient Remedies

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Ancient Remedies Page 26

by Dr. Josh Axe

  Essential oils: Diffuse 3 drops each of frankincense, helichrysum, and rosemary oil to reduce brain inflammation, and diffuse 3 drops of vetiver to reduce tremors.

  PNEUMONIA. This viral or bacterial lung infection causes coughing, mucus, shortness of breath, wheezing, fever, body aches, and loss of appetite—and can be deadly.

  Ancient perspective: The root cause of pneumonia is lung qi and blood deficiency, with dampness. Unprocessed grief, the emotion most associated with lungs, can play a role.

  Foods That Harm: Gluten and wheat, refined grains, conventional dairy, lactose, sugar, processed food, fast food, bread, egg whites, chips

  Foods That Heal: Bone broth soup, chicken, cooked celery, carrots, asparagus, cauliflower, beets, radishes, squash, peas, pumpkin, chickpeas, rice congee, pears, parsley, garlic, onions, miso, shiitake mushrooms, ginger, thyme

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Echinacea. Has antiviral properties. Take 5 ml twice daily for 10 days.

  2. Elderberry. Fights bacteria and viruses. Take as directed.

  3. Probiotics. Decrease the incidence of pneumonia.23 Take 50 to 100 billion IU daily.

  4. Astragalus. Strengthens the immune defenses. Take 2,000 to 4,000 mg daily.

  5. Mullein. Natural expectorant and virus fighter. Take 1,000 mg 3 times daily.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture, prayer, 9 to 10 hours of sleep a night, ginger tea to limit inflammation (mince a 2-inch knob and steep in 3 cups of boiling water), letting go of grief or past hurts (a therapist can help), and focusing on future plans that instill hope. The nutrients zinc, vitamin C, NAC, and cordyceps can also help.

  Essential oils: Diffuse 5 drops of eucalyptus or tea tree oil, or take 1 or 2 drops of oregano oil each day for no more than 10 days.

  POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME (PCOS). A cause of infertility, PCOS occurs when ovaries form small cysts, causing irregular periods, pain, facial hair, acne, and weight gain.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, the underlying causes are deficient kidney qi, often due to overwork, and damp heat in the spleen.

  Foods That Harm: Processed food, artificial sweeteners, food allergens including gluten and lactose, refined vegetable oils, alcohol, caffeine

  Foods That Heal: Omega-3-rich fish, bone broth, grass-fed beef, chicken, walnuts, tahini, coconut, olives, kombu, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, celery, carrots, pumpkin, squash, beans, rice, mushrooms, blueberries, raspberries, goji, cherries, onions, parsley, garlic, cinnamon, ginger

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Vitex. Balances estrogen and progesterone. Take 800 to 2,000 mg daily.

  2. Holy basil. Balances blood sugar and reduces stress. Take 800 to 2,000 mg daily.

  3. TCM Free and Easy Wanderer formula. Studies show that this blend of bupleurum, dong quai, peony, atractylodes, and poria improves PCOS symptoms. Take as directed.

  4. TCM Liver formula. Contains milk thistle and dandelion, which support the liver and hormone balance by eliminating xeno-estrogens. Take as directed.

  5. Dong quai. Balances hormones. Take 1,000 mg daily.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture; do weight training and cardio exercise; reduce stress with spiritual growth reading, nature walks, and daily downtime; and get 8 to 9 hours of sleep a night. Chromium, vitamin B-complex, and vitamin D can also help.

  Essential oils: Diffuse 3 drops each of clary sage oil, which reduces cortisol and balances estrogen, and thyme oil, which supports healthy progesterone production.

  PREGNANCY. Supporting your health and your baby’s development requires a healthy diet and some key nutrients. Ancient remedies can help.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, the goal is to strengthen kidney and spleen qi.

  Foods That Harm: Packaged and processed foods, sugar, artificial sweeteners, produce with pesticides, fish high in mercury (swordfish, albacore tuna), raw or undercooked fish or meat or eggs, deli meat, refined vegetable oils, alcohol, caffeine

  Foods That Heal: Organic leafy greens, cooked vegetables, broccoli, pumpkin, carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, berries, grapefruit, fermented foods, wild-caught fatty fish, poultry, grass-fed beef, eggs, healthy fats (coconut oil, olives, avocados, nuts, seeds), rice, oats, beans, dates, cinnamon, ginger

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Prenatal multivitamin. Contains the nutrients your baby needs to thrive. Buy one with nutrients from real food and methylated B vitamins. Take as directed.

  2. Omega-3s. A high-DHA supplement supports neurological and visual development. Take 300 mg of DHA daily.

  3. Red raspberry leaf tea. Strengthens the uterus and shortens labor. Drink 1 or 2 cups daily during the last trimester.

  4. Ginger tea. Can reduce nausea and vomiting in the first trimester. Steep 1 teaspoon grated root in 3 cups of water and sip throughout the day.

  5. Chamomile. Can promote sleep during the last trimester. Drink 1 cup before bed.

  Other remedies: Magnesium and vitamin B6 can ease morning sickness. Relieve stress with meditation, spiritual triathlon (here), nature walks, yoga, and daily downtime. Consider working with a doula and/or midwife, who can offer additional support and suggestions.

  PREMENSTRUAL SYNDROME (PMS). Changing hormone levels a week or two before menstruation can cause cramps, bloating, acne, mood swings, and breast tenderness.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, PMS is caused by liver qi stagnation and blood deficiency.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar, salt, hydrogenated fats, gluten and other food allergens, caffeine, fatty meat, greasy or fried food, processed grains

  Foods That Heal: Spinach, kale, chard, asparagus, artichokes, brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, onions, cilantro, parsley, beets, pumpkin, squash, sweet potatoes, grapes, goji, figs, cherries, citrus, coconut, olives, liver, bone broth, omega-3-rich foods (salmon, tuna, flaxseed), beans, rice, oats, mushrooms, miso, turmeric, fennel

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Vitex. Reduced symptoms by 93 percent according to one study.24 Take 400 mg at breakfast.

  2. Dong quai. Strengthens blood. Take 2 to 4 g, divided into 3 doses, daily.

  3. TCM Liver Cleanse formula. Bupleurum, milk thistle, and dandelion cleanse the body of xeno-estrogens. Take as directed.

  4. Crampbark. Relieves cramps and PMS symptoms. Take 500 mg 2 to 4 times daily.

  5. Magnesium and vitamin B6. Together they balance estrogen and reduce PMS symptoms. Take 250 mg magnesium and 50 mg B6 twice daily.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture, exercise, get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, and reduce stress with meditation, spiritual triathlon (see here), yoga, walking in nature, practicing gratitude, affirmations, and making time to do things that bring you joy.

  Essential oils: For cramps, rub 3 drops each of clary sage and peppermint oil on the abdomen, then apply warm compress.

  PROSTATITIS. Inflammation or infection of the prostate can cause difficulty urinating, painful urination, frequent urination, cloudy or bloody urine, groin pain, and painful ejaculation.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, the root cause is kidney yang excess. Emotionally, it is associated with feeling stuck, unfulfilled, bored, or uninspired.

  Foods That Harm: Dairy, red meat, processed and packaged foods, spicy food, acidic food, refined carbs, sugar, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, caffeine

  Foods That Heal: Omega-3-rich foods (wild-caught salmon, sardines, walnuts, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds), eggs, chicken, bone broth, blueberries, blackberries, mulberries, goji, figs, spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, zucchini, beets, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, squash, coconut, rice, oats, beans, mushrooms, matcha green tea, spirulina

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Bee pollen. Reduces symptoms. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times daily.

  2. Saw palmetto. Improves prostate health. Take as directed.

  3. Echinacea. Boosts immune function. Take 5 ml twice daily for 10 days.

  4. Probiotics. Boost immunity and fight infections. Take
50 billion IU daily.

  5. Zinc. Strengthens the immune system to fight infections. Take 30 mg twice daily.

  Other remedies: Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily; get 8 or more hours of sleep a night; reduce stress with spiritual growth reading; create a vision board and bucket list, then take action; connect with a group of close friends and schedule fun activities together.

  Essential oils: Add 2 drops each of frankincense, thyme, and sandalwood oil to ¼ teaspoon coconut oil and apply to the area just in front of the rectum twice daily.

  PSORIASIS. An autoimmune disease that causes red plaques on the skin, it flares with stress and immune impairment. Poor diet, impaired gut health, hormonal changes, impaired liver function, nutrient deficiencies, and difficulty digesting fat and protein contribute.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, the cause is lung qi and lung yin deficiency, often triggered by an unhealed emotional wound.

  Foods That Harm: Meat and dairy with hormones and antibiotics, processed meat and other foods, gluten and other food allergens, sugar, hydrogenated oils, alcohol

  Foods That Heal: Leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, pumpkin, squash, fermented foods, spirulina, berries, mulberries, pears, walnuts, flaxseed, bone broth, wild-caught fish, vegan protein, rice congee, oats, shiitake, coconut, honey, green tea, turmeric, galangal

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. CBD oil. Research shows it can help.25 Dab ¼ teaspoon on plaques twice daily.

  2. Sarsaparilla (smilax). Clears damp inflammation. Take 500 mg 2 or 3 times daily.

  3. Marshmallow root. Moistens lung and colon. Take 500 to 2,000 mg daily.

  4. Turmeric. Reduces inflammation. Take 1,000 mg twice daily.

  5. Vitamin D3. Strengthens immunity. Take 5,000 IU daily.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture; exercise; get 20 minutes of sunshine 3 to 4 days a week to bolster vitamin D; reduce stress with prayer, meditation, spiritual growth reading, walking in nature, and digital fasting; rub Dead Sea mud on the affected area; and see a therapist to work through past hurts. Fish oil, milk thistle, and bone broth protein can also help.

  Essential oils: Mix 3 drops of geranium oil, along with 1 drop each of lavender or frankincense oil, with ¼ teaspoon coconut oil and rub onto affected areas once or twice daily.

  RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME. This is a jittery feeling that you need to move your legs, mostly at night. It’s a common cause of insomnia tied to poor diet, stress, pregnancy, and immobility.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, it’s linked to heat in the heart and kidney yin deficiency.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar, artificial sweeteners, soda, refined oils, processed carbs and grains, fried food, gluten, caffeine, chocolate, spicy food, alcohol

  Foods That Heal: Iron-rich foods, grass-fed beef, organ meats, chicken, bone broth, wild-caught fish, leafy greens, asparagus, beets, brussels sprouts, carrots, parsley, zucchini, beans, lentils, seeds, prunes, apples, pears, almonds, avocados, olives, coconut, barley, millet

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. CBD oil. Calms nerves and relaxes muscles. Take 40 to 100 mg daily.

  2. Magnesium. Relaxes nervous system and muscles. Take as an Epsom salt bath for 20 minutes daily or take 300 to 600 mg daily.

  3. TCM Blood Builder formula. Treats symptoms. Take as directed.

  4. Rehmannia. Treats yin deficiency and heart heat. Take 55 to 350 mg daily. (Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding.)

  5. Vegetable juice. Make juice from parsley, celery, and beets. Drink a cup daily.

  Other remedies: Try chiropractic, acupuncture, exercise, yoga, and stretching. Reduce stress with spiritual triathlon (see here), gratitude journal, and walking in nature. Use red light therapy for 10 to 20 minutes daily, which is relaxing and improves sleep.

  Essential oils: Add 5 drops each of cypress, rosemary, and lavender oil to 1 teaspoon coconut oil and massage into your low back and legs before bed. Then apply very warm and cold compress for 10 minutes each.

  ROSACEA. This skin condition, more common in fair-skinned people, causes visible blood vessels, redness, and, sometimes small pus-filled bumps, often occurring in cycles. Stress, genetics, and poor digestive health contribute.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, rosacea is caused by liver and lung heat and dampness. Stress, overwork, anger, and frustration also contribute.

  Foods That Harm: Citrus, spicy food, sugar, processed food, red meat, fried food, hydrogenated oils, conventional dairy, cheese, nuts, soy sauce, gluten, vinegar, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, hot beverages

  Foods That Heal: Spinach, celery, chard, cucumber, radish, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, apples, pears, plums, mung beans, rice, millet, bone broth, wild-caught fish, chicken, miso, seaweed, peppermint

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Gentian. Clears heat from the liver and skin. Take 300 mg before meals.

  2. Burdock. Supports liver and lung cleansing. Take 300 mg 3 times daily.

  3. Chamomile. Reduces stress and anger. Take as directed as a tea or capsule.

  4. Probiotics. Gut health plays a role in skin health. Take 25 to 50 billion IU daily.

  5. Skullcap. Reduces inflammation in lung and liver. Take as directed.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture. Use red light therapy to limit redness. Reduce stress with meditation, spiritual growth reading, yoga, exercise, walking in nature, digital fasting, and daily downtime. If anger is a problem, talking to a therapist can provide tools for staying calm. B-complex vitamins, fish oil, spirulina, and milk thistle can also help.

  Essential oils: Mix 3 drops of tea tree oil with 3 drops of lavender, geranium, or chamomile oil, plus ½ teaspoon manuka honey and ½ teaspoon aloe vera gel, then rub on the affected area once daily.

  SHINGLES. This herpes infection affects the skin, causing intense, stabbing pain, a blistering rash, fatigue, flu-like achiness, and appetite changes.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, shingles results when toxic heat builds up, causing liver qi stagnation and lung qi deficiency. Stress is a major causative factor in shingles.

  Foods That Harm: Processed food, sugar, artificial sweeteners, fried food, alcohol, food allergens, caffeine, fruit juices, carbonated beverages

  Foods That Heal: Leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, onions, garlic, pumpkin, squash, fermented foods, spirulina, berries, mulberries, pears, citrus, walnuts, bone broth, wild-caught fish, chicken, rice congee, oats, shiitake, coconut, honey, ginger, thyme

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Echinacea. Has antiviral properties. Take 1,000 mg 2 or 3 times daily.

  2. Astragalus. Strengthens immunity and reduces stress. Take 2,000 mg twice daily.

  3. Olive leaf. Has antiviral properties. Take 500 mg 4 times daily.

  4. Vitamin B12. Speeds recovery. Take as directed.

  5. Vitamin C and zinc. Boosts immunity. Take 1,000 mg vitamin C 3 or 4 times daily and 30 mg zinc twice daily.

  Other remedies: Try acupuncture, colloidal oatmeal baths, and stress-reducing activities, including prayer, meditation, spiritual reading, yoga, walking in nature, digital fasting, and building downtime into your day. Schisandra, licorice, andrographis, reishi, and cordyceps can also help.

  Essential oils: Combine 3 drops of myrrh, oregano, thyme, or geranium oil with ¼ teaspoon coconut oil and rub onto the affected areas.

  SINUS INFECTION. An inflammation of the tissue lining the sinuses can lead to mucus buildup, pain, and pressure in the forehead and cheeks; it sometimes causes infection as well.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, it’s caused by lung dampness, which often stems from weak digestion.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar, fruit juices, dairy products, egg whites, high-fat food, refined flour and grains, bananas, dried fruit, avocados, tofu, pork, raw vegetables

  Foods That Heal: Leafy greens, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, celery, squash, pumpkin, vitamin C–rich fruits (citrus, kiwi, goji, pineapple
), fermented foods, miso, chickpeas, rice congee, bone broth, chicken, wild-caught fish, garlic, onions, thyme, sage, oregano, ginger

  Top 5 ancient prescriptions:

  1. Grapefruit seed extract nasal spray. Fights infection. Use according to package directions 4 times daily.

  2. Echinacea. Clears mucus and strengthens immunity. Take 1,000 mg twice daily.

  3. Homeopathic formula. Belladonna and other homeopathic ingredients relieve sinus infection symptoms. Take as directed.

  4. Stinging nettle. Acts as a natural antihistamine. Take 300 to 500 mg 3 times daily.

  5. Bromelain and quercetin. Natural anti-inflammatories that improve sinusitis. Take as directed.

  Other remedies: Clear sinus passages with a neti pot; get 9 to 10 hours of sleep a night; use a humidifier to reduce congestion; do gentle exercise. Astragalus and probiotics strengthen digestion, which can prevent chronic problems.

  Essential oils: Diffuse 5 drops of eucalyptus or peppermint oil to open sinuses.

  SLEEP APNEA. Characterized by pauses in breathing, it impairs sleep quality and quantity, causing daytime sleepiness, and increases risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, depression, memory problems, impaired immunity, and low libido.

  Ancient perspective: In TCM, it’s caused by lung qi deficiency, spleen qi deficiency, and excess phlegm. Worry and ruminating about the past add to the problem.

  Foods That Harm: Sugar, fruit juices, soda, dairy products, egg whites, high-fat food, refined flour and grains, bananas, dried fruit, avocados, tofu, pork, raw vegetables, caffeine, alcohol


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