Brage & Dinah

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Brage & Dinah Page 4

by Debra Kayn

  He revved the engine and headed across the tracks before he was stuck waiting for the railcars to pass.

  Chapter 6

  Peer walked out from behind the counter at the bar. Dinah placed two drinks on the tray in front of her. Her co-worker's mood had been off all night.

  Monica picked up the tray. "Table one wants more beer. They're going to try and finish it before we close."

  "Coming up." She took out a chilled pitcher and glanced at the clock.

  The Fire Ring closed in fifteen minutes. She pushed the tap and gazed at the group. There were seven of them clustered around the table. They'd have no problems finishing the beer. It was a group of men in their mid-thirties, and none of them seemed too deep into their drinks yet.

  Monica came back to the counter. "Where's Peer?"

  "He went out the front door." She shut off the stream of beer and set the pitcher on the tray. "Maybe he needed a smoke break."

  "Weird that he never warned you he was leaving," said Monica.

  She shrugged. "The night is winding down, and I can handle the remaining customers."

  Lizzy carried dirty dishes to the tub behind the counter. "I've closed out my tables."

  "I have one more, but they're only talking. They're done drinking." Coco looked around the room. "It looks like you can shut down the bar. Peach has already shut the lights off in the kitchen."

  Peer had always put everything in its place and cleaned behind the bar. Dinah, knowing where the bottles went, screwed on all the caps, and organized the shelves. The servers worked around the room, tidying the tables, straightening chairs.

  Soon, all the customers were gone.

  "What is going on tonight? Marcus is gone from standing guard at the front door, too." Monica locked the door and walked around the fire ring in the center of the room. "Lizzy, are you going to the clubhouse?"

  "I wasn't planning on it." Lizzy frowned. "Though, I will if Roar doesn't show up in the next few minutes."

  "I'm going to get my bag out of the breakroom." Coco yawned, stretching her back.

  "Hang on a sec. If I have to go to the clubhouse, you'll need to go, too. You can't walk home without Roar and me." Lizzy slid her phone out of her pocket. "I'll see if he'll answer."

  With her cell at her ear, Lizzy looked at Dinah. "I'll get someone to walk you home, too."

  "It's okay if everyone's busy." She leaned against the counter.

  The last two nights, a Slag member walked her all the way to the rental house. She'd tried to start a conversation with both men to fight the awkwardness, but they made it clear their only job was to escort her home.

  "He's not answering. We'll all go to the clubhouse." She looked at Dinah. "I'll call Brage and have him come over and walk with you."

  She couldn't make herself argue with Lizzy. Brage had kept his distance from her since following her home and having sex with her. She was curious about where he'd been and wanted to see him again.

  "Hey, it's Lizzy. Dinah needs someone to walk her home. We've locked up the bar, and the rest of us are going out the back door in a few minutes. Are you around to help?" Lizzy walked over and reached under the fire ring and the flames shut off. "Okay. I turned off the gas." She looked up at Dinah. "I'll tell her. Thanks."

  Unaware that she'd held her breath, knowing Brage was on the phone, Dinah inhaled swiftly, trying to calm her beating heart.

  "He'll meet you at the back door, too." Lizzy smiled. "Let's get out of here."

  Having only been to the alley and clubhouse once when Monica invited her to the party, she was curious to see what the Slag members were doing at two o'clock in the morning. Maybe she'd finally have some information for Tony tomorrow when they meet at the boardwalk.

  "I can't wait to have two days off." Heather walked to the back door. "I'm going to sleep until I have to get up and pee."

  Everyone laughed, including Dinah. She enjoyed working with the women. They were friendly but not overly snoopy. Not having to answer questions about why she lived near the railroad tracks or hung out at the bar before getting hired put her at ease and allowed her to listen more to their conversations, trying to learn of anything interesting or useful.

  Tony wanted to know what Slag was doing or what they planned to do. Not knowing any other details, she wasn't sure what was important. Surely, her brother only wanted club business and nothing on the bar.

  "Ready?" Monica waited by the breakroom door.

  "Yeah." She grabbed her keys, pack of gum, and phone, following Monica to the back of the building.

  "Girl, you're going to need to start wearing a sweater or light coat. The nights are getting chilly." Monica pushed through the door.

  Brage stepped in front of her, cutting off her view of her friend. She looked up at him. He was a hard man to read. It wasn't like he avoided her gaze or sneered at her. But the softness she'd witnessed in his eyes when they were having sex wasn't there tonight.

  Maybe he wanted to pretend that nothing had happened between them. That was fine by her. It would be easier to lump him into being just another asshole than to continue hoping they would have another chance to be together.

  He wasn't exactly the kind of man who would become a friend of hers with benefits. Not that she'd ever had a friend like that. Though it would be easier than having a relationship.

  "Ready?" he asked, his deep voice rolling through her.

  She nodded, unwrapping a piece of gum and putting it in her mouth. Chewing gave her something to do besides talk.

  Together, they walked down the alley toward the gate. Letting him escort her home or get anywhere near the house made her nervous. The last two times they were alone, they'd gone right at each other.

  Maybe if it was daylight and she could see what he was thinking clearly, she'd stand a chance at turning him away.

  But it was dark. She was tired. And, she craved someone to hold her and make her feel good.

  She was tired of feeling like everyone's second thought and fighting with everything she had to take care of her brothers.

  Out on the sidewalk, Brage stepped around her and walked near the street. There was never any traffic because the road ended before the tracks. It was only a shortcut to the rental house. A shorter way than walking clear around the block.

  His protective stance to keep her safe warmed her. She looked up at the sky. The stars were barely visible with the glow of the streetlights in the area.

  Her phone vibrated. She looked at the screen and swallowed her irritation. Ignoring the call, she stepped over the first rail and balanced on the railroad tie.

  Another call came. Seeing her brother's name on the screen, she second-guessed not taking the call. He could need her.

  She stepped over the rail and answered. "Hello?"


  She exhaled loudly. "Call me back in ten minutes."

  "The hell I am. Tell me what you've found out," said Tony.

  "Nothing." She refused to look at Brage who kept step with her. "I'm not going to discuss all this right now. It's not a good time. I just got off work and Brage is walking me home."

  She threw out the name, hoping her brother would take the hint that she could not, would not, talk anymore.

  "You better be there tomorrow." Tony's voice lowered. "Two o'clock. If you're not there—"

  "I'll be there, but tonight, all I want to do is sleep." She stepped over the last rail.

  Her shoe rolled on the gravel. Brage caught her arm, keeping her standing.

  Her heart raced. Unable to walk forward with her attention on the phone call, Brage holding her, and nearly falling, she stared at the ground, willing herself to breathe.

  "I swear Dinah if you're not there...," said Tony, disconnecting the call before he could finish the threat.

  She slipped the phone into the pocket of her shorts and straightened her shoulders. Brage let go of her. She walked forward, needing to get inside.

  Near the porch, Brage said, "Everything okay?"

  "Huh?" Startled from her thoughts, she dropped her keyring and picked it up.

  "The conversation on the phone seemed intense." He took the keys from her and opened the door, swinging it wide, and staying on the porch.

  She waved her hand. "Just family stuff."

  The fine hairs at the back of her neck prickled. He didn't have to say anything, but she could feel him judging her on whether to believe her or not.

  She couldn't figure out why he'd care. He knew nothing about her.

  Pausing beside him, she said, "Thanks for walking me home."

  He held his hand in front of her, palm up. Her stomach fluttered.

  "Spit your gum out."

  She looked at his hand again. "I'm not going to—"

  "Then, take it out."

  "Why?" She snapped the gum.

  "Because I want to kiss you and when I do, I want you to be able to kiss me back."

  She couldn't move. If she gave him a little, they'd end up on the floor of the house again, naked and happy. After the meeting with her brother tomorrow, she had no idea if she would be coming back or if her job here was over.

  While she'd love to have one more time with Brage, leaving him would be difficult. Her crazy attraction to him was making her insane.

  "Good night, Brage." She walked into the house and turned the lock.

  Leaning against the door, she closed her eyes. She wished things could be different.

  Ever since she could remember, when her brothers were responsible for raising her after her parents died, she'd never had a chance to go after what she wanted. To become friends with people she chose. To work where she wanted. To do what she dreamed. To find what made her happy.

  Brage made her happy when he was having sex with her.

  What she was doing was wrong. But, it had never felt so right.

  Chapter 7

  The boardwalk in downtown Portland was over a mile long. Dinah paced near the bridge. Tony hadn't told her where to meet him. He could be on the other end, getting pissed thinking she hadn't shown.

  She texted him again. Before she could hit send, a rumble of a motorcycle came from behind her. Turning, she spotted her brother parking off the street, fifty feet away.

  Hurrying across the grassy area, she approached Tony. He looked none the worse for wear. He still hadn't shaved or cut his hair. His ragged jeans and vest still covered his body. Unlike other times, his face was free from bruising and cuts from the many fights he got in.

  "You have got to chill." She fisted her hands on her hips. "Seriously. How am I supposed to have everyone trust me when you harass me on the phone all the time?"

  Tears filled her vision, and she squeezed her eyes closed, assured that he wasn't harmed or in danger.

  She pulled back and punched his shoulder. "You're such an ass. You're not supposed to leave Idaho. Why take a chance like that?"

  "I need everything you've got on Slag Motorcycle Club." Tony ignored her temper. "Where do they go? What do you see? Who are you friendly with?"

  She shook her head and looked out at the water. "Tell me why you need to know first."

  "Dinah." Tony growled. "Do you want to see me dead?"

  She exhaled. "Of course, I don't."

  "I need information."

  "That's the thing. I don't know anything. Just like I've been telling you on the phone. I went to work at The Fire Ring, hoping to hear something to give to you, but the Slag members don't hang out in the bar," she said.

  "Why not?"

  "I don't know." She blew out her breath. "The clubhouse is right behind the bar, and they have this alley in-between that's closed off to the public. They stay there where they're out of the public's view."

  "You were with one of them last night."

  "No, I wasn't."

  "The vice president..."

  She raised her chin. "He walked me home after the bar closed."

  Brage had done nothing to her except shared a couple of wonderful moments that helped her feel wanted in a new area where she literally felt like a stranger.

  "You have to know something. Where's Brage right now?" Tony gazed around the area. "Are you going to see him later?"

  She shook her head, feeling protective of what she had with Brage. "I doubt it. He just walked me home. There are other Slag members who do the same thing for me when the bar closes. The other women go to the clubhouse and Roar takes Lizzy and Coco home. I'm the only one who doesn't have someone making sure I get home safe, so they send members with me."

  "Roar? He's got two women?" Tony's gaze intensified.

  Irritated, she scoffed. "No...I don't know. Maybe. They all live together, but I don't know what they do in the privacy of their own house."

  "Live where?"

  "Across the street from the bar," she said.

  Every time the three had been in the same room, everyone knew Lizzy belonged to Roar. She had no idea how Coco fit into the picture, only that they all lived together. For all she knew, they could be sister-wives or into some kinky shit. It was none of her business.

  "What did you see at the party you were invited to?" asked Tony

  "What do you think?" She crossed her arms. "Partying."

  Tony could never find out about her and Brage hooking up. He'd use that against her.

  "There was no talk about going after other clubs, making a hit, or plans to go on a run?"

  She shook her head. "I've already told you, the most popular conversation between the men had to do with family members in Norway, their motorcycles, and drinking. You know, typical guy stuff."

  Tony stepped back. "This time, try harder. I don't give a damn if you have to straight out ask one of them when they're going on a run or how they get their money. You've got two days, and we'll meet back here."

  "I'm working..." She tilted her head. "Are you staying here?"

  When he refused to answer, she stepped forward and grabbed his jean vest. Infuriated, she shook him.

  "You idiot. A cop could see you and arrest you for breaking your probation." She shoved him, though he only rocked back on the heels of his boots. "I can't believe you."

  "Don't worry about me. You better worry about yourself. If I don't get more information about Slag Motorcycle Club, Moroad will kill both of us."

  "Me?" Her throat closed. "Are you serious? What did you get me involved in?"

  Over the years, she'd spent enough time around Moroad members to know they were secretive and unforgiving. She'd witnessed them tear Tony apart when he broke their rules. She trusted none of them. The same way she wouldn't put her trust in Slag Motorcycle Club.

  Whatever the clubs had going on away from the eyes and ears of regular citizens, she wanted no part in it.

  Tony held up two fingers and stepped away from her. "Be here."

  For the first time, she was genuinely scared of what kind of trouble Tony had got into. She stood watching him stride to his motorcycle and ride away. He'd always forced her to keep her distance from any of his friends or biker buddies.

  Knowing Tony would do anything when scared, she was more afraid than ever.

  Chapter 8

  Dinah pulled onto I-5 and stayed in the right-hand lane. Brage followed three vehicles behind her on his Harley after witnessing her talking to a Moroad Motorcycle member. His first instinct was to go after the man she'd met, but a quick phone call to Roar talked him down from starting a war out in public during the day without backup.

  He checked his side mirror, expecting Moroad to ambush him. Dinah was working with them. It was apparent by the hug she'd given the member upon the meeting.

  His gut feeling after the baffling phone call Dinah received last night had him following her into downtown. From day one, he'd silently questioned too many things about her. Usually, he wasn't one to shrug off his suspicions in exchange for sex. That mistake could get him killed.

  Dinah changed lanes, going around a slower semi. Waiting until another car passed, he whipped out of the l
ane and stayed behind the vehicle. If she made one move that her plan wasn't to go back to her rental house, he'd make sure she never got a chance to go back to Moroad.

  Moroad. Fuck.

  Of all the clubs for her to be mixed up in, she picked one full of felons who'd rather use her, then kill her.

  She took Exit 303, getting off at Killingsworth. A few more blocks and she'd be turning on the street to go home. He wanted her close enough to the clubhouse before he approached her.

  The less struggle, the better, because he couldn't trust himself not to lose his head around her.

  At a stoplight, he quickly pulled over and texted Elling. He wanted two men at the gate when he arrived. Whatever happened when he confronted her, he'd need to act fast to keep any trouble away from Slag.

  The light changed, and he waited for his opportunity to pass the car in front of him and get behind Dinah. If she noticed him, he'd take care of the problem now. He was close enough; a quick call and he'd have the whole fucking club at his side.

  But, if having him behind her vehicle after she'd gone to meet a Moroad member scared her, she wasn't showing any sign of trying to outrun him. In fact, she slowed when she turned down the street to go to her rental house.

  His chest tightened in anger, and he parked his motorcycle, blocking her Jeep in the driveway, and reached her door before she could open it.

  He motioned for her to roll the window down. She frowned and followed his directions. Her gaze more concerned than upset.

  "Is my brake light out again?" She reached for the handle. "Is that why you were following me?"

  He wouldn't fall for her bullshit. Tapping her door, he said, "Backup and pull inside the gate and I'll fix it for you at the clubhouse."

  "It's okay. I'm not planning on going—"

  "Dinah, pull the Jeep into the alley." He kept his hands on the door, not letting her get out. "Back around my Harley and I'll follow you."

  "Brage, I don't think—"

  He straightened and pointed. "Roar wants to talk with you, too."

  She slumped against the seat. "Why didn't you say that first?"


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