Ruler's Concubine

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Ruler's Concubine Page 8

by Peri Elizabeth Scott

  “Who? The Ruler?” Bast blinked his green eyes with those vertical pupils and raised his eyebrows at her. “Sire. Ruler. Master. Any of those will do.”

  “Not Lysett?”

  Her teacher’s face clouded for a moment before he forced a smile. He avoided her gaze and Celeste’s belly fluttered, and not in a good way. While the information she’d been expected to learn and retain had been lengthy and detailed, she’d always been a quick study and thus far had easily satisfied Bast. He was strict, yet kind in his dealings with her, and she thought a friendship was developing. Celeste had accepted the male’s explanation that she required additional tutoring and time because of who she’d been chosen for, and today had been the only time she’d questioned it. Maybe she wasn’t good enough—

  “My lady. Please forgive me. This is a delicate matter and new to all of us. I want you well prepared for this joining and confess I hadn’t thought past the educative part.”

  To the “down and dirty” part, Celeste surmised and felt her cheeks heat. She would have to call this Lysett either Sir or Ruler, if she called him anything at all, until, if, she was invited to be more familiar. She took pity on Bast, shoving aside a silly sense of hurt and rejection. She hadn’t even met the Ruler yet, after all, and she had to accept the social mores here. “From the readings and graphics you provided and we what had on the ship, we are not different anatomically when it comes to … uh, procreating, Bast. And I won’t embarrass you by being too familiar with him.”

  Again, he avoided looking her way. Finally, he spoke, “You are a cherished, essential part of Meridia now, Lady Celeste. This is not to say there won’t be some difficulties—”

  She cut him off, sensing she really didn’t want to hear what he had to share. No sense in adding to her trepidation. “There always are bumps in the road, Bast. Of any relationship. My parents married for love and there were still difficulties.”

  “Ah, then you understand. That this isn’t … typical, and my Master isn’t typical either, but he is a good ruler and dedicated to his people.”

  So dedicated he yanked a number of Earth’s last fertile—and willing—females to save his people from extinction. It was a sobering thought and one she’d shied away from considering so succinctly. “You’ve had nothing but good things to say about him.”

  Bast laughed, but it sounded hollow to her ears. “I likely sound as a merchant selling something in the market. But know how important you are, my lady. I can’t emphasize that enough.”

  He was protesting too much, and if anything, it sparked additional dread. “So when do I meet the Ruler?” It was time to move things along, what with all the information she’d stuffed in her head.

  “I will arrange the joining for tomorrow. The healer—medico—has advised you will be at your most fertile for the next few days.”

  Celeste couldn’t swallow, her tongue sticking to the roof of her mouth. Now the time had come, she wished she hadn’t believed she was bored. Be careful what you wish for… She willed her vocal chords into action. “Like immediate joining? I don’t meet him first, get to know him personally—and him, me—first? Spend a little time together, before we…”

  Bast shook his head. “This is the way of it, my lady, under the contract and by royal decree. Unless you refuse?”

  Wow. The air felt thin and difficult to take in although her lungs labored. She should have asked for a visit with at least one woman who’d taken the final step and become a concubine. She should have gone off her nut and been returned home. She should have asked more questions. She should refuse. But she found she couldn’t… Blame it on curiosity or maybe plain old stubbornness. Or the fact she should have known better to expect anything special. To refuse now and return to the dorm, start all over again, well, she’d never been a quitter.

  Staring at Bast, who had now fixed his gaze on her, brow creased with worry, she twitched her mouth into a semblance of a smile. It was like jumping into the pond behind her house in the spring, when she craved an all over bath, despite the frigid water. Best to get it over with. “Tell me what to expect.”


  This isn't happening. This is not happening. If she kept repeating those words then surely it would be true and she’d miraculously wake up from this erotic nightmare and in her own bed. Except it wasn't a nightmare and she most certainly wasn’t in her assigned bed—or even on her own planet. Although her imagination was fertile—and she’d seen pictures of him—it was unlikely to manifest the enormously good looks and incredible physique of the alien male who was stripping right before her very eyes. Yes, stripping. Removing all of his clothes, not five feet from where she lay on a bed constructed of some otherworldly material that both cushioned and restrained her. Had it only been yesterday when Bast told her today would be the day? No wonder she hadn’t slept well, thinking about this. And why did this Ruler look even better in person?

  Once he’d overcome his reticence to speak so frankly with her, Bast had prepared her with stories of his Master’s need, of his sexual prowess and all the pleasures he would bestow, not to mention that cup of elixir she’d swallowed down.

  Being assured it was the planet’s best aphrodisiac had her quaffing the liquid as though it were a life saver. Its effects were marked almost immediately as she cataloged an increase in her body temperature and a definite aching in her private parts with embarrassingly obvious lubrication accompanying the throbbing. Even her breasts had ached, the nipples tightening and beading in reaction to the potion.

  But the effect had worn off because Lysett had been detained for a considerable period. The delay had given her too much time to reflect on her decision and the strange glowing feelings throughout her body had diminished—until he walked through the door. His good looks stole her breath, and when he began to take his clothes off, she wanted to do shocking, sexual things with him. The emotional and physical swings made her stomach lurch.

  Her uninfluenced sexual-self recognized the potency of such a male, and to say she wasn’t naturally aroused would be untrue. Her body acknowledged a male suited to her, awash with chemistry and basic animal instinct. It was simply the circumstances that brought her here, and the stark implications of the contract that spoiled their first interaction. Why hadn’t he deviated from so-called royal tradition and spent some time with her beforehand? Surely Bast had relayed that even an initial chat would be optimum.

  Celeste’s heart rate doubled, then tripled, when Lysett’s erection sprang forth as his lower garments were yanked down, and dark spots swam in her vision. That part of him was a duskier gold than the rest of his burnished skin, and freaking huge.

  “Shhh, Lady.” Bast’s caramel tones spoke soothingly in her right ear, and one of his hands tentatively patted her shoulder. She’d very nearly forgotten he was still in the room with her—with her and his Master, although he had handled the process clinically and indicated he would leave before… “You are prepared for this union, as we discussed. It will be over before you know it, and if you get with offspring this first time, there will be no need for further joinings. Unless you wish them. And to beget other children.”

  Well, didn’t that make her feel special? No pressure either. Merely a vessel out here in space, far away from home, to be used. She blinked away the tears that welled in reaction. Where was her voice? She could still say no…

  The Ruler paused in his approach to the bed and glared at Bast after he spoke, though that look encompassed her as well. Celeste had never felt so naked—or so vulnerable. She knew what was supposed to happen. She thought she was ready. Not. And to think she’d scoffed at the wait, chuckled about others procreating before this man. No one would dare. Shocking need warred with apprehension.

  “You assured me she was prepared, Bast.” Lysett’s perfect features set in angry lines and those remarkable green eyes now appeared as cold and frozen as that small pond at her home place in the winter months. She tried to use the memory of Earth to distract her, and i
t caused a homesick shudder to take over her entire body, the gentle clasp of the bed’s fabric undulating to keep her in place.

  Lysett’s attention snapped fully to her in an instant, his orbs now glowing with green fire as the vertical slash of his pupils elongated. His gaze raked her body, lingering on her breasts and the apex of her thighs. Despite her limited experience with men, let alone alien men, Celeste recognized lust and desire and her body responded. Or maybe it was apprehension.

  “She is prepared, Master. I do assure you. It is merely that a period of time has passed since we expected you to attend her, and it is no surprise that your concubine is experiencing a trifle of anxiety.”

  Even with the translator chip, Bast’s wording felt off to her, and she decided to add her own voice. This was going to happen, this attending to her, no matter how she second-guessed her decision, and she believed Bast when he promised she’d be safe here. Having sex—joining—with his Master until she conceived was something she could do. Women did it all the time, had done it over the eons. It wasn’t like she was being forced or anything. And she wasn’t a prostitute, although that profession got a bad rap as far as she was concerned when one considered women had to survive somehow.

  She was, according to the contract, a revered commodity, a virgin concubine—who wasn’t going to be a virgin much longer—a concubine who would bear a child for the alien ruler, right? And if the baby was female, she too would be cherished and Lysett would try again to beget a son. And again… All of Bast’s teachings slipped through her brain with lightning speed. Celeste shivered and quit thinking about all those possibilities and focused on what she’d been promised.

  She would want for nothing, be well taken care of, and ultimately, kept safe. The presenter’s words and those of Bast rattled around in her head. Given her past circumstances, it was a no-brainer, and she couldn’t go home. Her body was up for it, and her mind had accepted it was the best out of all her choices. So it must be her heart throwing up the roadblock, looking for romance, all because of his pictures and the wonderful things his first servant had said about him.

  That was nonsense. Just look at the agony love caused a person. Her stupid heart must be masochistic. This was the best deal she’d get and it was time she said something. There was no way she could go through this process again. Humiliation drowned her common sense. She moistened her lips and addressed Lysett, who was busily engaged in a staring contest with Bast.

  “I am prepared, sir. Sir. Ruler. I won’t give you any trouble.”

  His eyes froze through to their depths again and his dark brows drew together. She noted his erection didn’t flag at all, though. He might be annoyed, but it didn’t affect his arousal. The wide head glistened in the well-lit chamber, with his natural lubricant beading at the tiny slit. She had timidly asked if her deflowering couldn’t take place in the dark, but Bast refused, saying that tradition didn’t allow it. Spread eagle as she was, there was little left to the imagination, and she flushed again with embarrassment and no small shame. Lysett was superbly made, muscled and lean, with broad shoulders, long thick legs, and narrow hips. She was … well, she was short, and small and round, now that she’d had enough to eat. So not like the remaining Meridian females on this planet. And certainly not the cream of the crop of the human females either.

  “You were not given leave to speak.”

  Celeste didn’t much care for the way he snarled at her, Ruler or not.

  She was confined to this weird bed, on display and at his mercy, as per the royal mating ritual on Meridia, according to Bast. Here at Lysett’s sufferance, but valuable, and so surely should be afforded a modicum of respect, even by him! Concubines garnered respect here. There had been nothing in the contract to indicate she remain mute. A small huff of anger and exasperation passed her lips, preparatory to giving him a set down, and Lysett loomed above her.

  “You are not of this planet, Celeste Raynor. You are not to forget that, or your place. You are here for one thing and one thing only. Do we have this understanding?” Those handsome features were taut with fury and his teeth ground together, making a gritty sound she felt all the way down to her toes.

  Holy crap. All that reassurance about her worth was nothing more than drivel. He despised her! He might be willing to join with her in order to bequeath an heir, but he hated her, or at least the idea of her. What else hadn’t Bast told her? What had she missed? She thought because Lysett needed her, he would treat her with courtesy, maybe even affection. Something shriveled in the middle of her chest, curling in on itself, and this time, she was unable to contain the sudden tears welling up from deep inside of her. Stupid heart. Stupid hope. She closed her eyes and retreated, managing a tiny nod. Get it over with.

  “Master.” Bast’s reproachful voice danced on the edge of her consciousness as she found a place to hide, deep within herself.

  “Enough. We will try this again tomorrow. Ensure she is prepared, or face the consequences. I require an heir in one year’s time, or at the very least, evidence a child is developing in her body.”

  “I understand.”

  When she dared to crack her eyelids again, Lysett was gone. Bast pressed down here and there on the bed, and it released her. He drew a robe over her for modesty as she scrambled free, mortified she’d been naked in front of him now the elixir had worn off. He scurried about, gathering up the Ruler’s discarded clothing and avoided making eye contact.

  “Your master is an ass.” At the man’s gasp, Celeste wanted to call her comment back. Maybe they really did cut off people’s heads here for calling the Ruler names.

  She decided she didn’t care. Bast had maybe fed her a load of hog slop for reasons she didn’t comprehend—and she didn’t much care about learning those either. She found refuge in anger.

  “Lady Celeste—”

  “I hope the Ruler has a couple of back up concubines, because if he treats all women the way he treated me…” She tied the robe with jerky motions, tugging at the fabric in an attempt to bleed off her anger. The jerk probably had back up. She wasn’t feeling rejected or humiliated. Absolutely not. What she was experiencing was rage, and that man could just go and find somebody else to beget his heirs on. Jackass. Tears burned at the back of her eyes but damned if she’d let them fall.

  Bast blanched, clutching the bundle of clothes to his chest. Okay, maybe she was feeling a little humiliated. He’d been in the room while his master had dismissed her like moldy cheese and he’d seen her naked. She was done with Meridia’s customs.

  “If you only give me a moment. My Master has … that is, he has certain responsibilities and—”

  “I didn’t sign up for this. I could have stayed back home and let Roy Dupuis treat me like crap.”

  “I don’t know who this Roy Doo-pwee is, that you speak of, Lady Celeste, but rest assured the Ruler will not tolerate… I mean to say…”

  Where was the sanguine mentor from the past weeks? Her teacher and almost friend? Lysett had clearly upset Bast as well. Unless Bast had held things back from her. Celeste shut her eyes, playing back the conversation while she’d lay spread out like a sacrifice. Of course, he had. Definite hog slop. The Ruler had issues all right, and no amount of preparation would suffice. She shoved the ridiculous hero worship she’d been cultivating to the back of her mind. All of the Ruler’s accomplishments, especially his fair and equitable means of governing, had been touted, including his treatment of those less-fortunate species, and she’d built an exemplary male in her mind. No one was that perfect. She had to swallow the realization she’d made a really bad decision in accepting Meridia’s offer—and to compound it, this particular offer—and now she was stuck here.

  “I’m not hanging around, Bast. I’ll head back to my room at the Dormitory as soon as you can take me. Or find me an escort.” She’d join the other women who’d refused and had returned to wait for another offer. Surely there were other males who weren’t so nasty.

  “Might we contin
ue this discussion in the morning?” Bast looked ill, his pallor marked.

  She felt sorry for him, despite that he’d withheld, even misled her. Probably his Master was going to take his anger out on the man when he broke the news. “We can, Bast, but only to find a way to tell the Ruler you had nothing to do with my decision.”

  “Perhaps a rest will ease your upset, Lady Celeste.”

  Uh, no. But she smiled faintly and hurried for the door, intent on gaining her own quarters. The whisper of her bare feet against the cool floor was the only sound in the grand house, but she cast a glance in the direction of the Ruler’s apartments, knowing she was running yet unable to help herself.

  The personal guard assigned to her, Morat, lurked in the shadows, and she studiously avoided looking his way, certain he knew of the debacle that had unfolded down the hall. Her mortification was likely visible.

  Quietly closing the door, she stared around her rooms. There was little to pack, so she decided to leave it until morning. The Ruler could keep all the nice things he’d provided. Ah, who was she kidding? Bast had provided them, and thinking otherwise would simply add to the false impression she had of Mister Arrogant Ruler.

  She fastened her locket around her neck, her fingers tracing the links of the chain. Janler was a nice man. Maybe they could get to know one another. After all, Shirley had set her sights on the Commander and didn’t want to settle for anyone else. Celeste should look around too. When Bast had approached her, she’d gotten carried away and looked above her station. Her, the Ruler’s concubine? Romanticism, and stupid at that.

  If she had to stay on Meridia, the odds were she’d be pressured over and over again to accept an offer, so then Janler was at least a familiar face. They could get to know one another, and maybe they’d click. She stepped to the window and studied the garden below. Jerk.


  Lysett felt like a piece of dergoss shit, the scat of a filthy beast that preyed upon carrion. Better he had struck the little female. He deliberately hadn’t looked at her pictures nor any of the vids Bast provided. He’d insisted Bast explain it was the way of royalty to join in that manner when in truth many Rulers before him enjoyed their chosen’s company prior to the actual act. Keeping his distance to honor Trosan’s memory was the right thing to do, regardless of how badly he felt in that moment.


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