The Terms 2

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The Terms 2 Page 19

by Ruby Rowe

  “I found out my father had been allowing Sasha to leave with his supplier for a day or two at a time in exchange for my parents’ drugs.

  “Horrific things happened to her the hours she was away and by more than one man. My mother knew this and looked the other way so she could keep feeding her addiction.”

  The veins in Ellis’s neck cord, and his lips curl.

  “Camilla …”

  “Don’t, or I won’t be able to finish.” I swipe the tears from my cheeks. “Sasha told me she couldn’t take it another day and would kill herself if she had to stay there.

  “I didn’t know what else to do. She was fourteen, and this had been happening for two years. She was only a child, Ellis, when this began.

  “I feared that if I told the authorities, they’d put Sasha in a foster home and she’d take her own life. I also worried my parents’ supplier would kill us for telling, so I fled with her. I took all the money I’d saved and got us the hell out of there.

  “I didn’t think my parents would look for us, but I was wrong. They got their shit together enough to report Sasha missing, and it wasn’t long before I was wanted for kidnapping. I couldn’t believe it, so I kept moving us west, and that’s how we ended up here.”

  “Baby, you were brave. I can’t get over your strength.”

  “It was the scariest, hardest thing I’ve ever done, Ellis. I was young and naïve, thinking if I got her out of that environment she’d be fine, but it didn’t work.

  “Yes, the physical abuse stopped, but she’s harmed herself every day since by either getting high to numb her pain or by dating losers who made her believe she was worthless. It wasn’t hard since she’d been treated that way for years.

  “It’s why I’ve cut her so much slack, and maybe it was wrong of me, but it’s difficult to come down on someone who’s already beating themselves up. I was terrified I’d push her away and lose her for good.

  “It’s hard to believe Sasha’s only four years younger than me. She’s trapped in that teenage state, and I think it’s because she thinks that’s all she deserves.”

  I smile. “At least she was stuck, but maybe that’s finally changing. I’ve never seen her as happy as she was the other night. Greyson’s giving her an amazing opportunity, and I believe she’s going to blossom from it. I couldn’t thank him enough, but I do worry about her getting hurt.

  “I think she already has a crush on him, so would you talk to him for me to be sure he doesn’t give her the wrong impression, especially if he’s getting engaged?”

  “I did warn him, but I’ll talk to him again. Listen to yourself. You’re still only thinking about her. Have you ever thought about what you’ve endured?”

  “I know I’ve been through a lot. The years on the run have been rough, but it’ll never equate to what she went through or the torment she carries with her every day.

  “Being hungry more times than not is why I’m passionate about helping others in need. I don’t want anyone to feel that degree of hunger. I visited several food pantries myself over the years, and I’m grateful those days are over.”

  Ellis pulls me into a hug and kisses my head.

  “Baby, you’ll never want for anything again. You can have everything your heart desires, and if I need to build another pantry to stock full of food so you’ll feel more secure, I will. I’ll do anything for Sasha, as well.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, and you no longer need to worry about being taken away from us. I can’t tell you how, but I’m handling the situation. I promise.”


  Hiding out in the empty conference room on my lunch break, I pull out my phone and call Camilla. I hate to dump my shit on her again, but I can’t keep staying with Greyson. Maybe she’ll have an idea.

  “Hello,” she says.

  “Sis, hi.”

  “Hi … are you at work?”

  I roll my eyes. “Yes, don’t worry. I’m only on my lunch break.”

  “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thank you. Other than the job being too easy, I like it here.” I would tell her that I’m finding another job soon so I’m not subjected to seeing Greyson every day, but I’ve learned to dish out the bad news in increments. It shortens the lecture I receive from her. “So, is anything exciting happening in that mansion?”

  “Ellis’s parents met Liam last night, and they won him over with a train set and loads of attention, so that was a relief. I hate that we’re apart, Sasha, but you and Greyson were right about Ellis and I needing some time alone with Liam. Things are finally calming down, and we can enjoy each other and our time with our son.”

  “Uh, that’s great, sis. You deserve to be happy, and you definitely deserve to have some weight lifted off of you.”

  “How was your NA meeting?”

  “It was difficult, but I’m attending another meeting tomorrow.”

  “I’ll go with you if you ever want me to.”

  “Thank you, but I’m good right now. A friend here at work is going with me.”

  “Did I say I’m proud of you?”

  “Yes, several times this week.”

  “OK, and you better get used to it. I hate to go, but I need to get back to studying.”

  “And I better get back to work. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, and let’s get together next week.”

  “Sounds perfect.” Shutting off my phone, I lay my head on the table. So much for that idea. I guess I’m stuck living with stud boy until I save up some money. At least I have a ginormous new television in my bedroom. I’ll sequester myself there as much as possible.



  I’m driving home from the office, thinking about how it’s been one week since Sasha and I spoke more than a greeting to each other.

  I get fleeting glances of her at work, and every other evening she waltzes past me from the kitchen to the bedroom while sucking on a bright-colored popsicle. What the fuck is that about?

  I missed Whitney’s deadline to put a ring on her finger. I figured she was bluffing about telling anyone Sasha’s living with me. She doesn’t want to blow our image, but it’s too late for that.

  Everyone is well aware that we fuck around on each other and don’t want this. OK, she wants to marry me, but it’s not for the right reasons. She’s fooling herself if she believes she loves me.

  It’s time, though. I have to buy an engagement ring, and dammit, I’m spending time with Sasha this weekend before I do it. It’s selfish of me, but at the same time, she deserves to have some fun, too.

  Once I’m home, I loosen my tie and stroll down the hallway. Hearing her singing, I smile. I’m instantly happier, and my heart begins to race. I pound on her door so she’ll hear me with her earbuds in.

  She swings it open, and I clear my throat to calm my nerves.

  “Hi,” I say. “Bieber again?”

  Pulling one of her headphones out, she blushes.

  “No, Selena Gomez. What do you need?”

  I grip the doorframe up high with both hands.

  “I need you to stop avoiding me. We’re friends, and friends talk and hang out. Do you have plans this weekend?”

  Turning around, she strolls over to her dresser, and I stare at her ass that’s in black yoga pants. Other than seeing her in tight jeans, this is my first opportunity to admire how phenomenal her ass looks.

  She unplugs her earbuds from her phone and sets both on the dresser, but the headphones fall to the floor. She bends over to pick them up, and I fight a hard-on from the even better view it gives me.

  Her shirt lifts, and there’s a tattoo on her lower back of a ladybug. I think that’s what it is, but I need a closer look. It’s fucking sexy. Whitney would never ink her body. She wouldn’t do anything that fun or daring.

  Hell, I want a tattoo. That would surely piss her off, and if I have to be married to her the rest of my life, I want her to look at it for th
at long. She’ll bitch about it, but it’ll be worth it.

  Turning back to me, Sasha rests her hands on her hips.

  “I’m going to a meeting tomorrow morning, but otherwise, I don’t have anything planned.”

  “Cool, then spend time with me.”


  “How many times do we need to go over this? I want to hang out with you because we’re friends, and that’s what friends do. You said I could treat you like one of the guys.”

  Cracking a smile, she rolls her eyes.

  “I did say that. What did you have in mind?”

  “I’m going to bake the pizza Theresa prepared before she left, and then we’re watching that zombie show you like. Tomorrow, after your meeting, I want to get a tattoo. You can get another one if you’d like. I’ll pay for it.”

  “You want a tattoo?”

  “Yes, and why do your wide eyes say you’re surprised?”

  “I guess I didn’t expect a suit-wearing attorney to want permanent ink on his body.”

  “Well, I do, Ladybug.” Her skin flushes, and she pulls her shirt down farther. “Too late, chick. I already had a peek.” I wink at her. “Can you get the oven preheated while I change clothes?”

  “Sure, and do you always wink at your guy friends?” She smirks, and now I’m blushing like a damn girl.

  “No, especially not with my friends who have a vagina allergy. That could give them the wrong impression.” Sasha laughs, and it’s a pretty sight. Damn, how I love our banter.

  “All right, I’ll change and meet you in the living room.”


  “What did you think?” I ask after we watch the first episode of The Walking Dead.

  “I think you’re one twisted chick.”

  Like I do so often with Greyson, I giggle.

  “You’re safe here if we have a zombie outbreak,” I reply. “They won’t be able to put in the passcode to get up to your fortress, and you have enough food stockpiled to last months.”

  “You’ve put too much thought into this. I’m wondering if I should limit your TV-viewing privileges.”

  “Oh, really?” He eyes the Pixy Stix I’m holding to my lips. I tilt my head back and let the sugary dust fall inside my mouth.

  “I don’t think we can live off sugar, and it’s overrunning my pantry.”

  “Oh, sorry about that. Theresa pried the list of foods I like out of me and bought them. She’s so sweet.”

  “Yeah, she is, and I see she’s spoiling you, too.”

  “I didn’t get this kind of stuff as a kid, so I’m making up for lost time, but I’m super grateful.”

  “You didn’t have much growing up, did you?”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Where are your parents?”

  “I guess in South Carolina. I haven’t spoken to them in years, so I wouldn’t know. Wanna watch another episode?”

  “Is that all I’m getting out of you?”

  “Yep, but feel special; it’s more than I’ve told anyone else.” He squeezes my knee, and like when he held my hand on my bed days ago, I don’t pull away from him. He doesn’t move his hand, either.

  It sits there as the next episode begins, and I consider teasing him, asking if he’s ever rested his hand on one of his other buddy’s knees, but then he might remove it.

  For the first time in as long as I can remember, I want a man to touch me while I’m sober. Greyson makes me feel alive, instead of numb, and I think I’m ready for more of that feeling.

  Tired, I rest my head on his shoulder and yawn. I grow sleepier quickly, so I settle against his warm body, trusting that it’s safe to be near him.

  Out of nowhere, he presses his lips to my head. I stiffen, unsure of how to respond. He leans over, closer to my face and whispers, “Please don’t move. If only for this weekend, pretend with me that things aren’t going to change. I’m enjoying every second with you, and I don’t want it to end.”

  “You’re being selfish.”

  “I know, so when the zombies come, you can feed me to them.”

  I shouldn’t encourage him, but I giggle. I also leave my head where it is and close my eyes. I can’t face him. I can’t see him look at me like I’m more than a rebellious act against his future bride. This is messed up, but I breathe, “OK.”

  Sighing with relief, he kisses my head again.

  “Thank you.” His body relaxes, and I scoot closer, pulling my legs up to tuck beside me on the couch. For now, I’ll be selfish, too, and pretend this could last forever.


  Wiping the sweat off my neck with a towel, I take a drink from my water bottle. Dean’s sitting on the floor, putting on his socks and tennis shoes after our jiujitsu training.

  “I have some news,” I say.

  “What’s that?”

  “Do you remember when we were at dinner and I told you Camilla’s son, Liam, was my nephew?”

  He pauses with a sock over his toes.


  “He’s actually my kid, and he’s probably going to appear downstairs, so I wanted to give you a heads-up.”

  “A heads-up?”

  “OK, I wanted to tell you. I know it’s shocking. It was for me, too, and it’s a longer story than the last one I told you. He’s definitely mine, though, and I’m thrilled about it.”

  “All right. I don’t need to know how you and your brother happened to sleep with the same woman around the same time, but as long as your good with it, I’m happy for you.”

  I glare at him. “It wasn’t like that. Tony drugged Camilla and me, so we didn’t know we’d slept together. It’s complicated, and it’s also why this training is so important to me.

  “My brother was involved in dangerous shit and had dangerous people by his side. I have to be physically prepared to take someone down if necessary.”

  Standing, he grabs his duffle bag. “I think you’re covered there, and I’m sorry, man. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “I get it, but Camilla is nothing like you’re thinking. She’s an incredible woman and raised my son on her own. She wasn’t looking for a payout.”

  “I trust you. Let me meet him.”

  I motion toward the door. “Let’s go. I’m sure he’ll hear us and come running.” We stroll down the stairs, and as I expected, I hear Liam’s footsteps as he trots down the hallway. Spotting Dean, he comes to an abrupt stop.

  Suddenly bashful, he sticks his finger in his mouth, and I have a thought. Nothing would build his confidence up more than some martial arts training, but I imagine Camilla wouldn’t go for it at this age.

  “Liam, I want you to meet my friend Dean.”

  “Hi,” he says as he creeps closer.

  “Hi, Liam. You should come upstairs and watch us work out next time.”

  “I wanna do that,” he replies with a smile, and I’m sure he doesn’t have a clue what Dean’s talking about, but if it involves me, he’s usually all for it. Camilla hurries into the hall.

  “Hi, Dean. Good to see you again.” She looks at me. “Do you mind watching Liam? I need to get ready to meet the volunteers for coffee.”

  “Sure, I need to cool down before I shower, anyway. Maybe I can show Liam some moves.”

  Camilla’s forehead scrunches. “Oh, be careful with him.”

  “I’m not going to let anything happen to him. I tumbled down a flight of stairs for the kid.” Liam’s eyes widen as he looks at Dean and points toward the staircase.

  “We fell really, really far, and Boss-Daddy caught me. We got boo-boos even.” He strains his head and twists his arm to look at his own elbow.

  Chuckling, Dean slaps me on the back. “I didn’t think you could get any richer, but it appears you have.”

  My eyes dart to Camilla. “They’re both pretty amazing.”

  Smiling at me, she then gives Dean a wave.

  “I have to run. Bye, Dean.” She takes off up the stairs, and I show my friend to the door. Liam skips along, and
I never thought I’d say it, but I like having a shadow at every turn.

  Liam and I head to the living room, and as we sit on the sofa, he jabbers about the cartoon that’s playing on the television. He looks like me, but he acts like Camilla.

  His eyes exude excitement with the same intensity, and he has many of her mannerisms, like the way he bites his lip or how he scrunches his nose when he doesn’t like something.

  “I do hope you’re going to marry her soon.”

  My father’s words resonate with me, and I ponder the future. There’s no doubt I want Camilla in my life forever, but we haven’t been together long. Would she say yes to a proposal this soon?

  Patting my arm, Liam frowns. “Daddy, are you wistening to me?”

  “Uh, yes, but let’s go upstairs. I need a shower. I’ll use the one in your bathroom so you can play with your toys in your room while I’m in there.”

  He giggles. “Are you gonna use my coconut shampoo?”

  “So that’s what turned you into a nut.” I muss up his hair, and overexaggerating his laugh, he points at me.

  “I’m not a nut. You’re the nut.”

  “No, you’re the nutty one, eating up all my peanut butter and getting nutty crumbs all over the floors.” Pulling him onto my lap, I tickle him, and he cackles and squirms.

  I glance up, and Camilla is standing in the doorway with her hand over her heart. Her eyes are watery, too. Has she always been this emotional?

  Since finding out Liam’s mine, she cries often, but the more I watch her now, I realize this is not her upset look. Those are happy tears. Why did I have any doubt? She’ll marry me if I ask; I’m sure of it.


  Liam and Ellis sharing a fun, loving moment is a magnificent sight to see. To witness them remove their protective shields is a gift I won’t take for granted.

  “Hop up, Liam,” Ellis says. “Let me talk to your mother for a minute before she leaves.” He strolls over, and I smell his sweat and sense his frisky mood in seconds. Clenching my waist, he nuzzles his nose in the crook of my neck.


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