Lane (Made From Stone Book 1)

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Lane (Made From Stone Book 1) Page 8

by Saint John, T


  “Fuck me, Lane. Stop asking and just fuck me,” I demand.

  “It’s not going to be easy. You’re going to feel used afterwards, but I can't control myself. I'm going to fuck you right!” he explains with bravado in his voice.

  “Then do it,” I quietly reply. Earlier, I meant what I said. I don’t want a proposal I just want to enjoy what I’ve never enjoyed before. With him. I want my first time to be with a man who knows what he’s doing. I’m not experienced, but after the orgasm he just gave me, I’m pretty sure he knows what he’s doing. I’ve never been able to give myself that kind of orgasm.

  “Alright,” he says and stands up quickly. His jeans are off and it’s the first time I’ve seen his cock. I’m immediately scared. From what Amy has told me, it hurts like hell your first time. Judging by the size of his massive cock it will hurt the first, second and third time! He starts to lower himself on top of me and the anticipation and fear grow. He must notice my nerves because he slowly strokes my hair as he looks into my eyes. "What's wrong, baby?" he asks with compassion and concern. I need to tell him before we do this. I don't want to be in so much pain that I can't enjoy my one and only time with him.

  "I'm scared."


  "The 'not fucking me easy' part," I try to explain but find the words are getting lost somewhere along the way to my mouth. He rolls off me and I can tell he's frustrated.

  "Why does that scare you?" he asks, while stroking my face with his finger.

  I'm afraid to tell him I'm a virgin. I know he will stop if I do, so I just say, "I've never been with anyone your size, and I'm afraid it’ll hurt." I explain and his eyes soften a bit, revealing a side of Mr. Stone few have seen.

  "I'll go slow until you adjust," he says, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I nod and smile softly.

  He runs his fingertips over my clit a couple times and then he's above me, I feel him at my entrance. Panicked he will actually feel that I'm a virgin and stop and also panicked that it's going to hurt I say "wait," he immediately stops.

  "Did you change your mind?" he asks with a frustrated groan, hiding his face for a moment in my shoulder.

  "No. But you should know something."

  "Okay?" he says, raising an eyebrow.


  This girl is killing my cock. Does she want to fuck or not? She looks scared and I worry the size of my dick has her completely freaked. She sits up on the bed and puts her face in her hands almost like she's embarrassed. Worried, I ask, "What is it baby?"

  "I.. I want to do this," she says, quickly looking up at me and then down at the bed.

  "Ok. So what's stopping you?"

  "Don't be mad….please?" she quietly says and then she whispers into her hands. "I've never done this."

  What the fuck? She can't be saying what I think she's saying, can she?

  "Mallory? You’re a virgin?" Please say no! Please say yes. No, please say no! I watch as she shakes her head yes.

  Now what the fuck am I supposed to do? I'm not taking her virginity. At least the thought of her being sexually active helped me reason that she wasn't a young innocent girl. But Mallory IS a young innocent girl. FUCK ME!

  "Go Mallory, please!" I say, standing up. I turn away from her so she can get up and out without me being tempted. Her taste is still on my tongue though, and my teetering resolve is continuously fading. I feel her come up behind me and she wraps her arm around my waist. I grab her hands and unwrap her. "Would you just fucking leave?"

  "I'm sorry I ruined it by telling you. I just thought you should know,” she says with her head down. I can hear the humiliation and sadness in her voice as she moves away, and I feel like I owe her an explanation. I'm the one who should be ashamed.

  "Wait, Mallory" I call out, completely aware I'm still naked. And she is still naked. Fuck! Do the right thing, Lane.


  "I'm the one who should be sorry. I am, or at least was, your teacher. It was wrong to begin with but knowing you're a virgin.... I just can't. You're a beautiful girl."

  "Thanks.... I think...." she says as she walks toward the door. Wait! Where are her clothes?

  I follow her out to the living room after I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist. I watch as she picks up her clothes off the floor. I notice her face flush a beautiful pink as she realizes her panties are in pieces on my bed. I groan at the memory of ripping them off.

  "Well this is embarrassing!" she half laughs, trying to lighten the mood. She is still bent over and her perfect ass is calling my name.

  "Yeah. Sorry about that." I reply but I’m not sorry.

  All of a sudden, I hear urgent pounding on my door. It’s fucking Eli, I know it! Panicked because he has a habit of knocking and then entering, I rip my towel off and tell Mallory to cover herself and go back to my bedroom. I jog to the front door completely naked and open it.

  “What the fuck man? Where are your clothes?” Eli asks with humor in his voice.

  “Go,” I bark out.

  “Did I interrupt something? I’ve been texting you but you didn’t answer,” he informs me.

  “Eli, I’ll explain later,” I tell him, shoving him out the door and shutting it in his face.

  I hear him through the door say “I’ll be at Hansons if you need more after you’re done with the mystery woman.” I hear him laughing and it pisses me off. Not that he made the joke, but because I won’t be done with my mystery woman.

  I turn around and walk back into my bedroom to find her standing in front of my dresser. She’s still naked. She had a few minutes to get dressed, why is she making this difficult? She must see the question in my eyes.

  “Lane, I’m a virgin. Don’t you think it’s up to me who I give my virginity to?”

  “It should be someone your age. Someone who might want a relationship with you. You should lose it to someone you love.”

  “Did you lose yours to someone you love?” she asks.

  “Hell no.” I was sixteen and lost it to a hot senior one night after a football game in the backseat of my car but I can’t say that.

  “Ok. I’m leaving for college. I said before I don’t want a relationship. I want to focus on school and on making something of myself. So yes, I’ll lose it in some heat of the moment and probably wake up and regret doing it. But I know I wouldn’t regret losing it to you. I want you, Lane.” God hearing her talk she sounds all woman. She’s straightforward. FUCK! I can’t prevent another man from ever being inside her but I can prevent them from taking what's mine. Mallory’s virginity is mine.

  I quickly move to her and pick her up, my every intention in carrying her back to my bed. My mind and body are at war as she instinctively wraps her legs around my waist, but my body has won. As much as I want, I cannot resist her.

  “I can’t wait another second Mallory.” I say to her as we fall onto my bed, my body hovering above hers, our bodies just inches away from what we want most. With that, I slide my aching cock slowly inside her. She is so fucking tight. I know I’m about to rip through her virginity so I still myself inside her and say “Baby, there is no easy way to do this. Just hold on.” She nods her head, I keep my eyes locked on hers, and I quickly push inside her. And it’s a moment of pure ecstasy. It feels so fucking good, but I feel guilty when I see the pain in her eyes. I feel her tense up as the pain grips her. I hear her pained voice. "Ouch! Fuck!"

  “I’m sorry,” is all I can say as I push a little further inside her. I lean down and kiss her forehead and then lower my lips to her ears whispering, “Thank you.”

  “Mhmm. Lane you can move now.”

  “You’re fucking tight on my cock,” I groan. Almost too tight. Her body is rigid, and I notice the tears building up in her eyes as I push balls deep into her tight pussy. Finally, my heart and body have gotten what they want. Mallory Carter is mine.




  “Hey! You ok?” I whisper softly,
stroking her hair to try and soothe the pain I know she must be feeling. She doesn’t say anything, but nods her head. “We can stop if it's too much” I say softly.

  “No, Lane. I want you,” she says as she presses her soft lips to mine. I remove my cock from her and this time I gently insert it. I can feel her stiffen beneath me and her fingernails dig into my back. Holy fuck that turns me on! At the same time I feel overwhelmed with guilt that I know I'm hurting her.

  "Babe, you're not ok," I say.

  She simply looks into my eyes and whispers one word, "Please....."

  Pushing the guilt to the back of my mind, I let my body enjoy what it has craved for so long.

  I move a few more times and each time I do it seems her tight pussy is accepting my cock more.

  “I need to move baby.” I warn her. She once again nods her head quickly and I slowly start to move inside her. I don’t want to cause her any more pain, so I’m not pushing my entire length inside her. I can tell the moment the pain has subsided when she grinds her pussy against me. I groan at the feeling. There is NOTHING hotter than a woman who fucks you back. Knowing Mallory is hungry for me lights a fire and I start slamming into her. As amazing as her tight pussy feels around me it’s so damn frustrating. I can’t push into her quick enough. I know she feels punished by me as I thrust harder inside her, but my mind is screaming at me. Fuck her harder! Fuck her faster! So I do. With each thrust, she’s pushed higher up the bed until she has to use her hands to keep from hitting the headboard. She takes one hand off the headboard and starts digging long deep scratches in my back, pushing me harder and faster.

  “I’m gonna. Oh Lane. I ahh,” she deliriously mumbles as she wraps her legs around my back forcing my cock inside her. THANK FUCKING GOD! Her pussy returns the pounding by violently clamping down on my cock as I unload inside her in long, hot jets. The sensation of her pulsating pussy milking my cock finishes me and I collapse on top of her, our sweat soaked bodies still tangled together.

  I continue to lie on top of her, kissing her neck. At the same time, my mind is going to places I never thought of and I’m scared. My uncle told me I’ll know I found the woman I was going to marry the first time I stuck my cock in her. I’ve been with multiple women and I honestly believed pussy was pussy. I was so wrong. As much as I want it, a relationship can’t happen between us. She has so much living to do. I slowly pull out and put my game face on. She told me she was ok with being used so I need to make her feel that way, even though my heart is screaming for me to keep her right here.

  “Well thanks,” I say standing up, grabbing my towel.

  “Lane?” she questions in a sweet voice that makes my heart ache. But I have to ignore my heart and I have to keep up with the charade.

  “Where are your clothes Mallory?” I ask, trying to sound distant.

  “The living room,” she says quietly. I walk into the living room to get her clothes for her, and when I walk back into the bedroom I’m immediately concerned as I rush to Mallory’s side.

  “Are you ok?” I ask quickly. I know women bleed a little when they lose their virginity but this is a lot.

  “I’m fine,” she says with ease, like nothing is wrong.

  “You’re not fine, Mallory. There’s blood all over my sheets!"

  “Honestly, I’m fine. I promise.” She says as her face flushes. FUCK! Why can’t I comfort her? Why can’t I be hers?

  “Go, Mallory. Please,” I whisper. I feel complete shame for fucking her the way I did and now kicking her out.

  “Lane?” she questions. I just can’t look at her. She has to be feeling like I used her like some prostitute.

  “Mallory, go. I told you once it was over you’d be getting kicked out. Take the hint and go. Don't ever come back. Forget where I live, and forget me.” I say with my back to her. If I face her, I won't be able to walk away from her. I walk into my bathroom and nearly collapse on the sink. A few moments pass before I hear my door close. Once it does, I lose it. I slam my fist into my mirror and throw everything off my counter. I’m a fucking sick bastard. I fucked my virgin student. Why couldn’t I resist her? I have so many thoughts running through my mind I don’t know what to do. As my mind becomes a complete cluster fuck, I come to the realization that what happened between us was not a mistake. She isn’t my student and she’s an adult. She’s been an adult for quite some time. She still has a life to live, but Mallory Carter is no mistake.

  I head into the shower because I have to get her blood off my dick. It’s covering me and it's a reminder that I just used a virgin. I fucking used her. FUCK LANE! You fucked her bare. Christ! I have condoms stashed all over my apartment. I didn’t even think about it. And in truth if I had, I don’t think I would’ve worn one. The feeling of us, flesh on flesh isn’t a feeling that can compare to anything else. Oh my God. FUCK!!! I feel myself losing it even more than I already was. I stand under the freezing shower for a long time trying to wash this feeling away. My arms are pressed against the wall and my head is down in shame. The guilt doesn’t ease, in fact, it gets worse.


  6 weeks later

  “You’re pregnant?” Amy and Olivia look at me surprised, as I lay curled on my bed crying.

  I nod shamefully.

  “What are you going to do?” my sister questions. I start UIC next week and I have a ton of decisions to make.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t plan this.” I mumble through sobs. I’ve already made my mind up that I’m having this baby. I don’t know what it means for my future, but this baby is mine and it will have a mother who loves it even if its father doesn’t want it. “I’m keeping my baby.” I say. I refuse to walk away from my baby like my mother walked away from me.

  “It’s going to be tough, but we can do it together Mallory,” says my sister.

  “The three of us can do it,” Olivia chimes in and I start crying harder. It means so much to have their support, and in this shitty situation, it's the glimmer of hope I need.

  “Have you told the father?” Olivia asks.

  “No, I’m not going to. He made it clear it was only sex and he wanted nothing to do with me when it was over.”

  “What kind of bastard says that?” my sister angrily shouts.

  I almost want to defend Lane, even though I shouldn’t, but he only took what I freely gave. I’m an adult and he did nothing wrong. But I know that it would look bad on him professionally for him to have a child with a former student. Even if it makes my life more complicated, I won’t make him look bad. At least I tell myself that's the reason. Honestly, I know if I told him, he would demand that I have an abortion, and I refuse to do that. He kicked me out and told me to forget him. It hurt, but he was up-front with me. I know he wants nothing to do with me. I cried for weeks because I tried to ask him for a simple hug afterwards and he couldn’t even give me that. I felt used all right, but my baby and me will be just fine. Thankfully, he or she is due during spring break next year. I won’t get any time off from school but hopefully the delivery is smooth and I only need to miss a day or two. With my sister and Olivia offering up support, we can work around my school schedule.


  Football is back in full swing and it’s given me a much-needed distraction. I was spending most of my days obsessing about her. I’ve wanted to reach out and offer an apology time after time but I know she has to hate me, so I’ll give her time. She’s in college now and I pray she’s enjoying it and that she’s done what I asked and forgotten about me. I smile at the thought of her hanging out with Olivia and having a good time. I want her to be happy, Mallory deserves that. I often fantasize what it will be like four years from now when I seek her out. I hope I’m able to be at her college graduation, not to ask her for anything but to say thank you and I’m sorry.

  But tonight I’m meeting with my brothers and cousins at Hansons. It’s been awhile for me because this isn’t something I want to talk about with anyone, much less any of them. I’m no longer ashame
d. I’ve had a lot of time to work through things, and Mallory was right. She was nineteen and no longer a student. We were two consenting adults who fucked. I would be proud to have Mallory on my arm, letting the world know she belongs to me. I do have one worry though. What if Mallory falls in love with another man in college? Her beauty demands every man's attention. So I know it’ll take no time for the men to line up. I just hope none of them compare to me in her mind. Even though I know she probably hates me, I can only hope she’ll forgive me someday.




  8 months later

  My first year at college isn’t what I expected at all, but it’s going well enough. Even now, at nine months pregnant, I’m ecstatic that I’ve been able to maintain a 3.6 GPA. It’s no 4.0, but when you’ve dealt with morning sickness and exhaustion since the beginning, a 3.6 is great.

  Today is my due date, but I’ve been told most women rarely deliver on their due date. This is a good thing because I still have two classes to get through before spring break officially begins. I’ll be working as much as possible at the diner to help Amy. She’s still living at the seedy motel and I’ll be moving back once the baby is born. I drove to the hotel last night to take a few things before spring break starts. I was too tired to drive back to campus so I stayed and we chatted for several hours. I can't believe I'm happy to be back here, but I've really missed my sister. We still haven’t heard from our mom and we’ve both started to worry that she might be dead. We’ve thought about walking the streets with pictures asking the homeless, hoping one of them has seen her. We both know she looks nothing like the photos we have of her, so I regularly check the newspapers to see if a Jane Doe has appeared.

  I’m standing in front of my mirror getting ready for my last day of classes. I almost cringe when I see the bulge of my enormous stomach. Almost. But honestly, I love it. My sweet baby is in there. Amy and I decided we didn’t want to know the gender of the baby. We haven’t had a good surprise in almost four years, so we’re both counting down the days until my son or daughter makes their appearance. As much as I look forward to getting this basketball out of my stomach, I’m also sad that my baby will never know its father. I’ve driven by his house more times than I can count, and once I even got out of the car. I was about to knock on his door when his words came back to me, opening that wound again. “Forget about me. Forget where I live.” So, I’m trying to do what he asked and stay away, no matter how much it hurts.


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