I glance at Amy's crumpled body on the bed. She looks awful, but I'm happy she's resting. I'm also happy that the guys are sleeping, because my breasts feel like they’re about to explode. I head over to where the pump is sitting and try to figure out where the hell I'm going to do this. The bed is taken and I'm not doing it in that bathroom, so I decide to just sit on the floor. I turn to face the wall in case it wakes anyone.
It takes a whole three minutes of the pulsing of my pump before Lane wakes up. I almost laugh when he demands, "Cover up."
"I'm facing the wall and he's still asleep."
"Actually, I'm not," Gavin chimes in. Just great.
"Do not stand up. Do not look over here!" Lane barks as he rips the sheet from the bed and covers me like a ghost.
"God, you're turning into a real asshole you know that?" Gavin jokes.
"Well, apparently Mallory wants to show her tits to everyone!" Lanes spits out, obviously not thinking. It hurts my feelings and I try to look at the floor so he doesn't see my face. I'm not fast enough because he comes over to me and rubs my shoulders, "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm acting so crazy."
I can't even respond. He has a habit of hurting my feelings and I have one for forgiving him. I don't even know what makes him want to ‘stake his claim’ on me if he thinks so little of me.
I continue to pump until I feel sweet relief and know I have enough for a couple of feedings. I make sure I'm completely covered before I stand up to put the milk in the refrigerator. I start to get emotional. I have no idea what Amy and I are going to do now and I'm scared. Lane knows where I've been living. I need my daughter. She calms me.
I am a complete dickhead. I know I hurt Mallory's feelings but I am still pissed that she was out showing her tits to random men last night. I'm pissed she lives here. Pissed she seems clueless about the dangers surrounding her and my daughter.
Last night with Annie was the most fun I've had in a long time. When I fed her, she stared at me like she knew me. She trusted me. I know she's only two months old, but my daughter is a genius. I've got to find a way to make things right with Mallory, but how is that even possible when she is constantly driving me to the brink of insanity?
"Mallory, do you want to go with me to check on Annie and maybe grab breakfast? We can bring it back here for when Amy wakes up?" I’m really hoping to diffuse the situation.
"Yeah. We can do that and I can take milk for Annie,” she replies not looking at me. Her actions show me that I hit a nerve.
"Gavin, do you mind staying here?" I ask.
"No. Just bring me back an entire pig! I'm starving and the pain is finally subsiding in my jaw, you fucker." He shoots back with a sly grin.
I nod, feeling grateful that he has always been the one to forgive and forget easily. I feel like shit for using him as a punching bag, but it's not the first time. We all know it's a matter of time before one of us gets mad and beats up on the other. It's just the way we are, but no matter what we’ve always had each other's backs.
I help Mallory into the Jeep and take a long look at her sweet ass. I can remember just how it felt to have it in my hands. God, I need to keep my mind off her body before my hands follow suit. We take off toward my apartment after she’s finally settled into the seat and buckled in. I get in and can’t help but notice her incredible natural beauty. She is easily the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on.
I pull my mind back into the present and notice something else. Mallory is hurt. By my big mouth. She's looking out the window and I see nothing but sadness on her face.
"I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings."
"Don't sweat it," she huffs without looking at me. Yep. She's pissed. I can feel her hot temper boiling right beneath the surface, and fuck me if that isn't a huge turn on.
"I know this is going to be hard for you to believe but I didn't know I had this kind of crazy in me. I've just never wanted anything like I want you," I explain.
I watch as her face turns an angry shade of pinkish red and I brace myself for a tongue lashing from my fiery redhead. Although, the thought of her tongue has dirty thoughts running through my oversexed brain when she finally goes off.
"No Lane, you feel obligated. You got me pregnant and all of a sudden, you need to be with me? It's because you're a decent human being. It's all right Lane, I'm not asking you to propose. We can be a happy family and not be together. People do it all the time. I know that's what has you pissed off all the time. You feel trapped, but guess what? You aren't. I wouldn't dream of wanting a relationship with someone who constantly cuts me down the way you do!"
I go from ready to apologize to pissed in the drop of a hat.
"You know what? Fuck you, Mallory! I don't do anything out of obligation. I do it because I want to. Believe it or not, kicking you out of my bed was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. For months I hated myself, I dreamed of the day I could make you mine. After college and after you had experienced life. My wanting you has nothing to do with my daughter; I want you because you're the only person I can’t resist. Who pisses me off without trying, who makes me laugh without trying? After I kicked you out, I freaked out. I threw you out like I didn't care, but Mallory I did. And yes, I get angry at the thought of anyone else seeing you or being inside you because you gave me that gift, and it hurts to know other men can see what should only be mine."
"Lane, let's get one thing straight. We have a daughter together. I'm not ready for a relationship, not just with you, but anybody. Annie, Amy, and college are my only concerns right now. So please don't speak to me like that. We aren't anything but Annie's parents," she says matter of factly without getting angry again.
I'm immediately crushed, humbled, and completely in awe of Mallory at the same time. I know it’ll take a lot of apologies, as well as months at rebuilding trust, but I can do that. In the meantime, I simply say, "Can we please be friends?"
"I would like that, as long as you're actually a friend. No more of this 'mine' bullshit."
"All right. I can try. But I can't, and won't, deny what I feel for you. You aren't mine yet. Do what you need to do. I'll wait. And I'll laugh as other men fall by the wayside because they can't compare to the way my body felt moving inside you."
"Well Lane, for some people it's about more than just sex. I can give myself a fucking orgasm." My cock immediately jumps to attention at that mental picture. "So all I need is someone who doesn't throw me out with the trash," she says in all seriousness. Her gorgeous face is red with exasperation and I can see her temper raging in full force. I've heard for years that redheads are like fire and ice, and now I'm seeing it for myself. I have a lot of work to do.
God, Lane is a cocky bastard. In the car, I wanted to slap him more times than I can count. That cocky grin he constantly wears around me makes me hot and infuriated all at once.
He’s delusional if he thinks we can ever be more than friends. I remember watching him on the sidelines. I loved that aggressive side of him. I thought it was sexy as hell. Of course, at the time, I didn't know he was capable of hurting me the way he does. I think he still sees me as a student and not an adult.
"Let me get that," Lane says, helping me out of the truck. I feel his eyes all over my body, and as much as I try to fight it, Lane Stone is the one man I can't deny having sexual chemistry with.
We stopped to pick up breakfast after seeing Annie. I was annoyed that I didn't get to spend much time with her, but the ladies of Lane's family were all too busy cooing over her to pass her along. I'm happy they are all accepting of her and me, and I’m happy that Annie will have a large supportive family, even if they are just a little crazy. I'm glad they're around her. But I feel like everything is happening so fast, up until two days ago Annie was all mine, and now I have to share.
When we walk into the hotel, Amy is awake, but she’s still curled in the fetal position on the bed. Worried she’s hurting; I rush to her side and kneel down
"What do you need?" I ask, as I brush a stray lock of hair from her face.
"For you to leave with Annie and not come back," she says through tears. I know she’s dead serious and for good reason.
"Amy, I was thinking. I can get a small student loan and help cover the security deposit on a new place. A safe place for you, me, and Annie.”
I watch as hot tears fall from her swollen eyes and she mumbles painfully, "Mallory, I'm not leaving. Not until I know where Mom is. This is the only hope I have of finding her, and if we move she can't."
I have a feeling I'm about to start crying. I don't think Lane and Gavin should be a part of this moment, so I ask them to step outside. After the door closes, I let the stress and fear escape in violent sobs. Curling up next to my sister, I stroke her hair. I keep telling her I love her, I don’t know why, but I feel the need to keep reminding her. I hate the position we’re in. I hate that it's always two-steps forward and three steps back.
"Amy, Mom isn't coming back and it isn't safe here. I can't bring Annie back here. Even if I could, Lane would never allow it. We have no choice but to go," I try to explain.
My sister finds strength from somewhere because she sits up quickly and lets go of everything she's kept inside, "Mallory just go! I don't want Annie here either. And you're not safe here. But I'm not leaving. I have no future. I'm a college dropout, a stripper, and a loser. You've got the chance to make something of yourself. Go. Please don't argue. Please. I really need you to leave."
"Amy, I'm not leaving you here alone. If I have to drag you by the hair you're coming with me."
"What about Mom, Mallory? You go away to college, have a baby, and land your dream man and Mom becomes nothing to you? She's our mother and you don't even care if she's out there somewhere. You don't even look for her? What kind of daughter does that? What would Dad think?" she spits out hatefully and I feel my face getting hotter by the second.
"Mom’s gone, Amy! Gone! We haven’t seen her in over a year. She doesn't care. If she did she'd be here, but she's out getting high. I know what Dad would think and you know too. He'd be disappointed in her. And he would want us out of this dump," I scream. She starts crying harder and so do I.
"I can't leave her, Mallory! I can't. I'm not moving."
Fuck! As much as I want to force her to come with me, I know she won’t leave. If she did, she’d always hate me because it would always be an unfinished chapter for her.
Knowing I need to settle her down I say, “Ok. On the nights Lane keeps Annie, I can stay here. We’ll start looking for her and maybe get the closure we need.”
“Mallory, it’s too dangerous for you here!” she says through her sobs.
“Look at you Amy. It’s too dangerous for you. I’m not leaving you alone all the time. But you’re right. I won’t put Annie in danger.”
Gavin and I are standing outside of this seedy motel and I’m getting more irate with each second that passes. What the fuck is Mallory thinking? Our daughter has been sleeping in this piece of shit.
“What are you gonna do, Lane?” Gavin questions.
“Fuck if I know. I know they’re packing their shit and coming with me. Outside of that, I have no plans.”
Gavin lets out a little laugh and then says, “You sure about that? Mallory doesn’t seem to take orders well.” I laugh but in all seriousness, he’s right. She is stubbornly independent, but she also isn’t stupid. Well that’s still up in the air, after all, she has been staying here with my daughter.
“Hey, you guys can come in now,” Mallory says while peeking her head out the door. I can tell by her swollen eyes and tear streaked face that she's been crying. Both Gavin and I make our way in and sit at the edge of the bed.
“Pack your shit. You’ll both stay at my apartment until we get something figured out!" I say, not giving Mallory a chance to speak.
“I’m not leaving, but I agree Mallory should go,” Amy replies.
“What the fuck? You’re going!” Gavin demands.
“Everyone stop. This is between Amy and me, and I’ve come up with a plan,” Mallory says.
“If that plan involves you staying in this shithole then the answer is no,” I declare as Mallory shoots a hateful glare at me.
“Lane, I will stay at your apartment on my nights with Annie until I get my own apartment, which I hope will be soon. On your nights with Annie, I’ll come here to stay with Amy.”
She is going to be the death of me, I'm seeing red at this point and I'm not backing down.
“You are not coming back here. End of story. My daughter needs her mother and clearly you aren’t safe,” I reply, gesturing to Amy’s battered body.
“Lane, I told you earlier to stop. I’ll listen to you where Annie is concerned, but I will not leave my sister. She helped me through high school. She supported me during my pregnancy and she needs closure. I promise to not bring Annie back here, but I will be coming back.”
I swear I want to shake her, but instead I storm out of the room, slamming the door behind me. It takes about two seconds and Gavin is beside me.
“Maybe I can stay here with Amy some days. And between Eli and me, we can do drive-bys or park outside her room on the nights Mallory is here. Also, Lucas and Logan can pitch in some. Eli and I will start gathering more information and hopefully make an arrest soon,” Gavin says, trying to pacify me a little bit.
“Ok. But can you try to find their mom? I think that’s the real hold up. These two girls are pissing me off. Most people who are violently attacked would pack up and leave. But no! They are too stubborn for their own good! FUCK!”
“I told you she wouldn’t cave. You have a fighter and it’s too early to tell if that’s a good or bad thing right now," he says with a wink.
“As much as it pisses me off, it's a good thing,” I say. I mean, if Mallory just walked out on her sister it would make me question her. As much as I want to swoop in and save the day for both of them, I know I can’t. We need to come up with a solid plan because I’ll do anything to keep my girls safe. Anything.
Pulling up to Lane's apartment complex, several emotions rise to the top. The thing that bothers me most is feeling like I’ve abandoned Amy. It’s killing me inside. While it pisses me off and scares me to death, I understand.
I gave up on our mother the second I laid eyes on my own daughter. I could NEVER leave her. But my sister and I are a lot alike. Life has made us tough, so fighting Amy was pointless. Maybe I can talk to Eli or Gavin and get suggestions on what we can do to find Mom.
Something else concerns me. I’ll actually be living with Lane. I appreciate the offer and I’m very grateful Annie never has to sleep in that place ever again, but Lane and I are struggling to find a balance. He wants more and I don’t, or at least that's what I tell myself. It’s Lane. Since I bumped into him on my first day of school, my body has betrayed me. He's sexy, smart, and has a body women drool over on a daily basis. He also has an arrogant asshole mentality. At times, I think that that is one of the things that draws me to him. Other times, I want to drown him in it. Although I don’t want more with him, I’m no nun. I’m certain my panties will constantly be soaked. Just thinking about being in the same space as him has my body screaming for release.
I watch the way his body moves as he gets out of the jeep and comes to open my door. He reminds me of a predator. His eyes meet mine and he grins that sexy grin that could melt the panties off a nun. Before I can get my door open, he opens it and I realize that I haven't even unbuckled my seatbelt yet. He doesn't give me the chance to unbuckle it myself. He reaches his long, muscled arm across my waist and clicks the lock. The close contact with him has my hormones in overdrive! Not wanting him to feel like we are a couple, I quickly wiggle from him and slide out the door, not taking the hand he has offered. He must know what I’m trying to do because he grins and drives me crazy. Watching his li
ps part and his tongue peek through has me flushing deep red all over. I sneak a glimpse of that body and the thoughts going through my mind are sinful. He really is sexy. It doesn’t help at all when he says, “Keep fighting it babe. I’ll wait.”
Trying to play innocent I reply, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I take off to the staircase so he doesn’t have time for a smart-ass reply. He doesn’t say anything, but I hear a chuckle coming from behind me.
When he opens the front door, I see all the women in his family sitting on the floor just watching Annie sleep on a little blanket. The sight of my daughter surrounded by family who adore her chokes me up and changes the focus of my oversexed brain immediately. I am irrevocably in love with that baby girl. Lane must notice the need in me to have alone time with my daughter because he tells them all to leave. Several hugs and kisses later we are alone, and I am lying on the floor staring at the little lady who changed my world.
I’ve always talked about my favorite things. The rolling hilltop views in Kentucky. The Chicago skyline at night. The sideline views at football games. My life is made up of these memories, but the view I see before me right now, right here, is the most breathtaking view I've ever seen. Mallory is curled up next to our daughter on the floor. Watching her run her fingers over our daughter’s hair and hearing her hum a soft lullaby tugs at my heartstrings. I have to watch. Never have I needed anything like I need these girls in front of me. Though I know Annie will always be mine, I need to figure out a way to make her mommy mine too, and fast.
Lane (Made From Stone Book 1) Page 13