WTF Is Tarot

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WTF Is Tarot Page 11

by Bakara Wintner

  Reinforced by: The Magician, The Chariot, The Tower, The Wheel of Fortune

  Opposed by: The High Priestess, The Hermit, Seven of Cups, Eight of Pentacles

  Nine of Wands—You Got This

  A lot has been demanded of you to get this far, and you’re tired. Whatever unexpected, glittery, wooded moonlit path you’re walking has tested your endurance, but you’re almost there. Maybe the next step is uncertain, or maybe the next step seems like a rickety, structurally unsound piece of shit step that you don’t feel like scaling anyway. Maybe you can’t see the step after the one in front of you. Maybe no one gave you a map. Maybe you don’t know where the hell you’re going. Maybe it’s dark out. Maybe, in moments of weakness, you long to go back. But there is no going back, you already know that, and if you’re being honest with yourself you don’t want to. The fulfillment, inspiration and purpose you crave are awaiting you. Grumble all you want, but you were never going to say no to this journey. Accept where you are, rest if you need to and then get your ass up and keep going.

  Reinforced by: The Fool, The Star, The Moon, Ace of Wands

  Opposed by: The Sun, Ace of Swords, Eight of Cups, Seven of Pentacles

  Ten of Wands—Let It Be

  You have taken on too much fire, without enough oxygen to feed it, and you’re literally burnt out. In the Ten of Wands, we are overwhelmed, overburdened and just generally over it. While all the responsibilities we have taken on may be good ones, there are just too many of them. The result is that, even if we see success, we don’t care. We won’t celebrate it because we’re too busy, or can’t feel it because we’re so energetically depleted. You are not fully useful to any cause because you have spread yourself too thin. It is time to simplify. It is time to let go of some things. It may be time to walk away from an unsolvable situation. Use your discernment in deciding what needs to go, but know that there is no negotiating the fact that when the Ten of Wands appears, you must pare down.

  Reinforced by: The Hermit, Justice, Death, Ten of Swords

  Opposed by: The Empress, Temperance, Two of Pentacles, Eight of Pentacles


  air / winter / night / weeks

  Swords are thoughts, fears, intellect, conflict and the analytical mind. This is where I adopt a dramatic, deep voice and say something like “the mind is a powerful and terrible thing” or something equally trite. Like a weapon, the sharpness of our minds can cut through the old, the superfluous and that which no longer serves. It can also cause harm to ourselves and others if used improperly or with malice. The journey of Swords is fraught with difficulty and blockages, with mental statements, betrayal, naivety and self-harm all lurking within this tricky suit. However, the Swords also provide lovely experiences, such as moments of clarity or a long-awaited, new idea.

  Ace of Swords—I Have An Idea

  With the Ace cards bringing new opportunity, and the suit of Swords representing intellect and cognitive function, it stands to reason that when the Ace of Swords appears in a reading it offers us a new way to use our minds. An epiphany, idea or different approach on how to handle a situation is common. The Ace of Swords aids in clear communication on all fronts, but is especially useful for writing. While most of the Swords cards carry a negative or positive connotation, the Ace represents total neutrality. This card almost buzzes with the infinite potential of a sharp mind. It begs the question, why possess a weapon like this? It may be wielded to perpetuate manipulation, dishonesty and personal gain. But pursuing truth, enforcing justice and maintaining balance are just as possible. If this card could speak it may say, “Congratulations, you’re not an idiot. Now don’t be an asshole.”

  Reinforced by: Justice, The Sun, Two of Wands, Three of Pentacles

  Opposed by: The Moon, Two of Swords, Four of Swords, Seven of Cups

  Two of Swords—I Can’t Even

  But you can though, you know? While the blockage we encounter in the Two of Swords feels very real, it is just a low-level mental block, easily solved by pulling your head out of your ass. That annoying cliché about our thoughts becoming our reality is relevant here, and whatever physical discomfort brought with the Two of Swords can be traced back to mental stagnation or an unwillingness to acknowledge the truth. Most often, this card causes issues in the sacral chakra, suppressing sexual and creative expression. Whatever the bind is, we put ourselves there, and only we can get ourselves out of it. This is when your friends get annoyed with you because you keep asking for advice you don’t take, lamenting your predicament while simultaneously keeping yourself mired in its grasp. While the Two of Swords often represents a stalemate, it can also indicate a ceasefire. It may be time to retreat from action. Take a break from agonizing over a decision or trying to force an outcome until more information is available.

  Reinforced by: The High Priestess, The Hanged Man, The Devil, Eight of Swords

  Opposed by: Strength, The Sun, Ace of Wands, Five of Wands

  Three of Swords—The First Cut Is the Deepest

  Searing, immediate, overwhelming pain characterizes this infamous card. Traditionally depicted as a heart pierced by three swords, the experience of the Three of Swords is always difficult. Not only are we feeling extreme heartache, but it is typically at the hands of people we trusted. Being cheated on, backstabbed, disappointed and undermined could all bring about the acute distress of the Three of Swords. The wreckage of this card is not in the transgression itself, but rather the discovery of it. The shattering aftermath of being wronged can feel like an unending nightmare, and there is little that can be done for people going through it. It will not feel like this forever. You will get through it and feel differently even if you can’t imagine either happening in this moment. You will share your story with someone else at some point, and it will help them to feel less alone, and then and only then will you understand why you had to endure all that shittiness. But until then, it just fucking sucks, and no one and nothing but time is going to make it better.

  Reinforced by: The Tower, Seven of Swords, Five of Cups, Seven of Cups

  Opposed by: The Magician, The Sun, Judgment, Ace of Swords

  Four of Swords—Take a Disco Nap

  The Four of Swords calls us to lay down our arms. It’s time for some R&R—get a massage, binge-watch a Netflix series, take a quick nap. In most depictions of this card, the Swords are not being used. They are hung up above the person, or in an otherwise inactive state. In the midst of a suit as heavy and problematic as the Swords, it may feel counterintuitive to go unarmed in this environment, but they are truly not needed here. The Four of Swords signifies intellectual maturity, a by-product of which is knowing when vulnerability and surrender are more productive than argument and debate. With a stable and organized mental body, we are able to mindfully respond to the world around us rather than being chained to our reactions. Find your center. Being steady and fearless even though there may be reasons fear is called for here. Sometimes, the most effective way to disarm a situation is to show someone your heart, and therein lies the wisdom of the Four of Swords.

  Reinforced by: The Empress, Strength, Six of Wands, Ten of Cups

  Opposed by: Five of Wands, Seven of Wands, Five of Swords, Son of Swords

  Five of Swords—Check Yourself before You Wreck Yourself

  The first thing I ask people when the Five of Swords appears is if they would ever, in a million years, treat someone else the way they are treating themselves right now. No matter how much of a stone cold asshole they are, the answer is always no. This card speaks to the cruel, cutting and downright twisted ways that we abuse ourselves. The voice that constantly reminds us that, no matter how hard we try, we will always be a worthless piece of shit, and we’ve somehow managed to fool anyone who thinks otherwise. The Five of Swords lets us know we are in an unproductive and oftentimes dangerous loop of self-harm. There is nothing to be gained by remaining here. Show yourself mercy, ask for help and move on.

  Reinforced by: The W
heel of Fortune, The Devil, Nine of Swords, Ten of Swords

  Opposed by: The Empress, Judgment, Ace of Cups, Six of Wands

  Six of Swords—Ghosting the Haters

  Maybe the situation isn’t resolved, maybe it still stings, maybe you haven’t fully recovered—but it’s still time to bounce. Not every ending comes with a neat bow and a sense of closure. Sometimes there is wisdom in giving up, and this is one of those times. We are not ghosting because we don’t wanna deal, but rather because we cannot stay in this environment without continuing to hurt ourselves. The Six of Swords calls us to move away from the past with the promise of clarity and abundance ahead—and in this card we are already on the way out. We are no longer stuck with the haters, nor are we standing victoriously on the other side. Disarming the Swords’ ability to harm us is the task of this card, and sometimes that means dropping them altogether. While lightness and relief may accompany abandoning the weight, the transition the Six of Swords facilitates is not without sacrifice. There was a period of years where I did not speak to anyone in my family. To stay in a relationship with them was destroying me, I didn’t doubt that this was a decision I needed to make for myself, but it also meant wrestling with impossible, shame-inducing questions about my duty as a daughter and a sister. Oftentimes this card will show up as a sign of travel, or taking physical distance in order to gain perspective. Another possibility of the Six of Swords is the achievement of mental harmony and experiencing delight at the fruits of our intellect.

  Reinforced by: The Hanged Man, Death, Ten of Wands, Eight of Cups

  Opposed by: The Chariot, The Lovers, Four of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles

  Seven of Swords—Why the Fuck You Lyin’?

  When the Seven of Swords is pulled in a reading, either you are being dishonest or someone is being dishonest with you. This card is a bummer. Not only are you lying, you know you’re lying and trying to make it look like you’re not. Dude, come on. Are you trying to protect yourself? Are you trying to avoid getting into trouble? It honestly doesn’t matter why. You’re being the worst, and when the truth comes out someone is going to get hurt. Speaking to deception, secrets and trickery—we are asked to examine our motivations here to determine if it is really worth continuing on this way. Why are we engaging in a behavior that we must hide? Rarely does a healthy, positive activity call for this kind of sneaking around. More often, antics like these are used by addicts and cheaters. Perhaps there is a reason to not share your goings-on with others, but this card asks us to make damn sure that the reasoning for concealing information is ethically sound. Sometimes this card can point to a person being dishonest with themselves, or withholding something for the sake of self-protection. Again, examining the necessity of this is called for here. If you’re in a situation where you don’t feel safe being honest, it may be the time to change your circumstances.

  Reinforced by: The Devil, The Moon, Three of Swords, Seven of Cups

  Opposed by: The Hierophant, The Sun, Six of Wands, Ace of Swords

  Eight of Swords—It Doesn’t Have to Be This Hard

  The Eight of Swords speaks to a fear-based paralysis that can translate to others as laziness. It is difficult to be around people in this energy because of their seeming refusal to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and help themselves. However, the perceived threats of moving forward seem very real in the Eight of Swords, often triggering feelings of helplessness and being stuck that predate the current situation. While this means that the perceived dangers aren’t real, it does little to heal the deep-seated victimization that this card brings to the surface. A damaged thought process brought us to this place, so it is safe to conclude that more thinking will not solve this predicament. Small steps, methodical action and setting short-term goals will, over time, reverse the self-imposed bondage of this card.

  Reinforced by: Two of Swords, Nine of Swords, Eight of Cups, Four of Pentacles

  Opposed by: The Magician, The Chariot, Eight of Wands, Seven of Pentacles

  Nine of Swords—I’m Literally Having a Panic Attack

  One of the most dark and bizarre cards of the tarot, the Nine of Swords has been interpreted with various levels of severity. While the sensation of this card is unpleasant, I don’t view it as the dark night of the soul it is sometimes described as. Tensions are high, anxiety is on fleek and stress levels are off the charts, but this card usually presents itself in readings as a sort of detox. The cause of this worry is coursing through, and eventually out, of our system, and we are better off without it, even if the process of clearing it is gross and gnarly. No one enjoys throwing up, but most people will agree that they are better off expelling whatever is making them sick. This card can manifest as insomnia or nightmares, insane thoughts or feelings of disquiet that are not necessarily tied to the present moment. Perhaps old toxins are resurfacing, possibly for the sake of being cleared. That does not diminish the intensity of the Nine of Swords, but it does help inform what is often a weird and painful experience. Let it run its course, because it will, and in the meantime consider seeking extra support and try to remember that your thoughts do not define you.

  Reinforced by: The Devil, The Moon, Eight of Swords, Ten of Swords

  Opposed by: The Hierophant, The Sun, Ace of Cups, Nine of Cups

  Ten of Swords—I’m Dead

  How can you be dead? You’re still breathing. Your brain is formulating the thought that you’re dead. Well, it’s settled, you’re not dead. Shit sucks, you’re at an all-time low, but you are unequivocally still alive. Now, where are we? Looking around, I’d say we’re at the bottom. You’ve failed to heed the warnings of the earlier Swords, instead charging ahead in your victimization, self-sabotage and dishonesty, and have eviscerated yourself in the process. You murdered yourself with your thoughts. Are you done yet? Maybe I sound harsh, but the good news about my unforgiving attitude toward this card is that things aren’t as bad as they seem. With the Swords, only you can turn things around, and maybe it didn’t seem bad enough to acknowledge the necessity of doing so until now. It can be humiliating to accept we’ve done this to ourselves, but to do so is the first step toward meaningful change. All the advice you didn’t take, help you didn’t ask for, support you didn’t seek out—get on that. This is the end of something, but it’s not the end of you. Cut your losses, learn from your mistakes and accept the bitter but crucial lesson of humility this card teaches us. There’s nowhere to go but up, my friend.

  Reinforced by: Death, Ten of Wands, Nine of Swords, Five of Pentacles

  Opposed by: The Chariot, The World, Three of Wands, Six of Pentacles


  water / summer / daytime / months

  The suit of Cups embodies emotions, love, healing, fulfillment and romance, and the journey of the suit encompasses the experiences of our emotional landscape. Spanning from the enjoyable—new romance, strong friendships, community, nostalgia—to the profound—birth, grief, loss and healing—to the challenging—trauma, selfishness, uncertainty and deceit. The Cups ask us to go inside and take stock; they are an invitation to know ourselves better and, consequentially, connect more authentically with others.

  Ace of Cups—What if I’m Actually Gorgeous?

  A sweet card of self-love and renewal, the Ace of Cups offers us some much-needed hydration after the draining and sometimes futile expedition of the Swords. A suit of nourishment, healing, love and spirituality—the Ace gives us the initial taste of the Cups’ qualities, and with it, hope. In this period of peace, we are urged to look inside and connect with our real needs. The Swords unearthed the wounded, undeveloped aspects of our psyche, and here we enact the self-care needed to heal. This is the appropriate time to bring in a healer or support system, or to consider training in a healing modality. The Ace of Cups is a calling to more deeply explore the nature of our emotional landscape and often shows up alongside spiritual experiences, birth and fertility and viewing ourselves in a more forgiving light. While the Ace of C
ups does not signify a romantic relationship, it establishes the foundation needed to cultivate healthy connections with others.

  Reinforced by: The Empress, The Hierophant, The Hermit, The Star

  Opposed by: The Wheel of Fortune, The Emperor, Five of Swords, Five of Cups

  Two of Cups—An Amazing Tinder Date

  The baby of The Lovers card, the Two of Cups shows a promising new connection, typically of the romantic variety. It can reflect a first date that went unbelievably well, or the giddiness that accompanies a new relationship where the other person hasn’t done anything to make you hate them yet. Dating can be a challenging and awkward endeavor, and while my clients come to me with all kinds of questions, they are at their most exposed when asking about romantic relationships. This card is reassurance. You are in a good situation. Both parties have something to offer each other that may be different in content but equal in value. What is more, they want to give to each other. No insecurity-inducing games, no excuses. Maybe it is too soon to tell if this is a soul mate, future life partner, person you will die with—but reaching for those answers comes from a place of fear, anyway. Right now, the answer is yes. This is right. It’s new and possesses the formalities and mysteries of a new relationship, but the joy of discovery and intimacy of the Two of Cups is not to be missed. It is falling in love. We live for this.

  Reinforced by: The Lovers, Two of Wands, Nine of Cups, Nine of Pentacles

  Opposed by: The Hermit, The Devil, Seven of Cups, Eight of Cups


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