Connor: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance

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Connor: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance Page 12

by Kathi S. Barton

  The band that had been hired was just starting to tune up when he pulled the love of his life into his arms. Now that the two of them were enjoying themselves, they were playing a melody that was so beautiful that he found himself charmed by it.

  “May I have this first dance?” They floated around the room. Just the two of them dancing like they’d done it for decades instead of only this first time. “You’re so beautiful, Roxanna. I can’t tell you how happy you’ve made me since coming into my life.”


  They were both laughing hard when someone pecked him on the shoulder. Turning to tell whoever it was to go away, he smiled at Richard. He’d been Roxanna’s friend for a long time before she’d come into Connor’s life.

  Dancing with Anna, she told him how proud she was of him. “I am too, as a matter of fact. I thought that my life was pretty good, to tell you the truth. I was only waiting, I think, for someone come along and shake up my life a bit. She showed me that my life was far from perfect—but it is now.”

  “Good for you. Did you hear that the others are on their way here?” Connor asked her who that would be. “Matthew and Cole. Cole is to arrive the day after tomorrow. I’m going to be so happy to have all my boys around me once again. I’d forgotten what this place is like when there is a party here. I’m going to talk Devon into having more of them now that you’ll all be here.”

  “Perhaps you can plan a wedding or two while you’re at it too.” She asked him who was getting married. “I have no idea, but I’m betting that no sooner will the other two get here then they’ll be falling in love too. That seems to be happening a great deal around here.”

  Anna laughed by throwing her head back with it. He loved this woman, more than he’d ever loved his own mother. And when her husband had been alive, it had been like he’d had the greatest family in the world. Especially now that Connie and her family were around to talk to as well.

  “Before I forget to tell you, Bryce has found some information about Roxanna’s grandmother. I only know a little of it, but she didn’t want to bring it up before the party. Annabella was the first Grand Witch. She retired when she’d had enough, something unheard of nowadays, when her granddaughter came to live with her. I’d say that Roxanna is a good deal more powerful than she’s figured out. Have you noticed anything different about her with the usage of magic?” He said that he had. Only just in the last several days. “I would say that’s about right. Her grandmother is not far away. I don’t know how Bryce is speaking to her yet, but I’m sure that she’ll tell you. Annabella is looking forward to talking to you both.”

  “She gave us some magic. I have been reading up on the books that she left for us to find. Apparently she kept notes on not just her magic, but who she used it on. She had been giving it to me for a very long time, before even Roxanna was born.” Anna asked if she’d known they were going to be together then. “I would say yes. Then when she died—I’m not sure if I know how she died or not—but after she was gone, a great deal of magic came to Roxanna in larger doses. I suppose so that Roxanna wouldn’t notice, or something like that.”

  “She’s going to be upset, isn’t she?” Connor told Anna that he really didn’t know. Roxanna might have an idea that something was going on. “I should hope so. Just so she doesn’t have a hissy fit. I’m thinking that is going to be a very mild term for what she’ll do when she figures out all that Bryce has been able to unearth.”

  “Was she a good witch?” Anna told him that she thought that she was a great deal like Bryce. “I’m glad. I’d hate for Roxanna to figure out that her wonderful grandmother was a sham. She thinks very highly of her. What I don’t understand, and hopefully we’ll figure it out, is why Roxanna didn’t figure out that her grandmother was giving her magic all along. Don’t you think she would have been able to feel that?”

  “Probably, but she might not have wanted to think about it. Because she’d lost her grandmother.” Connor nodded. He could see that happening. “There is the end of our dance, young man. I cannot wait for you two to have children. They’ll be wonderful dragons.”

  When she walked away, Connor stood there for several seconds. He was sure that she was kidding him. He didn’t believe for a moment that she’d forgotten that Roxanna wasn’t a dragon. As he danced with his sister, he thought about what they’d talked about earlier. How he was going to find Roxanna in the bed naked.

  “Are you listening to me?” Connor smiled at his sister. “I didn’t think so. You’re besotted, have you noticed that? I’ve never seen you so—I don’t know; weird acting before.”

  “That’s what love does to you, I guess.” He kissed his sister on the cheek. “And I do love Roxanna with all that I am. And will for the rest of my days.”

  Dancing with his sister, then the other women in his life, Connor heard bits and pieces about the museum that Roxanna was working on, Spencer’s job as a teacher, and a plethora of things before he found Roxanna having some of the food. He thought he’d better eat as well. Connor was going to need his energy for later.

  Digging into the beef that had been sliced, as well as the ham that was just as tender as he liked, he nibbled on Roxanna too. She tasted so much better than any of the treats that he had on his plate. As much as he wanted to put his plate down and ravage his mate, he knew that he’d never live it down, taking his bride away from the party that had been planned mostly for her.

  “Tonight you’re going to be so exhausted.” Roxanna looked up at him and grinned. “What do you have in mind for my body, my dear wife?”

  “Something that is going to rock your ever loving mind.”

  With that, she left him standing there. Connor was going to let her, too—let her rock him in any way that she wished. He might just last the first ten minutes of getting naked if she allowed him too. Roxanna was laughing when he caught up with her again. Christ, he really did love this woman.

  Chapter 10

  Roxanna loved when Connor touched her. It didn’t have to be sexual, but he would make it sensual when he did it. Like his hands were electrified, and it sent waves of it over her body, loosening up her muscles until she thought that she could be putty from it.

  As he moved his hands over her, he also removed her clothing. Being able to dress and undress quickly had its advantages. So did not having to be undressed quickly. Especially when Connor was so very thorough about it, as if it was his job. Which, she was glad he enjoyed as much as she did.

  “You have the most amazing skin. It’s as if you’ve been bathing in cream, my cream, all your life.” Moaning, she felt him lift her hair up from her shoulders and kiss her there. “The way you smell, it reminds me of a field full of lavender that had come into its first bloom.”

  “You talk too much.” His laugher was warm, silky warm, like he drank honey before speaking. “Connor, I love you so much.”

  “And I do you, my sweet wife.”

  The kissing at the nape of her neck had her moaning again. When he started to make his way down her spine, Roxanna had to hold onto the wall in front of her. Digging her nails into the hard wood to make sure that she didn’t fall on him, she begged him to take her.

  “No. I told you before, this is going to be my fun. You just let me have my fun, and perhaps next time you’ll be able to play how you want.”

  He took his time, making her hurt with the need to come. Connor kissed her thighs, the backs of her knees, as well as her ankles. All the while he dug his fingers into her muscles. When he picked up her foot, she moaned again when her toes were massaged, along with her foot.

  “You are going to come so hard.” She said that she was ready for that now. “You’re so impatient. Why don’t you let me have my fun?”

  “Because your fun is making me so wet that I don’t know if I can breathe properly. You just wait, Connor. I’m going to make you suffer so bad—” Roxanna screamed
out her release when he slid his fingers up her thigh and into her. As soon as his finger moved, just the slightest bit, she screamed again, begging him to stop, then telling him that she needed so much more. “Connor, you’re killing me. I need you to make up your mind what you’re going to do. Make me come, or kill me straight up.”

  “Make love to you.” She was so relieved that she let out her breath that she’d not realized that she had been holding. “But in my own way.”

  Something inside of him must have snapped or turned on. As soon as he finished speaking, he started to move up her body again, his mouth making her insane again, his hand making her feel loved and pampered.

  His cock brushed against her ass, then against her thigh. Every time he moved, she felt like he was only seconds away from taking her. But with each touch she became more frustrated and began to sob. Connor pressed her into the wall, his body nearly crushing hers with his, until his hands moved down her waist to hold her at her hips.

  Her ass was spread and she had a moment of panic. Just as she was ready to tell him no, not to take her that way, he slid his cock into her pussy from behind. This time she felt the release all the way to her toes and back.

  Standing there panting, she realized that he was as well. His breath was hot. It slid over her neck like a warmed comforter. Then he began to move.

  “You are in heat. I never had any idea that I’d be able to tell since you cannot carry my child.” The more he spoke, the harsher his voice became, like he’d run a marathon for hundreds of miles and hadn’t been able to catch his breath. “Love, all I can think to do to you right now is fill you with my seed. Come into your womb so hard and so deeply that you’ll conceive.”

  “Please, I need that too. It’s like I’m on fire to receive you.”

  Roxanna was turned around when he pulled free from her sheath. As soon as she was facing Connor, he lifted her up by her ass and entered her again.

  This time it was different as he took her. It was just like he said; he needed to give her his all so that she could carry his child. Wrapping her ankles around his hips, crossing them behind him so that she’d not fall when she finally came, he took her mouth so brutally that she tasted a bit of blood. Roxanna didn’t know if it was his or hers. The taste of it, the coppery taste of the blood, was sweet as it rolled over her tongue. She could almost feel it filling her cells, her lungs, and every part of her body that belonged to him.

  While he pounded her hard, she held onto him. Roxanna wanted to help him, to join him in his taking of her, but all she could do was cling to him, hold onto his shoulders tightly. When Connor told her that he was ready, that he was coming, Roxanna watched his face to see the exact moment that he released.

  It was a sight to behold, the way his face muscles tightened so tightly that she could see his blood pounding through his veins. Looking into his eyes, she saw his dragon. He too looked as if he was releasing.

  His wings were spread out behind him. A roar of fire seemed to surround them both, her and the dragon. When his tail came around his body, it was spiked with long barbs. His chest was as thick as anything she’d ever thought of for a dragon.

  Then suddenly, Roxanna came too. The roar coming from inside of her seemed to take her under for a moment. The flame of something heated her from her core to her outer layer of skin. There was no breath in her body for her to scream. Her heart stopped, her lungs, already emptied by that time, seemed to strangle her for air. And just when she thought that she couldn’t handle much more, her release rolled through her body like a tsunami hitting land and taking her with it.

  When she woke she was on the bed, her body limp. Not even able to lift her arms to see if she was alone in the bed, she tried to see if Connor had survived. Opening one eye, she nearly cried out when the pain touched off. Lying there, she heard Connor laugh.

  Mustering up the ability to speak, she turned just a little bit and glared at him. “You incapacitated me. I hope you’re happy.” Not only did he smile, but he nodded too. “You bastard, do you have any idea how sore I’m going to be tomorrow?”

  “I do. If it makes you feel any better, I’m in no better shape than you are. I’m hiding it better, that’s all.” He flopped his arm over her waist and moaned. “I think we might have broken each other. I mean, it was fucking fantastic, but I hurt. Even my cock feels like it’s been abused.”

  Roxanna laughed with him this time. It was funny, really. Neither of them human, yet they were acting like not only were they that, but that they were hundreds of years old. Turning to look at him, she could see that he really was in pain. Kissing him on the nose, he begged her not to get him hard again.

  “Just by a kiss?” He nodded; the look on his face was comical. “Poor baby. I honestly don’t think that I could take you again right now. I bet tomorrow we’re neither one going to be able to move well.”

  As they continued to lie there, she could feel her strength coming back. Her body was so sore, even breathing seemed to hurt like she’d broken a couple of ribs. However, she knew that if he wanted, she’d want him again like that. It was the most spectacular climax that she’d ever had.

  “What do you suppose you being in heat was all about?” She asked him what he meant. “You smelled like a dragon in heat. Not only that, but it was like if I didn’t come in you right then, I’d lose the opportunity to have a child with you ever again.”

  “I honestly don’t have an answer for that. I mean, I’m not crampy or anything like I’m about to have my period.” She thought about it for a minute. “I don’t think I’ve actually had a period since I met you. Do you have any idea why not?”

  “No. Nothing comes to mind. And I would think with a sister that lived with me for decades, I’d know the smell of a dragon that’s in heat.” Roxanna asked him if he felt her being fertile. “Nothing like that. I would just know that she was ready to conceive. Since she didn’t have a mate then, it would only last for about a day, then it would be gone. But with you, I can still smell it on you.”

  “I don’t know that much about dragon conception. I will tell you, though, that while you were coming, I could see your dragon roaring out a flame.” Connor sat up then, and asked her what she’d seen. It was like he was afraid or something. “He was standing on his hind legs, his tail sort of dispersing the flames as they roared. It did actually roar them out of him. I was sure that when you came, he did too. Like he was filling me just as much as you were with your seed. Also, his body wasn’t like you are when you go flying. It was stronger looking.”

  “That would be my warrior armor. He was protecting you.” She asked him from what. “I have no idea, but I would guess the child that you’re not going to be able to carry.”

  She rolled to her side. The thought of not carrying his baby was painful to her. Connor rolled her back so that he could see her face. His fingers tenderly traced the tears from her eyes. Connor told her how sorry he was.

  “I’m sorry too. I only think about not being able to carry your child once in a while, but it still hurts me. I would really like to be able to hold him. Share him with you.” Connor kissed her on the mouth. Then he spooned in behind her. “I love you, Connor.”

  “I love you too, Roxanna. How about we find out about where we can kidnap a child and make it ours? That way we don’t have to worry about all the paperwork that comes with it.” She pinched him on his nipple. “Ouch, that hurt. How will we be able to nurse our child together if you hurt my feeding machine?”

  Laughing, she let him hold her. He was trying to make her feel better, and she couldn’t have loved him more for it. Snuggling into him, she sighed when Connor threw the blanket over them both. Closing her eyes, she let exhaustion take her under.

  The dream took her to her grandma’s home. She knew it like she knew the back of her hand, so there was no doubt of where she was. The small changes to the house—the new coffee pot, the ice maker o
n the fridge—didn’t faze her when she saw her grandmother sitting at her table snapping green beans for what she knew was going to be dinner.

  “I wondered when you’d come to see me again. What a difference you’re making in the otherworld, my child.” Roxanna sat down when Grandma asked her too. “I’m betting that you have a great many questions. I have a few myself, but those can wait for another time.”

  “Will there be another time?” Grandma said that so long as she was happy, then they could visit as much as she wanted. But not just yet. Things were progressing so that they could. “Are you saying that I can visit you now, but only in my dreams? Or is this your dream?”

  “Yours. You’ve found Connor. I’m so very happy for you. He’s a very good boy. But I’m sure you’ve figured that out on your own.” Roxanna told her that she loved him. “Well of course you do. I hand picked him for you before you were ever born. You’ll also need to know that I’m much older than you thought. I’m a few hundred years older than Connor, too.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Grandma said it was safer for her that she hadn’t. “Why? Does someone want me dead?”

  “Not you, no. But me. As I said, I’m older and have a great deal of power. When I retired from being the Grand Witch, I was also given, as a gift, a great deal more than I had as the witch. I’m also an immortal.” Roxanna said that it wasn’t possible. That she’d seen her die. “You did. That too was the plan. I cannot have you looking for me either, Roxanna. If you do, then the plan for us to get together again will be lost.”

  “I don’t understand. What plan?” Grandma explained. “Why would anyone want to kill you more since you retired from the job of Grand Witch? You aren’t that any longer. I want you to come back to me. I want you to stay with me too.”


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