Slamming Demon: A Pounding Hearts Novel

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Slamming Demon: A Pounding Hearts Novel Page 4

by Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

  Nestling my cock between her thighs, I would stroke forward and back as I rubbed my thick head against her wet pussy lips. It would only take the briefest of pushes before I slid deep inside her soaking wet pussy. Thrusting slowly, I would build up my pace until…

  Fuck, I grunted out as my cock erupted, spewing all the seed from my balls as I spurted over and over at the tile. My body shook roughly before starting to relax from the tension that built up.

  “Fuck me, I needed that.”

  * * *

  I went through my wardrobe and settled on a pair of good looking jeans with just a few pre-made holes in them, and then pulled a t-shirt from the closet. It was a lot tighter than I normally wore to school, but that night I wanted Mandy to see how I really looked. That night, I wanted her as desirous of me as I was of her.

  I drove to her house with my music blasting Goodbye Agony by Black Veil Brides, singing along the entire time. Fuck, I was still wound up though. I could feel my cock just a bit thicker than flaccid, like it was just waiting to spring to full hardness for the woman of its desire.

  I knocked on her front door and then had a minor heart attack when she opened it. Holy fuck. I was barely able to keep myself from going fully erect as I stared at the beauty in front of me. She was a pure vision of beauty and sex.

  Her long blonde hair was parted to the side of her head and it was brushed down, past her shoulders. She had on a silky little tank top and a short little jean skirt that was showing off her sexy toned legs. Her breasts pushed hard at the shirt as if they were trying to escape, and I hoped she was really and truly trying to show off her body for me. Fuck, I was prepared to beat the other guys off with my fists.

  Chapter Five


  What had started out as an innocent ruse quickly transformed into a real bona fide date. What the hell just happened?

  Part of me still thought I had somehow imagined it as I tore through my closet trying to find something to wear. Quiet, reserved Brett had not only made sure to inform me that the date was very much real, but he looked so damn serious as he also told me he fully intended on kissing me afterwards.

  Who does he think is? One part of my brain demanded. He thinks he can just boss me around? I should just tell him to fuck off.

  But the other part of me, the part I keep buried down deep, was excited. Oh my god, he told me… he told me as if it was a fact that I couldn’t argue. And I liked it. I liked that he did it. There was just something about it that was sexy as hell. And I think if any other guy tried to do that to me, I would have kicked him in the nuts to make him regret it.

  But Brett, I sighed dreamily while holding a skirt and blouse up to my body as I checked my reflection in my mirror. I wouldn’t hurt his nuts. Ha.

  After settling on a silky purple tank top and a short blue jean skirt, I swiped some mascara on my lashes and glazed my lips with a bright pink gloss. My phone dinged and buzzed, and I snatched it off my bed. It was another text from Grace.

  Grace: So I heard from Tiffany who heard from Jake that Eric has something special planned for you tonight.

  Me: OMG Shut up

  Grace: rofl tonight is going to be FUN

  Fun was followed by a long line of emojis that were laughing so hard they were crying

  Me: I’m not going now!

  Grace: No! You promised bitch.

  I sighed loudly, and considered ditching the party and asking Brett to hang out somewhere else. But I did promise Grace. But crap, it was Eric’s party and if he had something planned for me he was going to be pissed when I showed up with another guy.

  Me: Then you need to get the word out that I’m showing up with someone!

  Grace: I’ll pass it along. But you better show up! Or I’ll tell everyone about Mr. Fuzz

  Me: You wouldn’t!

  Grace had been threatening me with that since eighth grade. She would never blast my secrets, and I would have never blasted hers. But every once in a while you just had to put your best friend in their place and remind her that you know all of her dirty little secrets and you’ve done her right by keeping them that: secrets buried in your heart.

  Grace: See ya there =D

  Me: Later bitch

  One more glance in the mirror then I checked the time on my phone. It was eight-thirty. I already told my parents I was going out that night, and they were totally cool. My parents fully encouraged me to enjoy my high school experience, they certainly enjoyed theirs. My mom and dad were high school sweethearts, homecoming queen and king. My mother was the head cheerleader and my father was the star quarterback. Their story was straight out of some teen bop fairy tale.

  The way my parents talked about their high school days it always sounded as if those were the best days of their lives. There was no college because I was a surprise, as my father liked to call it, while my mother let slip that I was an accident. My mother discovered she was pregnant with me right before graduation so she and my father did the right thing, they got married and settled down. My father didn’t need college, thankfully, my grandfather owned the local hardware store which he passed down to my father and would someday pass down to me. But my mom… she always seemed kind of bitter when she talked about not getting a chance to pursue a modeling career in New York. She fully supported, and sometimes it even felt like she demanded, that I chase my dream and move to California.

  “Amanda,” my mom’s cool voice called out to me as I tried to silently sneak down the front stairs and out the front door.

  While my parents were cool with me going out and having fun, my mom could sometimes be a pill about how I looked.

  Groaning, I thumped down the last of the stairs. She must have been hanging out around the corner, waiting for me to come down.

  “Yes, mom?” I asked and dropped my sandals to the floor, slipping them on.

  “You’re going out dressed like that?” she asked, pursing her lips as she looked me up and down.

  I looked down at myself. Yeah, it was a little casual but it was a house party not the fucking prom.

  “Yes?” I said hesitantly, annoyed that she was criticizing my choice but not wishing to start a fight by giving her attitude. I even bit my tongue, knowing better than to ask what she thought was wrong with it.

  My mom just sighed and rolled her blue eyes while she approached me. She, of course, was dressed to the nines in her designer blue sheath dress and nude three inch pumps. The hottest blonde housewife on the block.

  “If you want to be a star,” she said, her red lips curling with a hint of contempt. “Then you must dress the part.”

  I held my breath, resisting the urge to take a step back as she stepped up close, invading my personal bubble. She looked down her nose at me, and no matter how many times she did that to me I knew I would never get used to it. She humphed then decided to adjust the straps of my tank top until it slipped low enough to show off more of my cleavage than I was comfortable with.

  “Where are those silver Choos I bought for you?” she asked, taking a step back and glaring pointedly down at my sandals.

  I shrugged my shoulders as if I didn’t know, but truth was I knew exactly where they were. They were buried in the back of my closet where they belonged. There was no way I was spending all night at the party trying to walk around in a pair of ankle breaking pumps. I just couldn’t suffer for fashion like her, especially when I just wanted to have fun.

  Her eyes narrowed, and I knew I was about to get an earful but I was saved by the doorbell.

  Thank fuck, Brett was there to pick me up.

  “That’s my date!” I smiled at her and couldn’t spin around fast enough.

  “Did you take your pill?” my mom asked from behind me just as my hand grabbed the handle of the door.

  No, I didn’t take the stupid pill. I didn’t need birth control pills because I was a virgin who wasn’t screwing anyone, and they made me breakout. But my mother insisted that I have them. God forbid I followed in her footsteps
and popped out a baby while I was still young. I honestly believed she didn’t know how hurtful she was when she talked about me like that. I don’t think it ever crossed her mind that her mistake and I were one and the same thing.

  “Yes, mom,” I lied to her and pulled open the door.

  As Brett came into view, standing on the front step, her entire posture changed. Her ruby lips stretched into a smile and her voice was almost bubbly as she told us to, “Have fun.”

  I slammed the door shut behind me, I couldn’t get away from her fast enough.

  * * *

  Wow. Brett looked… wow. His hair was still a little too long and looked even a little more wild than usual. Did he drive over here with the window down? But his clothes, damn, I knew there was a body hiding under his clothes. He was fucking hot!

  We both kind of stood there, checking each other out. Then my phone dinged and buzzed, bringing me back to reality. I could feel my cheeks burning as I quickly peeked at it. It was just another text from Grace.

  Brett cleared his throat and then asked, “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yeah,” I smiled at him and let him lead me over to his car, a Volvo that must have been his mom’s. He was a perfect gentleman, opening the door for me and everything. He didn’t even put the car into drive until I had my seat belt on. The entire drive over to Eric’s house my heart skipped erratically behind my ribs. Brett was his usual strong, silent self and fuck if I knew what to talk about with him.

  My palms felt kind of sweaty so I tried to inconspicuously rub them down my jean skirt. I caught Brett peeking at my thighs and my heart rate immediately sped up. Then I remembered that my mom had yanked my top down and my breasts were practically spilling out. I wanted to yank it up but couldn’t figure out how to do it without looking weird. And I definitely didn’t want Brett to think I was weird. Though lord knows I’d already given him enough reason already to think such.

  I wanted him to like me, the real me. I don’t know why, but I really did.

  There was just something about him drawing me in. He wasn’t playing games with me. He wasn’t giving me shitty pickup lines or trying to impress me with how much he could lift. He was just being himself, and I very much wanted the luxury of being myself with him. I couldn’t remember ever being so nervous on a date before. And it didn’t even start out as a real date, but somehow it was now more real than any of the other dates I had ever been on.

  My phone was going crazy when we finally pulled up to Eric’s street and Brett tried to find a parking spot. The place had to be packed, cars lined the street, and some were parked in the grass. We finally found a spot two streets away.

  I fired off a quick text to Grace letting her know I was there. I could hear her squeal before we even reached Eric’s block. You’d think we didn’t just see each other in school the way she ran out of the house when we walked up the front lawn and threw her arms around me.

  “Finally, bitch!” she squealed and I couldn’t help but giggle over her enthusiasm. Then she whispered in my ear, eyeing Brett over my shoulder. “Oh my god.”

  Pulling away, she gave me wide brown eyes with a grin pulling at her lips. She was impressed, and maybe even a little bit jealous. Then a guy I didn’t recognize sauntered up and threw his arm around her shoulder.

  I lifted my brows at her, holding back my own grin.

  “Hey, babe,” the guy said and then looked over to me and Brett with polite curiosity. The guy had slicked back blonde hair and everything he wore, and most especially the way he stood, just screamed football player to me.

  Oh my god, I almost forgot Brett was standing beside me and I didn’t even introduce him.

  “Brett,” I scooted closer to him. “This ugly bitch here is Grace.”

  “Bitch!” Grace squealed and slapped me on the arm. “Who you calling ugly?”

  It was a long-standing stupid joke between us. We both knew we were pretty, though I still believe Grace is the prettier one. Her blonde hair was gorgeous, and I was always jealous of her natural waves, though she often complained managing the frizz was a pain. I had an inch on her but she was curvier in that voluptuous way that guys like. She had ass and tits in a perfect hourglass I could never compete with.

  Grace’s guy and Brett shared a look. It was one of those looks like girls, man.

  Suddenly Brett threw his arm around my shoulder and my stomach filled with butterflies as he pulled me closer. He was being possessive, showing his claim on me. Grace giggled at me and once more my cheeks were flushing with heat. Would I ever stop blushing around the guy? I swear I never blushed that much before.

  “Hi Grace,” Brett smiled at her and my heart melted a little more.

  “I’m Carson,” Grace’s guy nodded at Brett because rude ass Grace didn’t introduce him. Brett nodded back at him.

  “Hi Carson,” I smiled and gave Grace a look.

  “Let’s do some shots!” Grace cried out, and the four of us headed for the house.

  The place was packed, we had to squeeze through the crowd by jabbing out our elbows. Grace was determined though, she used Carson to clear the way to the booze in the kitchen.

  “Where’s Eric?” I leaned close and whispered into her ear.

  She shrugged her shoulders. I was afraid he’d be in the kitchen when we walked in and start some shit. It was his house and normally I wouldn’t be so rude to show up to his party after knowing he was planning to do something with me. But I had to keep my promise to Grace, even if it made the situation extremely awkward. Thankfully, Eric was nowhere to be seen when we walked into the kitchen, and Grace snatched up a tray of jello shots.

  “Ugh,” I groaned, eyeing the little paper cups that had Dora the Explorer printed on them. I hated jello shots. They were always super concentrated with booze and came with a gag inducing sugary aftertaste. And you could never tell just how much liquor was in them until you downed a couple and couldn’t walk.

  Grace shoved a cup in my hand and told me, “Don’t be a bitch, bitch. Bottoms up.”

  She tipped back her head and threw back her shot. I wrinkled my nose with distaste and then threw mine back. The sugar melted on my tongue and I couldn’t taste a drop of liquor, but a couple of minutes later I was definitely buzzed.

  Brett and Carson were conversing, talking about kickboxing or something. I giggled as my veins filled with happy warmth and Grace passed out more jello shots.

  Two shots later and the music was booming. Grace dragged me up onto a table and we kicked off all the cups and junk before we danced our pretty little asses off. Everything swirled around me in bright lights and flashing colors. We were having the time of our lives.

  I was drunk as fuck.

  I don’t remember much of what happened after that. The next thing I can recall after dancing was Brett helping me down off the table. Grace latched onto my arm and needed me to help her to the bathroom. I think Brett was escorting us because I remember vaguely feeling safe with him before my memory craps out.

  My memory doesn’t start functioning again until I was coming out of the bathroom before Grace, only to have Eric grabbing onto my arm.

  “Mandy,” his face appeared in my face. “I was hoping you’d come.”


  “Jello shots?” I asked Carson, and he just shrugged his shoulders. He wasn’t interested in them either.

  I had heard of the evils when it came to jello shots. My parents, who liked to ensure me they were not as old as I would like to think they were, warned me about drinking them. Something about how they may taste good at the time but when they came back up it was a completely different story.

  Good thing I was driving, one of us needed to be the sober one.

  Watching Mandy move her hips in that hypnotic sway as she danced on the table, her arms up in the air above her head, was purely sexual. Like a shot of sexually charged rays of hormones aimed directly at my cock. Her hefty breasts were lifted up and a wide band of her tan tummy was undulating, showing of
f her pierced belly button. I had never wanted to kiss a rhinestone so badly in my life as I did right then, staring at that little glittering stone. When she spun around and swished her hips, shaking her cute butt at me, I could feel the blood rushing down from the big head to the small head.

  Fuck. Me.

  I looked around me and noticed I wasn’t the only guy watching girls dancing. I could see more girls dancing around the room. Some were up, on the coffee tables in the living room with guys dancing around them, hooting and hollering. I knew someone was going to get knocked up that night if the booze had anything to say about it.

  Looking around for Carson, I didn’t see him in my immediate area so I stood a little closer to the girls. It wouldn’t take much for a guy to start getting crotch shots of either of them as high up as they were. Grace stumbled just a little, but when she looked down to the ground I could see her eyes cross.

  Yep, it was time to come down.

  Grace reached down for a helping hand from me and tugged on Mandy’s hand to get her to follow. They must have been dancing for three or four songs, and it looked like Mandy was done as well. I reached up and helped Grace to a chair, then did the same for Mandy. They both looked a little more than buzzed, giggling and squirming, unable to sit still.

  Grace latched onto Mandy’s arm suddenly and stood while I waited for Carson to return. Loudly she announced, “I gotta pee, bitch,” and tugged Mandy with her towards a packed hallway.


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