Slamming Demon: A Pounding Hearts Novel

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Slamming Demon: A Pounding Hearts Novel Page 6

by Izzy Sweet, Sean Moriarty

  Saturday morning saw me up and early with the sudden realization that I didn’t have Mandy’s cell number or home telephone.

  Fuck and shit. How was I supposed to talk to her and see if she was okay?

  I knew I could go over to her house but that felt like an invasion of privacy, especially if she was catching hell for returning home as smashed as she did. The only reason I even knew where she lived was because the tutoring department at school had handed me a slip with her address on it. I had signed up to tutor World History and Chemistry. I wasn’t too sure either had much call for it but it gave me a little extra cash to go towards my gym membership.

  Ugh, gym that day. I needed to get moving if I wanted to make my Brazilian Jujitsu class. I went to that class two times a week, and a strengthening class two times a week, in addition to kickboxing once every two weeks. I repeated that all month, from November to December, no breaks.

  It was becoming a kind of addiction for me to go and see how far I had progressed, especially in the BJJ class. The instructor had been riding me the last couple of months to push harder and act more aggressive. He seemed to think I could do well if I was to try my hand at MMA, which was a kind of pipe dream at that point.

  That morning was brutal; I had switched from an intermediate class to advanced. Chase was leading the class and even back then he was one big hulking fuck of a man. The guy was already fighting towards the heavyweight class championship, and he was there to show us how to do things to people I had never even thought of much less witnessed. He was only an assistant at the time though to Mr. Faddo. And dear god, Mr. Faddo was probably three-fourths the size of Chase but he put Chase down, often.

  Heh, it was kinda cool to see Chase swear and groan.

  That day though, I was the new guy and they all just had to break me in by showing me how easy it was to fling me around the gym. When I wasn’t getting tossed on my ass, they were locking me up in holds that almost snapped me in half.

  It was fucking nuts and crazy there. A few of the guys in that class were sporting injuries of one kind or another and still training as much as possible. And the amount of cauliflower ears was just fucking disgusting.

  But fuck me if it wasn’t addicting.

  I love the intricacy of BJJ. It’s all about leverage and the ground game. It can look really slow at times, but even then fighters are constantly trying to maneuver their opponent into a position they can take advantage of.

  * * *

  Ah, Sunday, it was my day of rest and rest I did. I put the problem with Mandy out of my mind during training day but it kept creeping back to the forefront. I seriously wished I would have remembered to ask her for her phone number, but I completely forgot about doing it like a fucking idiot. That and I didn’t get my kiss. I promised her I was going to kiss her goodnight. Fuck.

  I jerked off three times since that night, and it wasn’t enough. Hell, at the rate I was going I was going to literally beat my dick off.

  Thankfully my parents respected that the locked door meant I needed alone/private time. They may have thought their son was a pervert because of all the time I spent sequestered in my room with rosy palm and her five friends, but I couldn’t fucking help it. I kept getting hard just thinking about her hips swaying while she danced on that table. I was also remembering how soft and pink her lips looked and imagining how nice it would feel to kiss her with all the passion I possessed. Damn, what if those lips were on my cock, sliding up and down. Would she swirl her tongue around my head…

  Ah, shit. I shook my head and started pushing the lawn mower again. If anyone saw me at that moment it would have made one hell of a scene. I was shirtless and wearing a pair of basketball shorts while pushing a lawnmower. I was sweating my fucking ass off, all the while a semi-boner was tenting in my shorts. I really was a pervert. Fuck. I adjusted my cock and kept pushing. I was so taking a cold shower, needed or not.

  Chapter Seven


  I was so fucking nervous about Monday, I didn’t sleep too well the night before. I had to stroke myself to two explosive orgasms before I was finally able to shut off my teenage hormones and pass out.

  Wearing my old clothes didn’t feel like an option after hearing how sexy and handsome I was at the party. Mandy didn’t come right out and say it was the clothes but I wasn’t going to take any chances.

  Getting out of my car was interesting. A few of the people around me stopped to take a look, like they didn’t know who the fuck I was, and a few of the girls giggled and smiled brightly at me as I passed them. I was pretty sure I felt their eyes on my ass.

  As soon as I walked into the school and stopped next to my locker, I saw Mandy walking towards me with Grace by her side. I turned and smiled at her, watching her as she still didn’t notice me. She was talking to Grace and looking pretty as always. Much like a long haired Tinker Bell…

  And my Tinker Bell stopped dead in her tracks when she spotted me. Eyes widening, she turned a deep dark crimson red before spinning abruptly around and heading in the opposite direction.

  At first I wasn’t sure what to do but Grace was motioning for me to go get Mandy so I did.

  I grinned and jogged quickly up behind her. Hands under arms, I lifted her up and pulled her back into my chest. Startled by the abrupt stop, she squeaked loudly. I twisted her around and slid my arms around her.

  Holding her, I reminded her, “I never got my kiss.”

  Leaning down, I lowered my lips to that soft delicate pink mouth I had fantasized about ravaging and pressed very gently against it. Mandy didn’t move for a full moment, her body tense and stiff against me, and then all of a sudden she all but collapsed in my arms and softly moaned.

  A loud clearing of a throat put a stop to us staying like that all day and maybe into eternity.

  “Brett, Mandy, please limit your PDA to after school hours,” Mrs. Smith chastised us before walking past.

  Pulling back, I could see Mandy was still deeply red in the face but her smile was absolutely beautiful.

  “Hi,” I said quietly. She was so beautiful, and I was fucking amazed she thought I was handsome. Granted the booze may have been talking for her, but I was liking the thought she meant it.

  “Hiya,” she said back and then pushed her head against my chest, hugging me tightly. “Thank you for taking care of me Friday.”

  “I didn’t mind at all, well except for you know the whole missing out on our first kiss. I mean we are already sleeping together, ya know?”

  Pulling back from me slowly, her eyes went as wide as possible. “We… I mean… Did… Oh shit… But I still had my panties on? Fuck. Oh shit. Wha? When?”

  I grinned and could barely hold back my laugh. “Well, I wasn’t invited to it either but you did tell Eric, and I quote you directly here, that I fucked you so damn hard you have sworn off all other men.”

  “I really said that?”

  “Yep. I guess I must have accidently missed us having sex. I mean I didn’t even get to ask you to be my girlfriend yet.”



  “You want me to be your girlfriend? Even after Friday? I was scared I had freaked you out.”

  “Nah, that was a completely normal Friday for me. I mean I always, and I do mean always, have girls swearing off all other men but me.”

  “Oh, you! Did you really mean it though?”

  “Which part?”

  “The one about you asking me to be your girlfriend?”

  “Well yes, I really did mean it. After a kiss like that, I am pretty dead certain I want to ask you that.”

  “Well, aren’t you going to?”

  “At lunch.”


  “I’m planning on asking you at lunch.” I smiled and kissed the top of her head. She was so damn beautiful when she was frustrated and confused.

  “You aren’t going to ask me right now?”

  “Well no, what if you like onions? I mean, seriously, I
have to see what you like to eat before I can make such a serious decision.”

  I kissed her head again and turned her around. Lightly pushing her shoulders, I sent her off walking towards Grace.

  She stopped and turned around to ask, “Do we even have the same lunch together?”

  I nodded and turned around. I heard a frustrated humph before I headed off to first bell.

  Yeah, she wanted me. I smirked and found myself grinning the whole first half of my day. Fuck, even third period German seemed fun after that.


  “Brett and Mandy sitting in a tree…” Grace started with me and I gave her a little shove. What were we? Five-year-olds?

  “Don’t even start, bitch!” I grumbled and flipped my hair over my shoulder as we walked to class.

  Grace snickered and looked back. “His ass ain’t half bad. Now that’s he’s not wearing clothes that are two sizes too big.”

  My face felt hot. Was it jealousy? I glanced back and caught a glimpse of Brett’s ass before he disappeared around the corner. Yeah, wasn’t bad. Not bad at all...

  Had that guy seriously been sitting behind me all that time?

  * * *

  I squirmed in my desk throughout my following two periods. I just could not focus. All I could think about was Brett asking me out. And if I wasn’t thinking about him asking me out, I was touching my lips, remembering our kiss.

  What a kiss, all two seconds of it. It felt like sparks as his lips met my lips, then I was burning. My muscles were melting; my insides were bubbling. If he wasn’t holding me up, I would have liquefied into a puddle right then and there.

  And when he teased me about us having sex… I wasn’t alarmed that we did it. I was more alarmed that I didn’t remember it!

  Boy crazy. I was going completely boy crazy for Brett. I hadn’t felt something like it since sixth grade when James Johnson gave me roses for Valentine’s Day. A week later he gave Grace roses and that was that. But Brett, he was always on my mind and I still couldn’t decide if it was good or bad. He was a nice guy, no doubt, and he was hot as fuck, but it felt just more than a little alarming that he was affecting me like he was.

  By the time lunch rolled around my stomach was so twisted into knots, just the smell of the food in the cafeteria made me want to puke. A week ago I didn’t know who the hell Brett was. Now I was all freaked out, hoping he’d ask me out! What the fuck?

  I found Grace at our usual table and I plopped down on the bench beside her. She was unpacking her lunch but I didn’t even bother with mine. Instead, my eyes were scanning the room. Where was he?

  “Hey Beautiful,” I heard then a strong arm wrapped around my shoulders. Butterflies immediately fluttered inside my stomach.

  “Hey,” I said softly, turning to face Brett.

  He grinned and the butterflies took flight. I couldn’t breathe, it couldn’t be good for me.

  “So?” he said, leaning towards me to exhale into my ear. “Want to be my girlfriend?”

  I shivered as his warm breath washed over me. My body was screaming out, yes! Fuck yes. But my ego demanded that I didn’t come off as so desperate.

  So I did my best to shrug as if I didn’t care one way or the other and asked, “Depends? What’s in it for me?”

  Brett’s brows lifted as if I just challenged him. Then that cocky grin of his slowly formed on his lips.

  “How about this?” he said, and I was confused for a split second. But then he pulled me closer and pressed a kiss against my lips.

  Vaguely I was aware of Grace snickering but I didn’t care. All I could focus on, all I could feel was Brett’s lips pressing against my lips and the sparks followed by a rush of heat. I turned into him as his lips seemed to drink from my lips. He pulled me closer and I threw my arms around his neck.

  I don’t know how long we kissed like that. Exploring each other’s lips. Pressing and pulling. Tasting then deepening. On the border of really going at it as I started to open my mouth for him, almost getting some tongue.

  Then some jackass yelled, “Get a room!” And I jerked away.

  Brett chuckled and his arms squeezed me affectionately. I was on fire. Burning from the kiss and from embarrassment. I tucked my head down and hid my face against his chest.

  “I think that’s a yes,” Grace chirped, and I sighed.

  Brett reached down, nudging my chin to look up at him. “Is it yes? Will you be mine?”

  My eyes met his chocolate-honey eyes and the way he looked at me, it was like he was looking into me. I slowly nodded my head and watched the corners of his lips twitch. I leaned close, until our lips were almost touching. His lids lowered, eyes warming with heat.

  “Yes,” I sighed and kissed him some more.

  Chapter Eight


  Brett was acting entirely too cocky since I agreed to go out with him. Seriously, it was like being my boyfriend was going straight to his big sexy head. Throughout the week, not only would he just grab me in the hallways at school, pull me into a corner and subdue my protests with kisses, but he also had a swagger and everything going for him when he walked away, leaving me flustered and breathless. He knew he was getting to me and the rest of school was starting take notice.

  It was totally time to turn the tables and bring him down a few notches.

  While I wasn’t quite ready to go all the way yet, even though I really, really did like Brett. I still needed to get to know him more before making that commitment. I had been doing a great deal of research on the internet. After sharing the article with Grace about tugging on a guy’s balls to delay his orgasm, I stumbled across some very detailed articles on performing the perfect blowjob. I studied hard and after soaking up all the information I could get my greedy little hands on, I was ready to experiment.

  So when Brett showed up at my house for our next tutoring session, he was completely unsuspecting of my plans when we sat down at my dining room table and cracked open our books. I scooted my chair closer to his and he grinned at me. Really, I could see in his eyes that he thought I thought the world revolved around him or something. As if.

  Usually, during our tutoring sessions my parents would mostly leave us alone. But my father had been known to poke his head into the room to check on us, especially if we were being quiet. So, when Brett started to talk about the cold-war era, threatening to kill me with boredom, I reached over and casually placed my hand on his thigh. He stuttered and I felt his muscle tense beneath my hand. I peeked up at him through my lashes and he was looking at me with wide eyes.

  I gave his thigh a little squeeze and he grinned.

  I let my hand just rest there, as if I was completely oblivious to how it was affecting him, and he started talking again. I allowed him to get through half of the chapter before I moved my hand again. I slid my hand in, following the curve of his thigh and Brett sucked in a harsh breath.

  “Mandy?” he asked. I slowly dragged my hand up.

  “Yes?” I said in a sweet, innocent voice and fluttered my lashes at him.

  “What are you…” He stilled as my fingers brushed across his groin and finished his question with a groan. “Doing?”

  I just smiled, enjoying how his eyes clenched shut. I suddenly felt very powerful. “If my father doesn’t hear you talking he might decide to check in on us.”

  Brett’s eyes popped open and he looked down at my hand on top of his groin. I could feel the zipper of his jeans rising up, feel him stiffening beneath my palm. I gave a little squeeze, having read I needed to somehow be firm and gentle at the same time, while I watched with utter delight as he swallowed so hard his Adam’s apple bobbed.

  “Mandy,” he groaned.

  I glanced towards the door that was mostly open. My father could have seriously walked in at any second. “If you want me to stop just say so.”

  Brett shook his head and I squeezed him again. I could feel him through his jeans. I could feel the length of his dick stiffening to the point that I coul
d grab ahold of him through the fabric. It was literally the first cock I ever had my hands on and I sincerely hoped he didn’t ask me to stop.

  Clearing his throat, my heart skipped a beat when he started to read the chapter once more. I stopped squeezing him and my fingers danced up, popping open his button. His words faltered. My boldness grew as I watched him suck in a deep breath in preparation. I slowly dragged down his zipper, my eyes glued to his face instead of watching the door.

  “Mandy?” My father’s voice rang out and we both froze in fear.

  “Have you seen your mother?” my father asked and I could hear his footsteps approaching closer. He was still down the hall.

  “No, dad. Haven’t seen her,” I called out and wanted to laugh at Brett’s horrified face.

  He had good reason to be afraid. If my father walked in to see me grabbing Brett’s dick he’d probably kick his ass. But just the danger of potentially getting caught was really starting to turn me on. I squeezed my thighs together but it didn’t help at all, it only seemed to amplify my awareness of my damp panties.

  My father’s footsteps stopped before starting up again, receding. “Alright, sorry to bother you.”

  Before Brett could begin reading again, and knowing my father probably wouldn’t bother us for a bit, I reached into Brett’s pants and wrapped my fingers around his erection.

  “Shit,” Brett hissed.

  Did his cock just twitch in my hand? I wasn’t sure. I was too caught up in how smooth he felt. It was like smooth, warm velvet. I slid my hand down his length, exploring him. He felt big and thick. Too big and thick, in fact. How was he supposed to fit inside me? After reaching Brett’s thick base, I stroked my hand back up, towards the tip. He shuddered.


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