Twisted: Brides of the Kindred 23

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Twisted: Brides of the Kindred 23 Page 10

by Evangeline Anderson

  Actually, she was, Nikki realized. Her brain was doing what it always did when she felt uncertain or ambivalent about anything sexy—it was running in a never-ending loop of thoughts and worries that was incredibly difficult to shut off.

  “I…I’m just too much in my head right now,” she confessed to Malik. “Sorry.”

  He frowned. “Do you know, Mistress, that you have apologized to me more today than you have in all the time since you bought me from the Blood Circuit?”

  “Have I? Oh, I’m s—I mean isn’t that interesting?” God, she was screwing this up—she had nearly apologized again. She had to stop being her mousy self and try to act more like the real Mistress Hellenix! “When does the massage start?” she asked, trying to sound more confident.

  But she couldn’t ignore the way the big Kindred was so close to her, kneeling in front of her naked body as he was, and looking up at her. She could feel his hot breath against her skin and his warm, spicy, slightly electrical scent was in the air again, making her dizzy. Her nipples were tight and tingling and she had to press her thighs together because she felt so hot and wet between her legs.

  “Now, Mistress,” he rumbled. Rising to his feet, he swung her into his arms and deposited her onto the black padded massage table, face down, before she could protest.

  “Oh!” Nikki felt rather breathless but before she could say anything about warning her the next time he intended to pick her up, two big, warm hands were suddenly on her shoulders rubbing in long, slow strokes that seemed to turn her body to butter.

  “Ohhhh,” she said again, but this time the word was almost a moan. Malik was rubbing some kind of silky lotion on her skin, his big hands moving from the tops of her shoulders, all the way down to the small of her back and then back up again.

  “You’re so tense, Mistress,” he remarked, sounding like he might be frowning. “There are knots here I don’t remember you having before.”

  Nikki felt a surge of alarm.

  “Oh well, you know. I guess it’s just…been a while since I had a massage,” she said.

  “But Mistress, I massage you every day at this time,” the big Kindred rumbled, still rubbing up and down her back with slow strokes.

  “Oh yes, I meant to say, it feels like a long time,” Nikki corrected hastily. But inside she was amazed.

  Did her evil twin really get this amazing treatment every single day? What a life she must lead! Then again, with no kids to chase after or husband to worry about and with over a hundred slaves to wait on her so she didn’t have to do any housework or get groceries or do laundry, she probably had time to live a life of ease and luxury. Not to mention money—Mistress Hellenix was clearly extremely wealthy.

  “It feels to me as though you haven’t been massaged in a long time, too.” He began working on her arms, his huge hands rubbing away the tension in a professional way. “You have so much built up tension here, what you really need is a deep tissue massage,” he remarked.

  “Isn’t that painful?” Nikki asked, cracking open one eye and turning her head to look at him uncertainly.

  Malik frowned.

  “It certainly is but you always say it is the good kind of pain.”

  “Well, I’d rather not have any kind of pain at all right now, if you don’t mind, Malik,” she said, trying to make her voice firm. “Just give me a—” She almost said “Swedish massage” before she caught herself. “A regular massage for relaxation.”

  “As you wish, my Mistress. I live only to obey your every whim,” he rumbled. “Please just relax and let yourself be calm as I work on you.”

  And work on her he certainly did. His palms and fingers seemed to have an almost electrical tingle to them—Nikki felt like she was being massaged and vibrated at the same time, if that made any sense. Which it probably didn’t but this felt so good it was hard to care if she was making sense or not.

  She had never had a massage like this one—never. And it wasn’t just because she’d never had a male massage therapist before, either—though there was no denying that Malik’s extra-large, extra-warm hands made the experience much nicer that her usual yearly treat. But there was something in the way he touched her—a reverence and a desire to please and to pleasure that Nikki had never felt before.

  She supposed it had something to do with the fact that instead of getting an impersonal rub down by a therapist who saw many people every day, she was being tended by Mistress Hellenix’s personal slave who knew her body intimately and knew exactly what to do to relax her.

  In fact, she was so relaxed that as Malik finished her legs and feet and moved back up to pay special attention to her ass, she barely even flinched when he cupped the twin globes of her buttocks in his big hands and began to rub firmly. It was all just part of the massage, she told herself—no big deal. Everything was fine…

  “…Mistress,” his deep voice rumbled and Nikki realized she had drifted into a kind of happy dream where she actually did get a massage like this every day and there were people to wait on her hand and foot, instead of her real life, where she waited on her entire family herself with little to no recognition or appreciation day in and day out.

  “I’m sorry—what?” she murmured.

  “I said, please part your thighs that I might begin your inner massage, Mistress,” he repeated.

  “Oh, um…inner massage?” Suddenly Nikki felt much more awake.

  Malik must have felt the nervous tension in her body.

  “Why are you suddenly tense again?” he asked, sounding mystified. “This is your favorite part of the massage, Mistress.”

  “Oh yes…yes, of course.” Forcing herself to relax, Nikki spread her thighs as he had requested and held her breath as his big, warm hands began rubbing deeper between her legs.

  “Very good,” he murmured and then she felt the broad pads of his thumbs press against her outer pussy lips as he began to rub her there. “Just relax, Mistress, and let me in.”

  Nikki tried to relax again but she couldn’t quite manage it. His hands on such an intimate area felt both pleasurable and dangerous at the same time. Also, the electrical buzzing seemed to have intensified—at least in his fingertips. It was like someone was rubbing her gently but firmly with a warm, living vibrator—many vibrators, she thought, since his fingers were all giving off the tingling buzz.

  His thumbs continued to press in and rub out, over and over, and she could feel him spreading her pussy a little more open with each stroke. The sensation made her incredibly hot until her breath began coming in short, little pants and she could barely keep her hips still.

  In fact, she wasn’t keeping them still, she realized after a moment. Her hips were rolling up with each movement of his big hands and her thighs were spreading wider while her pelvis tilted back, almost as though she was intent on giving the Kindred bodyslave some kind of erotic show. She tried to stop herself when she realized what she was doing but somehow she couldn’t quite manage to.

  “Mmm, Mistress,” Malik murmured as he continued to rub her. “I don’t remember the last time you enjoyed my hands on you so much. Am I giving you pleasure?”

  “Y-yes,” Nikki stuttered. “Yes, you…you are. So much pleasure.”

  “And shall I continue with the deeper massage?” he asked, his voice a soft, deep growl.

  Nikki knew she ought to ask what the “deeper massage” involved but at that point she didn’t care. She was having the most erotic experience of her entire life and she didn’t want it to stop. For the first time in years her body felt alive and awake—sensitive and capable of both giving and receiving pleasure.

  She just wanted more.

  “Yes,” she whispered, spreading her thighs even wider for him. “Yes, Malik—do it. Give me the deeper massage—the deepest massage possible.”

  “As my lady wishes,” he growled and then two long fingers slid into her inner folds and Malik began an expert massage of her throbbing clit.

  Nikki moaned breathlessly as she
felt his thick digits bracket her hot little button. He didn’t try to jab or rub directly on the sensitive bundle of nerves, which was the mistake Gary always made. Instead, he kept up slow, maddening, indirect contact as he continued to slide back and forth, making Nikki feel almost crazy. The electrical vibration of his fingers seemed to intensify too, making the pleasure build and build.

  “Malik,” she moaned, hardly knowing what she was saying. “Malik please—I’m so close.”

  “I know you are, Mistress,” he rumbled confidently. “I know exactly how to make you come. Tell me something though—before I bring you all the way, do you wish the forbidden massage as well?”

  “For-forbidden?” Nikki stuttered, turning her head to look at him. He was standing right behind her, still stroking her open pussy firmly with two long fingers as they spoke.

  “Yes, Mistress.” His silver eyes seemed to shoot sparks of lightning again. “Do you wish me to penetrate you as I make you come?”

  “Penetrate me?” Nikki felt her stomach clench in a mixture of desire and fear. “You mean with…with your, uh, cock?” she asked, finally getting the words out.

  Malik shook his head and looked shocked.

  “Of course not, Mistress! Everyone knows a true Yonnite Mistress will never allow a male to penetrate her pussy with his shaft. In fact, she is not supposed to allow any kind of male penetration to take place—which is why I must ask if you wish me to put my fingers deep in your pussy as I make you come, before I do it. Most Mistresses will not permit it but you do, on occasion, ask for it.”

  “Yes,” Nikki said, almost before he finished speaking. “Yes, Malik please! Give me…give me the forbidden massage,” she almost moaned.

  “As my Mistress wishes,” he growled softly and then his other hand moved and two more long, thick fingers found their way into her pussy—this time sliding deep in her channel to fill her to the core.

  “Now come, Mistress,” he rumbled, thrusting deeply into her. “Come hard for me while I fuck your soft little pussy with my fingers. Come all over my hand!”

  Nikki gasped and felt her body obeying his orders. Her orgasm washed over her like a warm flood as her body stiffened and her inner walls clamped down on his fingers, almost milking them as she came harder than she ever had in her life. Bright lights flashed behind her tightly clenched eyes.

  Fireworks, she thought wildly as the display went on and on. I’m actually seeing fireworks, he’s making me come so hard! That’s crazy!

  But crazy or not, it seemed to go on and on—longer than any orgasm she’d ever had.

  “Oh!” she cried, her entire body clenched into a fist of overwhelming pleasure. “Oh God, Malik—yes. Don’t stop! There—right there!”

  “Don’t worry, Mistress—I won’t stop until you are fully satisfied,” he murmured and continued to pet and stroke and penetrate her pussy until Nikki thought she was losing her mind with pleasure.

  She had never been multi-orgasmic before but she lost count of the number of times she came before the big Kindred finally withdrew his fingers, leaving her limp and panting on the massage table.

  But as the pleasure ebbed away, something else began to flow inside her—emotions began to fill her in a way she didn’t understand. She had just had the most intensely sexual experience of her life and it left her stripped bare internally as well as externally. Suddenly everything felt very close to the surface.

  Nikki gave a little gasp…and somehow it turned into a sob. She covered her mouth quickly but another sob broke free…and then another. It was as though the massive release her body had just experienced had called forth a similar response in her soul and just at the moment, she had a lot of feelings rushing through her all at once.

  Fear that Malik would find out she wasn’t his real Mistress and kill her…fear also that she would never get home to see her kids—those were uppermost in her mind. But there were deeper emotions coming to the surface too—anger and hurt at Gary’s betrayal of their marriage. She hadn’t even cried when he’d handed her the divorce papers—she’d been too stunned to cry. And later she had just felt numb.

  Now she cried for the loss of a spouse who—if she was honest with herself—had been lost a long time before he’d ever handed her those papers. She cried for her children’s loss of a father. Gary was going to be out of their lives just when they needed a positive male role model the most. How was she going to manage as a single mom and where would she move all of them, since they were going to be forced to get out of the house?

  As a realtor, she knew very well there were no good properties near the boys’ schools that she could afford on her own. They were going to have to go to the bad side of town where the schools were much worse and who knew what would happen to the twins and Jude then? Jude was already running with a bad crowd—how much worse would the kids be at the new school he would be forced to move to? And she had a hard enough time getting services for her twins even in the good part of Tampa. How would she ever get them the speech therapy and intervention they needed in a poorer district?

  Also, there was no way she’d even make enough to rent even a crappy apartment if Missy didn’t stop stealing her commissions!

  What was going to happen to her if and when she ever got back to Earth? How could she feed and care for her family and where would they all live? It was too much—too much.

  “Mistress?” Malik touched her uncertainly on the back and Nikki knew she shouldn’t be crying. Probably the real Mistress Hellenix never showed this kind of weakness. But it was like a dam had burst inside her—as much as she tried, she simply couldn’t stop.

  “Mistress, did I hurt you?” Malik murmured, sounding alarmed.

  Nikki shook her head.

  “N-n-no,” she finally managed to get out. “Just can’t help…” But then she broke down again, sobs drowning out her words. There was no way to explain, anyway—it would only blow her cover if she told the big Kindred why she was so upset. Instead, she curled up into a ball of abject misery on the table and tried to hide her face in her hands.

  Malik draped a crimson sheet over her and then, to her surprise, he picked her up off the table as easily as she herself might pick up a young child. Quietly, he walked over to a broad black leather couch that sat beside the sauna and settled himself on it with Nikki still in his arms. Then he simply held her close and rubbed her shoulders, letting her cry.

  Nikki didn’t question this sudden kindness—she was too upset to make sense out of anything. Instead she pressed her face to his broad, bare chest and let her pain and fear and worry take over until, at last, she felt all played out.

  It seemed to take forever but finally her sobs dried up and she was able to take a deep trembling breath and wipe her eyes on the sheet. She didn’t know what Malik must think of her now—she hoped she hadn’t completely given herself away. But she hadn’t been able to control herself.

  There were years of pain and neglect bottled up inside her—years of feeling taken advantage of and taken for granted. Years of always putting herself last and never getting any respect or admiration for the way she kept everyone and everything running on time and in order in her house and family.

  Everybody always told you to take time for self-care but that was a laugh, Nikki thought resentfully. When, exactly were you supposed to make time for massages and nights out with the girls and pedicures and trips to the spa between housework and homework and cooking and laundry?

  And even if she’d had the time, where was the money to pay for all those self-care sessions? One of the kids always needed new shoes or new clothes or braces and though Gary made sure to buy himself new golf clubs and often stopped off for a drink with his buddies, he never bothered to make sure that Nikki got any similar treatment or nice new things she might want herself.

  Her life was just a rat-race—doing the same things over and over again for no pay and no thanks and no time off, ever.

  I’m no better off than one of these slaves living i
n Mistress Hellenix’s palace, she thought. After all, most of them just have a single duty to do, like posing as a statue or looking after a single room. I have to do everything all the time and I’m just so damn tired of it!

  She wondered how Mistress Hellenix was managing back on Earth. Nikki bet she hadn’t had a breakdown—her evil twin struck her as a stone-cold bitch—someone who wouldn’t cry even under torture.

  For a moment she had another flash—a mental image of the dominatrix pointing a finger at Gary who was staring at her with an open mouth and a look of shock on his face. Mistress Hellenix was gesturing at him—pointing at the ground at her feet. After a moment, Nikki realized the other woman was telling him to kneel.

  Gary shook his head, a confused frown on his face.

  “What are you crazy?” Nikki could almost hear him saying. “I’m not going to kneel to you. What are you talking about, Nikki?”

  “You’ll call me Mistress from now on, you scum.” Then the Yonnite Mistress pulled a riding crop out from under her arm. Nikki recognized it as part of a costume from a school play Jude had been in during his elementary school days. He’d been a jockey or something like that. Where in the world had the alien dominatrix found it?

  It didn’t matter where she had found it though—the main thing was, she looked fully prepared to use it. And by the light of desperation dawning in Gary’s eyes, he had just realized that fact too.

  A surprised snort of laughter escaped Nikki. Gary was in trouble now! If anyone could bring her cheating dog of a husband to heel, it was Mistress Hellenix. Nikki hoped that her evil twin gave her philandering ex-spouse a severe punishment—it was exactly what he deserved!

  But before she could see what happened next in the little scene, the vision faded away and Malik spoke.

  “First you cry as though your heart were breaking and now you’re laughing. Are you all right, Mistress?”

  Nikki gave a little jump as his deep voice surprised her out of her thoughts. She’d gotten so comfortable in his arms that she’d almost forgotten he was holding her. Now she opened her eyes and wiped her face again with the sheet. She looked up to see deep concern in his silver eyes.


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