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Angus Page 12

by Sydney Addae

  He crushed her in his arms, deepening the kiss, reaffirming their bond, their relationship, and their pack commitment. She broke first, gasping for air and wiping the tears from her cheek. “Do we fight or save our energy for whoever they work for?”

  What a remarkable woman. She was afraid but didn’t allow it to stop her from going forward. “What do you want to do?” Truly it didn’t matter to him. Chances are these were modified full-bloods, which meant the bracelet wouldn’t work on them. But if their hands were free, and if he got close enough to a human, he could gather information.

  “Fight. It’s only four of them.” She grinned and pulled out her weapons.

  “Bloodthirsty bitch, huh?” He grinned.

  She winked.

  “We’ll do whatever you want, just stay close.”

  She nodded.


  Silas strode into the conference room, closed the door, and took a seat. Jasmine, Asia, Hawke, Jacques, Cain, and Abel sat watching him. He placed his fists on the table, inhaled, and released it slowly. “Tell me again what the fuck’s going on?”

  “When we reached the airfield, the plane had left even though I sent a message we were running behind. There was an accident blocking the highway, we arrived 30 minutes late. No one ever responded, they left without us. We drove to Alpha Theron’s, took the jet and came back with the rebels, Passen has them now,” Hawke said, leaning forward in his chair.

  “Where did the damn plane go in such a hurry? Tell me everything about that flight,” Silas growled. None of this made sense. Why not wait a few minutes for their cargo?

  “The flight traveled to another private airstrip north of Plias,” Jacques said.

  Silas frowned. “That sounds familiar.” He snapped his fingers. “Angus’ flight landed near Plias, right?” He looked at Jacques.

  “Yes. Within fifty miles, not far by vehicle,” Jacques explained.

  “Contact Barticus with the location of this flight and Ulric,” Silas said. “I want pack to meet this plane and discover what’s going on. If any full-bloods or breeds are on that flight I want them identified and returned. That’s a good enough reason for packs to get involved.” He sat back in his chair, his mind flying over all the pieces to this riddle. He couldn’t shake the feeling his brother was in deep trouble and needed his help.

  “On it,” Hawke said.

  Silas rubbed his forehead and looked at Jasmine. “Here’s what I’ve got so far.” His gaze swiped the table but returned to his mate. “Angus has to leave the country, travels to our homeland without telling me, and our connection is severed.”

  He paused as Asia gasped. Cain and Abel sat forward with similar frowns marring their foreheads and Jacques released a long sigh.

  “That in itself is wrong on so many levels,” Silas said.

  “But that’s the thing, right?” Jasmine asked, holding his gaze. “Who has the ability to break mental links between an Alpha and his pack?”

  He knew she’d go there. In fact, he suspected everyone at the table silently asked the same question. “As La Patron, I can. All Alphas must petition me to break mental links when they turn-out a pack member. It’s not something done lightly.”

  “You didn’t break the connection with Angus or Shyla. Remember, Alpha Jayden can’t link with her either,” Jasmine said. “Either someone has found a way to usurp the natural order or is there another way links are broken?”

  Their gazes meshed for a few seconds. She was going to make him say it. “Yes, the Goddess can break and form mental connections.”

  “Is it possible she broke the connection between you and Angus?” Jasmine asked, maintaining eye contact.

  “Anything is possible, I don’t think she did,” Silas said, his displeasure with this line of questioning becoming evident. “If we ran with that theory, the Goddess becoming that involved, what about Shyla? Did she break that connection as well?”

  Jasmine shrugged as she looked down at her clasped hands. “As you say, it’s possible.”

  “But not probable,” he snapped.

  “Here is another perspective.” She held up her hand stopping him. “Listen. What if Angus and Shyla are mates?”

  Silas stared at her until she turned and met his gaze. The idea was so ludicrous, so heinous, so unimaginable, that she was in all probability, right. He cleared his throat. “Then that could create a problem. For Angus that is.”

  “Damn,” Cain whispered.

  “What are you thinking,” Silas asked Jasmine.

  “Daria worked for a group similar to what we’ve seen before, where breeders band together for a common cause. In this instance, they enslave men for profit. Daria was a delivery person who handled transport on occasion.”

  “Which explained why she didn’t know much,” Asia said. “I should’ve dug deeper and found that out.”

  “No, she’s still alive and you learned what was necessary to complete your mission,” Jasmine told her. “The fact they used rebels is a different conversation altogether. Even so, we need to get our pack back on Nation soil as soon as possible.”

  “Will do,” Silas said, nodding. “Continue.”

  “Something’s happening in or near Plias. Whoever is behind it needed Angus. To get him to go along with their plans they took his mate and cut his ties to you so you, I mean we, couldn’t help him. Whatever it is, the Goddess knows and to a certain point is allowing it to happen.” She wet her lips with her tongue. “It must be big.”

  No one spoke for several seconds.

  Silas replayed her words over and over again. For the most part, they made sense until the Goddess part. How was she involved? Why? Why cut him off from his brother? It didn’t make sense.

  “What do you all think?” he asked to get the discussion going while he dealt with his demons. Jasmine took his hand and he squeezed hers. When she tried to withdraw, he clasped on tight to her hand, continuing to hold it while everyone discussed possibilities.

  “Barticus is in Greece and will make his way to Plias to search for Angus,” Hawke said.

  “Are his people meeting the plane?” Silas asked.

  “Yes, his people and Ulric will be there,” Hawke said.

  “Good, tell him I will contact him after we are done here,” Silas said before turning his attention to Cain and Abel. “Jasmine’s scenario makes sense. I never thought of Angus and a mate.”

  “It’s the one reason he’d walk away and not explain what’s going on,” Jacques said.

  “Nothing stands between the mating bond,” Hawke added. “Which makes me wonder what plans they have for my friend.”

  “Nothing good,” Jasmine muttered.

  “Worse, I can’t help him.” Silas slammed his fist on the table. The absence of Angus’ mental connection festered like a sore. Silas missed him. When had he grown so dependent on their connection, friendship, and brotherly affection? He had no answer for that, not that it mattered, he needed to find his brother.

  “Mistress, can you find Shyla?” Asia asked. “There may be a residual connection from when you merged with her before. Perhaps if you find her we can verify if they are mates. If not, we can locate her so Alpha Jayden can bring her home.”

  “Is that possible?” Jasmine looked at Silas.

  “Could be,” Silas said, watching her eyes light up with a new challenge.

  “Let’s try it. You’ll need to walk me through it again,” she told him.

  He nodded. “When we’re done here, I want to hear more ideas.”

  “What if this has something to do with the Alpha, Ulric?” Cain asked. “Based on what we’ve learned, he and Angus didn’t get along.”

  “Does Barticus have jurisdiction in Africa?” Jacques asked. “I thought the European nations were his area.”

  “Who else do we know in that part of the world?” Abel asked his brother, Cain.

  “Is it possible the Liege has a remnant and they’re after Angus for his creative abilities?” Asia asked.
Her words dropped like miniature bombs. Angus was the sole creator of the chameleon bracelets. In the wrong hands, which meant anyone Silas hadn’t approved, those bracelets could change the core of nations.

  “Not the Liege, as I said before, this isn’t them,” Hawke said in a sober tone. “But what you said, Angus taken for his abilities, I hadn’t thought of that.” Hawke looked across the table. Silas read deep concern mixed with fear in Hawke’s gaze.

  Cain and Abel looked at each other and then at the others at the table. No one spoke for a few moments.

  “That is something to consider,” Silas said slowly. The very idea of Angus being hunted for the chameleon chilled Silas to the bone. He stood and paced to bring his anger and fear under control. If they hurt his brother, he would never stop hunting them. It would become his life’s goal to track the bastards down and dismember them.

  “Silas. Silas, calm down, your energy is spiking,” Jasmine said.

  With his back to them, he stopped, took several deep breaths, clenched and unclenched his fists.


  “I’m trying, Jasmine,” he snapped through their link. “It hurts knowing he’s in trouble and I can’t help. Hurts more than I expected. I can’t control the pain or anger. I want to kill them for taking him.”

  “Rechannel it. That’s what you tell me. Keep the anger but make it productive instead of destroying the room. Think of a way to help Angus and bring him home. Rechannel that energy, Wolfie,” Jasmine said. “Breathe with me.” She took several breaths until he synced with her and his beast calmed.

  “Better?” she asked when he could see the wall in front of him clearly and his beast settled.

  “Some. We have to find him. If someone’s taken him for the chameleon, he’ll die before giving it to them and that’s not acceptable to me.”

  “Me neither, so let’s figure out what to do.”

  Silas returned to the table, ignoring Cain and Abel’s incredulous looks. They hadn’t seen him in La Patron mode before, not like this.

  “How do we get Angus back here?” Silas asked, looking at Hawke and Asia.

  “We can take the next flight, hit Plias hard searching for him,” Hawke said.

  “No,” Jasmine said before Silas commented. “At least not until I’ve located Shyla and we know if Angus is mated.” She took Silas’ hand. “Because if my brother is mated, he won’t leave her behind, nor is he alone. Mates work together to survive better than anyone we send after them. Shyla is smart and tough. I’m not saying they don’t need help, but rescuing Tyrese when he was newly mated almost killed the mission.”

  Asia nodded.

  Jasmine continued. “If Angus is not mated to Shyla then Barticus is our best bet to find Angus quickly. In this situation, jurisdiction won’t matter, not to Barticus or Ulric. But here’s the real reason I don’t want the two of you to leave right now. What if someone has discovered a way to break mental links? For a bonded couple that would be deadly.”

  Silas’ grip tightened. “My Bitch is right, we need to know more before allowing you two to leave again.”

  Hawke and Asia nodded. “Thank you, Mistress. I hadn’t thought of that,” Asia said.

  “Neither had I. The very thought is catastrophic. It hits at the core of our bond. Let’s hope the Goddess is involved rather than the other option, although neither is good,” Hawke said.

  “When does Barticus arrive in Plias?” Silas asked, eager to redirect the conversation.

  “In an hour. He is very concerned,” Hawke said.

  “Good, so am I,” Silas said as he leaned back in his chair. A familiar tingling sensation ran down his back. He looked at Jasmine. “The Goddess wishes to speak to me. The timing is unusual.” He stood and headed for the door. “Please continue, I must see about an important matter.”

  “Asia, you guys continue. If you come up with anything, let me know,” Jasmine said, following Silas. At the elevator, he looked down at her.

  “Did she contact you as well?”

  “No.” Jasmine crossed her arms and looked at the elevator.

  “It may not be a good idea for you to attend this meeting if she hasn’t called you.” He stepped inside the elevator. She followed and pressed the button to the private floor where his prayer room was located.

  “Maybe not, but she’ll have to tell me that.”

  Silas took her hand and kissed the back as the elevator moved upward. “I’m glad you’re with me.”

  She leaned into him, hugging him gently. “I can’t take a chance of being separated from you, I don’t have good enough control yet.”

  He smiled as he stroked her back. “That’s true.”

  She pinched his side.

  “Hey, I was agreeing with you.” The elevator stopped. Holding hands, they stepped out and walked toward the room. Once inside, they washed hands and lit the candles. Silas knelt on the edge of the circle and extended his hand to Jasmine. She sat next to him.

  An inexplicable peace rolled over him as he sought the Goddess. Fears, concerns, and responsibilities flitted away as his inner vision brightened with her presence. His heartbeat accelerated and his breaths were spaced further apart.

  “Silas, Alpha of the wolves, rise, I have need of you,” the Goddess said.

  In his mind’s eye, he stood but saw nothing other than a glowing white light. “I am always at your service.”

  “Yes, your loyalty has never been in question.”

  He frowned when she didn’t say more. “How may I serve you?”

  “All will be explained in time now that I have your consent. Come.” The light flashed. Silas’ body moved with lightning speed, he couldn’t breathe or discern the status of his form. Strangely enough, his beast didn’t seem bothered. One moment he was in his prayer room, the next he was on the floor of a large room. It took a moment to find his balance.

  Standing slowly, he staggered a bit and leaned against the wall. “Goddess?”

  “One second, Wolf, I am speaking to your mate, she is understandably upset.”

  “Jasmine?” Silas straightened and tried to contact his mate again. “Jasmine.” Nothing. His beast searched for his mate as he tried to connect with Jasmine, Hawke, Cain, Able, his Alphas, and then his pack.


  Silas fell to his knees with his arms wrapped around his head. “No. Goddess, no. My pack, what happens to my pack? My mate? My pups?”

  “Wolf, this is temporary,” the Goddess said. “I will explain, you must listen. There has never been as much on the line before.”

  Despite wanting to yell and scream for his mate, the Goddess had spoken to Jasmine, which meant she was okay for now. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Every thousand years, Nicromja is allowed to challenge me over the right to rule the wolves. He has exercised this right once in five thousand years, not including this year. He has a small group of worshipers who have done everything within their power to make Nicromja relevant even though he shows no interest in resuming his responsibilities.”

  Aching for his mate, Silas half-listened.

  “Drink this, it will help.” She passed him a translucent glass with fluid.

  He took several sips of the bittersweet beverage. Within seconds the gaping hole in his soul filled with his mate’s essence even though he couldn’t speak to her. “Thank you. It’s hard to focus without her.”

  She smiled. “I know. Your mate is special. She attacked me when I took you.”

  Silas wasn’t surprised, he would have done the same thing. His mate loved him and was very protective. Even though he could take on the biggest and baddest fighters, his heart warmed knowing she struck out on his behalf. “Is she alright?”

  “Oh yes. She’s smart, knows her rights as your mate and invoked something I hadn’t remembered.” She shook her head. “So many forget the power of the mate bond.” She looked at Silas. “I need a champion to fight Nicromja’s champion. Both must be full-bloods and the fight is to the death. There ca
n only be one God and one champion. Do you understand why I called you?”

  Silas nodded. He had no concerns over fighting, his skills were top notch. “After the challenger is defeated, I go home to my den and pack?”


  “Until when? Another thousand years pass?”

  “Possibly. We shall see. This challenge is different.”


  “I cannot explain more. Rest and when the time comes, I will send for you.” She left him alone in the room.

  “Nicromja? Where have I heard that name before?” He sat at the table, staring at the wall. “Nicromja… Nicromja.” He straightened in his chair. “Barticus was a vessel or something of this god.” He tried his mental link to contact the Alpha and couldn’t. Goddess, he hoped Barticus wasn’t the challenger. The man’s pack was huge and would give Nicromja an instant army on the continent. Plus, Silas and Barticus were friends, allies. But if Barticus was Nicromja’s vessel, he’d be duty bound to fight, just as Silas was. What a cluster fuck.

  He stood, looked around the room. Nothing but a bed, table, and chair. No windows or doors that he could see. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed Barticus would challenge him on behalf of Nicromja. Now he understood the Goddess’ reticence and the suggestion he rest. This battle wouldn’t be easy but he would win.

  Losing his den, his pack, and mate were not an option. With this last thought, he walked over to the bed and lay down. “I will not lose.”


  It was time to leave the safety of the mountain and meet destiny. Angus jogged to the left, raised his hand and the opening in the rock appeared. He stepped out, turned, assisted Shyla, and closed it. They climbed up the rocky hill until they were above the full-bloods. “Still just these four. Another four humans nearby, probably in the mountain. If they can get out they’ll be directed here. So, don’t shoot unless there’s no other choice, no need to alert them early.”

  She nodded. “Where’s the best place to shoot them? Head? Neck? Between the eyes?”


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