Finally, Leah lifted her head, and threw her arms out in front of her. A ripple ran through the middle of the lake, but the waterfall remained unchanged. Leah slowly turned, misery written all over her face, as she looked at Raff with tears pouring down her face.
“I’m sorry…” He could see her mouth frame the words, but the roaring of the waterfall muted the sound.
Raff slid off Rogue’s back and walked towards her. “It’s ok, I get it,” he whispered into her ear. He squeezed her shoulder, and in that instant he knew what he had to do. He turned and dived into the icy-cold water, swimming towards the turbulence where the waterfall met the lake.
He’d always been a strong swimmer, but the current created by the waterfall was so strong he was hardly making any headway. When he knew he couldn’t get any closer, he filled his lungs with air and duck-dived under the water, pulling himself to the bottom of the lake. He just hoped Leah wouldn’t wait too long before she tried to use her Gift again.
His lungs were burning, and he’d almost given up hope, when he felt the water lifting away from him. Sucking in the fresh air now surrounding him, he sat on what had been the bottom of the lake, and looked in awe at the towering walls of water to his left and right. The waterfall had also split, as if someone had just opened a pair of curtains, and tied them back on each side.
Leah’s face held a mixture of awe, pride and excitement as she stood on the shore. Raff let out a loud woohoo as he jumped up, shook himself off, and ran to hug her.
“I knew you could do it! That was amazing!” He had to yell to be heard over the roar. From the look on Belle’s face, he wasn’t sure whether she wanted to hug him or punch him. They all ended up laughing and hugging, although he got the message when the playful punches were a little harder than usual.
With arms around each other’s shoulders, they walked back to where Dominic, Dub, Lyricus and the other elves all sat in stunned silence.
“That be th’ most amazin sight me old eyes ‘ve ever beheld lass.” Dominic slapped his thigh, as his bearded face split into a wide grin.
“As f’r th’ idiotic stunt this young’un pulled,” he said, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Raff. “Stroke ‘o genius lad. Y’ knew she’d save y’!” He winked, and burst into raucous laughter.
Dub looked at Leah with pride in his beady eyes. “The water had no choice but to do as you asked Miss Leah. Your request was both eloquent and selfless.”
Raff chuckled at the elves looking at each other, obviously wondering how Dub had heard her request when they hadn’t. He knew exactly how that felt.
“Ummm, do you think maybe we should get going, before the water decides we’ve had long enough to get through?” Belle, as always, was the sensible one.
Lyricus urged his horse forward. “I’m afraid Belle is right. It’s time for you to go on alone. We will be here waiting for your safe return.” They were each handed a backpack containing their supplies of food and water, ropes, and a variety of tools they might need along the way.
Amidst the cries of good luck and be careful, the children turned and walked towards the parted water. Raff held his breath as they stepped onto the cleared path, the water suspended in giant walls on either side of them. The yawning mouth of a cave, carved into the base of the mountain, beckoned to them.
Obviously Leah had proven herself ‘worthy’ to enter, but what if he or Belle weren’t? Would the water just pick them up and toss them aside? Or would the cave refuse them entry?
Guess there’s only one way to find out! Still holding his breath, Raff continued to put one foot in front of the other.
Chapter Thirty-One
- Into the Cave -
Raff’s breath exploded out of him with a loud whoosh as he stepped inside the cave and wasn’t instantly ejected. So far so good! He figured it was only a matter of time before he’d have to prove his worthiness, but was relieved he was at least going to be given the chance to try. He pulled his trusty torch from his pocket and switched it on.
The beams of three torches flickered around the inside of the cave. The natural light filtering in through the mouth of the cave flickered out, as the curtain of water reformed across the entrance. The increased sound was deafening. They stumbled forward over the surprisingly smooth ground into a wide tunnel, eager to escape the cacophonous roar.
When they had gone far enough for the roar to become a distant rumble, Raff suggested they stop and get their bearings. His ears were still ringing from the deafening sound they’d finally left behind.
“Okay, so I’m pretty sure we haven’t passed any branches off this passageway yet. Guess that means we’re heading in the right direction.”
Belle grinned. “I’m glad you were looking. I was just following you, hoping my head wouldn’t explode from the noise!”
Leah chuckled. “Ditto to that! I thought we’d never get far enough away.”
Raff shone his torch around the walls of the cavern as they talked. He was amazed how smooth the rocks around them were. It was as if a giant ball had tunnelled through the rock, smoothing the jagged edges as it passed. He pointed the beam in the direction they were heading. It looked no different further on than where they were now.
Scratching his head, he wondered for the zillionth time how they were supposed to find this vault. What would they do if they reached a fork in the tunnel? What if they went down the wrong one? They could end up lost in here forever. He shook his head, trying to banish the negative thoughts creeping into his mind. Idiot! You were the one craving adventure, maybe you should be careful what you wish for next time?
“Hey Raff, you alright over there? You’ve gone awfully quiet.” Leah’s voice jolted him out of his gloomy thoughts. He jumped up, holding his torch under his chin and trying to make his face look spooky.
“Were you talking to me girl? Muahahahaha.” He followed up the evil laugh with a howling noise, that had the girls rolling with laughter. “Seriously though, I think we’d better get moving. We have no idea how far in this vault will be, and some of us have yet to prove our worthiness.” He winked at Belle, as they brushed off the dust and moved forward.
After about an hour of trudging along the seemingly never-ending, monotonous tunnel, the rock suddenly expanded around them into a humungous cavern. At its centre sat a pool of stagnant water, giving off the repugnant smell of decay and rotting fish. A soft greenish-coloured glow emanated from the fetid water, enabling Raff to see the opening of another tunnel, on the other side of the cavern. He shuddered at the thought of having to go around the edge of the pool to get to it.
“What is that smell?” Belle looked like she was about to be sick. “It’s absolutely disgusting!”
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we’re going to have to go around it to get to the next tunnel.” He pointed towards the entrance to the other tunnel.
“Well, let’s just get it over with then, before I throw up!” Belle was striding towards the wall to the left of the pool. Before Leah and Raff had taken a step to follow her, something long and snake-like emerged from the pool and slid across the ground towards Belle.
“Belle, look out!” Leah screamed, as she raced towards her. Belle looked around her wildly, but she was looking everywhere but down. Raff pulled his knife from his belt as he ran towards her, watching in horror as the long slimy tentacle wrapped itself around her ankle. He reached her just as she toppled backwards, screaming as she was dragged towards the water. He dived forward and severed the slimy appendage, pushing Belle back away from the edge.
Hot, bile green liquid spurted from the flailing tentacle. Raff groaned as the centre of the pool began to bubble and froth. Of course the slimy appendage was attached to something much bigger! The water surged upwards and a hideous creature rose from its depths, a high-pitched keening sound spewing from its voluminous mouth. Countless more snake-like tentacles lifted out of the water around it, waving madly in the air, before lashing out towards where the children huddled in
terror. Within seconds, the tentacles had found their targets, latching onto arms and legs, intent on dragging their helpless victims towards the water and certain death.
Raff knew his knife was useless. He needed to do something… and suddenly he knew what it was. He closed his eyes and concentrated on building the perfect weapon, shaping and moulding it in his mind. His eyes flew open, and he looked directly into the creature’s single eye, floating above its gaping mouth. He threw his arm forward, feeling the familiar jolt as the fireball hurtled towards the hideous creature. The ball of flame hit the monster’s slimy flesh and exploded. The keening noise grew louder, and then spluttered into silence as the flames engulfed the monster.
Raff felt the tentacles wrapped around his ankles fall away, relief flooding through him as the now lifeless appendages were dragged backwards into the pool, still attached to the dead creature sinking back into the depths. Now, where were Belle and Leah?
Chapter Thirty-Two
- The Spider -
Belle and Leah scrambled back from the edge of the pool and crawled towards Raff. A deathly silence hung in the air of the cavern, broken only by the sounds of the wracking sobs coming from the three children, as they sat clinging to each other. Finally, purged of all emotion, they helped each other up and headed for the next tunnel. Belle’s legs were still shaking as they skirted the now placid pool, eager to reach the next tunnel and put this place behind them. She only wished it could be that easy to put the memories behind them as well.
They had been walking in silence for about ten minutes when Raff suggested they stop and have something to eat and drink. Belle stopped where she was, and dropped to the ground, crossing her legs and pulling her backpack into her lap. Raff and Leah dropped down around her and did the same.
“Okay, I know we’re all thinking the same thing, so I’m just gonna say it,” Belle said looking at her lap. “What am I going to have to do to prove I’m worthy, when my Gifts are only healing, and seeing images of Midnight’s thoughts in my head?”
“Ummm, maybe it would help if you did something about this then?” Raff pulled the bottom of his trouser leg up to show three small round burns on his leg. “Guess I didn’t move quick enough to avoid the green gunk spewing out of the tentacle thing.”
It wasn’t so much the burns that made Belle gasp, however, as the thin green lines leaking out and travelling further up his leg.
Leah looked at him in horror. “Why didn’t you say something earlier?”
Raff shrugged. “I knew we needed to get as far away from that place as fast as we could first. So now that we’ve done that, I’m telling you.”
Belle frowned. “Raff, you idiot! Walking on that leg has made the poison spread quicker.”
“Yeah, but I knew you could heal me so I wasn’t worried. Although, I have to admit the pain is getting worse. I’m ready when you are.” The grin he tried to produce looked more like a grimace.
Belle tried to wriggle closer to Raff’s leg so she could start healing him, but her legs and backside wouldn’t move. It was like she was stuck to the ground. And then she saw the shiny, thin, crisscrossed lines, just visible beneath the dirt, all around her. So how had Raff been able to move his leg? She looked again, and saw that the lines stopped just short of where he sat.
“What the...?” Leah had obviously discovered she couldn’t move either. Her eyes widened, as she looked down at the ground around her, and then at Belle.
“Please tell me this isn’t…”
“A spider’s web,” Belle finished the sentence for her.
They were interrupted by a groan, and turned to see Raff slump to the ground.
“Belle, you have to do something!” Leah cried, tears springing into her eyes at Raff’s rapid breathing and deathly pallor.
“I can’t reach him. Here, see if you can grab my arm and pull me towards you.” Belle froze, shushing Leah as she heard a scuttling sound coming from further down the tunnel. If the size and stickiness of this web were anything to go by, she knew the spider that made it must be huge.
They looked at each other in terror. Raff wasn’t going to be able to help them, and there was no wind, fire or water Leah could call on this far into the tunnel.
“Belle, remember what the Oracle said about Serena being able to communicate with any living creature? Maybe you could try to communicate with the spider?”
Belle’s skin crawled, and she almost gagged at the thought. She’d always hated spiders. Back in Naissance, Griz had taken great pleasure in making her clear away any webs she found, especially the ones she knew had spiders in them.
The scuttling sound was getting closer. Belle tried desperately to control the panic rising into her throat. She closed her eyes, and tried to make her mind reach out to the spider. She recoiled in horror as a screeching sound slammed into her. She opened her eyes; the spider was still moving down the tunnel towards them. She had to do it; there was no other way! Taking a deep breath, she opened her mind again.
Please help us?
The spider stopped moving. How did you do that?
She battled to ignore the goose-bumps running across her skin, as the spider’s horrible voice touched her mind. I have a Gift, which allows me to communicate with all living creatures.
I have not heard of this being possible before. Why should I help you? The spider’s thoughts tapped against her mind in a staccato rhythm, emotionless and matter-of-fact.
My friend is dying. I need to get to him, so I can heal him. She sent an image of Raff killing the beast in the cavern, and then of his leg with the poison spreading.
This one killed the beast in the pool? The rhythm had become slower, and more precise.
He did. And he will die if I don’t heal him.
By killing the beast in the pool, he has increased my hunting ground. For this, I will allow him to live. You may also live in order to heal him. But I have no reason to allow this other one to live. This one I will eat. It turned its bulbous head towards Leah.
Wait! She can increase your hunting ground ever further, if you allow her to live. Belle sent the spider an image of Leah parting the waterfall and the lake.
The spider’s legs twitched at the sight of the world outside the tunnels. She did this?
Yes. And she will do it again, when we are ready to leave.
And when will that be?
After we find the vault that’s somewhere in this cave. She sent an image of what she hoped looked like a door to a vault.
I know of this place. It is not far from here. I will show you the way. Then she will part the water so I can hunt outside this cave. Now, heal that one so we can go.
The spider skittered around on its multiple legs, and scuttled back the way it had come. She opened her eyes to see it hovering in the tunnel, waiting for them.
Belle groaned in relief as her mind was released from the contact. She shuddered, and turned towards where Leah sat frozen.
“Well, are we gonna try and pull ourselves out or what? I need to heal Raff!”
Leah’s face was almost comical, as she spluttered to get questions out.
“I’ll tell you everything when I’ve healed Raff,” Belle said. “I don’t want to have to say it all twice. Just grab my arm and pull, will you?”
Chapter Thirty-Three
- The Vault -
“I am so over passing out, and missing all the exciting stuff,” Raff said, as they watched the green lines slowly receding from his veins. Leah had been horrified at how far the poison had travelled by the time Belle had started healing him. Once he was awake, she had listened in awe as Belle related her conversation with the spider.
Leah blanched at the part where the spider had decided she was expendable. “Wow, how did you know what to say?”
“The whole thing was more good luck than good management. Once I realised increasing its hunting ground was enough to save Raff, I figured it’d be excited at the size of the hunting ground on the other side of the waterf
all.” Belle frowned. “So, the only problem now is, how do we not let the spider out into the Forever Forest? I mean, I was desperate to save Leah when I made this deal, so how do I undo it?”
Leah had been secretly horrified when Belle first mentioned the deal she’d made with the spider. How could they even contemplate letting the spider loose in the Forever Forest? She was relieved to hear Belle now regretted it, and knew her friend had just done what she felt she had to, for all the right reasons.
Raff frowned, and scratched his head. “Listen, I don’t think there’s much we can do to change things at the moment. We need Mr Spider’s help to find the vault, so I reckon we just go along with the plan for now, and deal with this problem when and if it arises.”
Belle and Leah nodded in agreement.
“Well, hopefully now this means we’ve all been proven worthy, and if Mr Spider over there knows where the vault is, maybe we’re through the worst of it?” Leah hoped the others wouldn’t pickup on the false bravado in her voice.
Raff chuckled. “Yeah right! And you’re basing this thinking on our incredible run of good luck so far, are you?”
Belle interrupted them with a frown. “How are you doing Raff? Mr Spider is getting impatient. I don’t think I’m going to be able to put him off much longer, and I’m not sure how reliable spiders are at keeping their word.”
They helped Raff stand up so he could test his weight on his leg. His face broke into a cheeky grin. “Doesn’t hurt anywhere near as much as it did when I walked out of the cavern.”
Both girls scowled at him. Leah had to fight the urge to punch him, but decided she’d wait until they were out of the cave, and he was better, and then she’d pummel him stupid!
“Okay then, I’ll just let our friend know we’re on our way.” Leah watched in fascination as Belle sent a message, and the spider moved off down the tunnel.
Florisia (Book 1) Page 13