
Home > Paranormal > Devour > Page 5
Devour Page 5

by Andrea Heltsley

  The waiter brings us a carafe of blood and Mr. Gregoria proceeds to pour us all a wine glass full. I thank him and take a sip of the thick, red substance. It has been warmed up to body temperature in an attempt to mimic the real thing.

  I swallow the smooth but slightly bitter metallic blood and sigh in satisfaction. The blood high won’t be nearly as strong when I get it straight from a human, but it will be enough to take the edge off. That’s exactly what I need to get through tonight.

  I find that I’m actually enjoying the male attention. I feel sexy and desired. It’s heady and empowering. I study Cody and know he would be a good mate. I would have to spend more time with him to find out if we have any chemistry. Maybe later at the dance we will have a few minutes together.

  Cody is easy on the eyes too. His ear length, blonde hair and hazel eyes make him stunning. He is muscular and lithe. He has a grace about him that makes him nothing short of amazing.

  Thayer, on the other hand, is not an option. Although he is being the perfect gentleman tonight, I know the real Thayer and I’m not too fond of him. Grown up or not, I will never be interested.

  “So, Callie, are you looking forward to the ball tonight? You look absolutely divine this evening, my dear,” Mrs. Lucia says.

  I smile politely and nod. “I’m looking forward to the ball. Coming out is a big deal and I can’t wait to make my family proud by choosing a worthy mate.”

  I tried to make the answer sound as political as possible, like my parents taught me to do in mixed company. I can see her eyes light up with hope, and I hate that I’m going to be the one to squash it. I won’t pick Thayer, but maybe he’ll get lucky with one of the other girls.

  “A mate for someone in your position in the community would be highly sought after. I’m sure you’ll have your pick of all the males there,” Mrs. Gregoria explains.

  That makes me brighten a bit. All the males? A girl should be so lucky. I have to remember that Jane has first dibs though. She would kill me if I backed out of our deal. I would never do that to her.

  “Make sure you save enough time to dance with me, Callie. I would love the chance to talk further with you,” Cody tells me in no uncertain terms that he is interested in me.

  “Of course, I would be honored.”

  As if not to be outdone, Thayer speaks up. “Please save a dance for me as well. I would love to spend a little more time in the presence of such beauty.”

  Ugh, gag me with a steak knife. There’s no desire to get anywhere near Thayer. I can only hope he forgets or that by slipping through the shadows, he can be avoided. Cody, on the other hand, intrigues me. I never thought of him as mate material because I was never looking for a mate. Now, imagine the possibilities.

  I nod and take another sip of my blood.

  “Callie, how does it feel to know you will be competing with five other girls for all this male attention? There are a lot of you coming out this year. Normally it is considered a crowd with four girls,” Mrs. Gregoria asks.

  I take a Moment to formulate my response. “If the guy is right for me, there’ll be no competition. I’m not worried about that. Yes, there are a lot of us this year, but there’s a great selection of guys to complement each and every one of us.”

  She looks pleased by my answer and turns her attention to my parents. “How does it feel to be possibly losing your little girl to her future mate? You must be a little saddened by the prospect.”

  “We will miss Callie very much when she finds her mate. She deserves to be happy, though, and we will be happy for her.”

  “I couldn’t agree more about Thayer. We love him dearly, but would be thrilled if he was able to find his mate tonight. I would love a daughter in law,” Mrs. Lucia says.

  There’s no way to ignore the way she’s looking at me and it makes me want to shrink under her scrutiny. I have no intention of telling her it won’t be me unless Thayer is my last chance. Okay, so maybe not even then.

  Our conversations wrap up and it’s clearly time for the ball. Being the polite daughter, I speak up.

  “It was wonderful to talk with you all over drinks. I look forward to seeing all of you at the ball.”

  Then I turn my gaze on Cody and Thayer and spit out the words before anyone realizes it’s only a half truth. “I’ll be looking forward to dancing with you both.”

  My eyes lock with Cody’s and I know he is genuinely looking forward to our time together. It isn’t a shock when he takes a Moment to appreciate me in my dress one more time. I feel his eyes move over me as if he is undressing me with them. I’m not sure why, but I don’t mind so much.

  My Dad takes my hand and leads me out of the bar and into the night. The car is waiting for us and the driver is holding the door open. I try to be as graceful as possible when getting in the car. I don’t let out my breath until I’m safely in the car and we are pulling away.

  “Well, that was fun. What do you think Callie? I couldn’t help but notice you and Cody sneaking looks at each other,” Mom says, grinning.

  “It was nice. Cody is a great guy. I look forward to spending more time with him tonight.”

  I said what she wants to hear and she lights up. I get the feeling that she’s rooting for Cody. He’s already a royal so that lets me know he isn’t interested in me for just my position in the court. That’s a good feeling. He’s looking better and better by the minute.

  My Dad grows serious before addressing me. “We’ll figure out this situation with Chase, Callie. Just do your part tonight and we’ll try to make this all go away. You have to trust that we only want the best for you.”

  “I know Dad, and thank you. I won’t let you and Mom down.”

  I push aside unwanted thoughts of Chase and return my focus to the upcoming events. My blood high is setting in and my tension begins to slip away. We pull up to The Majestic and I’m really glad for the blood high. Otherwise, I’m not sure I could function under this much pressure.

  I step out of the car and take in the sight before me. We are at The Majestic. This is the most beautiful place in all of our land. The structure is large and imposing. It reminds me of a large castle. I know that it’s close to it.

  Mom helps me towards the entrance. The minute we enter the foyer, I’m saying goodbye to Mom and Dad. I’m swept up in a fuss and find myself following maids up the stairs and to the west wing.

  We walk down the hall, someone’s arm tugging me forward. Now, I’m growing nervous. The reality is setting in. This night could mark the rest of my life. The enormity of this blood ball is weighing me down like an anchor.

  Finally, we reach the end of the hall and the door opens. A flurry of activity is revealed behind it. My eyes sweep the room until they settle on a familiar figure. Jane. Thank the gods; I have to tell her about Cody and Thayer. I hope there’s time for us to catch up.

  I don’t get more than a wave and a smile from Jane before I’m being hurried to a vanity. Women flutter around me, fixing my hair until every strand is perfect and in place. They touch up my makeup and reapply lipstick. I stand and take one last look in the mirror.

  My dress is beautiful. For once, I feel like the real royal princess that I am. It lifts my spirits. The last time I felt like a royal princess was when Jane and I would play dress up when we were younger. Times don’t seem to have changed.

  Finally, the activity dies down and someone clears their throat. We all take the hint and grow silent.

  “It’s almost time, ladies. In about five minutes, we will have your parents meet you at the top of the center stairs. You’ll descend on their arms as we announce your entry into the vampire community. Each and every one of you looks stunning tonight and I can’t wait for you to be presented.”

  The maid that spoke stepped aside and they all exited the room as quickly as they came. The silence dissipates and everyone begins to chit chat. I rush over to Jane and wrap my arms around her.

  “Oh, thank heavens, I’m so glad to see you!” I tell her.

  She pulls away, all smiles. Her dress is absolutely amazing. She’s sheathed in silver satin and, from the waist down, is covered with glittered tulle. She looks like a ballerina, only in a longer dress. I should have known that no one would be able to outshine Jane. She’s gorgeous.

  “It’s only been like twenty-four hours, you know.”

  I forgot that she didn’t know about all the crap that rained down on me since yesterday. I quickly compose myself.

  “I know. I just missed you at drinks with the Gregorias and Lucias tonight. I wish you had been there.”

  “Yeah, how was that? Was Thayer as annoying as ever? Did Cody look hot? He totally has it bad for you.”

  “Thayer was acting strange. He actually hugged me and asked me to save him a dance. I’m still not sure what to make of it. Yes, Cody looked super yummy. But he doesn’t like me; it’s just your imagination.”

  “Whatever Callie. I know how he looks at you. You should really consider getting to know him if he doesn’t get snapped up tonight.”

  For some reason, the thought of Cody with someone else sends a wave of unease through me. I couldn’t be jealous could I? I’m fond of Cody, but I’ve never really thought of him like that. Maybe now, I see him as more than a friend. Hmm, that’s interesting and worth investigating.

  “So, um, Jane, I have something to tell you. I changed my mind about tonight. I want to find a mate tonight. It’s time. I know what I said before, but my parents have put things in a new perspective for me.”

  “Seriously Callie? I’m not buying what you’re selling. Try again.”

  I grind my teeth as I try to think of something believable. That’s easier said than done.

  “It’s just that this whole thing has made me think. I don’t want to lose a potentially great guy because I’m too afraid to try. You’re right. Guys like Cody will get snapped up and then what? What if I don’t ever meet a great guy? I can’t be stuck marrying someone like Thayer. That would be the worst kind of hell.”

  I try to be as convincing as possible with my little revelation and hope that it takes. If she doesn’t buy into this, she might get suspicious and dig. I can’t have that happening. If she finds out about Chase, she will kill me herself, without the council.

  “It’s about time you came to that conclusion! I’ve been trying to tell you that all along. I’m glad you pulled your head out of the gutter in time for the blood ball. You look to die for and are going to give those guys a heart attack. Just remember, I get first pick!”

  I sigh in relief. She bought my spiel just as I’m beginning to believe it myself.

  “I don’t know. You’re the one that looks like Cinderella tonight. That dress is unbelievable. You are going to have to beat the guys off with a stick.”

  We both laugh and I’m thankful for this reprieve from my nerves. She’s put me at ease and I’m mentally prepared now for this.

  I look around the room and the other girls are chittering away like nervous birds. Everyone’s wearing a different color dress, at least. I see gold, blue, red and black. I think the red and black are a little cliché for vampires, but whatever.

  I’m startled back to reality when there’s a sharp knock on the door before a maid steps across the threshold. She has our attention and I realize that this is it. I’m going to go downstairs and pick my life mate. I can do this. I have to do this.

  “Follow me, ladies. We will meet up with your parents at the stairs and then go over the order of your introductions.”

  She made a hand motion to follow her. I grasp Jane’s hand and tug her out of the room and down the hallway to where our parents are waiting. When we get there, the adults are making conversation among themselves. All talking ceases when we arrive.

  They are taking in our appearance. We are all drop dead gorgeous tonight. (Ha, ha, drop dead, get it? Ugh, a tangent again, I promise to behave now.)

  We take our places between our parents and wait for instruction. The maid is crisp and clear with her commands.

  “We’re going to be lining up in front of the staircase in the following order,” she explains and then continues. “First, Alice and her family and then Hannah and her family go second. Jane and family enter next. Lastly, Winter and then Callie.”

  I sigh in relief. I’m going last. Thank goodness for small favors. I’ll have a chance to watch the others before me and gauge the crowd’s reaction. Being last is more dramatic anyways.

  Everyone takes their place and forms a line. My mother settles at my left and my Dad wraps his arm around my right arm. I’m ready. At least, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be to make life altering decisions.

  My blood high is wearing off now and I can’t wait to get downstairs and find another drink. I don’t physically need it, but I do need the high to get through the night. I want everything to be perfect and I’m much more of a sparkling conversationalist when I am satiated.

  The crowd below hushes and I know that Alice is getting ready to descend. A man at the bottom of the stairs announces her and she disappears down the staircase. People clap and a few whistle. Then, the man must have made some sort of hand gesture because the crowd falls in a hush again.

  It goes on like this as each girl exits the second floor down to the ball. Jane turns and gives me a wink before making her own way down and into the fray. After Winter goes, I’m the only one left. I take a deep breath as the man announces me.

  It feels like I am floating as Mom and Dad usher me out of the hall and down the staircase. I can’t see the crowd because the lights pointed at me are so bright. I smile and gracefully continue forward. When we reach the bottom of the stairs, the crowd goes wild and I can’t help but smile.

  Dad leans in and kisses me on the cheek and then Mom does the same. They both look so happy. For once, I know I’m doing something right. Then, I’m there at the bottom of the staircase engulfed in light, on display for everyone to see.

  I try not to fidget as I stand there and everyone watches me. Then, Cody is there. I grin at him. He’s the perfect person to ease me into this thing. I want to spend more time with him anyways. I need to see if we have that connection or not.

  Cody leans forward and kisses me on the cheek. I feel a tingle zip through me from where his lips have touched my skin. That’s definitely a good sign.

  “May I have the first dance with you, Callie? I don’t want to wait until later.”

  He winks and a grin spreads across his face. I smile and nod. Then I let him pull me onto the dance floor where everyone seems to be congregating in a circle.

  A slow song comes on and I notice the others have dance partners already too. I refocus on Cody and he pulls me in until we are touching. His hands are resting on my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. His hands feel intimate, considering all that separates them from my flesh is a thin layer of silk.

  I look up into his eyes and find a wanting in them that I haven’t noticed before. Maybe he really is into me like Jane says. The thought makes me smile. He leans in and his lips touch my ear before he speaks. Shivers race through me and I am completely caught off guard by how reactive I am to him. I mean, this is Cody, the great guy for anyone but me.

  “You look so amazing tonight, Callie. I’m glad I get to be the first to dance with you. Maybe if I am lucky, you will show mercy on me and honor me with another dance before the end of the ball.”

  When he pulls away, I feel a loss where his lips were. I don’t yet understand this thing between us, but I want to give it more time to find out. He leans back a bit and looks into my violet eyes. Then it is my turn to lean in and bring my lips up to meet his ear.

  I can see him tense as my lips brush against his ear. “I would love that, Cody.”

  I pull away and am facing him once more. He smiles wide but doesn’t say anything. I spend the rest of the song just soaking up the essence that is all him. He smells of cinnamon and I wonder what he will taste like if he becomes my mate.

  Just like th
at, too soon, the song is over and we reluctantly break apart. Cody brushes a hand against my cheek and then turns to go. He calls over his shoulder, “don’t forget our other dance, princess.”

  He’s gone, vanishing into the crowd. My thoughts are chaotic and my body is on fire from our emotionally charged encounter.

  When I look up, I realize that I am just standing in the middle of the dance floor like an idiot. I move off of it and meander towards the waiters with the trays of blood. I go to swipe a glass when someone else is quicker and has placed one in front of me.

  I look up to see who was so kind and stop. I try not to let my emotions show. It’s Thayer. Well, maybe it’s good to get this out of the way.

  “I believe you were searching for this,” he says as he offers the glass to me.

  I smile and nod. “Thank you, Thayer. That’s very kind.”

  Sipping the contents, I let my eyes slip closed and savor the taste. When I open them, I have finished my glass and Thayer is staring at me, his expression calculating. Uh oh, thinking on a guy is never a good sign.

  I don’t even have time to react before everything happens in a burst. A waiter scoops in and relieves me of my glass and Thayer has my hand in his. He is tugging me forward, the crowd parting for us.

  When we finally stop, my thoughts are spinning. I take a deep breath and try to slow everything down. I look up and notice a breeze. We are on one of the many balconies. Great, now I’m alone with Thayer. This can’t be good.

  “I’m glad I was able to find you alone so quickly. I’m sure you will be beating us off with a stick by the time tonight is over.”

  A playful grin spreads across his face and I can’t help but smile. I don’t want to, but his expression is contagious. Before long, we’re laughing and I don’t even care what we are laughing at. When our giggles finally slow, Thayer grows serious.

  “Look, Callie, I know I’m not your favorite person. I have been terrible to you in the past and I’m sorry about that. I’ve grown up a lot since then and I’m not that same boy anymore. I have no right to ask for a chance, but I’m going to anyways.”


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