
Home > Paranormal > Devour > Page 13
Devour Page 13

by Andrea Heltsley

  The first empty cell next to Cody’s is mine and I’m sealed inside in a matter of seconds. Chase gets deposited into a cell across from me. Then the guards turn to go, leaving us alone in the underground hallway of barred rooms.

  We aren’t in a dungeon exactly. Yes, there are bars all around us. The floor is tiled strangely enough and there is a single bed up against the back wall that resembles more of a cot. In the back of the small cell, there is a small bathroom with an actual door on it. True, it only contains a rudimentary shower, toilet and sink, but it’s still a private bathroom. Thank goodness for small favors.

  The first thing I do after I get my bearings is pull the bed over to the bars next to Cody’s. I need his closeness. The bond is getting stronger and it’s getting harder to be away from him. I crave his touch. I long for the feel of his lips on mine. Licking my lips with my tongue, I refocus on getting my bed where I want it.

  I look up and Cody winks at me. Just that simple gesture calms me a little. He also is moving his bed towards mine. I push mine as far as it will go and sit down. I am still in shock over everything that has happened.

  I’m preparing to turn around and talk to Cody when Chase speaks up. I shift on the bed to face him.

  “So, Callie, if you are to mate for life with this guy, why did you seduce me the other night?”

  Chase puts extra emphasis on seduce and I grit my teeth. My eyes narrow as I prepare my response. I know he is just trying to get under Cody’s skin.

  “I wasn’t mated then. Besides, I needed blood. We didn’t even do anything.”

  I know it is kind of a lie, but I will not give him the benefit of seeing just how shaken up I am by the proximity of him and Cody to me.

  “I have to disagree. I took you home, we made out and as I recall, you straddled me in that little, purple dress of yours. It was far from innocent.”

  I’m seething now. How dare him. I’m about to question his motives when I realize that he’s just jealous of Cody. That thought makes me smirk. It serves him right for barging back into my life and ruining things.

  “You’re just jealous that Cody has me and you don’t,” I say, pleased with myself for figuring it out.

  “I have to admit, I am jealous. That still doesn’t change how we kissed as if the world was on fire or how you felt on my lap, pressed up against me.”

  I glance over at Cody and see his jaw clamped shut. He is grinding his teeth and trying really hard to keep his anger at bay. I’m actually a little worried that some of it is anger at me. I would never hurt Cody on purpose. Chase is putting me through the worst kind of hell.

  “Cut it out, Chase. I think we’ve heard enough for tonight. It’s late and I’m exhausted.”

  “Fine, but this isn’t over.”

  I finally turn my full attention to Cody. He is still seething at my exchange with Chase. The thought of him directing any of that anger at me makes me want to cry. I love him so much; I don’t know how I lived without him for so long.

  “Come here, princess,” Cody says. He scoots on his bed towards the bars and reaches out a hand for me.

  Tears spill and I move as close to the bars as I can get. Soon, we are face to face and his anger softens. He can see the anguish in my expression.

  “It’s okay. You didn’t know then. I’m not mad at you. None of this is your fault.” He wipes the tears away from my cheeks with his thumbs and I sigh.

  “I just love you so much. I can’t bear to think of anyone getting between us. This bond of ours grows stronger every minute. I want this all to go away.”

  “It will. I promise everything will work out for the best. As long as you’re in my life, there’s nothing they can do to make things any less than perfect.”

  “I keep picturing us together in that condo your parents gave us. In my mind, we’re so happy there,” I admit.

  Cody clasps my hands and pulls me towards the bars as close as he can get me. He leans in and presses a soft kiss to my lips. When he breaks away, I have calmed down a bit and the tears have stopped.

  “Get some rest, Callie. Things will look better in the morning.”

  I nod at him and sink down on my stiff bed. I face Cody and he is the last thing I see before I drift off to sleep.

  I must have slept through the night because I peer into Cody’s cell to see him already awake and smiling at me. I smile back and just lay there taking in my perfect mate.

  Cody’s blonde hair is disheveled and I want to put my fingers through it as I pull him in for a deep, passionate kiss. I imagine his hazel eyes lit up like molten amber as he peers through my glowing, violet eyes.

  I think about how enticing a real blood exchange sounds right now. I can remember the taste of his sweet blood on my tongue and I crave more. My body tingles from my head to my toes and I begin to think of other things we could do with each other.

  Cody laughs and I’m brought out of my reverie. “You are going to get us both in trouble princess. I’m having a hard enough time as it is and then you go thinking things like that. It’s just cruel,” he sulks.

  I feel my cheeks heat up at his response. I’ve been caught. It’s strange having someone in my head like this. A part of me feels very comforted by his presence there. It’s intimate in a way that most people never experience.

  “I’m not sure how I got so lucky, but you’re everything I’ve ever wanted. I will spend the rest of our existence showing you just how much I love you,” he tells me.

  Suddenly, we hear an exaggerated groan coming from the other cell.

  “Good God, get a room. You two are sickening. I think I got a cavity just listening to that.”

  Great. Chase is awake. “This is a private conversation so butt out, human.”

  Chase just laughs at me. “I am a human, but I’m a sexy human and you know it. That’s why you picked me that night. You may not admit you want me, but I know it. That’s enough for me. You can deny it all you want. That doesn’t make it any less true.”

  “Argh, I want to kill you! You are nothing but a pervert that can’t let well enough alone. We wouldn’t be in this mess if you had just forgotten about me like a normal human!”

  “Well, after your performance, it was incredibly hard to forget.”

  I’m fuming now. If I let him bait me any longer, I’m going to explode. I get up from my bed and slam the door to the bathroom. After taking a few calming breaths and using the facilities, I am rational enough to return to my cell.

  When I return, a guard is standing in front of my cell.

  “Here are some clean clothes and breakfast. You have visitors coming in an hour.”

  Then he leaves, just like that. I look over to see Cody drinking down his breakfast/dinner and Chase eating some sort of slop that smells disgusting. I hurry up and down my blood in one swift chug. This is my least favorite kind of blood and I’m aware that I’m just drinking it for the nutritional value. Ugh, it’s gross.

  I wonder who our visitors are. I hope Jane comes. Although, it could be our parents. Who knows who will show up to see us? After finishing my blood, I grab the clothes and return to the bathroom.

  The shower is a mixture of alternating hot and cold. I hurry up and use the standard plain bar of soap and all-in-one shampoo. There is a tiny, white towel that I use to dry off with. It is small and scratchy. I hang it back up and go about getting dressed.

  The clothes they left me are plain. I put on the bra and underwear before pulling up the light blue scrubs. The white tee is a simple cotton shirt and I pull it over my head.

  There isn’t much I can do about my hair since I am sans hairbrush. I settle for running my fingers through it and letting it dry naturally. By the time I have finished and exited the bathroom, Cody and Chase are both just showered and dressed.

  I immediately focus my attention on Cody. Good gravy he is sexy. With his hair all wet and wild, he looks like a Greek god. His muscles show clearly through the white tee shirt and the scrubs rest low on his hips.
  I snap out of it and blush as I realize I have been standing there drooling over my mate. He just cracks a smile and winks at me.

  I move over to sit cross-legged on my bed. Cody reaches through the bars and grasps my hand. I can feel the comfort in his touch. I let out a soft sigh and close my eyes for a minute. That minute is interrupted by Chase. Of course, he couldn’t just be quiet.

  “Are you two lovebirds even interested in who the visitors are?”

  “Why do you care? They’re coming to visit us, not you,” I spit, a little colder than I planned. What can I say? He brings out the worst in me.

  “It doesn’t matter, they’re still entertainment. You two are getting old to watch. I need a change in scenery. I’m curious as to who will entertain us today, that’s all.”

  “We’re not some soap opera. We’re vampires. Who says it will be entertaining? It’s probably just our parents or my best friend and his sister.”

  Cody is silent like usual, listening to our verbal sparring. I feel the anger creep in through the bond and I lighten up. I ignore Chase and pull Cody through the bars to meet me halfway. We indulge in a tender kiss that is so delicious, I almost forget myself.

  We are pulled back to reality all too soon though. A familiar voice fills the silence and I nearly jump out of my bed. It’s Jane.

  “Girl, what on earth have you gotten into this time?”

  I rush to the front of my cell and grin. Jane is here, everything will be okay. She always lightens my mood. I’m so excited to see her; I almost don’t notice Lana standing next to her.

  “Jane! You will never believe the hell I’ve been going through since we last talked. Things aren’t looking so great.” Then I turn to Lana. “Thanks so much for being here for me and Cody.”

  Lana smiles widely and I can tell she’s happy to see us. She waves at me and makes her way over to Cody’s cell. I return my focus to Jane.

  “So, who is this grade A jerk that got you into this predicament? This whole thing is total B.S., Callie. Mom told me everything when I woke up.”

  “The stupid human is over there. His name is Chase,” I say as I point over to him.

  She looks Chase over and then frowns. “No wonder you got into this mess. He’s smoking hot. I would hunt him too. If you hadn’t scooped him up that night, I probably would have.”

  “Nice to meet you, too. I’m Chase.”

  He’s being his sarcastic self, as usual. Jane looks over and gives him her thousand watt, sexy smile before responding.

  “Mm hmm…” she mumbles as she blatantly checks him out. She might as well be undressing him with her eyes, she’s so obvious.

  I lightly push on her shoulder through the bars and she turns to me with an innocent look. “What? He’s hot. I can’t help but look. It’s not as if my love life is that great right now.”

  “Didn’t you find any prospects at the blood ball? I know you were really looking forward to it.”

  “No, Alice made her move. What’s worse, there weren’t any guys worthy of me there. I need a guy who is going to treat me like the royalty I am. So far, I haven’t had much luck. Excuse me for looking at a little eye candy.”

  “I’m so sorry, Jane. I know you were hoping to find a mate there. Don’t worry; we’ve got all summer to find you one. That is, if I ever get out of this mess.”

  “Yeah, about that, why is Cody locked up too? He didn’t do anything.”

  “Our bond has already grown really strong. It’s torture to be apart from each other, so he volunteered to be close to me this way. I love him so much, Jane. I can’t believe how much.”

  “You’re lucky. The whole true mate thing might just save your ass. They won’t risk a royal mating. They might force you into the breeding program though. You’re a good candidate and they need an heir.”

  I hadn’t even thought of that. Holy smokes. They could actually force Cody and I into having a family right away. I’m not ready for that yet. I just want to be with Cody and start our life. I wouldn’t be destroyed over it, after all, he is my everything and our children would be too. The thought of the breeding program leaves me conflicted.

  “I never even thought of that. I guess that’s better than what could happen to Chase. He might meet his death. Sucks to be him,” I say.

  I know it’s my fault he’s here and I don’t really want him to die. He’s just on my last nerve and I’ve now stooped to his level. Great. Fabulous. I’m a child. This makes me think about apologizing for being so harsh. I am about to when Jane regains my attention.

  “Well, they only gave us ten minutes to visit. Sucks, I know, but I’ll be at the trial tomorrow. I want to be there for you. You know that I love you and would do anything for you, right?”

  “I know, Jane. Thanks for everything.”

  Lana says goodbye to Cody and wave’s goodbye to me as she and Jane turn to leave. I am aware of Chase watching them a little too intently as they exit the basement and head up the stairs. He’s such a pervert.

  As soon as they leave, Chase’s snarky attitude is back. I groan at his comment.

  “Maybe I should have hooked up with her instead. She might have appreciated me a little more and not hooked up with the first guy she laid eyes on after we met.”

  I’m not in the mood for him. Forget the apology. My best friend had been here and I have Cody here for me. I didn’t want Chase to ruin my good mood. I cut him a look and turn to Cody. If I pretend he isn’t there, maybe he will take a hint.

  “How was your visit with Lana?”

  “She misses us. She worries about what will happen.”

  “It’s entirely my fault. You wouldn’t be in this mess if it wasn’t for me being so stupid.”

  “Shush, I don’t want to hear that. It’s not your fault that Chase is some freak of nature. As long as we’re together, it’ll be alright.”

  “What will happen to us? Jane said they might stick us in the breeding program as punishment. I didn’t even think about that. This is your future they’re messing with too.”

  “Princess, whatever happens, happens. I don’t care what they do to us. I just want you and I will take you any way I can get you.”

  I’m so struck by his declaration that I climb up on my bed and meet him at the bars. I wrap my hands around his neck and he kisses me with a fevered passion. Everything around us fades away and it is just the two of us.

  My body is warming and I’m completely consumed by him. His kiss is urgent and intense. His tongue tangles with mine and I’m engrossed in all things Cody.

  He finally pulls away from me and we’re both breathless. I look up and know that his eyes match mine. They are glowing. I want his blood and I want him to have mine. What could it hurt?

  I nip the tip of my index finger and bring it to his lips, the blood flowing freely. He makes a little sound of contentment as he pulls my finger in his mouth and licks the blood. He takes very little and seals the wound.

  Cody mimics my actions and when I place his finger in my mouth, fireworks go off. The taste is better than any blood I have ever encountered. I take just a small amount as well and softly lick the wound.

  When I look up this time, his eyes are still lit up, but his face shows his love for me. He smiles and brushes his hand gently across my cheek.

  “You are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on. I love you, Callie Andell. We will make it through this together.”

  I smile and am comforted at his words. We shared our Moment through the mental connection and I can feel his love for me through the bond. I can’t help but forget about everything else and grin like an idiot.

  And then, Chase goes and shatters our perfect Moment. I’m growing more irritated by the minute with him. He may be gorgeous, but I really hate his personality. It rubs me the wrong way and I just want to strangle him at times.

  “It’s almost disgusting to watch you two. I think I’m going to barf now.”

  We both pin him with a glare.
/>   “Don’t get me wrong, the eye thing is sexy. That whole sharing blood thing is like watching a porno movie. Kinky.”

  I choose to be the mature one and ignore his comments. Even though I only had a little of Cody’s blood, I’m still experiencing a soft blood high. I lay in my bed, letting my thoughts run their course through my head. I would normally paint, but that isn’t exactly an option right now.

  I shut my eyes and let my mind wander. My body is humming and I practice some meditation techniques to ground me. Soon, I feel my mind reaching out to Cody’s automatically.

  He’s feeling the blood high too. I’m shocked to find the intensity of his thoughts. He is thinking things that are intimate enough to make me blush. I send him back some equally shocking thoughts, giving him a taste of what will happen Saturday and I hear his breathing catch. I smile, satisfied.

  I must have fallen asleep, because I wake up to find several council members rushing down the stairs. Their faces are serious and dread creeps through me. Surprisingly, they ignore Cody and me. They focus on Chase and ask for more blood.

  Why would they want more blood? And why are they so serious? I watch as he slides his arm out between the bars and allows them to draw more blood. They thank him and turn to leave. They are gone, just like that.

  Confusion and curiosity war for my attention at that moment. There has to be a better explanation for this than the one I am conjuring up.

  I see where this is going and it can’t be. Having a child with a human means instant death. We are immortal, but we can still be killed. No one can recover from a beheading or a stake to the heart. At least the legends got that right.

  No vampire I know would risk impregnating a human. If that is, in fact, what happened, Chase would be a dhampir. We haven’t had one in recent history, but they are almost always turned in our history books. The secret must be kept.

  I look at Chase with new eyes. I wonder if he knows. Deciding he mustn’t, I actually begin to wonder what it would be like to be different and not know why.


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