
Home > Paranormal > Devour > Page 16
Devour Page 16

by Andrea Heltsley

  All I want to do is push her out and shut the door. This is my binding night to Cody. I don’t want her to taint the memories of it. It doesn’t look like I’m going to have a choice though. Damn.

  “You’ve ruined my life, Callie Andell!! First, you steal my mate and have the gall to flaunt your romantic whirlwind with him. You’re a selfish bitch! Then, you have to go and ruin my family! How sick is it that you stood by and watched as they murdered my father?”

  “I’m sorry, Hannah. I never meant for any of this to happen. You know that Cody and I are true mates and you liking him doesn’t change that. As for your Dad, I didn’t have any idea that was going to happen. Alexander’s word is the law and we were helpless to stop it.”

  “Whatever. You’re a stupid cow. You get everything handed to you. You don’t even notice Cody’s existence until the blood ball and all of a sudden you swoop in and claim him. It makes me sick!”

  “Calm down, Hannah. You’re going to give yourself a panic attack,” I say in a soothing voice.

  “You can shut up now. I’m not finished. Then, you break the rules and while others suffer, you get rewarded! How is that fair? Now you get to be heir to the throne and will live in the castle with Cody, happily ever after. You suck, Callie!”

  “I can’t help what Alexander decides. I have to do whatever he says. Did you hear the part about the breeding law? I have to skip college so I can train and have babies! How is that fair?”

  I’m getting worked up now. Hannah brings out the worst in me and I want to reach over and smack her. She needs to take a breath and step away before I do something I will regret.

  “Oh, blah, blah, blah, Callie. That’s such a tragedy. You get to have adorable babies and rule all the vampires. That is hardly a sacrifice. You don’t deserve everything that’s been handed to you!”

  Suddenly, like it is in slow motion, my temper ignites. How dare she try and ruin this day for me. I raise my hand up and slap her across the cheek. Hard.

  My hand stings from the contact and I shake it off. Hannah stares at me, wide eyed, with a look of horror. She obviously didn’t think I would do anything and that I would just sit and take her crap. Well, she’s wrong.

  “You did not just do that. I have nothing to lose at this point; you took it all from me.”

  Then, Hannah proceeded to throw herself at me. We drop to the hardwood floor and I focus on dodging her punches. She looks feral and I realize that she’s totally lost it now. The bitchy Hannah is gone and replaced with someone unrecognizable.

  Finally, Jane and Lana manage to pull her off me. I take a deep breath, now that the pressure of her weight is off me. Then Ginger speaks up.

  “Girls, why don’t you drive Hannah home? She’s in no condition to be driving and I think it’s time she leaves.”

  “Yes, ma’am. We’ll be right back,” Jane says respectfully.

  Everyone is silent as Jane and Lana carry Hannah out of the house. She fights them at first, and then resigns as if it’s too much trouble. My Mom shuts the door behind them and rushes to me.

  Mom wraps her arms around me. “Oh, honey. I was so scared for you! Are you okay? Do you want a glass of blood?”

  I think about it for a minute and then nod. I’m so shaken up that the blood will calm my nerves. Mom calls for the maid to bring the cocktail and I swallow it down in seconds.

  As soon as I have visibly calmed down a bit, my Mom and Ginger guide me up the stairs and back to my room. I reach out once again and tug on my connection with Cody. He is distressed and I give off calming vibes.

  I don’t want him worked up over what happened. He may read my mind, but I want him to know I’m excited for tonight. I send him an image of us together and let him feel my lust and impatience.

  I’m broken from the connection by Mom accidentally stabbing me with a bobby pin. She is mumbling something about having to redo all their hard work, thanks to the tiff in the foyer.

  I smirk, knowing my Mom feels the same way about Hannah that I do. She’s a few eggs short of a carton.

  Ginger opens my big makeup case and begins to apply my makeup. I’m getting antsy and excited. In just a short while, Cody and I will seal our bond and become true mates forever.

  Even the thought of living in the castle and ruling can’t dampen my enthusiasm. Tonight is about me and Cody and only us. As nervous as that makes me, I know I can trust him.

  I’m just about ready to get dressed when Jane and Lana return. I’m curious to hear how that went.

  “So, what’s the verdict? Did you get her home in one piece?” I ask.

  “That was the most unpleasant thing I have had to do in, like, forever. At least she isn’t trying to steal my mate,” Jane says with a smirk.

  “Her Mom didn’t even come out to retrieve her. We finally just left her at her front door. I didn’t want to set foot inside their creepy house. It just felt wrong,” Lana adds.

  I sigh and turn towards my closet. It’s time to get dressed. Excitement and anticipation course through me and I smile like a lovesick, school girl. I can’t wait to be with Cody, finally all alone.

  “It’s time for me to get dressed guys. I’ll be right back.”

  I turn and shut myself in my closet once again. I strip down to my panties so I can put on my dress. The dress is hanging at the end of the closet and looks amazing. After pulling it off the hanger, I slip it on and fasten the hook at the base of my neck.

  Looking in the mirror, I realize just how stunning the dress is on me. I feel sexy and vulnerable. The dress flows just to my feet and the back fabric hangs loosely, baring my entire back. I hope Cody likes it.

  Jane knocks on the closet and hollers at me. “Hurry up, princess. You probably look fantastic.”

  I slip on my shoes and stride over to open the closet door. Everyone’s eyes are on me. I have stunned them into silence. I sure hope that’s a good thing. I turn for effect and everyone snaps out of it.

  “You are so beautiful, dear,” Mom says.

  “I hope I look that good for my mating,” Jane remarks.

  Smiling, I pull on the connection with Cody. I have been blocking him some, because I want the dress to be a secret. That doesn’t mean I can’t tease him a little. I mentally send him two words: no bra. I sense the lust rush through the connection and it makes me feel desired. I can’t wait any longer.

  “Am I ready to go yet?”

  “The limo is waiting downstairs for you,” Mom remarks.

  “Does anyone want to tell me where we are going? Why does the ritual place have to be so secretive?”

  “We can’t tell you, Callie. It’s just part of the bonding process. Don’t worry though, Cody doesn’t know either,” Ginger assures me.

  I’m filled with anticipation and an overwhelming desire for Cody. I feel like everything else is just going on in a haze around me. I really hope he likes my dress.

  Everyone follows me down the stairs and we gather in the foyer near the front door. It feels like I’m saying goodbye to my old life and starting anew, which I am. Maybe a better analogy would be a caterpillar changing into a beautiful butterfly.

  Mom wraps me up in a hug first. “Congratulations, honey. I always knew this day would come. You are going to make us proud as you start your next stage in life.”

  Ginger comes next. It’s a strange emotion to know she is now going to be like a Mom to me. “I’m so happy to welcome you into our family, Callie. I know you are the right vampire for my son and I will love you like my own daughter.”

  All of this sentiment is making me a little tearful and I’m afraid it’s going to ruin my makeup. I’m almost done, I have to remind myself.

  Lana throws her arms around me and nearly knocks me off balance. I grin at her enthusiasm. She doesn’t say anything though, just gives me a warm embrace and steps away.

  Of course, the thought of saying goodbye to Jane makes me all misty eyed. I’m going to miss hunting with her, despite our last debacle. It all turned o
ut for the best and I know she isn’t alone either now.

  “Go get lucky tonight. I need a play by play later so I know what the hell to expect,” she whispers with a smirk.

  I laugh out loud and nod. “I promise, Jane.”

  Then that’s it. I have said all my goodbyes and turn towards the door. Finn opens it and I carefully maneuver towards the limo.

  When I get there, I take one last look at my old life and the people that are going to be with me going forward. I’m really blessed. They’re all standing on the porch, waiting to see me off.

  I get to the limo and the driver stops me before opening the door. He pulls out an elegant, silk blindfold and I reluctantly put it on. I’m even more anxious without my sense of sight. It just makes all my other senses elevated.

  He opens the door and then guides me into the limo. The door shuts with a soft click and I’m alone in the back seat with my thoughts. Uncertainty and excitement war inside me. I love Cody with my whole being and I can’t wait to be his.

  Another part of me worries that I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. What if I’m not very good tonight? He’ll be stuck with me forever. I brush the unpleasant thought away as if it were just an unwanted nuisance.

  We start forward and I’m still not sure where we’re going. I reach out and connect with Cody. I can feel similar emotions running through him. I’m shocked. He is actually nervous too.

  I don’t get any clues as to where we’re going though, because he’s in pitch black. I assume they blindfolded him as well. Swell. Now I just have to wait impatiently.

  The ride flies by fairly quickly. I only have a minute to remember Hannah’s escapades tonight before we’re slowing to a stop. I think my heart is going to leap out of my chest.

  The back door to the limo opens and I feel the warm, summer breeze against my mostly exposed body. I give an involuntary shiver as I carefully step out into the night.

  I’m gently guided into a building, but no door opens. This just gets curiouser and curiouser. We walk for a ways and I focus on not tripping on the hem of my dress. That in itself is a huge task.

  The only sounds are the ones our feet make across the tiled floor. I’m starting to wonder if I’m on a wild goose chase when we finally come to a stop.

  A door opens and a deep voice announces that we will be going up stairs. Hmm, I’m very lost. This doesn’t feel like anywhere I’ve ever been.

  He stands behind me and I slowly make it up a twisty staircase a few minutes later. I can tell the minute we exit the stairs. The room we have stepped into has a draft and I know it’s a large one.

  We don’t stop though. I’m soon guided through another door. This room isn’t covered in tile, but I don’t think its carpet either.

  My ears perk up as I hear my guide whispering to someone else. Try as I might, I can’t make out a word he’s saying. Soon enough, he has stopped and is issuing a command.

  “I want you to wait thirty seconds before taking off your blindfolds. You will be locked in here until sunset tomorrow evening to protect the secrecy of the location. This is a sacred place that all bonding rituals occur in. Congratulations.”

  Then, I hear two sets of footsteps receding. The door shuts and I hear the lock slide into place. My nerves are a frayed mess and my heart is beating wildly now.

  I don’t waste any time tearing off the blindfold. When I do, I am just inches from Cody. He’s just finished pulling off his own blindfold and it flutters to the floor.

  Instinct takes over. I don’t care about anything but him. I throw myself into his arms and place a kiss on his soft, pink lips. He wraps his hands around me as the kiss deepens and then he stiffens.

  At first I think I’ve done something wrong and start to pull away. He just tightens his grip on me and looks me in the eyes. His amber eyes are blazing and I know he desires me.

  I feel his hands roam my body as he takes in the back of the dress and they settle on my waist. He pulls me towards him and whispers in my ear. “You look like the most perfect vampire I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’m going to devour you in that dress.”

  Shivers slide down my spine, but not from being cold. This is finally it. I’m going to be mated for life to the most awesome guy in the whole world. I couldn’t be luckier.

  He’s wearing a tuxedo, much like the one he wore the night of the blood ball. I want to swoon at the look of desire that he’s giving me.

  I break the contact to finally look around the room. It feels like we have stepped back in time. There is a four poster bed against one wall, with plush white bedding. I can’t wait to sink down into it.

  The wall next to it reveals a bathroom. There’s a small light on that makes our surroundings look like they are soaked in moonlight. I walk in the ornately decorated room with high ceilings. Crown molding adorns the walls. There’s a shower and a claw foot tub. Everything is in gold and a rich honey color.

  I’m surprised, but there aren’t any windows in the room or the bathroom. It feels like we’re sealed in our own little world. I’m about to say just that when I feel Cody’s fingers wrap around my upper arm.

  I smile and turn towards him. He tilts his head to the wall opposite from us. I look to the other side of the room and notice a Victorian dresser. Moving closer, I examine what is on top of it.

  There’s an ornate chalice. Below it is a note.

  To complete the blood oath, you must both bleed into the chalice. Then each of you must drink.

  “I guess this is the part of the ritual that is so sacred,” Cody says as he bites into his wrist and lets his blood drip into the cup.

  “I love how your blood tastes,” I blurt out nervously as I follow his lead.

  He chuckles and brushes a hand across my face. “I love how yours tastes too, princess. Let’s do this.”

  I don’t know what I expected, but it’s just like drinking the cocktail only fresher and sweeter. When we’re finished, we set the chalice back on the dresser and move towards the bed.

  This time, his eyes light up in a molten tawny tone and I know that this is it. In the dim lighting of our surroundings, we become true mates in every sense of the word.

  I wake up to warmth and I inhale the scent of cinnamon and a scent very unique to Cody. We’re in the middle of the bed and I’m facing him, my legs twined with his. My head rests on his chest and when I look up; I discover he’s looking at me. The only light is coming from the bathroom. I can only guess it’s nighttime.

  “Good evening, Callie,” he tells me. Then he lifts my chin and his lips meet mine in a slow passionate kiss. Yummy. He is so gorgeous, amazing and so many more things than I can’t even describe. I’m completely and utterly enthralled by him.

  “Mm… good night, yourself,” I say, grinning.

  I stretch languidly like a cat and he pulls me down, hovering over me. I feel his eyes drinking me in and a shiver passes through me. I sense his excitement and I giggle. He pulls the covers back up over us and I forget about the world outside of these four walls once again.

  His soft lips trail down my face with slow gentle kisses. He moves down to my neck and licks a small circle on it. Anticipation floods me as I realize that he is going to feed from me. I let out a strangled moan as he sinks his teeth into my neck and euphoria takes over.

  It takes several minutes of bliss before he retracts his fangs and coolness replaces his mouth. I feel the loss, but am eager to feed as well. I pull him down to me and repeat the process he just finished.

  As soon as the blood flows freely, I feel the ecstasy of it. When I finally lick the wound to staunch the bleeding, I’m completely sated.

  We must have fallen back asleep at some point during our amazing Moments. The sound of the lock being turned wakes me. At first I panic, thinking someone was going to come in and find us in a compromising position. I pull the covers up over us and cling to Cody as if my life depended on it.

  “It’s okay, Callie. No one will come in. They know what we are doing in h
ere. This was our ritual night. We’re just allowed to leave now. I’m sure they are waiting outside to blindfold us again. Why don’t we get ourselves up and dressed. Everyone will want to see us today.”

  “Ugh, do we have to? I would rather stay right where we are, just like we are,” I say with a mischievous look on my face.

  I feel the rumble of his laugh vibrate through me. “I wish we could, princess. I would like nothing more than to ravish you again, but reality calls.”

  I groan, knowing he is right. I suddenly feel a wave of self-consciousness flutter through me as I realize I have to get out of bed naked. Even though I shared my body with Cody last night, it was dark and under the covers. Now the light in the bathroom is on.

  It was so much easier to take off our clothes than to put them back on. Humph. Reluctantly, I peel back the covers and climb out of bed. Then I realize that all I have to wear is what I wore in.

  I hurry over to the pile of discarded clothing and pull my underwear on. Then I work on getting the dress on, Cody never taking his eyes off me. His eyes flared glowing amber once again and I know he is appreciating the view.

  “Come on, it’s your turn. I already feel like we are going to be doing the walk of shame.”

  “I guess, but only if you help me button up my shirt. I think you were pretty sexy unbuttoning it last night.”

  Now it is my turn to chuckle. Everything with him just feels so natural, even our playful banter. Every second that I’m with him, I think I fall in love a little more if that’s even possible.

  Five minutes and many kisses later, we’re ready. Cody slowly opens the door to find two figures standing there. They are the same guards from last night, at least my guy is. He holds up the blindfold and I nod, acknowledging that he is going to put it on me.

  I risk one last look at Cody before everything goes black. He pushes through our mental connection and a smile forms on my face.

  I love you, princess. I will be over in a few hours to help you pack.

  The following minutes proceed like last night. We make our way through the maze of the building and I feel the summer breeze wash over my exposed skin. I inhale deeply and smile.


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