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Arsen Page 12

by Kathryn Thomas

  Arsen grinned, enjoying the fact he was putting the screws to the Chrome Horsemen. “I have no reason to lie to you.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Just being clear. We’ve been nothing but honest with you since the beginning. I’m not going to change now.”

  “That’s good to know. By the way, I have some more good news, for you anyway. The supplier to our San Francisco chapter got busted. Can you supply them as well? We’ll handle transportation, just like normal.”

  “Probably. What kind of demand are we looking at?”

  “Total? I’d say fifty a week, but we’d like 100 on the next shipment to build supply and meet some pent up demand.”

  “Jesus! How are you moving that much stuff?”

  “The San Francisco chapter supplies all the way down to San Luis Obispo, plus our demand here is LA is going up because people are starting to come to us over this fake shit. They know we have the good stuff. To be honest, from our point of view, this counterfeiting has been good for business. You shut them down to cut off that supply and yeah, I think we can move more than fifty, maybe as much as seventy-five a week.”

  “We can do it, but we’re going to need a couple of weeks to ramp up to that. I simply don’t have the raw materials on hand for you to double your order size, then provide the fifty bump, and still meet my other demand. I burned a lot of inventory with that last bump I gave you. How about I deliver the fifty this week and next, then get you the hundred the week after that?”

  “If that’s the best you can do, we’ll take it.”

  “That’s the best I can do on such short notice.”

  “Okay, but stock up. We may want another increase if demand keeps going up.”


  Michelle stepped up behind Quinn. “You okay? You seem a little down.”

  “Yeah, fine.”

  Michelle studied her a moment her then grinned. “You’re a lying bitch. If you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine, but don’t try to blow me off with the everything is fine bullshit. What’s wrong. Did Arsen do something?”

  “No. Well, yes, but…”

  Michelle looked around and then nodded her head. They moved to one of the guest rooms and she shut the door. “What did he do?”

  Quinn looked down. “He took me to the cabin last night.”

  “He did?” Michelle asked, her surprise clear in her voice.

  “Yeah. I know about Holly.”

  “Is that what has you down? That wasn’t his fault. Nobody could have seen that coming.”

  “No, that’s not it. We spent the night and…” She saw Michelle’s eyes widen.

  “Did he force himself on you?”

  “No!” Quinn cried. “Nothing like that!”

  “Then what?”

  “I don’t know!” Quinn cried in frustration. “He was so patient and gentle, but I feel so…confused.”

  “Over what?”

  “I don’t know! That’s the problem! I got upset and started crying and he just stopped. I felt so guilty for leading him on then pulling the rug out from under him, but he didn’t seem to care. We tried again and I got into it, and it bothers me I did. It makes me feel like a whore.”

  Michelle looked at her for a moment, her face twisted into disbelief. “What? Why would you say that?” she asked, her voice full of exasperation.

  “I don’t know. I feel like I shouldn’t haven’t enjoyed it, not after I’d been…”

  “That’s just stupid!” Michelle snapped. “Did you enjoy sex before?”

  “Well, yes, but…”

  “Then why wouldn’t you enjoy it again? I think it’s amazing you’ve improved as much as you have. Arsen told Zane what you’d been through, and the fact you came out of that at all is a testament to your strength. The fact you took a lover only a month or so after you escaped is amazing, but I think that’s a good sign.” Michelle lowered her voice and leaned in closer. “To be honest, I didn’t know Arsen had it him to be as thoughtful and kind as he’s been. After Holly was killed, he kind of turned back into a manwhore. I can’t blame him, and I know what he was doing, but that didn’t change the fact he’d changed.”

  “Changed how?”

  “I think Holly was a good influence on him. They got married about five years ago. Before that he was kind of wild. He used to fuck any woman he could bed, two, three, sometimes four different women in a week. Then he met Holly, and I guess she could match him in the bedroom. After that, he settled down. Holly and I became good friends and she would tell me things, like how they would sometimes spend the entire weekend in bed, fucking, eight, ten, twelve times over the weekend, or how they would ride out into the desert, throw a blanket on the ground, and fuck under the stars.”

  Michelle shrugged. “After she died, he kind of went back to the way he was. Not as bad as before, but in the last six months he’s made regular use of all the club girls. I guess he was trying to replace her, or fill a hole inside him, I don’t know. None of us knew what was going on with him because he wouldn’t talk about it. All I know is losing her devastated him.”

  “What does this have to do with me?”

  “Don’t you see? After you showed up, so far as I know, he hasn’t screwed anyone, and the fact that he went back to the cabin with you.” She smiled. “Arsen’s a good guy, but I didn’t know he had the self-control he’s shown with you. Before Holly, if a woman wouldn’t fuck him, he was done with her. But now, with you, he’s waited a month? While he’s been helping you heal, I think you’ve been helping him.”

  She stared at Michelle a moment. “Why are you telling me this, and what does that have to do with how I feel?”

  “Because I think everything happens for a reason.”

  “You think Holly died so Arsen and I could be together?” Quinn cried, appalled at the idea.

  “No, but maybe he found you on the interstate so you could heal each other.”

  “You’re talking about fate. You think we’re meant for each other? I don’t believe in stuff like that.”

  Michelle shrugged. “Call it what you will. I think you two going to bed and getting it on was the best thing that could happen to both of you. You’re learning to trust again, and to get on with your life, and he’s learning somethings are worth sacrificing, and fighting, for. I think you two going to bed is the first step in healing. For both of you.”

  “If you’re right, why do I feel so guilty, like I’ve done something wrong?”

  “I don’t know. Why do you? Do you think it was wrong to sleep with him? You’d been doing that for weeks already.”

  “No, but we didn’t have sex until last night. We hadn’t even kissed.”

  Michelle shrugged. “So? Were you going to go through the rest of your life and never have a man between your legs again? Seems to me that would be the worst fate of all. I wouldn’t want to live like that, would you?”

  “No, but…”

  “But what?”

  “I don’t know!”

  “Maybe that’s because you think you should feel like it was wrong, but you know, deep down inside, there was nothing wrong with what you did.” Michelle paused then took her hands. “If it feels right, and it’s not hurting anyone else, then it is right. Remember that.”

  Quinn watched Michelle’s eyes a moment. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For talking to me.”

  Michelle smiled. “That’s what sisters do,” she said gently.

  Chapter 22

  “Phil! Where’s Zane?” Arsen growled as he stomped into the clubhouse, shoving past Michelle and Quinn as they stepped out of the bedroom.

  “I think he’s in his office on the phone. Why?”

  “Church, five minutes,” he snapped.

  “What’s wrong?” Michelle asked as they followed him into the clubhouse proper.

  He moved to the bar and poured a drink. “The fucking Horsemen are on the move. They…” He paused before he said
too much. “We’re going to have to deal with them,” he said then tossed the clear liquid back, gritting his teeth and sneering against the burn.

  When he marched away, going into the meeting room where the club conducted business, Quinn looked at Michelle. “What’s going on?”

  “I…can’t tell you.”


  “Club business.”

  “Oh,” Quinn said. She was well aware of what that meant, and she was still an outsider.


  Phil was the last of the three officers to step into the room and he closed the door behind him. “What’s up?”

  “It’s the fucking Horsemen.”

  “Are you shitting me?” Zane asked. “They never give up do they?”

  “No, and I’m tired of fucking with them.” He placed his phone on the table, scrolling through contacts until he found the one he wanted. The phone purred as it dialed.

  “Williams,” the voice on the phone said.

  “Roger Williams?”

  “Who’s this?”

  “Arsen Kyle.”

  “What do you want Kyle?”

  “I know about your counterfeiting business. I’m calling you to tell you it’s going to stop, now. You tried this shit before and it didn’t work. It’s not going to work this time either, and if it doesn’t stop, we’re going to fuck you in the ass.”

  “Who do you think you are, you arrogant prick?” Roger growled.

  “I’m the fucking angel of death, you asshole!” Arsen snarled. “You think you want to make molly? Fine, give it your best shot! But you crossed the line when you started stamping your shit with our design. If that doesn’t stop, I’ll kill you and every fucking member of your club!”

  “Bring it on, you cock sucker! We missed you at the cabin, but I wouldn’t mind getting another shot at you.”

  Arsen sat back and stared at his phone. He finally had confirmation. He leaned forward, propping his elbows on the table as he leaned in close to the phone. He wanted to make sure Williams could hear every word. “I’ve always suspected it was you but I didn’t know. Now I do. I’ll gut you myself for what you did.”

  “You want to fuck with us? I’ll have you on your knees with my cock in your mouth, just like that whore wife of yours. And your mother,” Roger sneered, trying to get inside Arsen’s head.

  Arsen went incandescing with rage. “You’re good at that, aren’t you? Abusing helpless women. It’s because you, you and your entire club, are just a bunch of pussies. I know what you did with the Riders, and how you took those women. Raping women makes you feel like a big man, doesn’t it? You can’t even do that right. One of them killed your man, didn’t she? She killed him and got away clean. A starved, beaten, abused woman out smarted your entire club and is tougher than you.” He paused, breathing hard. “We’re going to do to you what you did to Quinn, Miranda and Teresa. What you did to Holly. We’re coming for you, and I’m going to kill you myself. But it won’t be quick. I’ll make it slow. I’ll keep you alive for days, until you’re begging me to kill you.”

  There was a pause. “You have her?”

  Arsen grinned wickedly. “Yes. There’s nothing you have that I can’t take.”

  “I want her back.”

  “You want her back? Okay, why don’t we meet, just me and you, and I’ll give her back,” he sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

  Williams paused again. “Bring me the girl and we’ll talk about the molly.”

  Arsen chuckled. “You mistake me for someone stupid. I don’t trust you as far as I can piss on you. How about this? We keep the girl and you stop counterfeiting our product, and we won’t cut off your dicks and give them to her in a box tied up with a bow.”

  “You think your dick is big enough to take us on, then come on. Let’s dance. Then we’ll see who’s fucking who. And when it’s over, we’ll make sure we show your old ladies what real men are like.”

  Arsen was seething inside but kept his voice level. “Fine. I guess we’ll see who has the bigger dicks.”

  He stabbed his phone to end the call. He sat, his breath heaving, trying to reel in is rage. Now was not the time for white hot rage. He needed to be ice cold and calculating. The Chrome Horsemen were three times their size, larger than the Desert Riders and the Blacktop Blades combined. If the Blades were going to take them on, they were going to have to be smart, and careful.

  “We’re going to deal with those fuckers once and for all,” Arsen snarled. “The world will be better off without them, and we’re going to make that happen. Phil, get everyone together. We need to vote this.”

  Phil rose to go round up the brothers, but Zane hung back. “What can I do?”

  “What do you mean?” Arsen asked, looking at him.

  “I want to know what I can do to help you. I know this has to be tearing your guts open.”

  “I’m good.”

  “That’s bullshit and you know it. You’re not good. Nobody would be good. Let Phil and me handle the details of this. You’re too close.”

  “No,” Arsen said firmly. “I have to do this. I owe her, them, that much. I have to see it through.” He paused and looked at his friend and put a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll do this together, but watch me. I need you to call me out if I start making bad decisions, decisions that are going to cost us brothers. I don’t want to throw away more lives just for revenge.”

  Zane nodded. “Count on it.”

  Arsen stepped out of church. “Quinn. I need you to do me a favor,” he said, stepping up to her.


  “I need you to go wait in the plant.” He could tell the request hurt her feelings, but it couldn’t be helped.


  “This won’t take long. I’ll come get you.”

  “It’s about the Chrome Horsemen?”

  “Yeah. We need to hold a vote. It’s club business, you understand.”

  “I understand the club business, but I don’t understand what you want with the Horsemen.”

  “I can’t tell you that.”

  “Yeah, I get it,” she said softy as she rose. “I’m still an outsider.”

  He gave her a kiss on top of the head. “It’s nothing personal.”

  “I know,” she muttered as she turned and walked toward the back of the clubhouse, and out the door.

  The door hadn’t closed from her exit when the brothers from the plant began to file in. Church was too small of a room for them all to meet, but Arsen wanted everyone’s buy-in before he took the club to war.

  When all the brothers were present, Ansen laid it all out. How the Horsemen had wiped out the Riders to take over their weed business, how they were being pushed out of the cocaine trafficking business, and how they were the ones turning out the fake Hearts and Daggers. The last bit was what really pissed everyone off, and when he called for a vote it was unanimous.

  “Anyone opposed?” Arsen asked, just for formality. Silence. “Okay. Go start shutting down the plant,” he ordered, “then go get ready to take care of business. Phil, Zane, with me.”

  As the other members filed out, Arsen turned and walked into church and shut the door behind them. “What do you think about bringing Quinn in on this?”

  “Why?” Phil asked.

  “Because she was in their clubhouse for three weeks. She may have some intel we can use.”

  “I don’t know what she can tell us, but it couldn’t hurt,” Zane agreed.

  “She’s going to want to know why. I think we should tell her.”

  “Wait a minute,” Zane cautioned. “Are we sure about that?”

  “I am. She was part of the Riders. They moved weed, we make molly. For all practical purposes, that’s the same thing. I trust her. She’s proven her worth to the club.”

  “I agree, but redesigning our website to help us sell soap is a hell of a lot different than putting her in the loop on the molly,” Phil pointed out.

  “I know. But she’s not stupi
d. If we tell her we’re going to take out the Horsemen and we want her help, she’s going to know it’s not because they’re trying to break into the bath oil business.”


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