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Arsen Page 42

by Kathryn Thomas

  “So what’s their beef with me? What did I do? Nothing!”

  “It’s not what you did…I think it’s what you’re doing.”

  “I’m not doing anything!”

  “But you are. You’re bringing the club together. Some of it anyway, and that’s dangerous.”

  “Dangerous? How?”

  “You’re new blood and you’re shaking things up. Things have gotten stagnant in the club, the lines have been drawn and, for the most part, everyone has settled into their roles. There hasn’t been a serious challenge to the rankings in a couple of years. Monica and Skye see to that. But you’re stirring the shit and that has some people nervous.”

  Sierra crossed her arms. “Like I give a shit. I just want to take my money and leave.”

  “You’re going to back down from a fight? That’s not like you.”

  “I’m not fighting every man I turn down, Colt. I came back to be with you, not to be passed around like a cheap whore. All you had to do was say I was your old lady. Would that have been so bad?”

  “It’s not that simple! You think you have problems now? Imagine what it would have been like if I elevated you over every other person in the club. You wouldn’t have the respect you have earned so far. Every man and woman in the club would be gunning for you. That’s the problem with the system we have now! Nearly everyone thinks if one person moves up, someone else has to move down, rather than all of us rising together. It’s fucked up, but I can’t change it by myself.”

  “I still don’t see what this has to do with me.”

  “You have taken on two challengers, and won both times. But rather than, the woman especially, seeing you as a threat, they see you as a friend. I’ve never seen that before in the lower ranks. My crew trust each other, and there are few others that I trust, but most of the members are nothing but a bunch of backstabbing fucks.”

  Sierra stared at him, reading the frustration and anger in his eyes. “Maybe they are that way because they don’t have any other choice.”

  “Exactly! Look, when I brought you back to the clubhouse, I didn’t expect this to happen. I just knew I wanted to be with you, but something is happening. Something I didn’t plan for or expect. Some of the members are beginning to rally to your side. I can use that. We can use that to start to turn the club around. We can make it better than it is now, and you can be part of that. I need you Sierra.”

  “You need me to get the shit beaten out of me, you mean.”

  “No. I need you to be an example for the other members. Someone from the outside, someone not tainted by the bullshit of the club. This could be our big opportunity, and I want to take it.”

  “So that’s why you asked me to come back with you. You wanted to use me as bait.”

  Colt sighed in exasperation. “No, I asked you to come back with me because I wanted to be with you. There is something about you, Sierra, that I like. Something beyond the way you look, or how you fuck, or any of that. I’m not sure what it is, but I want to find out. This is totally unexpected, but it’s the break I have been waiting for. Remember how I said you could be part of something bigger? This is your chance to make a real difference. You just have to take it.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  “There’s always Reno.”

  “You’ll let me go?”

  “I’ll take you myself. I’m not going to make you stay, Sierra. I need you to want to do this, but if we pull it off, then there can be some great things in our future, I’m sure of it.”

  “Our future?” she asked, her voice lilting up at the end, unsure of what Colt meant.

  “Ours. Yours…mine…the club’s. I would like you to be here for it.”

  “Because you need me?”

  “Because I need you for this, but also because I want you for myself.”

  Goddamnit! I said I wasn’t going to trust him again! “What’s the plan?”

  “I don’t have one. Fletch and I worked out the first part of it last night, but, I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t plan this and I’m kind of winging it. We’re going to be making it up as we go.”

  “Why doesn’t that fill me with confidence?”

  Colt chuckled. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I’ll remind you that you left me hanging last night.”

  “No. The entire crew was watching over you. Had they not, I would have come back, after I calmed down, and gotten you out of there. Fletch showed up before I could do that and told me they had your back. Then we started trying to figure out what to do next.” He paused and looked at his boots, almost as if he was embarrassed. “But, I’ll be honest, I didn’t sleep much last night.”

  “Yeah, I know the feeling. So what do you need me to do?”

  “Nothing. Or, a better way of putting it, do what you need to. The less you know the better off you will be.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that.”

  Colt chuckled. “Harrison told me what happened. You can take the challenges in any order. Take Skye’s first. She always goes for sex of some kind.”

  “I’m not fucking another woman!”

  “Don’t worry. It won’t be that. It’ll be something like what you have already done.”

  “And Monica?”

  “I don’t know. It could be fucking, or fighting, or both. That’s why I said take Skye first.”

  “And the men? I’m not going to just roll over for some dick, and I can’t fight them. They’ll kill me.”

  “It won’t come to that.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’ll take you away before then. We’ve got your back, Sierra. Don’t worry.”

  “Easy for you to say. It’s not your ass on the line.” She stared at him a moment. “Were you really coming back for me last night or did you just make that bullshit up?”

  “No bullshit. Ask Fletcher.”

  She continued to stare at him, trying to determine if he was telling her the truth. “If you hang my ass out like that again, I’m out of here, understand? You can take you big plans and stick them where the sun doesn’t shine.”

  Colt chuckled. “Fair enough.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  “I thought you ran,” Monica sneered at Sierra when she and Colt returned.

  “Why would I run? There’s nothing for me to run from.” Sierra smiled as Monica’s face turned red.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  “Yeah, I guess we will.”

  Colt stepped between her and Monica and raised his voice so those nearby could hear. “I explained to her what was expected, and she’s ready. She is going to accept Skye’s challenge first, but I think it’s only fair that she’s allowed to rest considering she was up all night. We want a fair fight, don’t we?”

  Knowing that Skye almost always wanted some form of sexual challenge, the men rumbled in agreement, wanting to draw out the spectacle as long as possible. “It’s settled then. Skye and Sierra, say seven tonight?”

  “She’s on,” Skye said loudly as she pushed her way through the gathering crowd to stop in front of Sierra. “Me and you, fucked until one of us gives up. No oral, no anal, no lube, no stopping, no bullshit. You up for that?”

  Sierra smiled with more confidence than she felt. “You’re on.”

  “Me and Sierra against you and as many men as you need,” Colt said loudly. “I stand with Sierra. If I fail, she fails.” That caused a stir in the ranks, and it made Sierra nervous.

  “So, the mighty Colt finally makes a mistake,” Monica said loudly. “You’re one hell of a lay, but even you can’t out fuck two or three guys.”

  Colt smiled. “I guess you have nothing to worry about then. Come on, Sierra,” he said, guiding her away. “Let’s get some rest. It’s going to be a long hard night.”

  “Can you do it?” Sierra asked as they stepped into Colt’s trailer. “Can you outlast two or three men?”

  “I can out fuck anyone here. It’s the only way to make sure nobody
else touches you.”

  Doubt was clear on her face. Colt was a lover unlike any she had before, but he was only human. “But if you can’t…”

  “I guess you better fuck the shit out of me then, huh?” he said with a smile as he began to undress. “It’ll be okay. I’ll just think of that night in the desert.”

  Sierra began to disrobe as well. She was exhausted, but the thought of their encounter in the desert made her long for him. “Are we going to…you know...take the edge off?”

  “Hell no! I’m going to need all the hornyness I can get tonight. Besides, I didn’t sleep much last night. I need the rest.”

  Sierra followed him into the bed and snuggled in. He tucked her into a tight spoon, his knees behind hers, his rigid manhood pressed into her ass, and a hand gently cupping her breast. She took a deep breath, enjoying the feel of his warmth, closed her eyes, and was asleep in moments, Colt only a moment or two behind.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” Sierra moaned just as they reached the clubhouse door. They had spent the entire day in his trailer keeping to themselves as Colt tried to reassure her, having gone through this many times before, but she was still nervous.

  “Hey, what did I tell you? It’s just you and me in there, just like in the desert. Block everything else out, okay? You can do this.”

  “I’m scared, Colt.”

  “Nothing to be afraid of,” he said pulling the door open. It was time, and the crowd was already rowdy. He grinned at her. “Let’s go fuck them up.”

  Sierra managed a weak smile as she followed him inside.

  “You got guts, I’ll give you that,” Skye said. She was already nude, standing on the mat with Rocky, or Rocks, Sierra couldn’t remember which, standing behind her. His impressive cock was already at attention as she slowly stroked him and he caressed Skye’s breast. Off the side stood another man, whose name she couldn’t remember, also nude, slowly stroking his equally large cock, a look of hunger on his face.

  Sierra began to remove her bra and panties, slipping out of her shoes at the same time, the only clothes she wore. Colt followed, slipping out of his boxers. Colt’s manhood was a bit larger than the other two men, but not by much. “I see you’re downsizing,” Sierra sneered, trying to get into the men’s heads. This bout would be won or lost by Colt, and everyone knew it.

  Rocks grinned, his smile never reaching his eyes. “I’ll finish you after I’m done with Skye.”

  Sierra smiled back, equally as cold. “Then she’ll have already lost, huh?” Despite it all, God help her, she was getting turned on by the thought of what they were about to do, of Colt fucking her without stopping longer than two, three, even four men if that is what it took. She turned to him and with a small sexy smile kissed him thoroughly.

  “Begin!” Paul said, but Sierra barely heard him, losing herself in the kiss. It was slow, erotic, and oh so satisfying. She pulled slowly back from the kiss and stared into his eyes. A vibrant blue with a thin ring of amber around the outside of the iris, she only now realized how beautiful his eyes were. She lowered herself to the mat, Colt following her down, settling between her legs as Skye gasped beside them. She couldn’t help but look, and saw Rocks driving hard into Skye, causing her large breasts to jiggle and sway.

  “Look at me,” Colt said softly, gently turning her head away from Skye and Rocks. “Look at me,” he repeated as he slowly entered her.

  She watched his eyes partially close in pleasure as he entered her, a slow insertion, a slow joining of their bodies. He moved slowly, his eyes never leaving hers as he smiled softly.

  Colt could hear the crowd roaring, cheering him on, urging him to fuck Sierra harder, faster, but this was going to be a marathon, not a sprint, and he maintained his slow easy pace. Sierra looked away again, watching Skye and Rocks, but he again turned her face back to his. “It’s just us,” he whispered as he lowered his lips to hers.

  Sierra couldn’t focus, the sounds of Skye and Rocks tugging at her attention until she simply had to look. She’d no more than seen Rocks grimace in pleasure than Colt softly tugged at her chin again, forcing her eyes back to his, and taking her lips. As he pulled back, she resolved to ignore everything going on around her, the cheers of the crowd, the gasps, pants and moans of Rocks and Skye, and focus on what was important.

  “I’m going to come again,” Colt whispered into her ear. He’d already come once, but they were still in it. Skye had already out lasted two men, and was working her way through the third. She had to be getting sore from the pounding she’d been taking as one man after another used her for his pleasure.

  Sierra rose up from his chest, stopped her slow thrusts, and crawled off Colt, wiping the sweat from her face as she did. She didn’t know how long they had been at it, but it had been long enough that many of the men and women that had crowded around were off fucking themselves, and those who remained had settled into chairs to watch.

  She’d already been taken missionary, as that was how they started, then after Colt came, switched to him taking her from behind. When he was close to coming again, they had switched to her being on top to give him a moments respite, but he was losing the battle to pleasure again.

  She settled slowly to the mat, once again wiping her face. They were bathed in sweat, the sweltering heat of the clubhouse tasking them. She’d lost track of her orgasms. They had all been pleasant little orgasms that surrounded her in a warm blanket of pleasure, their slow and easy pace not working her up to the mind twisting, earth shattering, orgasms she knew Colt was capable of giving her. As he entered her again, he groaned, low and deep, falling to his elbows and wrapping her up.

  “I can’t hold it,” he gasped into her neck.

  Before she could respond she heard Skye cry out just as the man barked out, thrusting furiously as he came, another man already standing ready, furiously stoking his hard cock as he waited his turn. She could feel the tension in Colt’s body, her hands squeegeeing the sweat off his back as she caressed him, his own orgasm pushing her toward her own.

  “Fuck… fuck… fuck,” he grunted, burying his face in her neck as his thrusts suddenly becoming hard and purposeful. He grunted and gasped, but his hips never stopped, plunging into her hard and fast as he fought through the pleasure.

  She gripped him tight, holding him as he shivered, still fucking her right through his orgasm. Knowing he out fucked three men sent her passions soaring, the knowledge that she had a lover of such skill and endurance ratcheting up her need. His slow but hard thrusts were just what she needed and she squeezed down on him, locking a hand around her wrist as she drew him tight.

  He gasped, still fighting off the lingering effects of his orgasm as Sierra tumbled into another orgasm, a harder one than any so far. Having that bitch Skye screaming as Todi came in her had pushed him over the edge despite his efforts to hold against the pleasure. He could feel himself going soft, not so soft that he couldn’t still fuck, but he knew he was approaching his limit.

  Sierra gasped, trying to catch her breath after her hardest orgasm of the night. Colt’s pace slowed as the man fucking Skye pulled out and the waiting man took his place, the fourth man driving in hard, causing Skye to cry out again, but Sierra wasn’t convinced it was all in passion.

  “She’s almost done,” she breathed into Colt’s ear, kissing him as she did. “She won’t last much longer.”

  “I’m going soft,” he replied just as quietly.

  It didn’t feel like it to her, but after his two orgasms, and who knows how long of fucking, she knew that he had to be close to his limit. “Remember the desert? Do you remember how you fucked me?”


  “I had never come so hard. You did that to me. You made me come so fucking hard. I love the feel of your big cock inside me,” she breathed, feeling silly but hoping that would help him. “I want you to make me come like that again. I want you to make me come that fucking hard again.”

  Her words called back the night in desert
, the night they had stopped and fucked wild and free beside the road, all alone, crying out their passion into the warm night air. He didn’t know if he had it in him tonight, but he wanted to make her come like that again, to hear her cry out in pleasure, their passions feeding on each other, driving them both deeper into pleasure than he would have believed possible. “You want me to fuck you until you scream?” he snarled, driving into her harder, faster, trying to recapture the passion of that night.

  “Yes,” she gasped, sensing the rise of the need between them. “Fuck me until I scream. Fuck me hard.”

  He rose up onto his hands and began to drive into her hard and fast, imaging the desert air, the smell of the dust and scrub, the feel of Sierra’s sweat drenched body beneath his. He began to growl, adding his voice to the sounds of Skye and Steve’s fucking. He spared a glance, and it was obvious that Skye was in pain, her face twisted into a snarl, flogging Steve, exhorting him on as she forced herself continue.


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