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[Anthology] A Clean Fake Marriage Romance Collection

Page 9

by Victorine E. Lieske

  The little round woman mumbled something in Spanish and scooped the foam off the top of the drink.

  “And this is an English-only house. You know I don’t like it when you speak that foreign tongue. Then I can’t understand you.”

  Rosa handed her the mug and smoothed her apron. “I’m sorry, Señorita, but you did hire me to keep house. Making your lattes was not in my job description.”

  “No back talk.” Veronica clapped her hands twice. “Now go clean the bathroom. I’ve got work to do.”

  Rosa bustled out of the room muttering more Spanish. Veronica rolled her eyes and ignored it.

  She took a sip of her drink and let the heat slide down her throat. Much better. She sat down on the barstool in front of her laptop and typed in Jameson Technologies. Then she picked up the phone and dialed the number.

  “Yes, Mr. Jameson’s office, please.”

  Soft elevator music played on the line, and then a click. “This is Mr. Jameson’s office. How may I help you?” By the gravely sound of the voice, Veronica supposed she was talking to a heavy smoker.

  “I am a personal friend of Jared’s, and I have an embarrassing problem I’m hoping you can help me with. You see, I’m filling out the card for the wedding gift I’m giving to him and his happy bride, Madison. However, I can’t remember her last name. I was hoping you could tell me.”

  There was a long pause on the other end of the line. “Um, I think you have the wrong number. Mr. Jameson isn’t engaged. In fact, I don’t think he’s even dating.”

  Veronica sat up straighter. “No, I’m sure I have the right number. I’ve known Jared Jameson for years. And I know for a fact he’s getting married. He told me himself.”

  “Huh. Well, I haven’t heard a thing about a wedding. But you know, he did call in this morning acting strange. Said he’s taking a few days off. And he left early on Friday. In fact, he left with a woman, now that you mention it.”

  “A perky blonde with no fashion sense?”

  “I think she was blonde. I can’t really remember.”

  Frustration rose in Veronica. “And I suppose you can’t tell me her name?”

  “No. Mr. Jameson just said he was waiting for a woman, and to let her in when she arrived because she was late and he had better things to do than wait for her in the lobby. He never told me her name, and I’ve never seen her around before.”

  “Well, you’ve been no help at all.” Veronica hung up the phone and tossed it on the counter.

  How was she going to find Madison’s last name? All she knew about her was she was an aspiring actress from Crimson Ridge. She tried to think of what else Jared said, but she hadn’t been paying attention at the time.

  Where would actresses hang out in Crimson Ridge? Did they have a community theatre? She pulled up a Google screen and did a search. Bingo. Crimson Ridge Community Playhouse. Live performances each weekend.

  She dialed the number. A man answered on the third ring.

  “Hi. I need to get a hold of this actress named Madison, however I’ve misplaced her phone number, and I was wondering if she’s involved in the playhouse at all? Do you know a Madison?”

  “Madison Nichols?”

  A wave of excitement shot through Veronica. “The woman I met had shoulder-length blonde hair.”

  “Yep, that’s her. A real sweetie. I don’t have her phone number, but she lives in the old apartment complex up on Juniper Street. Roommates with some hot chick named Carrie.”

  “Thanks. You’ve been very helpful.”

  With a last name, finding Madison’s phone number online was a snap. A girl answered on the first ring.

  “Hi, you don’t know me, but I’m a good friend of Jared’s.”

  The girl hesitated. “Oh, hi.”

  Veronica smiled and tried to sound sweet. “I was just calling because I’m a little worried about this wedding.”

  Another pause. “Yeah?”

  “Jared and I have been friends for a long time. In fact, we used to date. It got really serious. He actually proposed to me, but I made a mistake and told him no.” She produced fake tears and tried to sound choked up. “And now I find out he’s getting married to Madison. I feel like he’s rushing into it.”

  The girl on the other end cleared her throat. “Well, you should probably talk to him.”

  “Oh, I’ve tried. He’s not taking my calls. I’m afraid I’ve hurt him, and now he’s rushing into something he’ll regret later. I do still love him. And that’s why I’m calling. How long have they been dating? He and Madison?”

  The girl on the other end of the line sighed. “I don’t know. A little while?”

  “Does he...” Veronica made her voice crack. “Does he love her? Will she make him happy?”

  “You know, I shouldn’t tell you this, but you sound like you really care for Jared. This thing with Madison, it’s not real.”

  Veronica’s heart sped up. “What do you mean?”

  “I guess his relative is real sick, and they’re pretending to get married because her dying wish is to see Jared’s wedding...or something like that. They’re not even dating. Jared hired her to play the part of his girlfriend, and somehow they got roped into this whole wedding thing.”

  Excitement bubbled through her. This was even better than she thought. “But, how can you fake a wedding?”

  “They’re hiring an actor friend to marry them. It’s all just a show.”

  Jackpot! Her instincts had told her something wasn’t right, and boy had they paid off. She exhaled. “Thank God. I was so worried about Jared.”

  “You won’t tell anyone, right?”

  Veronica smiled. “Cross my heart.”

  JARED AWOKE AND TOOK in the made bed and empty bathroom. Madison...the early riser. He hoped things wouldn’t be weird between them now. He’d made a mistake. Let his attraction take control. Hopefully, she wouldn’t let that come between them.

  He undressed and got in the shower, letting the warm water ease his tension. He would need to be more careful in the future. Not let her get too close, especially if they were alone. Madison had no idea how she affected him.

  He toweled dry, threw on a robe, and lathered his face to shave. Did she feel anything when they kissed? Or was it all one-sided? The razor nicked his skin as he shaved. He hadn’t been paying attention. Swearing under his breath, he pressed a tissue to his face to stop the bleeding.

  After he got dressed, he headed down the stairs to eat breakfast. He heard talking in the living room, so he took a detour.

  Maxwell sat on the couch next to Madison, a leather photo album on her lap. “And here’s the seventh grade spelling bee. Jared got second place.”

  Jared leaned over to see what his father was pointing at. “You saved that newspaper clipping?”

  Maxwell raised his eyebrows. “I saved all the articles about you.”

  “And you put them in an album? Since when do you scrapbook?”

  “Jeannine started the scrapbook. I just kept up with it after the divorce.”

  Jeannine. Step-mom number three. Mark’s mother. She was definitely one of the more sentimental ones. “Huh.” That was all he could think to say.

  Madison raised her gaze to his face. “You never told me you could bowl. You were on a team. That’s so cool.”

  “The Lucky Five.” He chuckled. “We were freshmen, with nothing to do. We thought forming a team and joining the bowling league would impress the girls. It didn’t.” He slid onto the couch next to her.

  “You had cool jackets.”

  “I think you’re obligated to say that, you being my fiancée and all.”

  Maxwell laughed, the sound coming up from deep in his chest. “I’d love to sit here and reminisce all day, but I’d better get something done.”

  “What do you have to do? You’re retired.” Jared looked over at his father, a teasing smile tugging on his mouth.

  “Yeah, but now that I’m no longer working, everyone wants free legal advice.
I think I’m busier now than I was before I retired.” He stood and walked toward his den. “I’d better go check my email.”

  Madison turned the page and there was a photo of him and Veronica on prom night. He cringed, and turned the page again.

  There were his high-school graduation photos. “Look at you. Such long hair!” Madison giggled.

  “What is it with the hair?” he mumbled.

  “Nothing. You were cute.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “Were?”

  She patted his cheek, her touch sending sparks over his skin. “Still are, sweetie.”

  Irene cleared her throat, which made them both jump. “You two are adorable.” She took a rag and a bottle of window cleaner over to the sliding glass door and began to scrub.

  For some unknown reason, Jared began to feel self-conscious with Irene in the room. When the doorbell rang, he stood. “I’ll get it.”

  He opened the door and took a step back. “Veronica?”

  “Hello, sweetie. I don’t mean to be a bother, but can I come in?” She had one hand on the door jamb, one hand on her hip, and she was smacking on a piece of gum. Her hair was pinned up in the back in some kind of fancy do, and she smelled of expensive perfume.

  He frowned. “What do you want?”

  She tapped her long nails on the wood. “You’re not going to invite me in?”

  “I already told you. There’s nothing we have to say to each other.”

  She slid her gaze over him. “All right. If you want to do this here, fine. I know about you and Madison. I know she’s not really your fiancée.”

  The blood rushed from his face. He stepped outside and closed the door behind him. He grabbed her arm and tugged her around the side of the house. The morning sun created a shadowed area, where no one would see them. “What’s this about?”

  She jerked her arm out of his grasp. “I know Madison’s an actress you hired, that you’re not really engaged, and you’ve hired an actor to pretend to marry you. And I can prove it.” Her eyes narrowed into slits. “And I’m prepared to tell your family everything.”

  He stepped back, his head reeling and his stomach clenching. “Why would you do that?”

  She smirked and folded her arms across her chest. “So it’s true.”

  Jared stared at her. He didn’t want to admit such a thing to her. But she obviously found out somehow. No use in denying it.

  The words wouldn’t come out. Instead, he ran his fingers through his hair. “Listen, Aunt Shelly is very ill. She may be dying. She wanted to see us happily married.”

  Veronica’s lips curled down. “Awe, so sorry to hear that, darling.” She reached out to touch his chest, but he took another step back. Her frown turned into a sneer. “No reason to be rude.”

  “Stop it. I told you there’s nothing between us, Veronica.”

  She looked at him, like she might look at a bug on her fine table cloth. “I see how it’s going to be, then. We can do this in a more business-like fashion. I want fifty thousand dollars for my silence.”

  Jared laughed, taking a page in Madison’s book, and letting it loose. “You want what?” He laughed again. “If you think I’m going to do anything of the sort, you’re crazy.”

  For the first time, Veronica appeared to have no words. She blinked and her mouth hung open a bit, like someone had slapped her in the face.

  Jared continued to chuckle.

  She scowled. “Fine. Have it your way.” She pulled out her phone. “Is your aunt at home, or is she in the hospital?”

  His heart skipped a beat. “You wouldn’t.”

  She raised an eyebrow and swiped her finger over her phone. “Wouldn’t I?”

  He snatched her phone. “Don’t even joke about that. She’s very sick.”

  “Then pay me the fifty thousand dollars.”

  His stomach soured and bile rose in his throat. “You disgust me.”

  A smug smile appeared on her face. “I don’t care. You never were worth the time I spent on you.” She plucked her phone from his hand and turned on her heel. She picked her way through the grass toward her car, wobbling on her heels as they pierced into the earth. “I’ll expect your first payment check tomorrow. Ten thousand. Get it together by then, or I’m calling your dear aunt Shelly.”

  MAXWELL SCRUBBED HIS hand over his face and peered out the window. He’d only opened it to let in the morning breeze. He never meant to eavesdrop.

  Chapter 14

  Maxwell slid the window shut. Jared and Madison...not really a couple? The news shocked him. He knew Jared had commitment issues, but never thought he’d do something like this.

  He sat back down at his computer, not seeing the screen. Why would Jared hire a girlfriend? And why would he pretend they were engaged? It didn’t make a lot of sense. Sure, he’d put some pressure on Jared to find someone. Maybe too much pressure, he admitted reluctantly. But he only wanted him to be happy.

  He thought back to when Jared first told him he was seriously dating. It was Easter. They were gathered around the table, trying to choke down Irene’s dry ham and cold scalloped potatoes. Maxwell asked if Jared had anyone in his life. Before he could answer, Shelly said something about how worried she was about him being alone. Then Mark made a comment about his sexual orientation. That’s when he announced he had met someone.

  At the time, he’d wondered if it were true. Seemed like something Jared said to get everyone off his case. Jared was evasive when questioned. His instinct must have been right. And as they talked on the phone, he’d ask if they were still dating. He had been pushy, looking back.

  And he’d practically hounded him to bring her to his birthday celebration. No wonder he felt backed into a corner. But hire an actress? What was Jared thinking?

  And there was no need to tell everyone he was engaged. What purpose did that serve? Wait. It hadn’t been Jared who made the announcement. It had been Madison.

  Maxwell chuckled, now remembering the look on Jared’s face when Madison informed them of their engagement. He wasn’t sure exactly what happened, but he was positive she’d surprised him.

  And then Shelly collapsed, ended up in the hospital, and asked them to move up the wedding. Caught between the lie and disappointing his aunt, Jared must have decided to go through with the charade.

  His leather chair squeaked as he shifted. Something was still bugging him. Maxwell saw how Jared looked at Madison. The sidelong glances. The way his lip twitched when he was trying not to smile. Jared was developing feelings for her. Real ones.

  And Madison—if she wasn’t in love with Jared, he’d eat Irene’s greasy, two-pound cheese soufflé. The way she gazed at him said it all.

  Maxwell touched the tips of his fingers together. They were falling in love. They just needed more time together to figure it out.

  And Veronica could be dealt with pretty easily. Blackmail only works if the secret is still a secret. He picked up the phone and pressed the speed dial.

  “Shelly? It’s Max. You’re never going to believe this.”

  JARED STOMPED UP THE stairs and slammed the bedroom door. How dare she? Fifty thousand dollars! What, did she think he kept that kind of money sitting in the bank? Of all the stupid...

  Madison opened the door. “What’s going on? It sounded like an elephant stampeded through the house.”

  Jared let out an exasperated breath. He didn’t want to tell her. Didn’t want to admit he was being manipulated by the pathetic waste of human flesh named Veronica. It was prideful, but he didn’t care. He was embarrassed to not have seen through her façade before now. “It’s nothing.”

  “Really?” Madison arched one eyebrow, one hand on her hip. “Nothing? You look like you’re about to breathe fire.”

  Jared plopped down on the edge of the bed. “It’s something I have to deal with, that’s all.”

  Madison’s gaze swept over him. Then she sat next to him and rested her hand on his leg. “Honey, if we’re going to make this marriage wo
rk, we’re going to have to learn to open up to each other.” She batted her eyes at him, and her mouth quirked.

  He was too mad to laugh, but his mood lightened considerably. “Funny.”

  “Just tell me what’s got you all worked up. It can’t be that bad, can it?”

  He stared at her big blue eyes, trusting, and suddenly he wanted to tell her. He didn’t know why. He was used to keeping things to himself. But for some reason, the urge overcame him. “Veronica found out about us. She’s threatening to tell if I don’t give her fifty thousand dollars.”

  Madison sucked in a breath. “What? I can’t believe it. Why would she do that?”

  “Because she’s psychotic.” Which was a good description of Veronica. She’d been poison from the start. He should have seen it.

  Madison bit her lip. “Maybe we can beat her at her own game.”

  He could see the wheels turning in her head, and apprehension filled him. Her insane ideas never worked the way they were supposed to. “You have that look on your face.”

  “Hush. I’m thinking.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  She tossed him a stony expression. “I’m helping. What exactly did she say?”

  He sighed. “She knows I hired you to pretend to be my fiancée. If I don’t pay, she’s going to tell Shelly.”

  “We could call her bluff. She wants money. I’m not convinced she would talk to Shelly if she didn’t get her way. What if you simply didn’t pay?”

  “That’s your big plan? Not pay?”

  “Well,” she said slowly. “She might not tell her. But in case she does say something, we just need to tell Shelly you did hire me to pretend to be your girlfriend...maybe to ward off some chick at the office. And that’s really how we met four months ago. But we fell in love. The engagement is real. Veronica overheard stuff and got it a little wrong.”

  Jared quirked his head. It wasn’t a bad idea. Actually, it was a pretty good idea. It might work. “So, we confess to lying about how we met.”


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