[Anthology] A Clean Fake Marriage Romance Collection

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[Anthology] A Clean Fake Marriage Romance Collection Page 65

by Victorine E. Lieske

  She bit her lip like she wasn’t sure she wanted to, but then nodded. “Okay.”

  They went outside. He opened the passenger door for her and she climbed in his truck. After he started the engine, she flipped on the radio, then looked at him with one eyebrow raised. “You’ve been listening to the pop station?”

  Oh. Busted. He tried to play it cool and shrugged. “It’s been growing on me.”

  She laughed and he realized he wouldn’t get to hear that sound again after today. He clenched his jaw. He needed to get a grip.

  After lunch, he went and picked up the moving truck. Sidney helped him haul all his boxes onto the truck. When only the heavy stuff was left, he turned to her. “I’ve got some guys coming over in the morning to help with the rest.”

  She nodded. “Okay, then.” She ran her hand through her hair and looked toward her car. She was about to leave.

  His heart climbed into his throat. The urge to pull her close and kiss her almost overwhelmed him, but he took a step back. It wouldn’t be right. He’d never be able to tell her how he felt.

  She swallowed and blinked up at him. “I guess I’ll go.”

  He couldn’t hold back any longer, and he pulled her into a hug. He held onto her for what seemed to be like a longer than acceptable time, but she didn’t squirm to get away. She simply let him hug her.

  When he pulled back, she had tears in her eyes. Surprised, he wiped one with his thumb. “Why are you crying?”

  She laughed a little and stepped back from him. “Stupid, right? I mean, I’m sure we’ll see each other. It’s not like...you’re never coming back.”

  He wasn’t sure what to say. He certainly didn’t plan on coming back to Bishop Falls. His plan was to move away and bury the pain...until maybe someday he’d be able to skydive again without remembering the way she felt in his arms. Or get up in the morning without wondering what she was doing at that moment. He nodded, a numb feeling overtaking him. “Right.”

  She backed up. “This isn’t goodbye then. It’s see you later.”

  “See you, Sidney.”

  She turned and walked toward her car. She paused, like she wanted to turn and say something, but she must have changed her mind because she started walking again. She got in her car, and he watched her drive out of his life. For good.

  Chapter 25

  Sidney tossed and turned all night, unable to shake the feeling that she’d made the biggest mistake of her life. Blake was leaving, and she hadn’t told him the truth. Not really. He’d found out about her lie, but not the reason behind it.

  She loved him. And he was leaving. She rolled over and punched her pillow. Would it make a difference if she told him? There were times when she wondered. When he held her and she thought maybe he could feel it too. And then other times she wasn’t sure.

  Time slowed and she lay there, thinking about Blake. He’d kept her school photo all these years. Did that mean something? He’d also kept that paper he’d written, so it might mean nothing. She wished she knew how he felt about her.

  When sleep didn’t return, she finally got out of bed at five o’clock and took a shower. The warm water felt good on her back and she stood there, wondering if she was crazy.

  What if she did tell him? If he left anyway, all she’d have would be one more embarrassing incident. She’d handled those before. One more wouldn’t kill her. But what if she told him and he decided to stay in Bishop Falls? What if her love for him was enough?

  She turned off the faucet and wrapped herself in a towel. If she didn’t tell him, he’d leave for certain. So, her only choice was to go over there and spill her guts, right? If she had any chance with him, she had to know. It was now or never.

  Making the decision gave her both relief, and major butterflies. She dressed and tried to eat something, but her stomach wouldn’t let her. She looked at the clock. Six-fifteen. She couldn’t go over there this early. She plopped down on her couch and picked up her romance novel. She’d never finished it. Might as well.

  Sidney wasn’t aware that she’d fallen asleep until the noise of a truck outside brought her back to consciousness. A sick feeling filled her chest and she sprang up from the couch. What time was it? She ran to the clock. Ten!

  She raced to the bathroom and ran a brush through her hair. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep! Blake could be gone by now.

  She ran to her car and hopped in. Her fingers shook as she turned the ignition. He was gone, she was certain. She had to stop for a red light and her heart pounded. She wasn’t going to make it, was she?

  He just had his bed and a few other things to load up. Surely he was done with that by now. She pressed the gas as soon as the light turned green. When she turned onto his street, she craned her neck to see if the big moving truck was still in front of his house.

  She didn’t see it.

  No, no, no. The word echoed in her head as she drew closer. He was already gone.

  She stopped the car in front of his house, her heart torn in two. No moving truck. No Blake. The house stood empty, mocking her.

  She rested her forehead on the steering wheel, the hole in her chest threatening to open up and swallow her. She should have told him yesterday. Or better yet, she should never have lied to him in the first place.

  Maybe she could do some Googling. Find out where in Minnesota he was. Maybe she could drive there...

  A knock on her window startled her and she jumped. She looked up. Blake? Her heart pounded in her chest. He wasn’t gone? She got out of her car, feeling a bit foolish.

  “Sidney?” The question in his eyes said more than his words.

  “I, uh, needed to tell you something.” She leaned against her car and fiddled with her fingers, her heart in her throat.


  She didn’t look him in the eye. “I...” She swallowed. “My computer came up with another match for you.”

  His eyebrows drew together. “Excuse me?”

  “I know, it’s weird, because I put your account on hold, but another match came up and I thought I’d better tell you about her. You see, I think she’s perfect for you.”

  He blinked, then his lips twitched. “You do?”

  She rushed ahead, sure that if she stopped, she wouldn’t get the words out. “Yes. She’s an outdoor girl, loves hiking, canoeing, and swimming. And get this...she loves to skydive.”

  He folded his arms across his chest, his eyes holding amusement. “Really?”

  “And...not to brag or anything, but my matchmaking skills are top notch. I think you should meet this girl. Give her a chance.”

  “Maybe I will.”

  Her pulse raced and she twisted her hands. “I know this comes at a bad time...you moving and all...”

  He placed his hands on her car, on either side of her, trapping her. “I canceled the move last night.”

  His voice was so low, she barely heard him. “You did?”

  “Yes. The guys helped me move everything back inside this morning. So, maybe it’s fate.” His gaze traveled over her face. “When can I meet this match?”

  “That’s the best part. You already know her.”

  He was so close now she could smell the slight mint on his breath. “I do? Who is this girl?”

  “Me,” she whispered, her heart pounding so loud she was sure he heard it.

  His lips touched hers, and she closed her eyes, her nerve endings exploding. He cradled her face as he kissed her, and she allowed herself to get lost in him. Her heart soared and when he finally broke away, she nearly cried with joy.

  He stared at her, his face serious. “Why didn’t you match me with this wonderful girl before?”

  Her breath caught, and she forced the words out. “I’m so sorry I lied. I was frightened.”

  He blinked in surprise. “Of me?”

  “No.” She looked down. “Not really. I mean...I was afraid of you rejecting me again.” Her humiliation came back, threatening to choke her, and a tear slid down her cheek

  “What are you talking about?” He didn’t say it accusingly. He spoke gently, his words almost caressing her.

  “When I was sixteen. And I kissed you.”

  Realization formed on his face, and he rubbed the backs of his fingers down her cheek. “Sidney, I didn’t reject you. I didn’t even realize I had feelings for you. Not until you kissed me.” He looked into her eyes. “You awoke things in me I’d never felt for anyone. It scared me, because you were so young.” He pressed his forehead against her own. “I shouldn’t have kissed you like that.”

  Another tear escaped. “But you left, and didn’t come back.”

  “I’m sorry. I was wrong to stay away from you.”

  She blinked away more tears. “At first I didn’t want to see you. I was embarrassed about the kiss. But then, I started hoping we could just forget about it. Maybe go back to the way things were before. I waited for Christmas holiday, thinking surely you’d come see me then. But you didn’t. And you stayed away for the next holiday, and the next.”

  “Oh, Sidney.” He pulled her into his arms. “I was afraid to see you. Afraid of what you would think of me.”

  “I thought you were the most wonderful person in the world,” she said, quietly.

  He looked into her eyes. “And now? What do you think of me?”

  The blue depths sucked her in, and she smiled. “I’m not sure. I might need another kiss to figure it out.”

  He smiled, let out a chuckle, and then obliged.


  Sidney looked in the mirror as Mia tugged on her hair. “Ouch,” Sidney said, frowning. “Are you almost done?”

  “I still have to fasten the veil. Hold your horses.”

  “My horses have been holding for an hour now.” She shot Mia a cheesy smile.

  “Funny.” Mia fussed with her hair a little more, then placed the veil on. After a few pins and some disgruntled looks, Mia pronounced her done.

  Sidney stood, her heart pounding. She smoothed out the long white skirt and turned to the side. “Do I look okay?”

  “Girl, you look more than okay. Blake is going to trip over himself when he sees you.”

  Natalie walked into the makeshift dressing room and gasped. “Oh honey, you look amazing.” She pulled Sidney into an embrace. “You’re such a lovely bride.”

  Sidney blinked back the moisture. “How’s Mom doing?”

  “Madder than a hornet’s nest under water, but she’ll get over it. It’s your wedding. If you want to jump out of a plane, no one should stop you.”

  Sidney smiled and hugged her sister again. “You’re the best.”

  Together, they walked through the small airport to the waiting area where her father stood. He smiled when he saw her. “My little girl.”

  She refrained from rolling her eyes. “All grown up, Daddy.”

  “You’ll always be my little girl.” He took her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm. “Are you ready to do this?”

  “I’ve been ready practically my whole life.”

  He smiled. “I know. I’m just glad you two figured everything out.”

  They stood and waited until their cue, then her father opened the door. They walked outside and down the white fabric leading to the small airplane. The cameraman clicked as they walked, and she tried not to trip on her long dress. Her father helped her climb in the plane, where her family sat, buckled in. Ted was seated beside Natalie, and Mia and her husband were in the back. White flowers and organza bows decorated the small space. She joined Blake, who stood before Reverend Joseph.

  Nerves shot through her as Reverend Joseph began the ceremony. She looked up into Blake’s eyes, and she calmed. His gaze was so full of love, she could barely breathe. How could she be so lucky?

  This man, whom she’d loved her whole life, was now looking at her in adoration. It was the way she used to look at him as they paddled across the lake or watched late night TV after her parents had gone to bed. She had always dreamed he would someday see her this way.

  And now he did.

  Her turn came to say her vows, and she blinked back tears. “Blake. You make my heart so full. I’ve loved you since the day you and Grayson babysat me and you made milk come out of my nose.” She paused as everyone laughed. “You stepped into my life very early, but I always knew you were the one for me. Now, today, you’re making me the happiest woman in the world. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you forever.”

  Blake smiled. “Sidney. You were always the bright spot in my day. You knew how to make me laugh and make me bend over backwards to make you happy.” He paused for some chuckles. “Even when we were kids, I knew there was something special about you. And now, here you are, beside me, ready to embark on this new adventure together. My love for you has grown each day, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise to never leave you, to love you more each day, and to enjoy my time with you as we grow old together.”

  Sidney’s mother sniffed, and she gave her mom a smile. After a few more words and the ‘I do’s, Reverent Joseph pronounced them husband and wife. “You may kiss the bride.”

  Blake put his arms around her and pressed his lips to hers. Her heart almost burst from her chest. The kiss didn’t last long, but she knew she’d remember it for the rest of her life.

  Reverend Joseph congratulated them, then stepped off the plane. Blake grinned at her and grabbed the gear. “Ladies first.”

  She found the Velcro and unfastened her long flowing skirt, revealing the white pants she had on underneath. Her sister whooped as she put on her parachute. Over the past six months, she’d been taking lessons and could now make the jump on her own.

  Blake handed her the helmet and goggles, then he slipped into his own gear. Once they were ready, they sat down and buckled their seatbelts for take-off. Blake reached over and took her hand. Tingles spread up her arm. “You’re not scared, are you?”

  She grinned at him. “The scary part’s over.”

  He pretended to sock her in the arm. “You’re too funny.”

  When the plane reached altitude, Ted hopped up out of his seat. “Before you two jump, I have a special musical number for you.”

  Blake turned to her, his eyebrows up. “Did you know about this?”

  “I admit nothing.” She pressed her lips together and tried not to smile.

  Ted pulled out a karaoke machine and a microphone. He, of course, was wearing a white shirt and tie. Sidney wasn’t sure she’d ever seen him in anything else. He pressed a button and the opening of “Somebody to Love” by Queen rang out.

  Ted started singing, and Sidney was surprised to find he could really sing. He belted out the song, really hamming it up as much as he could in the confined space. When he finished, the plane erupted in applause.

  Then it was time for the jump. Sidney put on her goggles and adjusted her helmet. Blake finished adjusting his straps and stood beside her. She clasped his hand, ready to take the leap of her life.

  He counted down and they jumped together, still holding hands. The wind whipped her hair as she and Blake free fell for a while, then they let go and Blake maneuvered away from her a bit so they could pull their parachutes.

  The feeling of falling was amazing, and she once again experienced that rush of adrenalin and emotion. She got dizzy as she spun, but she loved the feeling. After they both pulled their cords, she looked over at her husband. A surge of love overwhelmed her, and she had to blink back tears.

  He was everything she ever wanted. All her life, she’d loved him, and now they were married. She could hardly believe it.

  The earth grew larger as she neared, and she prepared for landing. She was the first to touch down, but Blake landed only moments after her, a few yards away. She removed her goggles and helmet and ran to him.

  He leaned over and gave her a kiss, then threaded his arm around her and they walked toward her car in the parking lot.

  Mia had tied tin cans to the back, and where it u
sed to say Blissfully Matched, she’d crossed out the word ‘matched’ so it now read Blissfully Married.

  Sidney smiled, thinking nothing was more appropriate.

  He smiled at her. “How do you feel, Mrs. Wellington?”

  “Like I could fly.”

  The End

  Acting Married

  Chapter 1

  Tara grabbed the scrubber brush, bucket, and spray bottle, then climbed into the large shower. It was made of some fancy tile, Italian maybe, with an intricate pattern carved into it. The shower alone probably cost more than a year of her apartment rent. What a waste. She sighed and started spraying.

  She’d been at this job for three days and hadn’t even seen the owner of the house yet. Party boy Rick Shade must be off at a film shoot somewhere. She really didn’t care. As long as he paid her on time, she’d clean up after him. In fact, she preferred not to see him.

  Rick was known for his crazy escapades. Like most actors, he didn’t have a stable life. But he sure had money. His mansion was bigger than Jack Sparrow’s ego, all for one self-absorbed actor.

  She almost didn’t take the job, but being stuck in L.A. and newly divorced, she couldn’t afford to be picky. And since her skills consisted of making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and buckling in booster seats, she didn’t exactly qualify for much.

  Oh well. She’d rather clean Rick Shade’s toilets than be homeless. She’d do anything to protect Kylee from living on the streets. It wasn’t like she could go back home, and no four-year-old should have to worry about where she’d sleep next.

  Ugh. She forgot to fill the bucket at the sink. And she’d sprayed cleaner all over the door handle. She didn’t really want to touch it. Maybe if she held the bucket up to the showerhead, she could fill it that way. She grabbed the handle and lifted it up, then turned on the shower.

  Freezing water came at her from the sides of the shower, and she yelped. She instinctively lowered the bucket and more water showered down on top of her. “Snap!” she yelled as water sprayed in her eyes and ran down her back. Dang, it was cold! She tried to find the lever to turn it off while hopping from one foot to the other in a lame attempt to avoid getting wet.


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