[Anthology] A Clean Fake Marriage Romance Collection

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[Anthology] A Clean Fake Marriage Romance Collection Page 74

by Victorine E. Lieske

  Rick nodded and opened the latch, leading her out onto the back deck. The sound of the music faded as they stepped outside. The floral smell of a summer evening wafted in the breeze as twinkle lights suspended above them lit up the area. Tara walked to the railing and looked down. A flower garden stretched out beyond the deck, small lights trailing along a winding path. It took her breath away.

  Rick put his hand on her back. “You okay?”

  “Yes.” She took a long drink of the water. She was fine. At least, that’s what she kept telling herself.

  “Missing Kylee?”

  Guilt surged in her throat. Yeah, that’s what she should be upset about, wasn’t it? She actually hadn’t thought about her much of the evening. Most of her thoughts were centered on how Rick’s touch was sending her body into some kind of hyper-alert state. How he smelled like musk and citrus. And then there were the thoughts of his lips on hers.

  “Yes,” she lied.

  “We’ll see her tomorrow. In fact, it’s almost here.” He showed her his watch. Eleven-thirty.

  She smiled up at him. He really was a nice guy under the exterior he put on. Why did he have to be so nice? Why did her heart have to speed up like it did? She turned away. “Did you date Vikki Castle? Is that why she’s out to get you?” She cringed as soon as the words were out. She hadn’t meant to ask that.

  Rick shifted his weight. “Didn’t date her. More like she came on to me and I said I wasn’t interested.”

  For some reason that made Tara feel better. “She didn’t like being rejected.”

  “No.” He turned around to lean against the railing, maybe to see the doors in case anyone snuck out while they were talking. “Vikki’s the kind of person who doesn’t do anything unless it helps her climb to the top. We were filming a movie together and everyone talked about us being a couple.”

  He stared at the house, his gaze losing focus. “But being with her was like sitting on nails.” He turned to face her, a slight smile on his lips. “Painful and pointless.”

  Tara laughed. “Don’t hide how you feel about her, now. Tell it like it is.”

  He chuckled. “Enough about Vikki.” He put his hands on the railing, one on either side of her. “I don’t want to talk about her anymore.”

  Before Tara could wonder why he was suddenly so close to her, she heard the click of the door and a man and a woman walked out on the deck. Ah, that’s why he was making a pass at her. She put her arms around his neck and smiled up at him. “What do you want to talk about?”

  “Who said I wanted to talk?” He looked down at her lips.

  The couple walked across the deck then down the steps toward the garden. Tara expected Rick to move back, but he stayed where he was. In fact, he pulled her closer, as if he couldn’t stop himself.

  Tara didn’t want to be kissed again by Rick. She was getting too wrapped up in him. Her heart couldn’t take any more. So she blurted the first thing she could think of: “Tell me about the girl who broke your heart.”

  Rick froze, then stiffened and stepped away from her. He worked his jaw. Finally, he turned toward the house. “We should go inside.”

  She grabbed his arm, stopping him. “I’m sorry.”

  He shrugged, and she could see he’d thrown up his invisible walls. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “You don’t have to tell me about her. But I want you to know I’m a good listener if you ever want to talk.”

  Rick studied her in the moonlight. His features softened. “It’s complicated.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  He sighed and broke his gaze, looking out over the grounds. “We were young.”

  Tara waited for him to continue, folding her arms against the cool breeze.

  Rick shrugged out of his jacket. “Here.” He helped her slip it on.

  “Thanks.” The smell of Rick enveloped her and she shivered.

  Rick walked over to the railing and gripped the wood, his knuckles white. “Her name was Scarlett. She was my best friend. We grew up together on the road. Our parents were in the same theater group.”

  “Was she an actress as well?”

  He shook his head. “No. She didn’t want anything to do with it. Hated not having a permanent home.”

  Tara nodded and stepped closer to him. When he didn’t say anything else, she decided to give him a nudge. “How long did you date her?”

  “Five years.”

  “That’s a long time.”

  “We were going to get married,” he said, his voice quiet, his gaze avoiding hers. The pain in his face was clear.

  “What happened?”

  He pressed his lips together, then stepped away from her, hardening his features. “We didn’t.” The look in his eyes said he was done talking about it. “Ready to go in?”

  She wrapped her arms around her middle. “Yes.”

  Chapter 14

  Rick tugged at his collar. How did she do that? Turn it around so he was talking about Scarlett? He didn’t want to tell Tara about it. He’d rather forget that part of his past. It didn’t make him look good. It would reveal a piece of himself he’d rather keep buried.

  Tara slipped off his jacket and handed it back to him. “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” He slung his coat over his shoulder and took her arm. “Are you ready to leave?”

  She nodded. They were making their way through the crowd when someone called out, “Hey, Rick! Is that you?”

  Rick turned to see Jake Oliver. They’d worked on two different movies together. He looked like a body builder and always got the dumb jock parts. Rick stuck out his hand. “Hey, Jake. How are you?”

  “Good. I hear you’re getting married? When’s the big day?” Jake slung an arm over Rick’s shoulders. He smelled of alcohol.

  Vikki Castle turned toward them from across the room. “Yes, Rick. When’s the wedding?” Her loud voice carried, and people stopped their conversations to look at her.

  Tara’s eyes grew wide and Rick knew he had to take control of the situation, and fast. “We haven’t set a date yet. We’re taking things slow.”

  “Why is that?” Vikki called. She took a step toward them and stumbled a little, her red stilettos wobbling. “You worried you’ll change your mind?”

  A small crowd of people was forming around them, and panic struck Rick in his chest. What was Vikki doing? She was going to embarrass Tara, and he couldn’t have that. “You’re drunk, Vikki.”

  “That never stopped you, Rick.” Vikki grinned as the crowd laughed.

  Jake chuckled and slapped Rick on the shoulder. “I saw your proposal on YouTube. She’s not trapping you into anything, is she?”

  “What? No.” Rick stepped away from Jack. Is that what everyone thought? She was holding him to a drunk proposal? “I can’t wait to marry her.”

  Vikki’s grin turned sour. “Then you should just do it. We are in Vegas after all.” This brought a new round of laughter from the crowd.

  Sweat broke out on Rick’s forehead. They wanted him to marry her tonight? What if he did? Rick looked at Tara, her body was stiff, her face a mask of stone. What if he didn’t?

  “Do it!” someone yelled.

  People started clapping and hollering. “Marry her!”

  “What’s the matter, Rick?” Vikki said, raising her hands. “You look a little nervous. Are you not really in love?”

  This was ridiculous. If they wanted him to prove something, why shouldn’t they just go get married? That was the plan anyway. He slid his arm around Tara’s waist. “I think eloping is a great idea.”

  Tara’s face drained of color. “You do?” she whispered.

  “Why not? We’re crazy in love. Let’s just do it.”

  The crowd cheered and Rick pulled Tara to the door. “We’ll continue this party at the Chapel-O-Love! Drinks on me.”

  TARA WANTED TO SINK into the floor. What was Rick doing? He wasn’t even drunk this time. Why was he letting Vikki’s goading get to him?<
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  Heat assaulted her face as Rick ushered her outside. The driver came around the car and opened her door for her. His white-tipped hair caught her attention. His nametag read Liam. “Take us to the Chapel-O-Love,” Rick said, grinning and patting Liam’s shoulder.

  “Yes, sir.”

  After the limo pulled away from the curb, she turned to him. “What do you think you’re doing? This wasn’t part of the plan. Phil is going to have a heart attack. We can’t elope at a Las Vegas Marry-a-thon!” Her voice rose in pitch with every word she said.

  Rick put his palms up. “Whoa, slow down. This isn’t a big deal.”

  “Of course it’s a big deal! Do you know what this is going to look like to the world?” Tara clenched her hands, trying to get them to stop shaking.

  Rick grinned. “Like we can’t keep our hands off each other?”

  She gave him her best death-stare. “Is everything a joke to you?”

  He sobered. “No. But this isn’t worth fighting over.”

  Tara took in a breath and tried to calm herself. “You are embarrassing me again.”

  “You’re embarrassed because you’ve slipped out of your role.” Rick gently picked up her hands in his. “Close your eyes.”

  She was too mad to do what he said. She gave him a flat look.

  “Seriously. Just do it.”

  She sighed. “Alright.” She closed her eyes.

  “Imagine you’ve found your soul mate. You’re giddy in love.” As he spoke, he stroked her hands, which sent crazy tingles through her. It was making it hard to concentrate, especially in conjunction with his low, masculine voice and his intoxicating smell. “Everything you do is about how much you love him. You can’t get enough. You eat, sleep, and breathe him.”

  She almost pulled her hands away, but at the last second he stopped stroking and just held them. “There isn’t enough time in the day to spend with him. Your pulse races at the sound of his voice. His touch sends your heart into overdrive.”

  Was he reading her mind? “I get it,” she blurted. Her voice sounded a bit too breathy for her liking.

  “Take this image and apply it to yourself. You are the one crazy in love.” His breath brushed her cheek and she realized he was close enough to kiss her. “With me.”

  Her eyes flew open and his intense gaze met hers. His eyes were like a glassy lake on a summer day, and she felt like he could see into her depths. She broke his gaze and leaned away from him. “I think I can see it.”

  “Then running to the chapel tonight isn’t unimaginable, is it?” He began stroking her hands again, and she pulled them away, her breathing too out of control.

  “I suppose not.”

  “Okay. So, all you have to do is pretend you are the woman you imagined.” He grinned at her, and her heart dropped to her toes.

  She plastered on a smile. “All right.”

  They arrived at the Chapel-O-Love. Liam grinned as they climbed out of the limo. “I’ll wait here for you,” he said. He looked like he was enjoying a secret.

  Rick opened the door for her. He approached the attendant and spoke with her while various famous people milled about in the waiting area. Needless to say, they were delighted to accommodate Rick, even on such short notice.

  Before she knew it, Tara was standing at the altar clad in white, her throat tight. She gripped the plastic bouquet of flowers and wondered if she’d leave finger marks on the stem. The words ‘giddy in love’ rang through her mind as she smiled and tried to act appropriately.

  Paparazzi lined the back wall, camera flashes going off. Tara ignored them and continued to smile like she’d won the lottery.

  Rick’s gaze met hers, and all thought left her brain. Dang, did he get hotter in the last few seconds? What had he done? She couldn’t pinpoint it, but he looked different somehow.

  The minister began. “We are gathered here—”

  Darth Vader’s march rang out and the audience burst out laughing. Rick patted his pockets until he brought out his cell phone. “Sorry!” He cut the music off, then he held up the phone and grinned. “You can continue.”

  The minister spoke, but the words didn’t stay in Tara’s mind. She was really getting married. For the second time. To an actor. Her throat squeezed tight, constricting her airflow. Why was she doing this? For money? She should know better. This was such a dumb idea.

  They said their “I do’s” and Rick kissed her. Then it was over and she was throwing her bouquet as rice pelted her. A middle-aged lady snapped a few photos and they were ushered in the back to finish signing papers.

  Rick slid his hand around her shoulders. “Well, Mrs. Shade, what do you think? Ready for your honeymoon?”

  Honeymoon? What about Kylee? She promised her she’d be home tomorrow. Panic gripped her chest and she struggled for words. “What?” she managed to squeak out.

  He glanced in the direction of the paparazzi and celebrities in the other room. “You know, dear. Honeymoon.” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down, and the lady behind the desk giggled. Tara was stuck. She couldn’t protest in front of anyone.

  They finished signing papers, and Tara changed back into her cocktail dress. Were they really going to fly off to some island somewhere, leaving Kylee with the babysitter? She needed to get Rick alone so she could talk to him.

  Once they were in the limo, and Rick had spoken to Liam, she rounded on him. “Where are we going? How long will we be there? What about Kylee?”

  Rick put his hands on her shoulders. “Hey, chill out. We have to run off on a honeymoon or it will look odd. I’ll fly Kylee and Amanda out to us. Amanda can watch Kylee while we are seen in public. The rest of the time it will just be like you’re on vacation.” His thumbs brushed her skin and she suddenly had a hard time breathing.

  Rick continued. “We’ll have to go out in public a little so the paparazzi can take photos, but the rest of the time you can just relax on the beach and spend time with your daughter.”

  Tara took a deep breath. That didn’t sound so bad. Taking a vacation with Kylee would be nice. She willed herself to relax and not worry about it. Rick sounded like he had everything under control.

  “I own a little place on the secluded island of Lana’i. I’ll call and have it set up. We can be there by morning.” He pulled out his phone and frowned. “Crud. Phil’s been calling.”

  Tara held her breath as Rick punched in Phil’s number. “Hey,” he said, like nothing important was going on.

  Phil’s voice came through the line, hollering. “What did you do?”

  Rick made a face and pulled the phone away from his ear. Phil continued to shriek. “I can’t leave you alone for one minute. Why did you run off to a Vegas chapel? Have you been drinking? Please tell me you’re not drunk.”

  Rick scowled. “I’m not drunk.”

  “Then why did you elope? We had this all planned! You’ve ruined everything!”

  “I’ve got it covered. We were forced into the situation.”

  Phil lowered his voice so Tara couldn’t hear him anymore, but she watched Rick nod. “Yes. It was Vikki.”

  Tara glanced out the window as they sped down the highway. Nothing had gone as planned. Would Phil wash his hands of the whole thing?

  Rick kept speaking, his voice calm. “It’s okay, this doesn’t mess up our plan. No one knows we’re just doing this for publicity. We’re still on track. Everything will be fine.”

  When he hung up, Tara raised an eyebrow. “What did Phil say?”

  “He agrees that we did the right thing based on the circumstances.”

  “Wow, you got him to agree with you?”

  He poked her in the side. “Don’t act so shocked. Sometimes I do make sense.”

  Yes. Sometimes. And other times he just had a way of talking people into doing crazy things. Like this whole insane plan. Rick made it seem so logical. But in reality, she was making wild choices and acting like she never would have if she had her head on straight.

better watch it, or she’d end up doing something even worse. Like fall in love with Rick Shade.

  Chapter 15

  Rick spent the rest of the drive on the phone, getting things ready for their last-minute honeymoon. After he and Tara boarded his plane, he finally felt like he could relax. He changed out of his dress clothes into a t-shirt and his favorite lounge pants.

  When he saw Tara on the couch, still wearing her dress, her eyes closed, he sat next to her and nudged her awake. “Go change. You can sleep in the bed. I’ll take the couch. We’ll be taking off soon.”

  She opened one eye. “You have a bed on your plane?”

  He chuckled. “Of course.” He motioned to the back of the plane. “Go get some sleep. We’ll be flying all night.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” she mumbled and picked up her carry-on, then disappeared into the other room.

  Rick put his feet up on the coffee table and made himself comfortable. Soon he’d be at his cabin on the beach in Lana’i. He and Tara. His thoughts immediately trained on her. Why was he drawn to her? If it was just physical attraction, he could handle it. He worked around beautiful women all the time. But it was something more. She was beginning to mean something more to him. And he wasn’t sure what he was going to do about it.

  He sighed and settled into the couch. Tara was too sweet, too trusting. He couldn’t let her get too close to him. He wasn’t the kind of man who could be with Tara. She’d get hurt in the end. That’s what he did. It was in his nature. He couldn’t help it. He wasn’t a family man.

  He drifted off to sleep. When the captain came on to tell them the plane was landing, he stretched and checked the time. It was around eight o’clock in the morning, Hawaii time. He had serious jet lag. Maybe he could nap this afternoon.

  Tara came out of the bedroom wearing sweats and a tank top. Her hair was sticking out in all directions, and he hid a smile. “Morning, sunshine.”


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