The Holeshot

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The Holeshot Page 9

by Lynn Michaels

  “Kiss me,” Tyler breathed out, parting his lips.

  Davey didn’t hesitate. He pounced on Tyler’s mouth, impaling it with his tongue, slurping and sucking. He tasted like whiskey and Coke and slightly salty, like he’d been eating peanuts or pretzels.

  “Mmm,” Tyler practically purred and pushed Davey back. “I was waiting for that.”

  Davey licked his lips. He wanted more, but he had to follow Tyler’s lead. “Well?”

  Tyler shrugged. “I don’t have to be at the airport until like noon. If you want, I can drop my hotel key off tonight. Nothing else to do to check out.” He looked up at Davey through blond lashes that fluttered against his cheek.

  “God that sounds perfect.” He leaned in and kissed Tyler quickly on the lips. “You taste good.” He slid one hand down inside the back of the waistband of Tyler’s jeans.

  Tyler smiled, leaning into him.

  “You feel good.” He let his other hand wander up the inside of Tyler’s loose jersey. He could feel Tyler’s skin warming his fingers. He yanked at Tyler’s pants, wanting more skin. Tyler unbuttoned them, shucking them down to the tops of his thighs. Davey slid his hand down into Tyler’s briefs, and leaned in to kiss him again. He wanted flesh on flesh. He could feel Tyler’s hard-on press against him and knew his lover wanted him, too. He moved his hand around to the front, groping at Tyler and pushing him back against the rough brick wall. He kissed at Tyler’s neck and licked into his mouth.

  Tyler was breathing hard, panting. “Go, go on and get a room and text me with the address.”

  “You promise you’ll come?” He needed Tyler, needed him now.

  “Fuck yeah. I…I want you.” Tyler lunged forward and kissed Davey’s lips then cheeks, then tucked his nose into Davey’s neck, under his jaw. “Fuck, I need you,” he breathed into Davey’s skin.

  He pushed Tyler back. “Okay. Let’s go.”

  “You first. I’ll wait a minute.” He left the words hanging in the air, but Davey knew what they meant. He didn’t want anyone seeing them walk back into the bar together. He wouldn’t risk it.

  Davey nodded, watching silently as Tyler buttoned his jeans back. He couldn’t argue the point, so he turned and went back to the club without another word and marched straight over to his table where Stewart still sat, along with Brad. Davey leaned in and nudged Stewart’s shoulder. “Can you take care of this for me?” he asked, indicated the other half of the salad that he didn’t eat, but Stewart steadily picked at.

  “You watching what you eat? And drink?” Brad asked, interrupting with a raised eyebrow. He pointed at Davey, demanding food obedience.

  “Of course. And sleep. So, I’m out of here guys.”

  Stewart gave him a knowing look. “You flying back to New Mexico tomorrow? Does Tony know when to pick up the RV?”

  “Yeah, he can pick up the RV anytime tomorrow.” He left the reason off, winked at Stewart and took off. He’d catch a cab when he left the restaurant to get back to the Dome and he could find a hotel room and book it, on the way. He didn’t wait to see whether Tyler came back in or not. He shot him a text. On my way 2 RV 2 pack bag and book room. Hang with your friends a bit and I’ll text U the info.

  The response came quickly. K - Can’t wait.

  Davey jumped in the cab with a huge smile on his face. Spending one more night with Tyler would be a perfect way to wrap up Atlanta’s race.


  Tyler wanted to kick himself. He was doing the exact opposite of what he asked of Davey, but he just couldn’t control himself when the man started kissing and touching him.

  He knew he’d be driving soon, so he ordered a water when he got back to the bar. Andy hovered near another booth with some of their other friends, apparently hitting on some of the track girls. Tyler did not want any part of that.

  He leaned back against the bar and scanned the area. The club had a relaxed atmosphere with sports bar shit on the walls and plenty of booths and some tables that had been shoved together to accommodate a bigger party in the center of the large room. People from the industry hung around, some flitting from table to table to talk to different teams. Tyler watched Davey’s manager talking with some other folks. He didn’t seem the least bit concerned that Davey had already left the party. Then again, other racers had left as well, including Cole. The racers didn’t usually party as much as the rest of the crew anyway. They had too much pressure on them and most would be flying out the next day, if not later that night.

  “Hey there,” a soft feminine voice grabbed his attention. Turning, he saw the bright smile of a small brunette woman. Her dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she wore a short cropped leather jacket, black shirt, black jeans and black boots that were flat instead of the high-heeled kind he normally saw women wearing. Very little makeup finished her look, which screamed serious.

  “Hey, yourself,” Tyler said with his own small smile.

  “Uh, name’s Angel.” She stuck her hand out, and Tyler shook it.

  “Tyler. Tyler Whitmore.”

  “Nice to meet you, Tyler. How exactly are you connected to this circus?” He liked her right away. She seemed sincere, yet removed, aloof, but not in a bad way.

  “I’m a mechanic for one of the drivers.”

  “Ahh.” She gave him a knowing nod. “Mechanic. Which driver? Can I ask?”

  “Sure. Cole Lindt.”

  “Well, he had a nice finish today. You should be proud.”

  “And how exactly are you connected to the, uh, this circus?” He flipped his hand in the air, gesturing to the entire bar and what to them represented Supercross.

  Angel flipped out a card. Her name was under an incredibly nice picture of a camera on one side and a neat picture of an airborne motocross bike on the other. “I’m a photographer. I’m shooting for for the last few races.”


  “It is. Can I ask you something, Tyler? Personal, off the record?”

  Tyler narrowed his eyes. What could she possibly be interested in him about? “Sure. I guess.”

  “What’s up with Davey McAllister?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Get real. I saw the chemistry flying between you two, even across the whole room.” She made a gesture to Tyler and then nodded over to where Stewart still sat. Leaning in toward him, she whispered, “I saw you both go out back.”

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” Tyler had thought they’d been careful enough. Perhaps the other motor-heads in the industry didn’t notice, but he hadn’t known this worldly chick was in the house, and she didn’t seem to miss a trick.

  “It’s okay. I’m not like a reporter or anything. If you do have something, uh, under cover…” She wiggled her eyebrows at him, before continuing. “You’re not doing a good enough job at hiding it. That’s all I’m saying.” What she said was more than enough to make Tyler very concerned. They didn’t need anyone in their business like that, especially a photographer, and her intrusion pissed him off.

  “I think you’re being very fucking forward,” he practically snarled at her.

  “No, I think I’m being a friend.” She cocked her head to the side. “I’m not out to hurt you or him. I just noticed the lovely attraction. Call me anytime you want to talk or anything.” As she backed off, her words soothed him, leaving Tyler a bit confused about what this woman wanted. She smiled and put her hand on his shoulder, reassuringly. He noticed her nails were neatly groomed, but not polished. She wasn’t flashy in any way, but that came off as self-assured power. She sure as hell knew more than she let on.

  “Um, thanks.” His phone buzzed and he looked down at it. Davey had sent him the address. “I gotta go, sorry.” He’d worry about how careful they were or were not being later.


  Angel slid down into the booth next to Stewart. She wanted to bring up her observations with Davey’s manager, but if Tyler was so tight-lipped, it stood to reason that McAllister’s ma
nager was not going to want to chat about it either. At least not here. She figured she found the missing link that he didn’t want anyone knowing about—potential PR nightmare. She didn’t owe them anything, yet. Did she want to get involved with this? She somehow felt protective over Davey already. He was her client now, at least for the next few weeks, and she kind of liked being on the team. Besides that, Tyler seemed sweet and protective over Davey as well, and she trusted her gut on things like that.

  Stewart stared at her with dark eyes, the kind that could see right into your soul. Stewart had to be pushing thirty, but he appeared to keep fit. He obviously took care of himself as well as he took care of Davey. She didn’t know a lot about the man, except he worked for Princeton, Davey’s main sponsor, and his life was to make sure Davey McAllister lived up to his responsibilities as their top driver. He would be signing her paycheck in order to ensure the same thing.

  “Davey’s going to approve some of the pics tonight. Tomorrow we can look at the video footage and all that.”

  Angel laughed. “You’re not going to get approvals from that boy tonight.” She knew damn well he would be with Tyler Whitmore. Stewart looked down his wide nose at her. She gulped. She shouldn’t have said anything.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Nothing,” she gave him a flirty smile. “Just, you know? Boys will be boys.” She didn’t know how else to backpedal her words. They would have to have a serious talk about the issue soon enough, though.

  Stewart leaned closer to her. He smelled like Italian dressing, garlic and just a hint of that Stetson cologne. Very manly. Suddenly, she wasn’t thinking about Davey and Tyler anymore. She saw dark eyes, dark hair, and a quick tongue licking at kissable lips surrounded by dark scruff that made Stewart look even more rugged with him now wearing a cowboy hat.

  “There’ll be plenty of time,” he whispered.

  Angel hoped he meant more than posting pictures on the internet or talking about Davey’s affair. “Time for what?” she drew her words out seductively.

  “What do you have in mind, Angel?”

  She leaned in, seeing a spark in his eye. She knew how to read people. She’d been ignoring the electricity between them in order to be professional. Stewart slid closer, bumping his thigh up against hers. The heat of his leg sent a shiver up her spine. “Why don’t we find somewhere, uh, more private to talk about it,” she suggested. Fuck professional; she wanted him.

  “Sure.” The word rolled suggestively off his lips and had her wanting to hear what other sounds she could make come out of his mouth.

  They stood up and she followed him out of the bar. It was going to be a good night.


  Tyler checked out of his room, loaded his luggage into his rental car and then drove to Davey’s hotel, following the GPS directions. Davey had picked one farther away from the Dome and anywhere other drivers or their teams would be staying. It also happened to be closer to the airport as well. Good choice, Davey.

  The place was nice, too. A smaller chain, but he could tell it was more expensive than where he normally stayed just looking at the clean grounds with nicely trimmed bushes and landscaping. A big pool in the back caught his attention. He thought it would be fun swimming with Davey, but they wouldn’t have time on this stay. The building itself stood three stories high, made of red brick that made it look even less like the typical commercial hotel.

  Tyler pulled out his phone and texted, I’m here. Room #?


  Tyler smiled to himself, grabbed his bag and headed up to the room.

  He wasn’t disappointed at all. The room had thick carpet and a king sized bed with a nice, soft comforter instead of cheap nylon. The art on the walls added to the calming atmosphere, and in the bathroom, he found a huge Jacuzzi. “Damn, can’t wait to get in that thing,” he said.

  “I can’t wait to get into you,” Davey answered, wrapping his arms around Tyler’s waist.

  Tyler turned around to face his lover. Their lips slid easily over each other’s mouths. He darted his tongue in for a taste, then pulled back. “Davey. I don’t mean to send mixed signals—”

  Davey cut him off with his mouth and tongue coming down on Tyler’s. “Don’t care. Just want you.” His hands slid up the inside of Tyler’s jersey and tugged at his jeans.

  Tyler relaxed and let Davey pull his shirt off and pull his jeans down. He toed off his shoes and used his feet to wrench the jeans off his legs. His hands were on Davey’s bare shoulders as Davey took his own pants off. He pulled Davey in closer, pressing their naked chests together and rubbing his hands down Davey’s back and grabbing his ass.

  Davey responded by capturing Tyler’s face between his palms and kissing him, assaulting him with his tongue and lips. “Can’t get enough of you.”

  It felt like the same rush of need, hands on skin, lips on hot flesh. Tyler wanted to savor the moment, take his time, but the urgency was like a living breathing monster between them, yanking them together hard and fast. Maybe Davey did everything that way. Tyler let himself go, gave in to that needy urgent monster. He promised himself that later he’d linger over his lover, taking him in slowly. For now, he was on his back, open and exposed with Davey glued to his body.

  He wrapped his legs around Davey’s hips, making his man groan. “God, Ty! I need you now.”

  Tyler whispered his own urgent, “Please.”

  Davey leaned over and Tyler heard the snick of the lube bottle. In a moment, he felt slick, sticky fingers push inside his hole, stretching him. “More,” he groaned. He wanted Davey’s cock as desperately as he’d ever wanted anything. “Fuck me now!”

  With a groan, Davey leaned over and grabbed a condom, dropping it as he ripped the package open. “Damn,” he cursed, picking it back up. Tyler couldn’t help but giggle as Davey finally rolled the rubber down his cock and lubed it up. Davey’s face was a mask of intensity with thin lips pursed tight and brow wrinkled tightly over his perfectly proportioned nose. His blue eyes darted from watching himself roll the condom on to Tyler’s own face. Tyler couldn’t help smiling when Davey’s mouth twitched up at the side. His want and need showed in Davey’s eyes, a thin sliver of blue so dark he could barely tell the color from the pupil.

  Tyler pulled his legs up, opening himself as much as he could for his lover, who obliged him, pushing the crown of his dick through Tyler’s tight ring of muscles. Tyler squeezed his eyes shut and pushed into the burn, eager to get beyond the uncomfortable feeling and on to the pleasure.

  Rolling his hips, Davey slid in with a slow and steady stroke until his balls were pressed against Tyler’s ass. “Look at me, Ty,” he breathed.

  Tyler opened his eyes, peering up into Davey’s deep blue pools. He could lose himself in those eyes forever and die happy. He licked at his lips, and Davey took that as a sign, pressing his lips against Tyler’s again. Hot and heavy kissing, rolling tongues, scrapes of teeth accompanied the pounding Davey started banging out. Tyler thought his lover indeed fucked like he drove that bike, hard and fast with complete control. “Fuck, Davey…“He moaned as his lover grabbed his cock and started stroking.

  “Come with me, baby,” Davey moaned, jacking him off as he pumped into his ass.

  He didn’t have to say it twice. Tyler shot off just as Davey’s rhythm broke off and he shouted out. Davey dropped down on top of Tyler, and they both shook a little as the aftereffects worked through their bodies. Tyler ran his fingers down Davey’s well-defined arms, loving this man between his legs. He intended to enjoy every second of their time alone together.

  When Tyler started wiggling around under his lover, Davey sat up and pulled off the condom and dumped it in the trash. “Let’s get in that tub,” Tyler suggested, not wanting to part from his lover. A few minutes later, Tyler was tucked up against Davey’s chest, enjoying the jets and hot water.

  “I’m glad you changed your mind,” Davey said, kissing the back of Tyler’s head.

  “It’s not so m
uch I changed my mind. Just, Damn! No matter how hard I try to stay away, I can’t. I just can’t. I don’t know how to explain it.”

  “I know how you feel.” Fingers ran through Tyler’s hair, messaging his scalp. Davey was remarkably tender.

  Resigned that it would happen again and again, Tyler decided to just go with it. “We have to figure out how to do this, safely. You know? Because we’ve been reckless, but I can’t stay away. I know that and I don’t want to.”

  Another kiss on the top of his head. “Okay.”


  Davey dropped his bags just inside the front door. Back at The Ranch again. He wished Tyler would have come home with him. The oversized house loomed around him, too big and lonely. As much as he loved it and as much as it reminded him of good times with his father, it was also a vast isolated shell.

  He crossed the foyer into the great room. His blue and red 250 bike that he won the championship on waited for him mounted next to the massive fireplace. He trailed his hand across the black and red seat. Next to his bike, gray and white stones stretched from the hearth up the massive wall, all the way to the ceiling. He imagined Tyler lying on a blanket in front of the fire, skin glistening with sweat, fine ass pushed up in the air, waiting for him. His cock sprang to attention immediately. He pulled out his phone and texted his lover. I miss U so much! Call when U get home.

  Davey’s stomach growled, letting him know he hadn’t eaten since the quick breakfast he’d shared with Tyler at the hotel earlier that morning. Their night together had been fabulous. After soaking in that tub for almost an hour, they got out and Tyler had kissed and licked every inch of Davey’s body, and then they made love, long and slow. Tyler had muttered something about urgency and lack of time. Davey wasn’t sure what Tyler meant, except that they did seem to need to touch each other beyond reason. Hell, he wanted to touch Tyler now, however many thousands of miles apart they were. Although Colorado wasn’t that far, it still seemed like the whole world away while he stood alone in this huge living room with cathedral ceilings and massive timber supports. He always felt small and insignificant here. Since he had grown up in this house, standing there often took him back to being a child.


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