Inseparable_A Second Chance Romance

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Inseparable_A Second Chance Romance Page 17

by Mia Ford

  “Well, now that that’s settled,” I said, laughing. “God, I am starving. I want to eat everything on their menu.”

  “You are the most adorable pregnant person,” he said, smiling.

  “You can’t even tell I’m pregnant yet,” I said, pouting.

  “They can’t, but I know, and I think it is so adorable,” he said. “I might have to just keep you pregnant.”

  “Oh, God, please don’t,” I said, swallowing a gulp of water. “So, have you thought about whether you want a boy or a girl?”

  “A boy, of course,” he scoffed. “I want to teach him all about life, show him how to make things, and do whatever normal little boys do. Of course, I want him to make his own choices, too. I don’t expect him to take over the company, but he can if he wants to.”

  “What if it’s a girl? Can she take over the company?”

  “Of course,” he said. “But it’ll be a boy. What about you? Do you want a boy or a girl?”

  I sat there imagining my life in both scenarios, both as a mother to a little girl and the mother to a little boy. It was the first time I had really thought about it. I wasn’t sure what I was hoping for, and then, I imagined brushing my daughter’s hair, watching her snuggle up to her daddy, and making a life with her.

  “I think I am hoping for a little girl,” I said. “You can have daddy/daughter tea parties, and I can braid her hair.”

  “But I don’t know anything about girls,” he said, pouting. “I know a little about women, but what I know won’t be any help when raising one. On top of that, I know how guys think, and I’m likely to push her into being a nun.”

  “That’s so silly.” I laughed. “If she is anything like me, she would never survive as a nun. She would be way too defiant and mouthy.”

  “This is very true,” he said with wide eyes. “We should just have two. One of each.”

  “With your luck, it would be two daughters.” I laughed, watching the waiter set our food down in front of us.

  “You are more than right about that,” he said, shaking his head. “I would be surrounded by women all day long.”

  “In reality, I don’t really care whether it’s a boy or girl, as long as it is healthy and happy,” I said, smiling before shoving a forkful of pancakes in my mouth.

  “I agree, but I hope it inherits my eating manners.” He laughed, making fun of me.

  “I’m very mannerly,” I said with a full mouth.

  “I see this,” he said, laughing. “I just want us to be a happy family, and I would be super blessed if I had a little girl that was as amazing as her mom. My life will be complete either way.”

  “And I feel the same about you,” I said. “This baby, if it is anything like you, will be one of the best men I know. I feel so lucky that you are part of my life and that I can count on you being an amazing father.”

  “I’m going to do my best,” he said, smiling.

  “We can learn together,” I replied.

  I sat there eating and talking more about the baby, the nursery, and all the things that we were going to have to buy. I felt completely at peace, knowing that Nathan was going to be there for us no matter what. Life had really turned around, and I knew that it was going to be perfect between us from then on out. We had been through torture being separated by forces that we did not see coming, and I would never let that happen again. Just hearing him tell me how much he loved me, how excited he was, and how thankful he was that we worked things out let me know that he was never going to let us separate again, either.

  Maybe true love was real, and I just had to wade through all the bullshit to finally realize it. I knew one thing for sure, I had finally gotten my own happy ending, and it was even better than I imagined. Love was even better than I could have imagined.


  Three Months Later


  We had just left the doctor’s office and found out that we were going to be having a beautiful baby boy. I could see him growing and moving inside of her through the ultrasound, and I was so excited I could barely contain myself. I managed to convince her, even though she was tired, that we should go out to celebrate. I had to go into work for a meeting, but I told her to be ready when I got off. She had moved into my place shortly after her first doctor’s office visit. We found that neither of us wanted to be apart, and it would be easier to plan if we were in one place. My house was bigger, with more room for the baby, so I packed her up, put her house on the market, and moved her in. It was really nice having us all together in one place.

  When I was done with work, I swung over to the house to pick her up. I walked through the door and called out her name, stopping as I walked into the living room. She was standing there, pulling at her dress as it flowed down over her little belly and hit the floor. I couldn’t believe just how absolutely gorgeous she was. She glowed from the inside out. I kissed her on the forehead and led her out to the car. We climbed into the town car since I didn’t feel like fighting LA traffic and headed over to the restaurant. On the way, I smiled, listening to her talk about the baby clothes that her dad had sent over. He was excited to be a grandfather.

  When the car pulled up to the curb, I opened the door and climbed out, reaching down and helping her out of the car. She wobbled a little, trying to catch her center of gravity. As she straightened her dress and looked up at the sign, she giggled, realizing it was the restaurant where we first met. I hadn’t been back there since I met her, and I knew it would be the perfect place to come.

  “Ah,” she said, smiling. “The place that started it all.”

  “Indeed, it is,” I said, leading her to the door.

  “I hope you brought your good pick-up lines because I won’t be so easy this time to take home,” she said, teasing.

  “I know. I can’t liquor you up to get you to take me back to your place.” I laughed.

  “Or vice versa,” she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

  I opened the door and held it for her, watching as she smiled at me passing through the entrance. I stood there as she talked to the hostess, asking for a table for two. The place wasn’t nearly as crowded as the last time, but still, my nerves were going wild in my chest. I had to take a deep breath as we walked toward our seats. This was a really special day for us.

  I stepped ahead of Amanda and pulled out her chair, pushing it in as she sat. We ordered our food and chatted excitedly about finding out the sex of the baby. I no longer had to call him “it,” and the name Nicolas seemed more and more perfect as time went on. When dinner was done, the waiter brought out a dessert that she hadn’t ordered. I smiled at the confusion on her face.

  She sat there for a moment, watching as the staff cleared the table, not yet really looking at her dessert. Finally, she put her hands in her lap and looked down, her eyes widening at the shiny diamond sitting on top of the piece of cake. It was an engagement ring, and I had worked it out perfectly so that she would be more than surprised. It definitely seemed to be working. She lifted her hands from her lap and put them over her mouth. She turned to me and gasped, watching me drop down on one knee.

  “Amanda, you are the most amazing thing to ever happen to me,” I said. “I have felt since day one that the universe brought us together. Spending the rest of my life with you feels like the only option I have. It is the only option that I will ever want. You are the love of my life. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and become my wife?”

  She nodded, tears flowing down her cheeks. She reached out and took my hand, pulling me up to my feet. I wrapped my arms around her and leaned down to kiss her gently on the lips. Then I pulled back and slid the ring onto her finger.

  “I love you so much,” I said, smiling. She had no clue how much I’d fallen for her, but she would eventually get it. I’d make sure of it.

  “I love you, too,” she sobbed. “Damn these hormones.”

  We both laughed and hugged again, feeling the excitement surging through us. I ha
d found the love of my life, and I was never going to let her go. I pulled back and turned to the restaurant, clearing my throat. Everyone was already looking over at us in awe.

  “May I have everyone’s attention?” I asked loudly. “She said yes! And because of that, everyone’s dinner is on me!”

  I smiled as the restaurant cheered and clapped, waving at Amanda with excitement. I turned back to her and pulled her into my arms again, feeling my shoulders relax. She felt like home, and that was the best feeling in the entire world.

  “I’m sorry it took me so long to make you my fiancée,” I said, smiling.

  “As long as we don’t have to have a big wedding, I’m good.” She laughed.

  “I don’t care if we get married in the supermarket, as long as we are together,” I said with a chuckle.

  Everything had turned out just as the universe wanted. I got my happily ever after and the most amazing woman in the world. I couldn’t have asked for anything more.

  ***End of Main Story***

  Turn ahead to read a full length NEVER BEFORE PUBLISHED exclusive bonus novel “TURNED ON” which is only available with this book!

  Turned On: A Never Before Published Exclusive Romance Novel


  No one understands how hard it is to be the son of a billionaire. Lucas Prine had the best of everything. He made sure of it. Clothes. Cars. Girls. But when high school graduation suddenly thrust the unique Telula Grant into his bed and his life, Lucas suddenly realized being the son of a billionaire was more of a liability than an asset.

  Telula Grant was not afraid of what mysteries were ahead of her after she graduated high school. But only a day after receiving her diploma her life changed. Lucas Prine gave her a glimpse into his world and suddenly her head was in conflict with her body longing for his touch while her heart craved something more.

  Would Lucas and Telula be able to overcome their obvious differences and see into each other’s hearts or were their worlds just too different? Was there enough strength in their mutual attraction to each other to show them the path to true love? Or were they nothing more than opportunistic lovers who settled for wild, untamed physical desire?

  One woman held the key to their happiness. But would she share it or had too much damage been done?

  Chapter 1 - Lucas

  "Come on, Monica." I purred as I slipped my hand underneath Monica Smith's tight-fitting Riverbank Tigers t-shirt. I had done this at least half a dozen times before. She would hesitate and remind me we were broken up, bite her lower lip as she pushed her body up to mine while saying no, no, no. But it would end with her screaming yes, yes, yes. This encounter would be no different.

  “Lucas, I’m seeing Matt now.” She pouted. Her breath quickened as she felt my fingers teasing around her nipple.

  Matt Hawkins was a nice enough guy. But I knew why Monica was dating him. He was cool and fairly smart but the most important thing was that his family was almost as wealthy as mine. That was the only way he’d get a girl built like Monica. Most women found his unusually large forehead and early indications of male pattern baldness at the age of eighteen to be a big turn-off. He was the “I like you as a friend” kind of guy.

  I knew she was throwing herself at him to try and make me jealous. I played it up a little to watch what she’d do. Of course, as I predicted, she threw her cat at him so fast poor Matt thinks it’s true love.

  I don’t have anything against Matt. You can’t blame a guy for taking what the girl offers up. But Monica is played so easily. It’s laughable how predictable she is. All I have to do is sulk around her a little bit, let her catch me looking at her once or twice. The next thing I know she wants to talk to me privately.

  When a girl wants to talk privately it is one of two things. She is either mad at something or she wants sex. In my case with Monica, and just about every other girl I’ve been with, sex was the answer. But the trick is not to give it up that quickly.

  A girl like Monica thrives on the drama. So, I had to be careful. I had to sneak a kiss carefully at her locker then brush my hand across her backside when leaving Biology. The goal was to get her so torqued up that it wasn’t me hinting at it anymore. It was her. This would be the twelfth time we hooked up since she started dating Matt two months ago. Every time she gave me the same lame line that she was dating Matt.

  "So," I whispered in her ear. "You know that Matt doesn't do things the same way I do." I cupped her large breast in my hand and kneaded it forcefully. "Besides, I've known you longer. What's between your legs belonged to me, first."

  “You said you just wanted to talk to me.” She put her hand over mine and only half-heartedly tried to push it away. It only made me step closer to her as we hid in the shadows beneath the bleachers of the empty gymnasium of Riverbank High School. “You didn’t say anything about…”

  "About fucking you?" I loved hearing Monica gasp. It wasn't hard to make it happen. All I had to do was talk dirty to her. She loved that. "You are leaving me and going all the way to the east coast for school. You'll probably get fucked good and hard every night while I'm here all by myself missing you. We may never do this again. Matt won't let you, I'm sure."

  “Matt doesn’t own me.” She panted, kissing me along my neck, tugging at my hair. When I forced my thigh between her leg she started to writhe and grind away. I knew she would. When I reached down between her legs I could tell she was ready.

  I pulled away from her.

  “You’re right.” I stepped back, taking a few deep breaths and looking down at my shoes. “You’re dating Matt now. We shouldn’t be doing this. I’m so sorry.”

  “No.” She begged. Eagerly she took hold of both my hands and put them behind her to grip her ass tightly. Her ass was too big for my personal taste but beggars can’t be choosers. “Please don’t stop. Please.”

  “What about Matt?” I pushed my groin against her, pushing her short cheerleading skirt up in the front knowing there was just a thin layer of spandex between the two of us.

  "I won't tell him if you don't."

  Now that was a tempting offer. I was never going to see Monica again. Wouldn't it be funny if I told Matt about this right before the graduation ceremony? I smirked devilishly. Monica thought it was because I liked her. I did NOT like her. We dated for almost our entire sophomore year. Let me tell you the girl was a full-time job. Calling and texting every day to tell me about such ground-breaking stories as that bitch Dolores Higgs, who was considered cute by all the guys but not hot like Monica, that being said, Monica's manicure looked like it was done at home. Sometimes I'd actually set the phone down, go make a sandwich and take a leak and come back and she wouldn't even notice.

  There was only one thing she knew about me and that was that my family had money. It didn't take me long to figure out that my family's money would open a lot of doors and a lot of legs. There was no way I could accept the future Monica was planning. She expected us to be "steadies" through high school then a grueling long-distance relationship through college. Then a huge wedding to rival those Kardashian whores and before I could say prenuptial you can bet Monica would have a bun in the oven and the paternity to prove it was mine.

  But when we broke up I told her it was because of my parents. They didn’t like her. It crushed Monica but it put the anger somewhere other than on me.

  I can’t be sure it was even a lie. My parents only met Monica once and that was when she dropped by as they were leaving for a month in Hawaii. I told her they didn’t approve of us being so serious, talking about a future together when we were still so young.

  Teary-eyed, she fell for it and said she’d win them over. That was two years ago. I’d been using her for sex ever since. If Matt knew how many times I’d tapped her ass while she was supposed to be his girlfriend he’d probably break down and start crying like a little bitch. I heard him talking to her at her locker this morning. The I love you’s and puppy dog eyes were enough to make me want to
puke. I knew all I had to do was tell Monica I wanted to talk to her and she'd come. Or should I say cum?

  "You're sure," I whispered in her ear, gently pushing aside her long, brown hair while I pushed my body against hers. Within seconds she had those little cheerleader panties pulled aside and my pants unzipped with one leg propped on the metal frame behind me.

  I took my dick out and have to admit she had me as hard as an eighteen-year-old, red-blooded, American boy could be. As I entered her I watched her cheeks flush. She pulled up her top so I could rub those huge tits of hers and I did. I sucked them, tweaked them, rubbed them as I rocked in and out of her.

  Her hips were like a jackhammer and her hair was flopping sloppily over her face letting me imagine she was Selma Hayack or Jennifer Alba or any other starlet I wanted and not just Monica who I’d done a million times.

  “Yes!” She breathed hard. “That’s it!”

  Before she could climax, I pulled out, spun her around and pulled those little panties down completely. Bending her over I took her from behind and reached around to rub that slit that made every girl weak-kneed and begging for it again before the homeroom bell could ring.

  I felt my own urge rising. I stopped rubbing my hand between her thighs, took hold of her hips and pounded her as hard as I could as hard as I wanted. I reached one hand through her hair and tugged her head back to kiss her lips, my other hand finding her breasts again. They were too good and I was too wound up not to grab ahold of them again.


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