Inseparable_A Second Chance Romance

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Inseparable_A Second Chance Romance Page 29

by Mia Ford

  Most guys would feel a rush of relief after coming to this realization. But I didn’t. I had already blown it with Tilly. That made the whole revelation damnable.

  Chapter 19 – Jenna

  The party turned out to be a smashing success. Surprisingly, with the weather being much more accommodating than it was yesterday almost everyone showed up for a drink or a quick slice of dessert with some very lively conversation.

  “I was a little skeptical, Jenna.” Michael whispered to me while one of his partners was entertaining everyone with a story abut his latest trip to Prague. “But you really put together a nice affair.”

  “You’re having a good time?” I asked him as I leaned in a little closer.

  “Well, there is one thing that I do think needs your attention.” He slipped his hand into mine and quietly pulled me away to the laundry room that was at the other side of the house.

  There were guests meandering around everywhere sipping their cocktails and enjoying the massive spread of food we had catered. I received compliment after compliment on the decorations as well as my dress. Of course, it was red, low cut in the front and a little swishy around the bottom so that it flowed and waved when I walked.

  No one noticed we had slipped away.

  When Michael closed the door and turned the tiny lock I knew what was coming.

  “I’ve been trying to keep my hands to myself all night.” He said. “I can’t wait anymore. Did you do what I asked you to?”

  “What are you talking about?” I whispered knowing darn well what he was talking about.

  “Tell me you don’t have any panties on under that dress.”

  “Michael, we have to get back.”

  “Come here.”

  I backed up against the wash machine and shook my head no. But Michael stepped up to me. His strong, powerful legs only needed two strides to reach me. Before I could slip around him he had his hands around my waist and lifted me up to sit on the white appliance.

  Forcing my legs apart with his waist I froze. Holding my breath I looked in his eyes as his hands moved slowly up my thighs. When he reached my hips he smiled devilishly.

  “I knew you weren’t wearing any.”

  “Michael, we can’t have sex in here. Our guests. They may need us.” I pretended to be worried and tried to close my legs but it was no use. Michael had something in mind and once Michael Prine made up his mind there was no changing it.

  “I haven’t given you all of your Christmas presents yet.” He whispered. He leaned forward and started kissing my neck while he stood between my thighs that were getting hotter and hotter by the second. “You’ve been an awfully good girl.” He continued to talk as he kissed down my neck to my tits.

  Michael was abreast man. If I wanted something and didn’t want to come right out and ask it all I had to do was wear a tight t-shirt and he’d be offering me whatever I wanted. It was important that I let him think most things were all his idea. But it was worth it. Like now, he was rubbing my nipples making them good and hard through the fabric of my dress and I still wasn’t sure what he was up to.

  “Michael, what are you planning on…”

  Before I could finish my sentence he pulled my legs toward him, spread them wide and dove into my pussy, kissing it as passionately as he would my lips. I was so shocked I didn’t know what to do. This wasn’t like him. Maybe he had too much to drink or maybe he was just feeling especially generous. But as soon as he started to flick his tongue up and down I my body ignited. I leaned back even further, offering him every bit of me, spreading my legs as he buried his face in my sex.

  I wanted to scream but couldn’t. Not with all of our family and friends just on the other side of this thin wooden door. They would know I was having my pussy devoured by Michael. I rocked my hips back and forth as he licked me. Then, before I could stop him he found my clit. I didn’t think I could get any wetter but as he massaged my bud with his tongue, rolling it over and over in circles I felt my stomach tighten.

  “Don’t stop.” I begged. “Please don’t stop.”

  He shook his head but didn’t stop eating me. The sensation sent rippling waves of pleasure over me. I was riding a wave toward my orgasm and couldn’t wait to crash. I spread my legs even further as my body shuddered.

  Michael reached up and took hold of my breast and kneaded it forcefully, flicking my nipple in the same motion he was moving his tongue sending lightning bolts of heat between my legs. My mind stopped working and I would have agreed to anything he said as long as he didn’t stop.

  “Michael.” I panted. “Oh yes. Yes.”

  Finally, he took my clit between his lips and gently sucked it sending me over the edge. My hips bucked wildly. I couldn’t stop them. My stomach tightened and released and tightened again and released as wave after wave of pleasure rolled over me. He kept me coming until I was exhausted, begging him to let me catch my breath.

  Finally, he pulled his lips away and with his hand caressed my sex like he was trying to sooth a overexcited animal. I slowly came down feeling light and sexy and relaxed all at once. With his hands on my waist he helped ease me off the washing machine. My legs were weak and rubbery but I managed to stay standing.

  “You keep those panties off.” He ordered. “I might want to do that again.”

  Before I could say anything he gave me that devilish smile of his and quickly unlocked the door. He left me feeling satisfied and flushed wondering if anyone noticed we were gone. Not that I really cared.

  I waited a few minutes then left the laundry room wanting nothing more than all the guests to leave so I could give Michael the fucking of his life.

  But with his partner still rambling on about Prague I was going to have to wait another hour or so. Everyone cleared out by midnight. Our overnight guests had gone almost immediately to bed and the wait staff we had hired had the entire house cleaned up by one o’clock.

  They all got paid overtime for working on the holiday plus a bonus Michael insisted we give them. I wasn’t all that happy about that. They did a mediocre job at best. But none of the guest complained so I chose not to to Michael, anyway.

  Michael was right that there were a couple more presents he hadn’t given me earlier in the day. He waited until we had an audience before he got down on one knee and proposed. I knew it would happen. Finally, I could breath easier.

  Once we were alone in the bedroom I was wound up like a top. With the embers still smoldering between my legs and the excitement of the six karat diamond on my hand I ready to fuck but the alcohol had finally caught up to him. Michael was asleep the second his head hit the pillow.

  There was nothing for me to do but go back downstairs and have another slice of chocolate cake from the party. It would mean an extra fifteen minutes on the stair-stepper but it would be worth it. But having a little quiet time to myself was quickly squashed.

  “Jeez, Lucas!” I jeered. “Could you make a little more noise? You’re going to wake up our guests!”

  “They aren’t my guests, Jenna.”

  Right away the little twerp started right in with me. Never mind the fact that he’s stumbled into the house reeking of booze but he’s about as graceful as a bull in a china shop.

  “Oh, what’s the matter? Santa didn’t bring you everything you wanted? Well, there’s always next year.”

  “Shut up, Jenna.”

  “There’s a really witty comeback. Is that what they’re teaching you in college? How to think quickly on your feet?”

  I watched Lucas’s face get redder and redder. He tried to concentrate on putting a plate of food together for himself but his hands were shaking and he clumsily shifted from one foot to the other.

  “Well, not everyone can take online real estate classes.”

  He glared at me.

  “Make sure you clean all this up.” I commanded. “You’re making a mess. I don’t want to have to clean this up in the morning when I’m get
ting breakfast ready.”

  “Who the hell are you kidding, Jenna. First, this isn’t your house. Second, you don’t do any cooking or cleaning. We have servants for that. What I mean is, my father has servants for that. You don’t have anything.”

  “You know you’re such a little ingrate that even though your father told me not to say anything I think you deserve to know the truth.” I waved my diamond ring at him and watched as the color drained from his face. “I’d just start packing now, junior. Your dad and I had already been talking that you should get your own house in New Hampshire. Your dad has a small office there he wants to grow. You’ll be in charge of making that happen. You don’t need to live here anymore.”

  I could have felt very sorry for the little shit had he ever been nice to me. But truthfully, I couldn’t have enjoyed the look on his face any more if I’d tried.

  “You’re lying.”

  “Your dad will talk to you about it all tomorrow.” I smirked. “Merry Christmas, Lucas.”

  Chapter 20 – Tilly

  My phone had a pleasant ringtone that sounded like birds chirping. It wasn’t a theme song or an annoying series of beeps and alarms. It was a pleasant sound that woke me from a dead sleep in the middle of the night.

  Taking it from my old nightstand in my old bedroom I looked at the screen and didn’t recognize the number.

  “Hello?” I answered quietly.

  “Telula!” Came a loud, harsh voice that was all too familiar.”

  “Lucas. It’s go to be past midnight. Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, you know I just wanted to call one more time.” He slurred. “You know, I never got a chance to tell you that I really liked you.”

  “Lucas, I think you are drunk and you should probably go to bed.” I tried to sooth him but he was having none of that.

  “No. You need to let me say this. I thought you were a great lay in my dad’s Bentley. I did. That was a lot of fun.” His words ran almost seamlessly from one into the next. “There aren’t that many girls who would put out like that. I really appreciate it.”

  “Good night, Lucas.”

  “No! No, wait.” I swear I could smell the alcohol and the sweat coming through my phone. I knew that he was drunk and that anything he said I should probably take with a grain of salt. But I wasn’t prepared for what came next.

  “I’m trying to tell you something. Will you listen?”

  “Make it quick.” I sighed.

  “Make it quick? You’ll sit and listen to me for as long as it takes. What, do you have some episode of Housewives to watch? Just listen to me for a fucking minute, okay?”

  I waited and said nothing.

  “Are you still there?”

  “Yes, Lucas. Please continue.” If there was one thing I hated it was talking to drunk people on the phone. But I was curious what Lucas had to say. Sad as that may have sounded it was true.

  “I’m going to have a new stepmother.” He blathered. “My father went ahead and made the dumbest decision in his whole life. He asked Jenna to marry him.”

  “Oh, well, that’s got to be hard for you, Lucas.” I tried to amuse him but the pity party was in full swing.

  “It’s all over. My dad will lose his money. He’ll give her control and she’ll spend every last dime within five years the old man will be bankrupt.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you, Lucas. You’re a trust fund baby. You won’t ever be poor. Okay, have a good night.”

  “Wait! Wait!” He shouted into the phone. “That isn’t all.” He was quiet for a second as he gathered up his words and tried to spit them out in some kind of order. “I’m moving to New Hampshire. For good. My dad and Jenna think it would be a good idea for me to live there permanently. My dad has a small office there that he wants me to help grow. If that doesn’t sound like a load of horse shit I don’t know what does.”

  “Oh, gosh. I’m really sorry, Lucas.” I sympathized. “That’s got to feel like you pulled the ripcord on your parachute and nothing but dishes and silverware came out.”

  “Very funny. I’m glad you think its funny.”

  See, this was why I hated talking to drunk people. They never understand what you are saying and continually look for fights.

  “No, Lucas. I’m being sincere. But I’ll bet when you wake up in the morning you’ll feel better and see things more clearly.

  “Is that what you think?” he whined. “You just have all the answers don’t you, Telula. Well, I just wanted to tell you that you’ll have to find some other way to get around since using my family cars for your fucking is off limits. Guess you’ll just have to find a motel or a gangway to do all your dirty business.”

  “That’s what you called to tell me?” I choked.

  “ Well, that is where most hookers to their work, right? When they can’t do it in a car, I guess. But you never asked for any money so I guess you’re not a hooker. You’re just a slut.”

  I bit my tongue to keep the tears way back behind my eyes.

  I tried to remind my self that he was drunk and guys would say anything and everything when they are drunk. But it was no consolation. He wouldn’t have said any of it had he not thought it in the first place.

  Who was I to get angry, really? I did those things. I made it easy for him to put a target on my back and well, I did have sex with him both times I saw him.

  If he only knew I hadn’t been with anyone else. If he only knew how I had a secret wish every time the phone rang or I got an email that it might be him maybe he wouldn’t have said these things. Then again, he probably would have. That was how he operated.

  “I’m glad you were able to get that off your chest, Lucas. You sure do know how to spread Christmas cheer, don’t you?” I huffed. “I’m going back to bed. Good luck with everything, Lucas. I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to land on your feet or at least make everyone else miserable if you don’t.”

  “Wait.” He said. Can you believe it? He wanted me to listen to him talk some more. What did he think that this was a fun conversation? That maybe there was a compliment or kindness mixed in somewhere with calling me a slut?

  “No. I’m not waiting. Good luck in New Hampshire. I hope I don’t ever see you again, Lucas. Never.”

  I clicked off my phone and then shut the whole thing off completely.

  Not that I thought he’d call back but just in case. Drunks had the tendency to dial anyone and the last thing I wanted was to take that chance. In five minutes he’ll forget what he said and call me up telling me the opposite.

  There were a lot of guys at school who drank as a hobby. I was terribly cliché not to mention expensive. They’d come up to me and my friends when we were out blowing off steam and try and talk to us. The promises we’d hear were laughable. Some guys were bold and just came right out asking for a blow job or hand job. Other guys would go the seductive route.

  I hate to admit that I would go along with their lines like I was really interested just to hear where the conversation would go. It inevitably always circled back to their groins.

  But this was not a surprise either. Lucas wasn’t one of the dozens of desperate guys. He could have any woman he wanted if he’d just be nice. But, somewhere along the line he learned he didn’t have to be nice and the women will still put up with him.

  I knew what he was thinking. He was wondering how long I’d put up with his abuse. That’s what he was thinking. He assumed I was so interested in his money that I’d let him talk to me that way. How did he ever plan to be happy? This certainly wasn’t a recipe for it.

  Just then there was a quiet knock on the door.

  “Come in.”

  “Hey.” My dad whispered from the dark hallway. “Tell Sandy to get some sleep. She can call you in the morning.”

  “It wasn’t Sandy.” I chuckled.

  “Who was it?” He asked, leaning against the door jam.

  “Just some guy.�

  “Lucas Prine?”

  “Yeah. Don’t say it so loud.”

  “What does he want from you?”

  “I don’t know, Dad.”

  My old man came in. His silhouette was all I could see but it was familiar and the same as it had been my whole life. He sat down on my bed.

  “He doesn’t seem to be too good at making you smile.”

  “He’s not. I mean, he can be but he’d rather be a big baby about everything. How can you whine so much when you’ve got everything you could possibly imagine?”

  “Obviously, he doesn’t have everything. You’ve got something he wants and since he can’t get it he’s going to continue to be an asshole.”

  I chuckled.

  “I’m sorry I was never that much of a go-getter like Mr. Prine to give you and your mom everything you wanted. You either have a knack for it or your born into it. I was neither.”

  “I’m not sorry, Dad. Besides, where can you drive a Ferrari around here? How stupid would that look going to the grocery store?”

  My dad laughed but I could tell he was a little sad.

  “We did our best. Now, we’ve got a daughter on her way to law school all the way in New York. I’d say we pull out all the stops at the end.” I felt his hard, thick hand brush across my face.


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